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- [21:33:13] DuLciKa > i just recognise the name
- [21:34:31] Nostradamous > all I care about is getting to fly the ship I want to.....Though I have to say, we have decided after that domi fight, if we fly shinies, WE ARENT ACCEPTING FW PILOTS!!!!......
- [21:34:47] Nostradamous > domis land on us on gate and half the fleet warps to station and docks....
- [21:35:02] Nostradamous > turned out to be most of the non alliance members in fleet
- [21:35:07] DuLciKa > lol
- [21:35:37] Nostradamous > even our guardians arent cheap at this seeing half the fleet warp off and me getting tackled made the evening some what fun
- [21:35:55] Nostradamous > ofc it wasnt my guardian (alliance ship) so I wasnt too woried ; D
- [21:36:01] DuLciKa > whats the fit??
- [21:36:41] Poision Kevin > so bad
- [21:36:47] Poision Kevin > we burned away from them
- [21:36:54] Poision Kevin > the primary obviously got primaried
- [21:36:59] Poision Kevin > getting webs etc
- [21:37:02] Poision Kevin > got out of rep range...
- [21:37:10] Nostradamous > ummm, dont really remember T2 rigs, and a deadspace tank....dont really remember, I just get in it and rep/give cap to who ever im supposed to
- [21:37:11] Poision Kevin > and people fucking failing at RR
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