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Jan 16th, 2017
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  1. object Form6: TForm6
  2. Left = 0
  3. Top = 0
  4. Caption = 'Zeos - Mysql'
  5. ClientHeight = 481
  6. ClientWidth = 447
  7. Color = clBtnFace
  8. Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  9. Font.Color = clWindowText
  10. Font.Height = -11
  11. Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
  12. Font.Style = []
  13. OldCreateOrder = False
  14. PixelsPerInch = 96
  15. TextHeight = 13
  16. object Label1: TLabel
  17. Left = 24
  18. Top = 12
  19. Width = 38
  20. Height = 13
  21. Caption = 'Prodi ID'
  22. end
  23. object Label2: TLabel
  24. Left = 24
  25. Top = 41
  26. Width = 54
  27. Height = 13
  28. Caption = 'Nama Prodi'
  29. end
  30. object Label3: TLabel
  31. Left = 24
  32. Top = 73
  33. Width = 40
  34. Height = 13
  35. Caption = 'Fakultas'
  36. end
  37. object cbFakultas: TDBLookupComboBox
  38. Left = 96
  39. Top = 69
  40. Width = 145
  41. Height = 21
  42. DataField = 'fakultas_id'
  43. DataSource = dsProdi
  44. DropDownAlign = daRight
  45. KeyField = 'fakultas_id'
  46. ListField = 'fakultas_name'
  47. ListSource = dsFakultas
  48. TabOrder = 0
  49. end
  50. object DBGrid1: TDBGrid
  51. Left = 24
  52. Top = 136
  53. Width = 377
  54. Height = 321
  55. DataSource = dsProdi
  56. TabOrder = 1
  57. TitleFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  58. TitleFont.Color = clWindowText
  59. TitleFont.Height = -11
  60. TitleFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
  61. TitleFont.Style = []
  62. end
  63. object edProdiID: TDBEdit
  64. Left = 96
  65. Top = 8
  66. Width = 121
  67. Height = 21
  68. DataField = 'prodi_id'
  69. DataSource = dsProdi
  70. TabOrder = 2
  71. end
  72. object edProdiName: TDBEdit
  73. Left = 96
  74. Top = 37
  75. Width = 121
  76. Height = 21
  77. DataField = 'prodi_name'
  78. DataSource = dsProdi
  79. TabOrder = 3
  80. end
  81. object DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator
  82. Left = 24
  83. Top = 101
  84. Width = 240
  85. Height = 25
  86. DataSource = dsProdi
  87. TabOrder = 4
  88. end
  89. object conn: TZConnection
  90. ControlsCodePage = cCP_UTF16
  91. Catalog = ''
  92. Connected = True
  93. HostName = 'localhost'
  94. Port = 3325
  95. Database = 'kul_gram'
  96. User = 'kulgram'
  97. Password = '********'
  98. Protocol = 'mysql'
  99. LibraryLocation = 'D:\materi kulgram\source berlin\kulgram i zeos\libmysql.dll'
  100. Left = 280
  101. Top = 120
  102. end
  103. object tbfakultas: TZTable
  104. Connection = conn
  105. Active = True
  106. TableName = 'fakultas'
  107. Left = 328
  108. Top = 288
  109. end
  110. object dsFakultas: TDataSource
  111. DataSet = tbfakultas
  112. Left = 384
  113. Top = 184
  114. end
  115. object tbprodi: TZTable
  116. Connection = conn
  117. Active = True
  118. TableName = 'prodi'
  119. Left = 288
  120. Top = 248
  121. end
  122. object dsProdi: TDataSource
  123. DataSet = tbprodi
  124. Left = 384
  125. Top = 232
  126. end
  127. end
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