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a guest
Jul 23rd, 2019
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  1. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDD0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDD0
  3. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDD0
  4. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDD0 sub_7FF6BD0FCDD0 proc near
  5. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDD0
  6. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDD0 var_18 = dword ptr -18h
  7. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDD0
  8. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDD0 sub rsp, 38h
  9. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDD4 mov rcx, cs:qword_7FF6BFE09CB0
  10. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDDB test rcx, rcx
  11. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDDE jnz short loc_7FF6BD0FCDEC
  12. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDE0 call sub_7FF6BD4BC4E0
  13. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDE5 mov rcx, cs:qword_7FF6BFE09CB0
  14. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDEC
  15. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDEC loc_7FF6BD0FCDEC: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FF6BD0FCDD0+Eā†‘j
  16. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDEC mov rax, [rcx]
  17. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDEF lea r9, aIfTrueTheEngin_2 ; "If true, the engine will attempt to loa"...
  18. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDF6 mov r8d, 1
  19. .text:00007FF6BD0FCDFC mov [rsp+38h+var_18], 0
  20. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE04 lea rdx, aNetAllowencryp ; "net.AllowEncryption"
  21. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE0B call qword ptr [rax+10h]
  22. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE0E lea rcx, unk_7FF6BF1EFB08
  23. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE15 mov cs:qword_7FF6C002B148, rax
  24. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE1C mov cs:qword_7FF6C002B140, rcx
  25. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE23 mov rcx, rax
  26. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE26 mov rdx, [rax]
  27. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE29 call qword ptr [rdx+38h]
  28. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE2C lea rcx, sub_7FF6BF1C1F60
  29. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE33 mov cs:qword_7FF6C002B150, rax
  30. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE3A add rsp, 38h
  31. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE3E jmp sub_7FF6BF05AA60
  32. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE3E sub_7FF6BD0FCDD0 endp
  33. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE3E
  34. .text:00007FF6BD0FCE3E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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