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a guest
Feb 24th, 2018
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  1. newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{centeringarraybackslash}p{#1}}
  2. newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{raggedrightarraybackslash}p{#1}}
  3. .
  4. .
  5. begin{table}[!ht]
  6. centering
  7. caption{Average error metrics.}
  8. smallskip
  9. begin{tabularx}{columnwidth}{L{1cm} C{1.5cm}C{1.5cm}C{1.5cm} C{0.01cm} C{1.5cm}C{1.5cm}C{1.5cm}}
  10. toprule
  11. & multicolumn{3}{c}{UHFUS} & & multicolumn{3}{c}{HFUS} \
  12. cmidrule(){2-4} cmidrule(){6-8}
  13. Metric & {G1} & {G2} & {G3} & & {G1} & {G2} & {G3} \
  14. midrule
  15. D & 0.91$pm$0.01 & 0.90$pm$0.01 & 0.89$pm$0.01 & & 0.91$pm$0.01 & 0.91$pm$0.02 & 0.91$pm$0.02 \
  16. H ($mm$) & 0.0973$pm$0.019 & 0.0917$pm$0.019 & 0.105$pm$0.02 & & 0.292$pm$0.023 & 0.281$pm$0.065 & 0.273$pm$0.04\
  17. DFP & 1.35 & 5 & 4.93 & & 12.3 & 5 & 34.6 \
  18. DFN & 1.35 & 5 & 4.93 & & 12.3 & 5 & 34.6\
  19. bottomrule
  20. end{tabularx}
  21. label{table1}
  22. end{table}
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