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May 14th, 2016
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  1. # Version 1.1.6
  2. DeliverymanGui:
  3. Title: '&eDaily &bRewards'
  4. NumberOfSlots: 54
  5. CreateDeliveryman:
  6. Cannotuse:
  7. dot: '&cYou cannot use a . in a Delivery man Name!'
  8. Deliveryman:
  9. samename: '&cYou cannot make an Delivery man with the same name!'
  10. Succesfully: '&aYou created succesfully &bThe Delivery Man &6%Deliveryman%&a!'
  11. RemoveDeliveryman:
  12. Error:
  13. remove: '&cYou cannot Delete this Delivery man!'
  14. Registrated: '&cThis Delivery man is not Registrated!'
  15. Succesfully: '&aYou removed Succesfully &bThe Delivery Man &6%RemovedDeliveryman%&a!'
  16. Reload:
  17. Nopermission: '&cYou do not have the permission to use this command!'
  18. Succesfully: '&aReloaded The config File Succesfully!'
  19. Options:
  20. close-gui-on-click: true
  21. Deliveryman-skin: Zealock
  22. DeliveryMan-holo-name: '&eDaily &bRewards'
  23. DeliveryMan-holo-second-line: '&e&lRIGHT CLICK'
  24. Deliveryman:
  25. MySQL:
  26. enabled: false
  27. username: root
  28. password: password
  29. database: localhost
  30. host: localhost
  31. port: '3306'
  32. Deliveryman-right-click:
  33. message-true-false: Claim your daily rewards
  34. Message-when-false: '&cThe Delivery Man is currently disabled, it is back soon!'
  35. true-false: true
  36. Deliveryman-Message:
  37. Join:
  38. Delay: 100
  39. onJoin: '&aThe Delivery Man: &7Hello there %player%, &cCheck me if you want some Rewards.'
  40. true-false: false
  41. Prizes:
  42. '20':
  43. Name: '&cReward #1'
  44. Meta: 0
  45. Sound:
  46. GetPrize: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  47. Cooldown: ANVIL_LAND
  48. Getitem: '&aDaily Rewards man: &7You get 20 tokens. You need to wait &24u &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  49. Permission: deliveryman.reward.1
  50. NoPermssound: ANVIL_LAND
  51. Nopermission: '&cYou do not have the permission do get this reward!'
  52. Item: DIODE_BLOCK_ON
  53. Cooldown: 86400
  54. Commands:
  55. - eco give %player% 20
  56. lore:
  57. - '&7Your free &b10T'
  58. - '&7is here!'
  59. - ''
  60. - '&7Contains the following:'
  61. - '&7- &b20T'
  62. - ''
  63. - '&cClick to loot!'
  64. CooldownName: '&cReward #1'
  65. CooldownMeta: 0
  66. CooldownItem: DIODE_BLOCK_OFF
  67. Cooldownlore:
  68. - '&7You already picked up this'
  69. - '&7Daily Rewards, come back later!'
  70. - ' '
  71. - '&7Next claim: %cooldown%s'
  72. CooldownMessage:
  73. Chat: '&aDaily Rewards: &7You need to wait &624u &7before claiming this reward again!'
  74. '21':
  75. Name: '&cReward #2'
  76. Meta: 0
  77. Sound:
  78. GetPrize: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  79. Cooldown: ANVIL_LAND
  80. Getitem: '&aDaily Rewards: &7You get 1 Diamonds. You need to wait &615s &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  81. Permission: deliveryman.reward.2
  82. NoPermssound: ANVIL_LAND
  83. Nopermission: '&cYou do not have the permission do get this reward!'
  84. Item: DIODE_BLOCK_ON
  85. Cooldown: 86400
  86. Commands:
  87. - give %player% minecraft:diamond 1
  88. lore:
  89. - '&7Your free item!'
  90. - '&7is here!'
  91. - ''
  92. - '&7Contains the following:'
  93. - '&7- &31 Diamond'
  94. - ''
  95. - '&cClick to loot!'
  96. CooldownName: '&cReward #2'
  97. CooldownMeta: 0
  98. CooldownItem: DIODE_BLOCK_OFF
  99. Cooldownlore:
  100. - '&7You already picked up this'
  101. - '&7Daily Rewards, come back later!'
  102. - ' '
  103. - '&7Next claim: %cooldown%s'
  104. CooldownMessage:
  105. Chat: '&aDaily Rewards: &7You need to wait &624u &7before claiming this reward again!'
  106. '22':
  107. Name: '&cReward #3'
  108. Meta: 0
  109. Sound:
  110. GetPrize: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  111. Cooldown: ANVIL_LAND
  112. Getitem: '&aDaily Rewards: &7You get 50 xp. You need to wait &624u &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  113. Permission: deliveryman.reward.3
  114. NoPermssound: ANVIL_LAND
  115. Nopermission: '&cYou do not have the permission do get this reward!'
  116. Item: DIODE_BLOCK_ON
  117. Cooldown: 86400
  118. Commands:
  119. - xp 50 %player%
  120. lore:
  121. - '&7Claim this reward to receive'
  122. - '&7free 50 xp!'
  123. - ''
  124. - '&7Contains the following:'
  125. - '&7- &250 xp'
  126. - ''
  127. - '&cClick to loot!'
  128. CooldownName: '&cReward #3'
  129. CooldownMeta: 0
  130. CooldownItem: DIODE_BLOCK_OFF
  131. Cooldownlore:
  132. - '&7You already picked up this'
  133. - '&7Daily reward, come back later!'
  134. - ' '
  135. - '&7Next claim: %cooldown%s'
  136. CooldownMessage:
  137. Chat: '&aThe Delivery Man: &7You need to wait &624u &7before claiming this reward again!'
  138. '23':
  139. Name: '&cReward #4'
  140. Meta: 0
  141. Sound:
  142. GetPrize: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  143. Cooldown: ANVIL_LAND
  144. Getitem: '&aDaily Rewards: &7You get full leather. You need to wait &648u &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  145. Permission: deliveryman.reward.4
  146. NoPermssound: ANVIL_LAND
  147. Nopermission: '&cYou do not have the permission do get this reward!'
  148. Item: DIODE_BLOCK_ON
  149. Cooldown: 172800
  150. Commands:
  151. - give %player% minecraft:LEATHER_BOOTS
  152. - give %player% minecraft:LEATHER_CHESTPLATE
  153. - give %player% minecraft:LEATHER_HELMET
  154. - give %player% minecraft:LEATHER_LEGGINGS
  155. lore:
  156. - '&7Claim this reward to receive'
  157. - '&7Full leather!'
  158. - ''
  159. - '&7Contains the following:'
  160. - '&7- Full leather'
  161. - ''
  162. - '&cClick to loot!'
  163. CooldownName: '&cReward #4'
  164. CooldownMeta: 0
  165. CooldownItem: DIODE_BLOCK_OFF
  166. Cooldownlore:
  167. - '&7You already picked up this'
  168. - '&7Daily reward, come back later!'
  169. - ' '
  170. - '&7Next claim: %cooldown%s'
  171. CooldownMessage:
  172. Chat: 'You need to wait &648u &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  173. '24':
  174. Name: '&cReward #5'
  175. Meta: 0
  176. Sound:
  177. GetPrize: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  178. Cooldown: ANVIL_LAND
  179. Getitem: '&aThe Delivery Man: &7You get 5 apples. You need to wait &624u &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  180. Permission: deliveryman.reward.5
  181. NoPermssound: ANVIL_LAND
  182. Nopermission: '&cYou do not have the permission do get this reward!'
  183. Item: DIODE_BLOCK_ON
  184. Cooldown: 86400
  185. Commands:
  186. - give %player% minecraft:APPLE 5
  187. lore:
  188. - '&7Claim this reward to receive'
  189. - '&75 apples!'
  190. - ''
  191. - '&7Contains the following:'
  192. - '&7- &c5 apples'
  193. - ''
  194. - '&cClick to loot!'
  195. CooldownName: '&cReward #5'
  196. CooldownMeta: 0
  197. CooldownItem: DIODE_BLOCK_OFF
  198. Cooldownlore:
  199. - '&7You already picked up this'
  200. - '&7Daily reward, come back later!'
  201. - ' '
  202. - '&7Next claim: %cooldown%s'
  203. CooldownMessage:
  204. Chat: 'You need to wait &624u &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  205. '29':
  206. Name: '&cReward #6'
  207. Meta: 0
  208. Sound:
  209. GetPrize: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  210. Cooldown: ANVIL_LAND
  211. Getitem: '&aDaily Rewards: &7You get wooden tools. You need to wait &624u &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  212. Permission: deliveryman.reward.6
  213. NoPermssound: ANVIL_LAND
  214. Nopermission: '&cYou do not have the permission do get this reward!'
  215. Item: DIODE_BLOCK_ON
  216. Cooldown: 86400
  217. Commands:
  218. - give %player% minecraft:WOOD_SPADE
  219. - give %player% minecraft:WOOD_AXE
  220. - give %player% minecraft:WOOD_HOE
  221. - give %player% minecraft:WOOD_PICKAXE
  222. lore:
  223. - '&7Claim this reward to receive'
  224. - '&7Wooden tools!'
  225. - ''
  226. - '&7Contains the following:'
  227. - '&7- &bwooden tools'
  228. - ''
  229. - '&cClick to loot!'
  230. CooldownName: '&cReward #6'
  231. CooldownMeta: 0
  232. CooldownItem: DIODE_BLOCK_OFF
  233. Cooldownlore:
  234. - '&7You already picked up this'
  235. - '&7Daily reward, come back later!'
  236. - ' '
  237. - '&7Next claim: %cooldown%s'
  238. CooldownMessage:
  239. Chat: 'You need to wait &624u &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  240. '30':
  241. Name: '&cReward #7'
  242. Meta: 0
  243. Sound:
  244. GetPrize: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  245. Cooldown: ANVIL_LAND
  246. Getitem: '&aDaily rewards: &7You get 5 Iron. You need to wait &624u &7Before claiming this reward again!'
  247. Permission: deliveryman.reward.7
  248. NoPermssound: ANVIL_LAND
  249. Nopermission: '&cYou do not have the permission do get this reward!'
  250. Item: DIODE_BLOCK_ON
  251. Cooldown: 86400
  252. Commands:
  253. - give %player% minecraft:iron_ingot 5
  254. lore:
  255. - '&7Claim this reward to receive'
  256. - '&7% iron ignots!'
  257. - ''
  258. - '&7Contains the following:'
  259. - '&7- &25 Iron'
  260. - ''
  261. - '&cClick to loot!'
  262. CooldownName: '&cReward #7'
  263. CooldownMeta: 0
  264. CooldownItem: DIODE_BLOCK_OFF
  265. Cooldownlore:
  266. - '&7You already picked up this'
  267. - '&7Daily reward, come back later!'
  268. - ' '
  269. - '&7Next claim: %cooldown%s'
  270. CooldownMessage:
  271. Chat: "You need to wait &624u &7Before claiming this reward again!"
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