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Nov 21st, 2019
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  2. # GUI display name
  3. name: Your Character
  5. # Number of slots in your inventory. Must be
  6. # between 9 and 54 and must be a multiple of 9.
  7. slots: 54
  9. items:
  10. # mining-profession:
  11. # slots: [10]
  12. # function: profession_mining
  13. # item: IRON_PICKAXE
  14. # name: '&aMining'
  15. # hide-flags: true
  16. # lore:
  17. # - ''
  18. # - '&7Current Level: &e{level}'
  19. # - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
  20. # - ''
  21. # - '&7&oMining unlocks rare ores and raw materials.'
  22. # - '&7&oThis is vital to your rise in power and strength,'
  23. # - '&7&omine frequently for unique and rare drops.'
  24. # woodcutting-profession:
  25. # slots: [11]
  26. # function: profession_woodcutting
  27. # item: IRON_AXE
  28. # name: '&aWoodcutting'
  29. # hide-flags: true
  30. # lore:
  31. # - ''
  32. # - '&7Current Level: &e{level}'
  33. # - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
  34. # - ''
  35. # - '&7&oThough it may seem like a boring task, woodcutting'
  36. # - '&7&ois vital to obtaining materials used for crafting and trade,'
  37. # - '&7&oand will help give you the upper hand in the arcane ways.'
  38. # farming-profession:
  39. # slots: [12]
  40. # function: profession_farming
  41. # item: IRON_HOE
  42. # name: '&aFarming'
  43. # hide-flags: true
  44. # lore:
  45. # - ''
  46. # - '&7Current Level: &e{level}'
  47. # - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
  48. # - ''
  49. # - '&7&oWith tons of new food and consumable recipes,'
  50. # - '&7&oyou will need to stay on top of the crops in order'
  51. # - '&7&oto obtain the best food and drinks to keep yourself healthy.'
  52. # fishing-profession:
  53. # slots: [19]
  54. # function: profession_fishing
  55. # item: FISHING_ROD
  56. # name: '&aFishing'
  57. # hide-flags: true
  58. # lore:
  59. # - ''
  60. # - '&7Current Level: &e{level}'
  61. # - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
  62. # - ''
  63. # - '&7&oFishing may give you unique drops you'
  64. # - '&7&ocan''t find anywhere else. The more you'
  65. # - '&7&ofish, the easier it becomes to find these.'
  66. # - ''
  67. # - '&7Fishing Strength: &c{fishing_strength}%'
  68. # - '&7Crit Fishing Rate: &c{critical_fishing_chance}%'
  69. # - '&7Crit Failure Rate: &c{critical_fishing_failure_chance}%'
  70. # alchemy-profession:
  71. # slots: [20]
  72. # function: profession_alchemy
  73. # item: BREWING_STAND
  74. # name: '&aAlchemy'
  75. # lore:
  76. # - ''
  77. # - '&7Current Level: &e{level}'
  78. # - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
  79. # - ''
  80. # - '&7&oIn a world where you are no longer limited to'
  81. # - '&7&osimple potions, try learning tons of new brewing'
  82. # - '&7&orecipes to give yourself the edge on the battlefield.'
  83. # smithing-profession:
  84. # slots: [21]
  85. # function: profession_smithing
  86. # item: ANVIL
  87. # name: '&aSmithing'
  88. # lore:
  89. # - ''
  90. # - '&7Current Level: &e{level}'
  91. # - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
  92. # - ''
  93. # - '&7&oStabbing enemies and having them laugh is the worst,'
  94. # - '&7&oPractice makes perfect when it comes to smithing.'
  95. # - '&7&o&nWar is won by the man with the pointiest stick.'
  96. # enchanting-profession:
  97. # slots: [28]
  98. # function: profession_enchanting
  99. # item: ENCHANTED_BOOK
  100. # name: '&aEnchanting'
  101. # lore:
  102. # - ''
  103. # - '&7Current Level: &e{level}'
  104. # - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
  105. # - ''
  106. # - '&7&oLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur'
  107. # - '&7&oadipiscing elit. Proin malesuada maximus massa,'
  108. # - '&7&osodales imperdiet sapien fermentum at.'
  109. # smelting-profession:
  110. # slots: [29]
  111. # function: profession_smelting
  112. # item: FURNACE
  113. # name: '&aSmelting'
  114. # lore:
  115. # - ''
  116. # - '&7Current Level: &e{level}'
  117. # - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
  118. # - ''
  119. # - '&7&oSinging your eyebrows will become standard.'
  120. # - '&7&oYour long hours over the heat will make you'
  121. # - '&7&ofaster and more efficient with your oven.'
  122. boost-display:
  123. slots: [47,48,49,50,51]
  124. function: boost
  125. item: BARRIER
  126. no-boost:
  128. name: '&aNo Booster'
  129. lore: {}
  131. # Profession experience boosters
  132. profession:
  134. name: '&aEXP Boost'
  135. lore:
  136. - '&7Amount: &6+{value}%'
  137. - '&7Time left: &6{left}'
  138. - '&7Profession: &6{profession}'
  139. - '&7'
  140. - '&eStarted by {author}'
  142. # Main class experience boosters
  143. main-level:
  145. name: '&aEXP Boost'
  146. lore:
  147. - '&7Amount: &6+{value}%'
  148. - '&7Time left: &6{left}'
  149. - '&7'
  150. - '&eStarted by {author}'
  151. boost-next:
  152. slots: [52]
  153. function: boost-next
  154. item: PLAYER_HEAD
  155. texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTliZjMyOTJlMTI2YTEwNWI1NGViYTcxM2FhMWIxNTJkNTQxYTFkODkzODgyOWM1NjM2NGQxNzhlZDIyYmYifX19
  156. name: '&aNext'
  157. lore: {}
  158. boost-prev:
  159. slots: [46]
  160. function: boost-previous
  161. item: PLAYER_HEAD
  162. texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ==
  163. name: '&aPrevious'
  164. lore: {}
  165. party:
  166. slots: [16]
  167. function: party
  168. item: CAKE
  169. name: '&aParty Morale'
  170. lore:
  171. - '&7&oPlaying with your friends'
  172. - '&7&ogreatly encourages you!'
  173. - ''
  174. - '&7Party Bonuses ({count}):'
  175. - '&8- +{buff_additional_experience} Experience Earned!'
  176. - '&8- +{buff_health_regeneration} Health Regeneration'
  177. stats:
  178. slots: [13]
  179. function: profile
  180. item: PLAYER_HEAD
  181. name: '&e{player}'
  182. lore:
  183. - ''
  184. - '&7Current Level: &e{level}'
  185. - '&7Progression: &e{exp} / {next_level}'
  186. - '&8[&e{progress}&8] &e{percent}%'
  187. - '&7Skill Points: &6{skill_points}'
  188. - ''
  189. - '&7Current Class: &c{class}'
  190. - '&7Class Points: &c{class_points}'
  191. str:
  192. slots: [21]
  193. function: stats
  194. name: '&cStrength'
  195. item: IRON_SWORD
  196. hide-flags: true
  197. lore:
  198. - ''
  199. - 'Current Strength: &c&l{attribute_strength}'
  200. - ''
  201. - '✦ Weapon Damage: &c{weapon_damage} &7(&c{weapon_damage_base}&7+&c{weapon_damage_extra}&7)'
  202. - '✦ Physical Damage: &c{physical_damage} &7(&c{physical_damage_base}&7+&c{physical_damage_extra}&7)'
  203. - '✦ Attack Damage: &c{attack_damage} &7(&c{attack_damage_base}&7+&c{attack_damage_extra}&7)'
  204. - '✤ Speed Malus Reduction: &c{speed_malus_reduction} &7(&c{speed_malus_reduction_base}&7+&c{speed_malus_reduction_extra}&7)'
  206. dex:
  207. slots: [22]
  208. function: stats
  209. name: '&aDexterity'
  210. item: LEATHER_BOOTS
  211. hide-flags: true
  212. lore:
  213. - ''
  214. - 'Current Dexterity: &a&l{attribute_dexterity}'
  215. - ''
  216. - '✤ Attack Speed: &a{attack_speed} &7(&a{attack_speed_base}&7+&a{attack_speed_extra}&7)'
  217. - '✤ Movement Speed: &a{movement_speed} &7(&a{movement_speed_base}&7+&a{movement_speed_extra}&7)'
  218. - '✤ Knockback Resistance: &a{knockback_resistance} &7(&a{knockback_resistance_base}&7+&a{knockback_resistance_extra}&7)'
  219. - '✤ Max Stamina: &a{max_stamina} &7(&a{max_stamina_base}&7+&a{max_stamina_extra}&7)'
  221. con:
  222. slots: [23]
  223. function: stats
  224. name: '&fConstitution'
  225. item: BONE
  226. hide-flags: true
  227. lore:
  228. - ''
  229. - 'Current Constitution: &f&l{attribute_constitution}'
  230. - ''
  231. - '❤ Health Regen: &f{health_regeneration} &7(&f{health_regeneration_base}&7+&f{health_regeneration_extra}&7)'
  232. - '❤ Max Health: &f{max_health} &7(&f{max_health_base}&7+&f{max_health_extra}&7)'
  233. - '❖ Armor Toughness: &f{armor_toughness} &7(&f{armor_toughness_base}&7+&f{armor_toughness_extra}&7)'
  235. int:
  236. slots: [30]
  237. function: stats
  238. name: '&bIntelligence'
  239. item: BOOK
  240. hide-flags: true
  241. lore:
  242. - ''
  243. - 'Current Intelligence: &b&l{attribute_intelligence}'
  244. - ''
  245. - '✦ Projectile Damage: &b{projectile_damage} &7(&b{projectile_damage_base}&7+&b{projectile_damage_extra}&7)'
  246. - '✤ Max Mana: &b{max_mana} &7(&b{max_mana_base}&7+&b{max_mana_extra}&7)'
  247. - '✦ Magical Damage: &b{magical_damage} &7(&b{magical_damage_base}&7+&b{magical_damage_extra}&7)'
  248. - '✦ Skill Damage: &b{skill_damage} &7(&b{skill_damage_base}&7+&b{skill_damage_extra}&7)'
  250. wis:
  251. slots: [31]
  252. function: stats
  253. name: '&dWisdom'
  254. item: COMPASS
  255. hide-flags: true
  256. lore:
  257. - ''
  258. - 'Current Wisdom: &d&l{attribute_wisdom}'
  259. - ''
  260. - '✤ Mana Regen: &d{mana_regeneration} &7(&d{mana_regeneration_base}&7+&d{mana_regeneration_extra}&7)'
  261. - '✤ Stamina Regen: &d{stamina_regeneration} &7(&d{stamina_regeneration_base}&7+&d{stamina_regeneration_extra}&7)'
  262. - '❊ Stellium Regen: &d{stellium_regeneration} &7(&d{stellium_regeneration_base}&7+&d{stellium_regeneration_extra}&7)'
  263. - '❊ Additional Exp: &d{additional_experience} &7(&d{additional_experience_base}&7+&d{additional_experience_extra}&7)'
  266. cha:
  267. slots: [32]
  268. function: stats
  269. name: '&6Charisma'
  270. item: CARROT
  271. hide-flags: true
  272. lore:
  273. - ''
  274. - 'Current Charisma: &6&l{attribute_charisma}'
  275. - ''
  276. - '❊ Max Stellium: &6{max_stellium} &7(&6{max_stellium_base}&7+&6{max_stellium_extra}&7)'
  277. - '❖ Armor: &6{armor} &7(&6{armor_base}&7+&6{armor_extra}&7)'
  278. - '❖ Cooldown Reduction: &6{cooldown_reduction} &7(&6{cooldown_reduction_base}&7+&6{cooldown_reduction_extra}&7)'
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