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Jan 20th, 2019
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  2. FROM ja_jobs
  3. WHERE title ILIKE '%RYAN WER%'
  4. AND clientid = 31239
  5. AND time_job > 1457826264
  6. ORDER BY title
  7. LIMIT 10;
  9. Limit (cost=5946.40..5946.41 rows=1 width=19) (actual time=2746.759..2746.772 rows=1 loops=1)
  10. -> Unique (cost=5946.40..5946.41 rows=1 width=19) (actual time=2746.753..2746.763 rows=1 loops=1)
  11. -> Sort (cost=5946.40..5946.41 rows=1 width=19) (actual time=2746.750..2746.754 rows=4 loops=1)
  12. Sort Key: "title"
  13. Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB
  14. -> Bitmap Heap Scan on "ja_jobs" (cost=49.02..5946.39 rows=1 width=19) (actual time=576.275..2746.609 rows=4 loops=1)
  15. Recheck Cond: (("clientid" = 31239) AND ("time_job" > 1457826264))
  16. Filter: (("title")::"text" ~~* '%RYAN WER%'::"text")
  17. Rows Removed by Filter: 791
  18. -> Bitmap Index Scan on "ix_jobs_client_times" (cost=0.00..49.02 rows=1546 width=0) (actual time=100.870..100.870 rows=795 loops=1)
  19. Index Cond: (("clientid" = 31239) AND ("time_job" > 1457826264))
  20. Total runtime: 2746.879 ms
  22. CREATE INDEX ix_ja_jobs_trgm_gin ON public.ja_jobs USING gin (title gin_trgm_ops);
  24. Limit (cost=389.91..389.91 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=3720.511..3720.511 rows=0 loops=1)
  25. -> Unique (cost=389.91..389.91 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=3720.507..3720.507 rows=0 loops=1)
  26. -> Sort (cost=389.91..389.91 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=3720.505..3720.505 rows=0 loops=1)
  27. Sort Key: "title"
  28. Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB
  29. -> Bitmap Heap Scan on "ja_jobs" (cost=385.88..389.90 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=3720.497..3720.497 rows=0 loops=1)
  30. Recheck Cond: (("clientid" = 31239) AND ("time_job" > 1457826264) AND (("title")::"text" ~~ '%RYAN WER%'::"text"))
  31. Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 4
  32. -> BitmapAnd (cost=385.88..385.88 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=3720.469..3720.469 rows=0 loops=1)
  33. -> Bitmap Index Scan on "ix_jobs_client_times" (cost=0.00..50.00 rows=1644 width=0) (actual time=0.142..0.142 rows=795 loops=1)
  34. Index Cond: (("clientid" = 31239) AND ("time_job" > 1457826264))
  35. -> Bitmap Index Scan on "ix_ja_jobs_trgm_gin" (cost=0.00..335.63 rows=484 width=0) (actual time=3720.213..3720.213 rows=32 loops=1)
  36. Index Cond: (("title")::"text" ~~ '%RYAN WER%'::"text")
  37. Total runtime: 3720.653 ms
  39. CREATE TABLE public.ja_jobs (
  40. id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT "nextval"('"ja_jobs_id_seq"'::"regclass"),
  41. refnum character varying(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying,
  42. clientid bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  43. customerid bigint,
  44. time_job bigint,
  45. priority smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  46. status character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'active'::"bpchar",
  47. title character varying(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying,
  49. -- some other irrelevant columns
  50. )
  52. Indexes:
  53. "ja_jobs_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, "btree" ("id")
  54. "ix_bill_customer_jobs" "btree" ("customerid", "bill_customer")
  55. "ix_clientid_jobs" "btree" ("clientid")
  56. "ix_customerid_job" "btree" ("customerid")
  57. "ix_ja_jobs_clientid_modified_date_created_date" "btree" ("clientid", "modified_date", "created_date")
  58. "ix_ja_jobs_gsdi_pk" "btree" (("id"::"text"))
  59. "ix_ja_jobs_trgm_gin" "gin" ("title" "gin_trgm_ops")
  60. "ix_job_customer_recent_jobs_lookaside_bill_customer" "btree" ("bill_customer", "modified_date")
  61. "ix_job_customer_recent_jobs_lookaside_clientid" "btree" ("clientid", "modified_date")
  62. "ix_job_customer_recent_jobs_lookaside_customer" "btree" ("customerid", "modified_date")
  63. "ix_jobs_charges_and_parts_sort" "btree" (("charges_count" + "parts_count"))
  64. "ix_jobs_client_times" "btree" ("clientid", "time_job", "time_arrival")
  65. "ix_jobs_fts_description_en" "gin" ("full_text_universal_cast"("description"))
  66. "ix_jobs_fts_full_address_en" "gin" ((((("full_text_universal_cast"("address"::"text") || "full_text_universal_cast"("suburb"::"text")) || "full_text_universal_cast"("city"::"text")) || "full_text_universal_cast"("stpr"::"text")) || "full_text_universal_cast"("postc
  67. ode"::"text")))
  68. "ix_jobs_fts_job_number_en" "gin" ("full_text_universal_cast"("job_number"::"text"))
  69. "ix_jobs_fts_refnum_en" "gin" ("full_text_universal_cast"("refnum"::"text"))
  70. "ix_jobs_fts_title_en" "gin" ("full_text_universal_cast"("title"::"text"))
  71. "ix_jobs_full_address_street_first" "btree" (((((COALESCE("address"::character varying, ''::character varying)::"text" || COALESCE(' '::"text" || "suburb"::"text", ''::"text")) || COALESCE(' '::"text" || "city"::"text", ''::"text")) || COALESCE(' '::"text" || "postc
  72. ode"::"text", ''::"text")) || COALESCE(' '::"text" || "stpr"::"text", ''::"text")))
  73. "ix_jobs_paying_customers" "btree" ((COALESCE("bill_customer", "customerid")))
  74. "ix_jobs_status_label_ids" "btree" ("status_label_id")
  75. "ix_jobs_top_by_client" "btree" ("id", "clientid")
  76. "ix_mobiuser_jobs" "btree" ("accepted_mobile_user")
  77. "ix_recurrenceid_jobs" "btree" ("recurrenceid")
  78. "ix_timejob_jobs" "btree" ("time_job")
  79. "ja_jobs_client_type" "btree" ("clientid", "jobtype")
  80. "ja_jobs_the_geom_idx" "gist" ("the_geom")
  82. Limit (cost=199669.37..199669.39 rows=10 width=20) (actual time=31523.690..31523.691 rows=1 loops=1)
  83. Buffers: shared hit=26947 read=101574 dirtied=438
  84. -> Sort (cost=199669.37..199669.40 rows=11 width=20) (actual time=31523.686..31523.686 rows=1 loops=1)
  85. Sort Key: "title"
  86. Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB
  87. Buffers: shared hit=26947 read=101574 dirtied=438
  88. -> Bitmap Heap Scan on "ja_jobs" (cost=4850.60..199669.18 rows=11 width=20) (actual time=11714.504..31523.640 rows=1 loops=1)
  89. Recheck Cond: (("clientid" = 2565) AND ("time_job" > 1382496599))
  90. Filter: (("title")::"text" ~~* '%Hislop%'::"text")
  91. Rows Removed by Filter: 207654
  92. Buffers: shared hit=26942 read=101574 dirtied=438
  93. -> Bitmap Index Scan on "ix_jobs_client_times" (cost=0.00..4850.60 rows=155054 width=0) (actual time=11670.956..11670.956 rows=215142 loops=1)
  94. Index Cond: (("clientid" = 2565) AND ("time_job" > 1382496599))
  95. Buffers: shared hit=121 read=5772
  96. Total runtime: 31524.874 ms
  98. explain (analyze, buffers)
  99. SELECT title
  100. FROM ja_jobs
  101. WHERE title ILIKE 'Hislop 13035%'
  102. AND clientid = 2565
  103. AND time_job > 1382496599
  104. ORDER BY title
  105. LIMIT 10;
  108. Limit (cost=2275.53..2275.55 rows=9 width=20) (actual time=3492.479..3492.483 rows=1 loops=1)
  109. Buffers: shared hit=4940 read=448
  110. I/O Timings: read=83.285
  111. -> Sort (cost=2275.53..2275.55 rows=9 width=20) (actual time=3492.475..3492.477 rows=1 loops=1)
  112. Sort Key: "title"
  113. Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB
  114. Buffers: shared hit=4940 read=448
  115. I/O Timings: read=83.285
  116. -> Bitmap Heap Scan on "ja_jobs" (cost=391.62..2275.38 rows=9 width=20) (actual time=3492.460..3492.462 rows=1 loops=1)
  117. Recheck Cond: (("title")::"text" ~~* 'Hislop Street Clinic 2513035%'::"text")
  118. Filter: (("time_job" > 1382496599) AND ("clientid" = 2565))
  119. Buffers: shared hit=4940 read=448
  120. I/O Timings: read=83.285
  121. -> Bitmap Index Scan on "ix_jobs_trgm_gin" (cost=0.00..391.62 rows=482 width=0) (actual time=3492.427..3492.427 rows=1 loops=1)
  122. Index Cond: (("title")::"text" ~~* 'Hislop 13035%'::"text")
  123. Buffers: shared hit=4939 read=448
  124. I/O Timings: read=83.285
  125. Total runtime: 3492.531 ms
  127. SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_indexes
  129. ALTER ja_jobs
  130. ALTER clientid SET STATISTICS 1000
  131. , ALTER time_job SET STATISTICS 1000
  132. , ALTER title SET STATISTICS 1000;
  134. SELECT title
  135. FROM ja_jobs
  136. WHERE title ILIKE 'Hislop 13035%'
  137. AND clientid = 2565
  138. AND time_job > 1382496599
  139. LIMIT 10; -- no ORDER BY
  141. CREATE INDEX ix_ja_jobs_special_idx ON public.ja_jobs
  142. (clientid, title varchar_pattern_ops, time_job);
  144. CREATE INDEX ix_ja_jobs_special_idx ON public.ja_jobs
  145. (clientid, lower(title) varchar_pattern_ops, time_job);
  147. SELECT title
  148. FROM ja_jobs
  149. WHERE lower(title) LIKE lower('Hislop 13035%')
  150. AND clientid = 2565
  151. AND time_job > 1382496599
  152. LIMIT 10;
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