
所長の罠 / Warden's Trap

Nov 7th, 2014
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  1. Ryu quickly went into the inn and started the preparations to chase Rigoate. In the room there was already a sketch of Death Valley.
  2. — This Death Valley looks pretty complicated and dangerous.
  3. — But I’m surprised there is some organization between the prisoners and above all a terrorist one
  4. — Who is it?
  5. — It’s me, Koyuki
  6. — Eh?
  7. — Ryu, are you there, right? Open the door.
  8. — What do you need?
  9. — I need to tell you something
  10. — It seems you should have taken a shower
  11. — Shut up you damn bio-creature
  12. — Will you open the door? Or you won’t do it?
  13. — Come one, open it
  14. — I know, damn it
  15. — What do you need?
  16. — There’s something I want to tell you
  17. — Should I leave?
  18. — It’s fine. You’re that “bio” that was developed in Rajin? You should hear it too, then.
  19. — Why does a simple dancer know about me?
  20. — Who are you?
  21. — Leaving that aside, the request you got from the Warden… is dangerous.
  22. — I would like you to answer my questions. Who are you?
  23. — I’m from Lavian Republic intelligence agency
  24. — Lavian Republic?
  25. — A female ninja?
  26. — I don’t like that unsophisticated way of putting it.
  27. — I’m sorry
  28. — Ryu, that man the Warded told you to chase… He was attacked by Bilan before on the rocky area.
  29. — What? Bilan?
  30. — Ryu, Rigoate who was supposed attacked by Bilan was seen wandering Death Valley, which means that probably Bilan captured him.
  31. — I think the same too. That is Bilan’s…
  32. — Let’s contact the Warden
  33. — Wait
  34. — What is it?
  35. — Perhaps, this is a trap
  36. — A trap?
  37. — Why deliberately come here to tell me that?
  38. — Because I don’t want you to die for something trivial… after all the drinking contest hasn’t ended yet!.
  39. — That’s right. Well then, let’s value our lives until the day we settle up that contest.
  40. — Surely
  41. — It’s me
  42. — See the monitor please, Warden. Just know the Bounty-hunter Ryu entered the Death Valley area.
  43. — I see it, I see it! And the pet dogs of the authorities are fools that don’t even know that it’s a trap (// not sure what he means with: 当局の飼い犬 translated lit as “pet dog of the authorities” probably refers to Garian and Jack)
  45. — I plan to throw you into all the lethal bio-monsters of kill valley (need to confirm)
  46. — It will be a nice slaughtering game
  47. — What an eerie place
  48. — Take care, with only the map sketch we can only know so much.
  49. — Can’t we just reach our target in one go (confirm)
  50. — Ryu, stop it, don’t run. On the surroundings there are 20 or 30 ones.
  51. — What are you going to do? If they all come to attack us we will be no match.
  52. — But it seems they intend to do that. We can’t escape anywhere.
  53. — Eh? I haven’t done anything
  54. — It’s Koyuki
  55. — I can deal with one half. You do something about the rest
  56. — What a disgrace, end as the supporter of a woman.
  57. — If you have time to grumble start moving. Here I go
  58. — What are you looking at?
  59. — The dancer dress was nice but that appearance with your breasts packed and your tightly butt isn’t bad at all. What a great hobby
  60. — This is the official female combat uniform of the Lavian Republic. Sorry but it’s not something you can get by mail order.
  61. — What about laughing a little?
  62. — Is there any reason to?
  63. — Just smile a little
  64. — There’s a byway. Follow me
  65. — I was ignored. That’s not fun
  66. — This way
  67. — Where is this?
  68. — The secret underground prisoners hideout
  69. — Watch out
  70. — Hey, what happened? This is a massacre. Was this Bilan?
  71. — Rigoate, Rigoate, get a grip!
  72. — Rigoate? The guy who was captured by Bilan?
  73. — There’s not reaction from Bilan around here. He has left him already.
  74. — He’s still breathing
  75. — Rigoate, pull yourself together
  76. — What, what…. Bilan got me and when I came to myself…. I… my comrades… I killed my comrades
  77. — It wasn’t you, it was Bilan who possessed you
  78. — Get a grip!
  79. — Who is it?
  80. — I see. These walls were strengthen with lead. The reason there wasn’t response. Making a hide out here
  81. — Warden
  82. — This spectacle… was it Bilan?
  83. — What is happening, Warden? Bringing so much soldiers
  84. — All the life responses from the bio-animals disappeared you know
  85. — Oh, is that Rigoate? The ringleader of terrorist group
  86. — It’s not only me…
  87. — There’s some on else? Ah, the ones on the floor that became an unshapely mess
  88. — They aren’t all my comrades
  89. — Is that it? So let’s change you from place to hear that calmly.
  90. — Take him away
  91. — Yes, sir! Come, Walk!
  92. — By the way, that woman…
  93. — Eh?
  94. — A survivor from the organization?
  95. — I’m…
  96. — She’s my companion
  97. — A woman bounty-hunter
  98. — I thought you came alone?
  99. — It was embarrassing telling you that I came with my lover
  100. — I would like to receive true reports of how many people disembark on the island
  101. — I was strictly prohibited by the authorities to be with her with exception of the workplace. It’s a secret that I brought her.
  102. — I bet you have a lot of secrets like that (// need to confirm)
  103. — Whatever, good work. You can go back to the town and enjoy yourself with your lover. I will keep it a secret. Well then…
  104. — Although a stopgap, it was a good excuse.
  105. — Are you going to respect me a little?
  106. — I’m not your lover or something like that!
  107. — God, A woman getting irritated for everything… Should I have spoken the truth?
  108. — Something like:” This is a female ninja from the Lavian Republic that slipped into this island” Should I have been honest about it?
  109. — You know what would have happened in that case
  110. — For me, is more troublesome to be considered your lover
  111. — What an unpleasant woman
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