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a guest
Jun 26th, 2019
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  1. execute as @a store result score @s rotationOne run data get entity @s Rotation[0] 0.036
  2. execute as @a store result score @s rotationTwo run data get entity @s Rotation[1] 0.036
  4. execute as @a unless score @s rotationOne = min global store success score @s looksLeft if score @s lastRotationOne > @s rotationOne
  5. execute as @a if score @s rotationOne = min global store success score @s looksLeft unless score max global = @s lastRotationOne unless score min global = @s lastRotationOne
  6. execute as @a if score @s rotationOne = max global store success score @s looksLeft if score min global = @s lastRotationOne
  7. execute as @a unless score @s rotationOne = max global store success score @s looksRight if score @s lastRotationOne < @s rotationOne
  8. execute as @a if score @s rotationOne = max global store success score @s looksRight unless score min global = @s lastRotationOne unless score max global = @s lastRotationOne
  9. execute as @a if score @s rotationOne = min global store success score @s looksRight if score max global = @s lastRotationOne
  10. execute as @a store success score @s looksUp if score @s lastRotationTwo > @s rotationTwo
  11. execute as @a store success score @s looksDown if score @s lastRotationTwo < @s rotationTwo
  12. execute as @a store success score @s directionChanged unless score @s rotationOne = @s lastRotationOne
  13. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=0}] store success score @s directionChanged unless score @s rotationTwo = @s lastRotationTwo
  14. execute as @a run scoreboard players operation @s lastRotationOne = @s rotationOne
  15. execute as @a run scoreboard players operation @s lastRotationTwo = @s rotationTwo
  16. scoreboard players remove @a timer 1
  17. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s timer = timerTime global
  18. execute as @a[scores={timer=..0}] run scoreboard players set @s directionChanged 1
  19. execute as @a[scores={timer=..0}] run scoreboard players operation @s timer = timerTime global
  20. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=1}] run scoreboard players set @s lastDirection 0
  21. execute as @a if score @s looksLeft matches 1 run scoreboard players operation @s lastDirection += left global
  22. execute as @a if score @s looksRight matches 1 run scoreboard players operation @s lastDirection += right global
  23. execute as @a if score @s looksUp matches 1 run scoreboard players operation @s lastDirection += up global
  24. execute as @a if score @s looksDown matches 1 run scoreboard players operation @s lastDirection += down global
  25. execute as @a if score @s lastDirection = @s stepFive run scoreboard players set @s directionChanged 0
  27. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s stepOne = @s stepTwo
  28. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s stepTwo = @s stepThree
  29. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s stepThree = @s stepFour
  30. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s stepFour = @s stepFive
  31. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=1}] run scoreboard players operation @s stepFive = @s lastDirection
  33. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=1}] if score @s stepOne = left global if score @s stepTwo = right global if score @s stepThree matches 0 if score @s stepFour = up global if score @s stepFive = down global run <skillOne>
  35. execute as @a[scores={directionChanged=1}] if score @s stepThree = up global if score @s stepFour = down global if score @s stepFive = up global run <skillTwo>
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