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a guest
Apr 6th, 2018
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  1. joga@ubuntu:~/simplenight/docker$ sh ./
  2. Cloning into '/home/joga/www/simplenight'...
  3. remote: Counting objects: 241749, done.
  4. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (147/147), done.
  5. remote: Total 241749 (delta 90), reused 62 (delta 39), pack-reused 241561
  6. Receiving objects: 100% (241749/241749), 472.94 MiB | 3.47 MiB/s, done.
  7. Resolving deltas: 100% (173952/173952), done.
  8. Checking connectivity... done.
  9. Cloning into '/home/joga/www/simplenight/suppliers'...
  10. remote: Counting objects: 35691, done.
  11. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
  12. remote: Total 35691 (delta 7), reused 14 (delta 6), pack-reused 35667
  13. Receiving objects: 100% (35691/35691), 55.54 MiB | 1.47 MiB/s, done.
  14. Resolving deltas: 100% (24284/24284), done.
  15. Checking connectivity... done.
  16. Cloning into '/home/joga/www/simplenight/developers'...
  17. remote: Counting objects: 6549, done.
  18. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (51/51), done.
  19. remote: Total 6549 (delta 659), reused 618 (delta 618), pack-reused 5880
  20. Receiving objects: 100% (6549/6549), 5.90 MiB | 1.01 MiB/s, done.
  21. Resolving deltas: 100% (4870/4870), done.
  22. Checking connectivity... done.
  23. Cloning into '/home/joga/www/simplenight/docker'...
  24. remote: Counting objects: 329, done.
  25. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
  26. remote: Total 329 (delta 2), reused 10 (delta 1), pack-reused 311
  27. Receiving objects: 100% (329/329), 62.15 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
  28. Resolving deltas: 100% (154/154), done.
  29. Checking connectivity... done.
  30. docker-compose -p sn build
  31. Building mongo
  32. Step 1/4 : FROM mongo:3.2
  33. ---> 4ece83276ddb
  34. Step 2/4 : MAINTAINER Paul Allen <>
  35. ---> Using cache
  36. ---> be6c6120c652
  37. Step 3/4 : CMD ["mongod"]
  38. ---> Using cache
  39. ---> 7ef34f5bbc30
  40. Step 4/4 : EXPOSE 27017
  41. ---> Using cache
  42. ---> 925467e46f49
  43. Successfully built 925467e46f49
  44. Successfully tagged sn_mongo:latest
  45. Building apps
  46. Step 1/4 : FROM busybox:latest
  47. ---> 8ac48589692a
  48. Step 2/4 : MAINTAINER Paul Allen <>
  49. ---> Using cache
  50. ---> b93abd8e38b7
  51. Step 3/4 : WORKDIR /www/simplenight
  52. ---> Using cache
  53. ---> 7ff739865d0e
  54. Step 4/4 : CMD ["true"]
  55. ---> Using cache
  56. ---> e18edfa53f34
  57. Successfully built e18edfa53f34
  58. Successfully tagged sn_apps:latest
  59. Building rabbitmq
  60. Step 1/4 : FROM rabbitmq
  61. ---> b17bd9d70e8b
  62. Step 2/4 : MAINTAINER Paul Allen<>
  63. ---> Using cache
  64. ---> 07d500b47f22
  65. Step 3/4 : RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_management
  66. ---> Using cache
  67. ---> fca6beec3214
  68. Step 4/4 : EXPOSE 15671 15672
  69. ---> Using cache
  70. ---> 7373dfc4a932
  71. Successfully built 7373dfc4a932
  72. Successfully tagged sn_rabbitmq:latest
  73. Building elasticsearch
  74. Step 1/11 : FROM openjdk:8-jre
  75. ---> 1b56aa0fd38c
  76. Step 2/11 : ENV ES_PKG_NAME elasticsearch-1.7.6
  77. ---> Using cache
  78. ---> 644646adb799
  79. Step 3/11 : RUN cd / && curl -OL$ES_PKG_NAME.tar.gz && tar -xvzf $ES_PKG_NAME.tar.gz && rm -f $ES_PKG_NAME.tar.gz && mv /$ES_PKG_NAME /elasticsearch
  80. ---> Using cache
  81. ---> 139fca68a958
  82. Step 4/11 : RUN echo 'vm.max_map_count=262144' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  83. ---> Using cache
  84. ---> 754d9bc491b2
  85. Step 5/11 : RUN echo 'root - memlock unlimited' >> /etc/security/limits.conf
  86. ---> Using cache
  87. ---> ad2c5aab3afe
  88. Step 6/11 : ADD elasticsearch.yml /data/elasticsearch.yml
  89. ---> Using cache
  90. ---> aa9a3623586f
  91. Step 7/11 : VOLUME ["/data"]
  92. ---> Using cache
  93. ---> 596d1b6aabd6
  94. Step 8/11 : WORKDIR /data
  95. ---> Using cache
  96. ---> cdb1d904dd2d
  97. Step 9/11 : CMD ["/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch","-Des.config=/data/elasticsearch.yml"]
  98. ---> Using cache
  99. ---> a3928ed15eb3
  100. Step 10/11 : EXPOSE 9200
  101. ---> Using cache
  102. ---> a0911f1b0437
  103. Step 11/11 : EXPOSE 9300
  104. ---> Using cache
  105. ---> bb484cc53d23
  106. Successfully built bb484cc53d23
  107. Successfully tagged sn_elasticsearch:latest
  108. Building mysql
  109. Step 1/9 : FROM mysql:5.6
  110. ---> 079344ce5ebd
  111. Step 2/9 : MAINTAINER Paul Allen <>
  112. ---> Using cache
  113. ---> f441acfe6471
  114. Step 3/9 : ARG TZ=UTC
  115. ---> Using cache
  116. ---> 9d7161a30db2
  117. Step 4/9 : ENV TZ ${TZ}
  118. ---> Using cache
  119. ---> aa78b3a3b780
  120. Step 5/9 : RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
  121. ---> Using cache
  122. ---> 542441b4b378
  123. Step 6/9 : RUN chown -R mysql:root /var/lib/mysql/
  124. ---> Using cache
  125. ---> 69c1fa351b49
  126. Step 7/9 : ADD my.cnf /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf
  127. ---> Using cache
  128. ---> 3d499df1718d
  129. Step 8/9 : CMD ["mysqld"]
  130. ---> Using cache
  131. ---> 8bfb085226f4
  132. Step 9/9 : EXPOSE 3306
  133. ---> Using cache
  134. ---> e1bcb4377cbc
  135. Successfully built e1bcb4377cbc
  136. Successfully tagged sn_mysql:latest
  137. Building memcached
  138. Step 1/4 : FROM memcached:latest
  139. ---> 784b59c50820
  140. Step 2/4 : MAINTAINER Paul ALlen <>
  141. ---> Using cache
  142. ---> 1827d5e288a0
  143. Step 3/4 : CMD ["memcached"]
  144. ---> Using cache
  145. ---> ef39549e71ea
  146. Step 4/4 : EXPOSE 11211
  147. ---> Using cache
  148. ---> 448f73311881
  149. Successfully built 448f73311881
  150. Successfully tagged sn_memcached:latest
  151. Building php
  152. Step 1/16 : FROM php:5.6-fpm
  153. ---> b755db32196e
  154. Step 2/16 : MAINTAINER Mahmoud Zalt <>
  155. ---> Using cache
  156. ---> cb205f58fdf0
  157. Step 3/16 : ADD ./simplenight.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d
  158. ---> Using cache
  159. ---> a0770c042f93
  160. Step 4/16 : ADD ./vh-simplenight.pool.conf /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/
  161. ---> Using cache
  162. ---> 7342cfafa47b
  163. Step 5/16 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpq-dev libmemcached-dev curl mysql-client postgresql-client libpng12-dev libfreetype6-dev libssl-dev libmcrypt-dev --no-install-recommends && rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*
  164. ---> Using cache
  165. ---> bc458b9df8d6
  166. Step 6/16 : RUN pecl install mongodb
  167. ---> Using cache
  168. ---> 4819e7680adb
  169. Step 7/16 : RUN pecl install mongo
  170. ---> Using cache
  171. ---> 50c54f291341
  172. Step 8/16 : RUN docker-php-ext-configure gd --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/freetype2
  173. ---> Using cache
  174. ---> d0cb6bbb445a
  175. Step 9/16 : RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql pdo_pgsql mysqli gd mcrypt bcmath
  176. ---> Using cache
  177. ---> a4533518b515
  178. Step 10/16 : RUN pecl install memcached-2.2.0 && docker-php-ext-enable memcached
  179. ---> Using cache
  180. ---> 2fea753dd5b8
  181. Step 11/16 : RUN docker-php-ext-enable mongodb && docker-php-ext-enable mongo
  182. ---> Using cache
  183. ---> 866940a93c70
  184. Step 12/16 : RUN pecl install xdebug-2.5.5 && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug
  185. ---> Using cache
  186. ---> 61c6dc1e4539
  187. Step 13/16 : RUN usermod -u 1000 www-data
  188. ---> Using cache
  189. ---> dd8edddc7379
  190. Step 14/16 : WORKDIR /www/simplenight
  191. ---> Using cache
  192. ---> 577bbf39951e
  193. Step 15/16 : CMD ["php-fpm"]
  194. ---> Using cache
  195. ---> 1fe6bfabe787
  196. Step 16/16 : EXPOSE 9000
  197. ---> Using cache
  198. ---> 3d1c8f560275
  199. Successfully built 3d1c8f560275
  200. Successfully tagged sn_php:latest
  201. Building workspace
  202. Step 1/52 : FROM phusion/baseimage:latest
  203. ---> 166cfc3f6974
  204. Step 2/52 : MAINTAINER Paul Allen <>
  205. ---> Using cache
  206. ---> ce755bc56fab
  207. Step 3/52 : RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
  208. ---> Using cache
  209. ---> 4733e1fc168f
  210. Step 4/52 : RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
  211. ---> Using cache
  212. ---> f5a447819eed
  213. Step 5/52 : ENV LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
  214. ---> Using cache
  215. ---> 2bd14f74cad6
  216. Step 6/52 : ENV LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
  217. ---> Using cache
  218. ---> aaa77750e43b
  219. Step 7/52 : ENV LC_CTYPE=UTF-8
  220. ---> Using cache
  221. ---> c8be20a6ab8c
  222. Step 8/52 : ENV LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  223. ---> Using cache
  224. ---> c854802c6eda
  225. Step 9/52 : ENV TERM xterm
  226. ---> Using cache
  227. ---> 6ee9a5e3317e
  228. Step 10/52 : ARG PUID=1000
  229. ---> Using cache
  230. ---> 9588cfe35a0c
  231. Step 11/52 : ARG PGID=1000
  232. ---> Using cache
  233. ---> 6c41bc94da78
  234. Step 12/52 : ARG USERNAME=allenp
  235. ---> Using cache
  236. ---> c6121256bee1
  237. Step 13/52 : ENV PUID ${PUID}
  238. ---> Using cache
  239. ---> ec7265a6ab10
  240. Step 14/52 : ENV PGID ${PGID}
  241. ---> Using cache
  242. ---> 88b68aded824
  243. Step 15/52 : ENV USERNAME ${USERNAME}
  244. ---> Using cache
  245. ---> bb91886421a3
  246. Step 16/52 : RUN groupadd -g ${PGID} ${USERNAME} && useradd -u ${PUID} -g www-data -m ${USERNAME} && adduser ${USERNAME} www-data && adduser ${USERNAME} sudo
  247. ---> Using cache
  248. ---> cb774dbbf420
  249. Step 17/52 : USER root
  250. ---> Using cache
  251. ---> ada2fcdf1ce1
  252. Step 18/52 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y software-properties-common
  253. ---> Using cache
  254. ---> 3350137c5a25
  255. Step 19/52 : RUN add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php
  256. ---> Using cache
  257. ---> 32798b357377
  258. Step 20/52 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades --allow-remove-essential --allow-change-held-packages php5.6-cli php5.6-common php5.6-curl php5.6-intl php5.6-json php5.6-xml php5.6-mbstring php5.6-mcrypt php5.6-mysql php5.6-pgsql php5.6-sqlite php5.6-sqlite3 php5.6-zip php5.6-bcmath php5.6-memcached php5.6-gd php5.6-dev php5.6-soap pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libedit-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev xz-utils libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 git curl vim nano postgresql-client mysql-client mongodb-clients && apt-get clean
  259. ---> Using cache
  260. ---> c241a66841ae
  261. Step 21/52 : RUN apt-get install -y --force-yes php5.6-xdebug && sed -i 's/^;//g' /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini && echo "alias phpunit='php /www/simplenight/api/vendor/bin/phpunit'" >> /home/${USERNAME}/.bashrc
  262. ---> Using cache
  263. ---> 0e69f68b52f6
  264. Step 22/52 : RUN curl -s | php && echo "export PATH=${PATH}:/www/simplenight/api/vendor/bin" >> /home/${USERNAME}/.bashrc && mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
  265. ---> Using cache
  266. ---> ebfec300b518
  267. Step 23/52 : RUN . /home/${USERNAME}/.bashrc
  268. ---> Using cache
  269. ---> 31a7b7007a11
  270. Step 24/52 : RUN echo "alias phpunit='php /www/simplenight/api/vendor/bin/phpunit'" >> /home/${USERNAME}/.bashrc
  271. ---> Using cache
  272. ---> b1c6c8e1be55
  273. Step 25/52 : RUN pecl install mongodb && pecl install mongo
  274. ---> Using cache
  275. ---> 2ff3a0517af5
  276. Step 26/52 : RUN echo "" >> /etc/php/5.6/cli/php.ini
  277. ---> Using cache
  278. ---> f7dbeb55f9c1
  279. Step 27/52 : RUN echo "" >> /etc/php/5.6/cli/php.ini
  280. ---> Using cache
  281. ---> 3d1b623dc2e2
  282. Step 28/52 : USER ${USERNAME}
  283. ---> Using cache
  284. ---> 0c85fa88f547
  285. Step 29/52 : RUN curl -o- | bash
  286. ---> Using cache
  287. ---> c1626519813b
  288. Step 30/52 : ENV NVM_DIR=/home/${USERNAME}/.nvm
  289. ---> Using cache
  290. ---> b9e4dd67a272
  291. Step 31/52 : RUN . /home/${USERNAME}/.nvm/ && nvm install stable && nvm use stable && nvm alias stable && npm install -g gulp bower grunt-cli elasticsearch-tools yarn
  292. ---> Using cache
  293. ---> 3d3b201f6a12
  294. Step 32/52 : USER root
  295. ---> Using cache
  296. ---> a87460d49071
  297. Step 33/52 : RUN apt-get install -y -qq ruby-dev
  298. ---> Using cache
  299. ---> e40fedfce583
  300. Step 34/52 : RUN apt-get install make
  301. ---> Using cache
  302. ---> 94adea3eedd2
  303. Step 35/52 : RUN gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri compass
  304. ---> Using cache
  305. ---> f02f7eea10ef
  306. Step 36/52 : RUN git clone /home/${USERNAME}/.vim_runtime
  307. ---> Using cache
  308. ---> 4b014b99d191
  309. Step 37/52 : RUN . /home/${USERNAME}/.bashrc
  310. ---> Using cache
  311. ---> 8598cfdb97fc
  312. Step 38/52 : RUN chown -R ${USERNAME}:${USERNAME} /home/${USERNAME}/
  313. ---> Using cache
  314. ---> 49c8e5b67602
  315. Step 39/52 : USER ${USERNAME}
  316. ---> Using cache
  317. ---> cd8d8d63495f
  318. Step 40/52 : RUN bash /home/${USERNAME}/.vim_runtime/
  319. ---> Using cache
  320. ---> b2c22b2bf717
  321. Step 41/52 : RUN echo "source ~/.nvm/" >> /home/${USERNAME}/.bashrc
  322. ---> Using cache
  323. ---> d3c79b3d7ef9
  324. Step 42/52 : RUN echo "export LARAVEL_ENV=local" >> /home/${USERNAME}/.bashrc && echo "export ENV=local" >> /home/${USERNAME}/.bashrc
  325. ---> Using cache
  326. ---> 65f5010fb2a1
  327. Step 43/52 : ADD my_configs.vim /home/${USERNAME}/.vim_runtime/
  328. ---> Using cache
  329. ---> cb0a1e1b52cb
  330. Step 44/52 : ADD .ssh/id_rsa /home/${USERNAME}/.ssh/
  331. ---> Using cache
  332. ---> d9f33413735b
  333. Step 45/52 : ADD .ssh/ /home/${USERNAME}/.ssh/
  334. ---> Using cache
  335. ---> ddf2baa95f34
  336. Step 46/52 : USER root
  337. ---> Using cache
  338. ---> 760efc3c7b11
  339. Step 47/52 : ADD my.cnf /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf
  340. ---> Using cache
  341. ---> 587332405169
  342. Step 48/52 : RUN chown -R ${USERNAME}:${USERNAME} /home/${USERNAME}/.ssh/
  343. ---> Using cache
  344. ---> 2080958df81e
  345. Step 49/52 : RUN chmod 700 /home/${USERNAME}/.ssh/ && chmod 600 /home/${USERNAME}/.ssh/id_rsa
  346. ---> Using cache
  347. ---> 89fc47bc7f34
  348. Step 50/52 : RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
  349. ---> Using cache
  350. ---> 6d53768d8a19
  351. Step 51/52 : WORKDIR /www/simplenight
  352. ---> Using cache
  353. ---> f75171556d37
  354. Step 52/52 : RUN chown -R ${USERNAME}:www-data /www/simplenight
  355. ---> Using cache
  356. ---> 7c6f1797cd48
  357. Successfully built 7c6f1797cd48
  358. Successfully tagged sn_workspace:latest
  359. Building nginx
  360. Step 1/8 : FROM nginx:latest
  361. ---> c5c4e8fa2cf7
  362. Step 2/8 : MAINTAINER Bo-Yi Wu <>
  363. ---> Using cache
  364. ---> 65034ec1d003
  365. Step 3/8 : ADD nginx.conf /etc/nginx/
  366. ---> Using cache
  367. ---> 2bf5fb474675
  368. Step 4/8 : ADD simplenight.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/
  369. ---> Using cache
  370. ---> fd0ffdafdda1
  371. Step 5/8 : RUN echo "upstream php-upstream { server php:9000; }" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf
  372. ---> Using cache
  373. ---> 956a4de6e573
  374. Step 6/8 : RUN usermod -u 1000 www-data
  375. ---> Using cache
  376. ---> f51aabed8243
  377. Step 7/8 : CMD ["nginx"]
  378. ---> Using cache
  379. ---> fae192e47726
  380. Step 8/8 : EXPOSE 80 443
  381. ---> Using cache
  382. ---> 986704f7d125
  383. Successfully built 986704f7d125
  384. Successfully tagged sn_nginx:latest
  385. docker-compose -p sn up -d
  386. Starting apps
  387. Starting memcached
  388. Starting rabbitmq
  389. Starting mongo
  390. Starting elasticsearch
  391. Starting mysql
  392. Starting php
  393. Starting workspace
  394. Starting nginx
  395. Error: No such container: sn_workspace_1
  396. Error: No such container: sn_rabbitmq_1
  397. Error: No such container: sn_workspace_1
  398. Done!
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