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a guest
Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. Command 'controller' not known (you may need to run egg_info)
  2. Known commands:
  3. camqadm CAMQP Admin
  4. celerybeat Start the celery beat server
  5. celeryd Start the celery worker
  6. celeryev Celery event commandd.
  7. create Create the file layout for a Python distribution
  8. exe Run #! executable files
  9. help Display help
  10. make-config Install a package and create a fresh config file/directory
  11. points Show information about entry points
  12. post Run a request for the described application
  13. request Run a request for the described application
  14. serve Serve the described application
  15. setup-app Setup an application, given a config file
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