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a guest
Mar 17th, 2018
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  1. - 15 years old -
  2. - UTC +2 -
  3. - Sam81402 -
  5. *Questions
  7. - What is the role of a staff member(for me dev)?
  8. A dev create plugins,config .
  9. - How will you assist the server?
  10. To config all plugins,translate.
  11. - When a new player joins, what would you do?
  12. Welcome to tensionmc
  13. Do /is to start
  14. The server have upgrades /upgrades
  15. - Why do we need you as a member on our staff team? What do you have to offer?
  16. I have to offer my application,my time
  18. - What days are you able to play? How active can you be everyday?
  19. 3hours per days
  20. - What reasons would you ban/temporarily ban a player for?
  21. Cheating,hacking,big big spam.
  23. - What reasons would you mute/temporarily mute a player for?
  24. Spamming,flooding
  26. - What reasons would you kick a player for?
  27. flood.
  29. - What experience do you have of moderating servers?
  30. I have nothing experience for the moderation,but i know a lots of commands
  31. - "You come home from school/work and have ton of homework/work to do, you think to yourself I'll just take a 5 minute break before I start and get on. The next thing you know 2 hours have passed and you've been on the server all that time." Does this scenario sound familiar to you?
  32. I prefer do my homework in first,and go to the server because its very important no education = no jobs
  33. Anything else you'd like to state?(modifié)
  34. Im french
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