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Aug 23rd, 2019
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  1. Settings:
  2. Prefix: '&8[&aCrazyEnchants&8]: ' #The prefix in the messages
  3. Update-Checker: true #Toggle on and off if you get a update message when you join if there is a new update.
  4. Player-Info-Backup-Message: true #Toggle this on and off if you wish to see when the players data gets backed up.
  5. Reset-Players-Max-Health: true #This is for some servers that get a health duplication glitch from plugins like CombatTagPlus(v1.2.3 down)
  6. InvName: '&4&l&nCrazy Enchanter' #The name of the /CE inventory
  7. Enchantment-Book-Item: '340' #The item that the enchantment book is.
  8. Enchantment-Book-Glowing: true #Toggle on or off if the book will have an enchanted look.
  9. GUISize: 54 #The size of the GUI, must be a factor of 9
  10. EnchantmentBookLore: #The lore on the enchantments books.
  11. - '&7Drag book and drop on Item.'
  12. - '&7Right click for more Info.'
  13. - '%Description%'
  14. - '&4%Destroy_Rate%% Destroy Chance'
  15. - '&a%Success_Rate%% Success Chance'
  16. LostBook: #Lost book options.
  17. Item: '340' #The item the lost books is.
  18. Name: '&8&l&nA Lost %Category%&8&l&n Book' #The name of the lost books.
  19. Lore: #The lore of the lost books.
  20. - '&7This book has been lost for centuries'
  21. - '&7It is said to be an enchantment book from %Category%'
  22. - '&7But you must clean it off to find out what kind it is.'
  23. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right Click to clean off.'
  24. Scrambler:
  25. Item: '175' #The item it will be.
  26. Glowing: true #If it has the glowing effect.
  27. Name: '&e&lThe Grand Scrambler' #The name of the item.
  28. Lore: #The lore of the item.
  29. - '&7The &e&lThe Grand Scrambler &7will allow'
  30. - '&7you to re-roll the destroy and success rates.'
  31. - '&7Drag and drop it on an enchantment book'
  32. - '&7to get a new destroy and success rate.'
  33. GUI: #Options for the GUI.
  34. Name: '&8Rolling the &eScrambler' #Name of the GUI.
  35. Toggle: true #If the GUI will show. Warning>> This may cause lag if a lot of players are using it all the time.
  36. Pointer: #The pointer in the middle of the GUI.
  37. Item: '76' #The item the pointer is.
  38. Name: '&c&lPointer' #The name of the pointer.
  39. Lore: #The lore on the pointer.
  40. - '&7Whatever percents the item lands on'
  41. - '&7will be the new percents on your book.'
  42. InGUI: true #If you can buy it in the GUI.
  43. Slot: 42 #The slot the item will be in.
  44. GUIName: '&e&lThe Grand Scrambler' #Name of the item in the GUI.
  45. GUILore: #The lore of the item in the GUI.
  46. - '&7The &e&lThe Grand Scrambler &7will allow'
  47. - '&7you to re-roll the destroy and success rates.'
  48. - '&7Drag and drop it on an enchantment book'
  49. - '&7to get a new destroy and success rate.'
  50. - ''
  51. - '&eCost: &a&l$500,000'
  52. GKitz: #GKitz GUI option.
  53. InGUI: true #If you can open the GKitz GUI from the main /ce gui.
  54. Slot: 14 #The slot it will be in.
  55. Item: '311' #The item it is.
  56. Glowing: true #If the item has a glowing effect.
  57. Name: '&c&lGKitz' #The name of the item.
  58. Lore: #The lore of the item.
  59. - '&b>>&7&nClick to open&b<<'
  60. ProtectionCrystal:
  61. InGUI: true #If its in the GUI.
  62. Slot: 40 #Slot it is in
  63. Item: '388' #Item it is
  64. Glowing: true #If it is enchanted
  65. Protected: '&6Ancient Protection' #The lore that goes on the item that is protected.
  66. Lose-Protection-On-Death: true #If true then when the player dies they get the item but it loses its protection.
  67. Chance: #The option to allow the protection to fail.
  68. Toggle: false #Toggle if the protection has a chance of failing.
  69. Success-Chance: 100 #The chance that the protection will work.
  70. Name: '&5&lProtection &b&lCrystal' #Name of the item
  71. Lore: #Lore of the item
  72. - '&7A rare crystal that is said to'
  73. - '&7protect items from getting lost'
  74. - '&7while the owners away in the after life.'
  75. - ''
  76. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Drag and drop on an item.'
  77. GUIName: '&a&lProtection &b&lCrystal'
  78. GUILore:
  79. - '&7A rare crystal that is said to'
  80. - '&7protect items from getting lost'
  81. - '&7while the owners away in the after life.'
  82. - ''
  83. - '&eCost: &a&l$1,000,000'
  84. BlackSmith: #Options for the Black Smith
  85. InGUI: true #In the GUI.
  86. Slot: 24 #Slot it is in.
  87. Item: '145' #Item that shows in the GUI
  88. Glowing: false #Is it enchanted
  89. Name: '&7&lThe &b&lBlack &9&lSmith' #Name of the Item in the GUI
  90. Lore: #Lore on the item.
  91. - '&b>>&7&nClick to open&b<<'
  92. GUIName: '&8&lThe Black Smith' #Name of the Black Smith's GUI
  93. Results:
  94. None: '&c&lNo Results' #Name of the item when there are no results in the Black Smith
  95. Not-Found-Lore:
  96. - '&7No results could be found.'
  97. - '&7Please put in two books of'
  98. - '&7the same enchantment and level.'
  99. - '&7Or put in two items to combined'
  100. - '&7the enchantments on them.'
  101. Found: '&c&lCost: &6&l%Cost%XP' #The lore at the bottom of the item
  102. Transaction: #Options for the pricing
  103. Currency: XP_Level
  104. Costs: #Cost options
  105. Power-Up: 5 #When an enchantment levels up 1 on an item
  106. Add-Enchantment: 3 #When it adds an enchantment to the item from another item
  107. Book-Upgrade: 5 #Leveling up a books power
  108. Tinker: #Settings for Info item in the GUI
  109. InGUI: true #Toggle whether it is in the /CE GUI or not
  110. Slot: 22 #Slot it is in
  111. Item: '399' #Item it is
  112. Glowing: false #Whether it glows like its enchanted
  113. Name: '&7&lThe &b&lCrazy &9&lTinkerer' #Name of the Item
  114. Lore: #Lore of the item
  115. - '&b>>&7&nClick to open&b<<'
  116. Info: #Settings for Info item in the GUI
  117. InGUI: true #Toggle whether it is in the /CE GUI or not
  118. Slot: 23 #Slot it is in
  119. Item: '345' #Item it is
  120. Glowing: true #Whether it glows like its enchanted
  121. Name: '&eInfo on the Enchantments' #Name of the Item
  122. Lore: #Lore of the item
  123. - '&b>>&7&nClick to view&b<<'
  124. Dust: #Settings for the Magical Dust
  125. MysteryDust:
  126. Item: '289' #Item mystery dust is
  127. Name: '&7Mystery Dust' #Name of the dust
  128. Lore: #Use %Percent% to set the percent
  129. - '&a1-%Percent%% &7will be on a'
  130. - '&aMagical AngelDust &7or &eMagical Fixing &7Dust'
  131. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click'
  132. Firework:
  133. Toggle: true #Toggle if the firework happens on open.
  134. Colors: 'Black, Gray, Lime' #The colors the firework will be.
  135. Dust-Toggle:
  136. Success: true #Toggle whether you can get success dust from Mystery Dust.
  137. Destroy: true #Toggle whether you can get destroy dust from Mystery Dust.
  138. Failed: true #Toggle whether you can get failed dust from Mystery Dust.
  139. PercentRange: #Range the mystery rate will be.
  140. Max: 75 #Max percent
  141. #Min will always be 1.
  142. SuccessDust:
  143. InGUI: true #If you can buy it in the /CE GUI
  144. GUIName: '&aMagical Angel Dust' #Name of the item in the GUI
  145. GUILore: #Lore in the GUI.
  146. - '&eCost: &a&l$250,000'
  147. - '&7Dust allows you to bring'
  148. - '&7up your &aSuccess Rate&7.'
  149. Slot: 25 #Slot number it is in
  150. Item: '353' #Item the dust is
  151. Name: '&aMagical Angel Dust' #Name of the dust
  152. Lore: #Lore for the dust
  153. - '&a+%Percent%% Success Rate'
  154. - '&7Apply to an Enchantment Book to'
  155. - '&7Increase the Success Rate by &e%Percent%%'
  156. PercentRange: #Range the success rate will be.
  157. Max: 75 #Max percent
  158. Min: 5 #Minimum percent
  159. DestroyDust:
  160. InGUI: true #If you can buy it in the /CE GUI
  161. GUIName: '&eMagical Fixing Dust' #Name of the item in the GUI
  162. GUILore: #Lore in the GUI.
  163. - '&eCost: &a&l$125,000'
  164. - '&7Dust allows you to bring'
  165. - '&7down your &4Destroy Rate&7.'
  166. Slot: 34 #Slot number it is in
  167. Item: '331' #Item the dust is
  168. Name: '&eMagical Fixing Dust' #Name of the dust
  169. Lore: #Lore for the dust
  170. - '&c-%Percent%% Destroy Rate'
  171. - '&7Apply to an Enchantment Book to'
  172. - '&7Decrease the Destroy Rate by &e%Percent%%'
  173. PercentRange: #Range the destroy rate will be.
  174. Max: 75 #Max percent
  175. Min: 5 #Minimum percent
  176. FailedDust:
  177. Item: '289' #Item the dust is
  178. Name: '&7Failed Dust' #Name of the dust
  179. Lore: #Lore for the dust
  180. - '&7This dust has failed.'
  181. - '&7It is now useless unless you'
  182. - '&7needed to make TNT or a throwable potion.'
  183. BlackScroll: #Settings for the black scrolls
  184. Item: '351' #The item the black scroll can be
  185. Name: '&8&l&nBlack Scroll' #The name of the black scroll
  186. Item-Lore: #The lore that will be on the black scroll.
  187. - '&7Have a custom enchantment you don''t want?'
  188. - '&7Drag and drop this on an item with a custom enchantment'
  189. - '&7and it will remove a random enchantment for you.'
  190. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Only works on Custom Enchantments.'
  191. Chance-Toggle: false #Toggle on and off if the black scrolls have a chance of failing.
  192. Chance: 100 #The chance that the black scroll will work.
  193. InGUI: true #Toggle being able to buy in the /CE GUI. Cost is controlled in the SignOptions section
  194. GUIName: '&7Black Scroll'
  195. Glowing: false #If the item is glowing.
  196. Slot: 21 #Slot you can buy the scroll at
  197. Lore: #Lore of the item in the GUI
  198. - '&eCost: &a&l$50,000'
  199. - '&7Black Scrolls allow you to'
  200. - '&7take off random enchantments.'
  201. SuccessChance: #Controls what the success chance will be when they get the book from the Black Scroll
  202. Max: 75 #The Max percent
  203. Min: 5 #The Minimum percent
  204. DestroyChance: #Controls what the destroy chance will be when they get the book from the Black Scroll
  205. Max: 25 #The Max percent
  206. Min: 5 #The Minimum percent
  207. WhiteScroll:
  208. Item: '339' #The item the white scroll is.
  209. Name: '&e&lWhite Scroll' #The name of the white scrolls.
  210. Item-Lore: #The lore that will be on the white scroll.
  211. - '&7Want to protect an item from a book''s destroy rate?'
  212. - '&7Drag and drop this on an enchant-able item'
  213. - '&7and it will protect the item from the destroy rate.'
  214. InGUI: true #Toggle being able to buy in the /CE GUI. Cost is controlled in the SignOptions section
  215. GUIName: '&7White Scroll'
  216. Glowing: false #If the item is glowing.
  217. Slot: 30 #Slot you can buy the scroll at
  218. Lore: #Lore of the scroll in the GUI
  219. - '&eCost: &a&l$100,000'
  220. - '&7White Scrolls allow you to'
  221. - '&7protect items from breaking.'
  222. ProtectedName: '&b&lPROTECTED' #The lore that is added to protect an item.
  223. TransmogScroll:
  224. Item: '406' #The item the scroll is.
  225. Name: '&d&lTransmog Scroll' #The name of the scroll.
  226. Item-Lore: #The lore that will be on the scroll.
  227. - '&7This scroll allows you to organize'
  228. - '&7your enchantments and tell you how many'
  229. - '&7enchantments you currently have on the item.'
  230. InGUI: true #Toggle being able to buy in the /CE GUI. Cost is controlled in the SignOptions section
  231. GUIName: '&dTransmog Scroll'
  232. Glowing: false #If the item is glowing.
  233. Slot: 41 #Slot you can buy the scroll at
  234. Lore: #Lore of the scroll in the GUI
  235. - '&eCost: &a&l$250,000'
  236. - '&7This scroll allows you to organize'
  237. - '&7your enchantments and tell you how many'
  238. - '&7enchantments you currently have on the item.'
  239. Amount-of-Enchantments: ' &7[&6&n%Amount%&7]' #The suffix that will be added at the end of the item's name.
  240. Amount-Toggle: true #If the amount is added to the suffix of the item's name.
  241. Count-Vanilla-Enchantments: true #If it counts the vanilla enchantments in the amount.
  242. EnchantmentOptions: #Options for enchanted books.
  243. MaxAmountOfEnchantmentsToggle: true #Turn on an off the Max amount of enchantments. Use crazyenchantments.limit.# permission to set the limit.
  244. IncludeVanillaEnchantments: false #Count Vanilla enchantments also?
  245. MaxRageLevel: 4 #The max amount rage can stack when fighting.
  246. Break-Rage-On-Damage: true #If the player is damaged and has a rage building it will be broken if this is enabled.
  247. Right-Click-Book-Description: true #Toggles whether when you right click the enchantment book if it messages the player the description or not.
  248. UnSafe-Enchantments: true #Having this set to true will allow players to use enchantments levels above the max level.
  249. Blast-Full-Durability: true #Toggle if the item takes damage for every block it breaks or just one. True to take full damage or false to take only 1 damage.
  250. Right-Click-Enchantment-Table: false #When set to true if a player right clicks an enchantment table it will open the /CE gui.
  251. EXP-Bug: false #Only needs to be true if player's XP sometimes glitches to 1Bill after buying an item will all their XP.
  252. Armor-Upgrade: #Having this enabled will allow players to try and add a higher level of an enchantment onto an item with a lower level of the enchantment.
  253. Toggle: true #Toggle on or off the ability to upgrade the enchantments.
  254. Enchantment-Break: true #If the book's destroy rate happens the item doesn't break but instead the current lower version of the enchantment is destroyed. If false then the item will be destroyed instead.
  255. Wings: #Options for the Wings Enchantment.
  256. Clouds: true #Toggle if the wings enchantment shows particles under the player's feet. Warning this option has been known to cause lag so toggle it off if you get lag.
  257. Enemy-Toggle: true #This toggles on and off the wings enchantment when an enemy is # away from the player.
  258. Distance: 25 #How far away the enemy has to be to toggle off the enchantment.
  259. Members-Can-Fly: true #Toggle if a player is a member of a world guard region if they can fly.
  260. Owners-Can-Fly: true #Toggle if a player is an owner of a world guard region if they can fly.
  261. Regions: #All world guard regions the Wings enchantment can work in.
  262. - 'Free_Fly'
  263. - 'SafeZone'
  264. Costs: #This is where you set the cost of stuff in the shop GUI.
  265. Scrambler: #The item that is being bought.
  266. Cost: 500000 #How much the item will cost.
  267. Currency: Vault #The currency that will be taken when bought.
  268. ProtectionCrystal:
  269. Cost: 1000000
  270. Currency: Vault
  271. TransmogScroll:
  272. Cost: 250000
  273. Currency: Vault
  274. BlackScroll:
  275. Cost: 50000
  276. Currency: Vault
  277. WhiteScroll:
  278. Cost: 100000
  279. Currency: Vault
  280. SuccessDust:
  281. Cost: 250000
  282. Currency: Vault
  283. DestroyDust:
  284. Cost: 125000
  285. Currency: Vault
  286. SignOptions: #Options for the Signs.
  287. CategoryShopStyle: #What the sign will look like. The price will be determined by the category you pick
  288. Line1: '&b&lCrazy Enchant' #Line 1 of the sign
  289. Line2: '&b&lShop:' #Line 2 of the sign
  290. Line3: '&2&l%Category%' #Line 3 of the sign
  291. Line4: '&c&lCost: &6&l%Cost%XP' #Line 4 of the sign
  292. Buy-Message: '&7You have just bought an enchantment book, and it is %BookName%&7 from the %Category%&7 tier.'
  293. ProtectionCrystalStyle:
  294. Line1: '&b&lCrazy Enchant'
  295. Line2: '&b&lShop:'
  296. Line3: '&5&lProtection &b&lCrystal'
  297. Line4: '&c&lCost: &a&l$1,000,000'
  298. Buy-Message: '&7You have just bought a &5&lProtection &b&lCrystal.' #Message when buying an item.
  299. ScramblerStyle:
  300. Line1: '&b&lCrazy Enchant'
  301. Line2: '&b&lShop:'
  302. Line3: '&e&lScrambler'
  303. Line4: '&c&lCost: &a&l$500,000'
  304. Buy-Message: '&7You have just bought a &e&lThe Grand Scrambler&7.' #Message when buying an item.
  305. SuccessDustStyle:
  306. Line1: '&b&lCrazy Enchant'
  307. Line2: '&b&lShop:'
  308. Line3: '&e&lMagical Angel Dust'
  309. Line4: '&c&lCost: &a&l$250,000'
  310. Buy-Message: '&7You have just bought a &aMagical Angel Dust&7.'
  311. DestroyDustStyle:
  312. Line1: '&b&lCrazy Enchant'
  313. Line2: '&b&lShop:'
  314. Line3: '&e&lMagical Fixing Dust'
  315. Line4: '&c&lCost: &a&l$125,000'
  316. Buy-Message: '&7You have just bought a &eMagical Fixing Dust&7.'
  317. BlackScrollStyle:
  318. Line1: '&b&lCrazy Enchant'
  319. Line2: '&b&lShop:'
  320. Line3: '&4&lBlack &8&lScrolls'
  321. Line4: '&c&lCost: &a&l$50,000'
  322. Buy-Message: '&7You have just bought a &8&l&nBlack Scroll&7.'
  323. WhiteScrollStyle:
  324. Line1: '&b&lCrazy Enchant'
  325. Line2: '&b&lShop:'
  326. Line3: '&f&lWhite &b&lScrolls'
  327. Line4: '&c&lCost: &a&l$100,000'
  328. Buy-Message: '&7You have just bought a &e&lWhite Scroll&7.'
  329. TransmogScrollStyle:
  330. Line1: '&b&lCrazy Enchant'
  331. Line2: '&b&lShop:'
  332. Line3: '&d&lTransmog &b&lScrolls'
  333. Line4: '&c&lCost: &a&l$250,000'
  334. Buy-Message: '&7You have just bought a &d&lTransmog Scroll&7.'
  335. #####################
  336. # Slot:<Slot> - The slot the item will go in.
  337. # Item:<ID>:<MD> - The item that it will be. You can use meta data for the items.
  338. # Name:<Name> - The name that will go on the item.
  339. # Lore:<Line1>,<Line2>,<Line3>,<Line4> - The lore can use multiple lines by adding a , in-between letters. Example: "Lore:&7I am line1,&aI am line 2,&eI am line3"
  340. #Placeholders can be used in the name and lore and they must be lowercase.
  341. #Placeholders: %vault% %xp_level% %xp_total%
  342. #####################
  343. GUICustomization: #This allows you to customize unclickable items into you GUI.
  344. - 'Slot:1, Item:160:15, Name: '
  345. - 'Slot:2, Item:160:15, Name: '
  346. - 'Slot:3, Item:160:15, Name: '
  347. - 'Slot:4, Item:160:15, Name: '
  348. - 'Slot:5, Item:160:15, Name: '
  349. - 'Slot:6, Item:160:15, Name: '
  350. - 'Slot:7, Item:160:15, Name: '
  351. - 'Slot:8, Item:160:15, Name: '
  352. - 'Slot:9, Item:160:15, Name: '
  353. - 'Slot:10, Item:160:15, Name: '
  354. - 'Slot:18, Item:160:15, Name: '
  355. - 'Slot:19, Item:160:15, Name: '
  356. - 'Slot:27, Item:160:15, Name: '
  357. - 'Slot:28, Item:160:15, Name: '
  358. - 'Slot:36, Item:160:15, Name: '
  359. - 'Slot:37, Item:160:15, Name: '
  360. - 'Slot:45, Item:160:15, Name: '
  361. - 'Slot:46, Item:160:15, Name: '
  362. - 'Slot:47, Item:160:15, Name: '
  363. - 'Slot:48, Item:160:15, Name: '
  364. - 'Slot:49, Item:160:15, Name: '
  365. - 'Slot:50, Item:160:15, Name: '
  366. - 'Slot:51, Item:160:15, Name: '
  367. - 'Slot:52, Item:160:15, Name: '
  368. - 'Slot:53, Item:160:15, Name: '
  369. - 'Slot:54, Item:160:15, Name: '
  370. - 'Slot:11, Item:160:0, Name: '
  371. - 'Slot:12, Item:160:0, Name: '
  372. - 'Slot:13, Item:160:0, Name: '
  373. - 'Slot:15, Item:160:0, Name: '
  374. - 'Slot:16, Item:160:0, Name: '
  375. - 'Slot:17, Item:160:0, Name: '
  376. - 'Slot:20, Item:160:0, Name: '
  377. - 'Slot:26, Item:160:0, Name: '
  378. - 'Slot:29, Item:160:0, Name: '
  379. - 'Slot:35, Item:160:0, Name: '
  380. - 'Slot:38, Item:160:0, Name: '
  381. - 'Slot:39, Item:160:0, Name: '
  382. - 'Slot:43, Item:160:0, Name: '
  383. - 'Slot:44, Item:160:0, Name: '
  384. Categories: #You can make as many different categories as you want
  385. Common: #Name of the category
  386. Name: '&a&l&nCommon' #Name in the GUI
  387. Slot: 31 #The Slot number the item will be in
  388. InGUI: true #Toggle if it's in the GUI or not.
  389. Lore: #The lore of the Item
  390. - '&eCost: &6&l10 &6XP Levels'
  391. Item: '160:5' #The id for the item
  392. Glowing: true #If the item is glowing in the GUI.
  393. Cost: 10 #How much each book will cost to buy.
  394. Currency: XP_Level #The currency you wish to use.
  395. Rarity: 1 #This allows the enchantments to be ordered with the Transmog Scrolls. The higher the number the rarer it is. Try and have each category have different rarities.
  396. LostBook: #Controls the Lost Book shop for this tier
  397. InGUI: false #If it shows in the /CE Gui
  398. Slot: 1 #Slot it will be in
  399. Item: '340' #The item that is shown in the GUI
  400. Glowing: false #Is it enchanted
  401. Name: '&8&l&nLost&c&l Tier1 &8&l&nBooks' #Name of the item
  402. Lore: #Lore on the item
  403. - '&7These are lost books that are'
  404. - '&7Said to be &c&lTier1 &7Enchantment books.'
  405. - '&7But no one has tried to clean the books yet.'
  406. - '&7Will you be the one to clean the books?'
  407. - ''
  408. - '&c&lCost: &6&l$100,000'
  409. Cost: 100000
  410. Currency: 100000
  411. FireworkToggle: true #Toggle on and off if when opening a lost book a firework effect happens
  412. FireworkColors: 'Red, White, Blue' #The colors of the firework
  413. Sound-Toggle: false
  414. Sound: 'BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE'
  415. ####################
  416. ## Sound Options
  417. ## 1.8 and lower players use these sounds:
  418. ## 1.9 and up players use these sounds:
  419. ####################
  420. EnchOptions: #Enchantment Options
  421. SuccessPercent: #The range for the success rate that the enchantment will have
  422. Max: 75 #The max success rate
  423. Min: 25 #The min success rate
  424. DestroyPercent: #The range for the destroy rate that the enchantment will have
  425. Max: 25 #The max destroy rate
  426. Min: 5 #The min destroy rate
  427. MaxLvlToggle: true #Turn on and off Max Level cap
  428. LvlRange: #The range of levels that can be found in the Category.
  429. Max: 2
  430. Min: 1
  431. Rare:
  432. Name: '&9&l&nRare'
  433. Slot: 32
  434. InGUI: true
  435. Lore:
  436. - '&eCost: &6&l30 &6XP Levels'
  437. Item: '160:11'
  438. Glowing: true
  439. Cost: 30
  440. Currency: XP_Level
  441. Rarity: 2
  442. LostBook:
  443. InGUI: false
  444. Slot: 2
  445. Item: '340'
  446. Glowing: false
  447. Name: '&8&l&nLost&c&l Tier2 &8&l&nBooks'
  448. Lore:
  449. - '&7These are lost books that are'
  450. - '&7Said to be &c&lTier2 &7Enchantment books.'
  451. - '&7But no one has tried to clean the books yet.'
  452. - '&7Will you be the one to clean the books?'
  453. - ''
  454. - '&c&lCost: &6&l$500,000'
  455. Cost: 500000
  456. Currency: 500000
  457. FireworkToggle: true
  458. FireworkColors: 'Black, Yellow'
  459. Sound-Toggle: false
  460. Sound: 'BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE'
  461. EnchOptions:
  462. SuccessPercent:
  463. Max: 75
  464. Min: 25
  465. DestroyPercent:
  466. Max: 25
  467. Min: 5
  468. MaxLvlToggle: true
  469. LvlRange:
  470. Max: 3
  471. Min: 2
  472. Legendary:
  473. Name: '&4&l&nLegendary'
  474. Slot: 33
  475. InGUI: true
  476. Lore:
  477. - '&eCost: &6&l60 &6XP Levels'
  478. Item: '160:14'
  479. Glowing: true
  480. Cost: 60
  481. Currency: XP_Level
  482. Rarity: 3
  483. LostBook:
  484. InGUI: false
  485. Slot: 3
  486. Item: '340'
  487. Glowing: false
  488. Name: '&8&l&nLost&c&l Tier3 &8&l&nBooks'
  489. Lore:
  490. - '&7These are lost books that are'
  491. - '&7Said to be &c&lTier3 &7Enchantment books.'
  492. - '&7But no one has tried to clean the books yet.'
  493. - '&7Will you be the one to clean the books?'
  494. - ''
  495. - '&c&lCost: &6&l$1,000,000'
  496. Cost: 1000000
  497. Currency: 1000000
  498. FireworkToggle: true
  499. FireworkColors: 'White, Gray'
  500. Sound-Toggle: false
  501. Sound: 'BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE'
  502. EnchOptions:
  503. SuccessPercent:
  504. Max: 75
  505. Min: 25
  506. DestroyPercent:
  507. Max: 25
  508. Min: 5
  509. MaxLvlToggle: true
  510. LvlRange:
  511. Max: 5
  512. Min: 3
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