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a guest
Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 0 ] ) {
  2. SPD(playerid,dialog_REGISTER, DSI, "Odabir lozinke", "{0070A6}==============================================================\n\n{C0C0C0}Molimo vas da odaberete vasu lozinku sa kojom cete pristupati vasem nalogu.\nLozinka ne moze biti manja od 6 i veca od 24 karaktera!\n\n{0070A6}==============================================================", "Uredu", "Odustani");
  4. return true;
  5. }
  6. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 2 ] ) { // pol
  7. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], "Musko");
  8. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], MaleSkinIDs[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
  9. for( new i = 7; i < 14; i ++) {//counting2 ok
  10. PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ i ] );
  11. }
  12. BiraPol[ playerid ] = 1;
  13. BiraSkin[ playerid ] = 0;
  14. return true;
  15. }
  16. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 9 ] ) { // desno
  17. if( BiraPol[ playerid ] > 0 ) {
  18. if( BiraPol[ playerid ] == 1 ) {
  19. BiraPol[ playerid ] = 2;
  20. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], "Zensko");
  21. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], FemaleSkinIDs[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
  22. }
  23. else if( BiraPol[ playerid ] == 2 ) {
  24. BiraPol[ playerid ] = 1;
  25. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], "Musko");
  26. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], MaleSkinIDs[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
  27. }
  28. }
  29. if( BiraSkin[ playerid ] > 0 ) {
  30. if( RegSex[ playerid ] == 1 ) { // musko
  31. if( BiraSkin[ playerid ] == 4 ) BiraSkin[ playerid ] = 0;
  32. BiraSkin[ playerid ]++;
  33. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xSkin ] = MaleSkinIDs[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ];
  34. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], MaleSkinIDs[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  35. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], MaleSkinNames[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  36. }
  37. else if( RegSex[ playerid ] == 2 ) { // zensko
  38. if( BiraSkin[ playerid ] == 4 ) BiraSkin[ playerid ] = 0;
  39. BiraSkin[ playerid ]++;
  40. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xSkin ] = FemaleSkinIDs[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ];
  41. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], FemaleSkinIDs[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  42. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], FemaleSkinNames[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  43. }
  44. }
  45. PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ] );
  46. return true;
  47. }
  48. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 10 ] ) { // levo
  49. if( BiraPol[ playerid ] > 0 ) {
  50. if( BiraPol[ playerid ] == 1 ) {
  51. BiraPol[ playerid ] = 2;
  52. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], FemaleSkinIDs[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
  53. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], "Zensko");
  54. }
  55. else if( BiraPol[ playerid ] == 2 ) {
  56. BiraPol[ playerid ] = 1;
  57. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], MaleSkinIDs[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
  58. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], "Musko");
  59. }
  60. }
  61. if( BiraSkin[ playerid ] > 0 ) {
  62. if( RegSex[ playerid ] == 1 ) { // musko
  63. if( BiraSkin[ playerid ] == 1 ) BiraSkin[ playerid ] = 5;
  64. BiraSkin[ playerid ]--;
  65. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xSkin ] = MaleSkinIDs[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ];
  66. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], MaleSkinIDs[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  67. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], MaleSkinNames[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  68. }
  69. else if( RegSex[ playerid ] == 2 ) { // zensko
  70. if( BiraSkin[ playerid ] == 1 ) BiraSkin[ playerid ] = 5;
  71. BiraSkin[ playerid ]--;
  72. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xSkin ] = FemaleSkinIDs[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ];
  73. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], FemaleSkinIDs[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  74. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], FemaleSkinNames[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  75. }
  76. }
  77. PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ] );
  78. return true;
  79. }
  80. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 11 ] ) { // izaberi
  81. if( BiraPol[ playerid ] > 0 ) {
  82. if( BiraPol[ playerid ] == 1 ) {
  83. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] = 1;
  84. RegSex[ playerid ] = 1;
  85. BiraPol[ playerid ] = 0;
  86. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 2 ], "Musko");
  87. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xSkin ] = MaleSkinIDs[ 0 ][ 0 ];
  88. }
  89. else if( BiraPol[ playerid ] == 2 ) {
  90. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] = 2;
  91. RegSex[ playerid ] = 2;
  92. BiraPol[ playerid ] = 0;
  93. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 2 ], "Zensko");
  94. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xSkin ] = FemaleSkinIDs[ 0 ][ 0 ];
  95. }
  96. }
  97. if( BiraSkin[ playerid ] > 0 ) {
  98. if( RegSex[ playerid ] == 1 ) {
  99. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 4 ], MaleSkinNames[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  100. }
  101. else if( RegSex[ playerid ] == 2 ) {
  102. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 4 ], FemaleSkinNames[ BiraSkin[ playerid ]-1 ][ 0 ] );
  103. }
  104. //PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 4 ], 0.200000, 1.000000 );//
  105. PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 4 ] );
  106. BiraSkin[ playerid ] = 0;
  107. }
  108. for( new i = 7; i < 14; i ++) {//counting2 ok
  109. PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ i ] );
  110. }
  111. return true;
  112. }
  114. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 4 ] ) { // skin
  115. for( new i = 7; i < 14; i ++) {//counting2 ok
  116. PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ i ] );
  117. }
  118. if( RegSex[ playerid ] == 1 ) {
  119. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xSkin ] = 29;
  120. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], MaleSkinNames[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
  121. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], MaleSkinIDs[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
  122. }
  123. else if( RegSex[ playerid ] == 2 ) {
  124. PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 8 ], FemaleSkinNames[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
  125. PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ], FemaleSkinIDs[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
  126. }
  127. PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 7 ] );
  128. BiraPol[ playerid ] = 0;
  129. BiraSkin[ playerid ] = 1;
  130. return true;
  131. }
  132. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 1 ] ) {
  133. SPD( playerid, dialog_COUNTRY, DSL, "Vasa drzava", "{0097DF}[1]{FFFFFF} Srbija\n{0097DF}[2]{FFFFFF} Hrvatska\n{0097DF}[3]{FFFFFF} Makedonija\n{0097DF}[4]{FFFFFF} Crna Gora\n{0097DF}[5]{FFFFFF} Bosna i Hercegovina\n{0097DF}[6]{FFFFFF} Ostalo", "Odabir", "Izadji" );
  134. return true;
  135. }
  136. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 3 ] ) {
  137. SPD(playerid,dialog_AGE, DSI, "Vasa starost", "{0070A6}==============================================================\n\n{C0C0C0}Molimo vas da unesete koliko imate godina.\nUkoliko ste mladji od 12 i stariji od 70 godina necete moci nastaviti dalje!\n\n{0070A6}==============================================================", "Uredu", "Odustani");
  138. return true;
  139. }
  140. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 5 ] ) {
  141. SPD(playerid,dialog_MAIL, DSI, "E-mail adresa", "{0070A6}==============================================================\n\n{C0C0C0}Molimo vas da unesete vasu ispravnu E-mail adresu.\nU slucaju problema sa nalogom e-mail ce vam pomoci!\n\n{0070A6}==============================================================", "Uredu", "Odustani");
  142. return true;
  143. }
  144. if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 6 ] ) {
  145. if( InputPassword[ playerid ] == false ) return GRESKA( playerid, "Niste odabrali lozinku!" );
  146. if( ChoseCountry[ playerid ] == false ) return GRESKA( playerid, "Niste odabrali vase porijeklo!" );
  147. if( InputAge[ playerid ] == false ) return GRESKA( playerid, "Niste upisali koliko imate godina!" );
  148. if( InputMail[ playerid ] == false ) return GRESKA( playerid, "Niste unijeli vas E-mail!" );
  149. if( RegSex[ playerid ] == 0 ) return GRESKA( playerid, "Niste odabrali drzavu iz koje dolazite!" );
  150. CancelSelectTextDraw( playerid );
  151. IgracSeRegistruje[ playerid ] = false;
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