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Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. Alterac Pass:
  2. 1-2-2, 1-3-1, or 1-1-3. 1-4 is not possible.
  3. Early teamfight + push, or late teamfight + stall and/or waveclear, strong boss heroes.
  4. Stukov, Sylvanas, Hanzo, Fenix are all good heroes.
  5. Push as 1-0-4, guarantee at least a fort and at most keep walls; pressure with a boss/objective fork later on.
  6. Globals unnecessary but welcome.
  8. Volskaya Foundry:
  9. 4-1.
  10. Bully power and recuperation, or high sustain. Hero reliance is not recommended.
  11. Diablo, Alexstrasza, Yrel, Johanna, Sonya, Hanzo, Stukov are all good heroes.
  12. Winning team should try to pick fights, losing team should try to collect camp powerups.
  13. Both teams should pressure the walls and wells of the towers in the objective lane.
  14. Losing team can also pressure top with seige camps, split-push, and look for picks.
  16. Cursed Hollow:
  17. lmfao no fucken idea, but ill try
  18. 1-2-2 or 1-3-1, some comps may be able to pull off 1-1-3.
  19. Splitpush, strong boss heroes, area deniers, divecomps, high damage. Globals are powerful. Poke is also nice.
  20. Falstad, Dehaka, Abathur, Deckard, Greymane, Hanzo are all good heroes.
  21. (Honorable mention: probably Gazlowe's best map.)
  22. Seige camps can provide an advantage around the first tribute. Bosses are extremely powerful tools on this map, with double-boss, boss/objective forks, and pushing it directly to the core.
  23. Curses should always guarantee at LEAST one fort. Do not force teamfights unless they are obviously winnable; use the curse as triple lane pressure. Unlike Alterac, the bosses are up during the objective, so using it to buy time for a boss (or more likely double-boss) is a good idea for teams who are behind.
  24. Good macro and strong decisions win this map, but consistently bad teamfights may lose it. There is no easy gameplan for the leading team to follow: they need information and quick commitals, this map is too big for contingencies at times.
  26. Warhead Junction:
  27. ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh
  28. Basically Cursed Hollow, except double bosses aren't a thing, multiple tributes spawn and get stock immediately, and the bosses are a whole lot stronger.
  29. 1-1-3 is stronger on this map than on Hollow, as the bottom lane spawns two warheads instead of one, and unlike Towers of Doom, you can't simple trade 1-1 and call it a day.
  30. This is the best map for globals - it's so big that some globals have difficulty being relevant as a global, like Falstad. Having at least one is almost necessary - you can get away without having one, but it projects your gameplan cut-and-dry.
  31. Very snowbally map, so draft for such. Li Ming, Genji, Greymane, Butcher, Sylvanas, Dehaka generally do well here, with proper macro.
  33. Braxis Holdout:
  34. 1-4. No exceptions.
  35. The 4-man should have a rotator to help out the solo when necessary. The solo is better off being a dominant solo (yrel, thrall, malthael, sonya, dehaka) over a placeholder solo (greymane, Blaze, tyrael), and can preferably get early camps, with help from the rotator if the game allows.
  36. Yrel, Stukov, Fenix, Gul'dan, Kael'thas all do well on this map.
  37. GENJI. Braxis is arguably Genji's best map. He's the best rotator hero, can reflect the Boss' attacks for a chunk of damage, can take camps easily, can comfirm kills otherwise lost in the 4-man. He opens up the top lane more than any other hero, can usually win a jump on the opposing rotator, and is just generally Genji.
  38. Drafting waveclear is tempting, but it is contingency. This map is snowbally due to the location of the objective beacons (another point for Genji), so drafting to win objectives is generally better than drafting to lose objectives and win late-game. However, some heroes that naturally do well in the 4-man have strong Zerg waveclear, like Gul'dan, and therefore have higher priority.
  39. Losing teams should look to find picks and avoid teamfights; during objectives, they should commit to one beacon, then start "ringing around the rosy" - take two merc camps, take the opposing beacon, take the other two mercs, return back to the (reclaimed) original beacon. This pressures the opponent and provides a large experience bonus, and a few picks along the way could enable the boss.
  41. Towers of Doom:
  42. 1-2-2 or 1-1-3.
  43. Globals are powerful during triple-altar phases, as is poke. Otherwise, not too much going on for drafting.
  44. Dehaka, Abathur, Malfurion, Hanzo are good heroes.
  45. Winning team should look for fights and try to bully for things they want. Losing team should prioritize Sappers, Boss, and tower pressure.
  46. During triple-altar phases, the solo / global takes the top altar, everyone else 4-mans the bottom altar. The team with the global wins bottom: Globalless teams can instead send their 4-man to the opposing top altar, and give up bottom.
  47. Lategame play is important, as this is the easiest map to throw and come back on after even a single lost teamfight. Keep yourself and your team together and on target, and don't get too cocky.
  49. Infernal Shrines:
  50. 1-2-2. 1-4 might be possible, but likely not worth it.
  51. Cleaves, high waveclear, AoE dominate the objective.
  52. Kerrigan, Fenix, Kael'thas, sonya, blaze, stukov, malfurion are good heroes.
  53. This is Alexstrasza's best map. Small chokes naturally line up her E and innately buff her W, and Dragonqueen essentially wins objectives by itself.
  54. Shrines spawn in a set pattern, like Volskaya, so losing teams may want to give up the objective in top or bot lane to push the fort of the opposite lane, then come back and defend the punisher.
  55. Shaman camps are extremely powerful, and force a response more than any other camp. Controlling them is very useful, and shouldn't be taken ad-hoc.
  57. Battlefield of Eternity:
  58. 1-4, no exceptions. This map can afford to have placeholder solos, unlike Braxis.
  59. High single-target monster damage and strong teamfight are the keys to this map.
  60. Hanzo, Valla, Artanis, Kharazim, Sonya are all good heroes.
  61. This map also has Shaman camps, keep them in mind.
  63. Tomb of the Spider Queen:
  64. 4-1 or 1-3-1. Mid and top are close enough that 4-mans end up naturally happening.
  65. Waveclear, poke, push. Strong teamfights also help.
  66. Johanna, Blaze, Rehgar, Stukov, Guldan, Jaina are good heroes.
  67. This map is fairly straight-forward with a boss for follow-up. Comeback mechanics come from picks on high-gem heroes, sneaky turn-ins, and outplaying your opponent. A very honest battleground with a powerful but not particularly snowbally objective.
  69. Sky Temple:
  70. 1-2-2 or maybe 1-3-1. But most likely 1-2-2.
  71. Due to the large size of the map, globals are common. Fast rotations are necessary, so mountless globalless heroes are off. Pushing heroes can also get value by forcing a beneficial objective trade.
  72. Dehaka, Abathur, Malthael, Blaze are good heroes.
  73. If you are behind, sit on one temple and pressure forts if possible. If they give up their temple, retreat and take the other temple.
  75. Garden of Terror:
  76. no fucken idea either, ill still try
  77. 1-2-2 or 1-3-1.
  78. Laning, monsterclearing, and push.
  79. Hanzo, Fenix, Sonya, Stukov, malthael are all good heroes.
  80. Generic, honest map that forces fights after the objective instead of before. Not much to say other than to have a fast boss killer.
  82. Haunted Mines:
  83. Braxis Holdout, except waveclear is replaced with fast bosses, and a member of the 4-man is essentially a dedicated Mines hero. Placeholder solos are fine on this map.
  85. Dragon Shire:
  86. 1-4 or 1-1-3.
  87. Strong solos are needed like in Braxis, and globals can get good value. Poke can be useful, as is sustain.
  88. Dehaka, Malfurion, Chromie, Yrel, Diablo are good heroes.
  90. Blackheart's Bay:
  91. 1-4.
  92. Solo needs to double-soak both top lanes, and the 4-man in bot must have a dedicated jungler.
  93. Malthael, Xul, Nazeebo, Stukov, Diablo, Sonya are good picks for this map.
  94. Can get snowbally, but has similar comeback mechanics as Tomb.
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