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- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using UnityEngine;
- public class MyFireBaseRemoteConfig : MonoBehaviour {
- Firebase.DependencyStatus dependencyStatus = Firebase.DependencyStatus.UnavailableOther;
- // Use this for initialization
- void Start() {
- Firebase.FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
- dependencyStatus = task.Result;
- if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available) {
- InitializeFirebase();
- } else {
- Debug.LogError(
- "Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: " + dependencyStatus);
- }
- });
- }
- void InitializeFirebase() {
- System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object> defaults =
- new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>();
- // These are the values that are used if we haven't fetched data from the
- // server
- // yet, or if we ask for values that the server doesn't have:
- defaults.Add("config_test_string", "default local string");
- defaults.Add("config_test_int", 1);
- defaults.Add("config_test_float", 1.0);
- defaults.Add("config_test_bool", false);
- Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.SetDefaults(defaults);
- Debug.Log("Remote config ready!");
- }
- public void FetchFireBase() {
- FetchDataAsync();
- }
- public void ShowData() {
- // DebugLog("config_test_string: " +
- // Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.GetValue("config_test_string").StringValue);
- Debug.Log("maxCountToShowAdmob: " +
- Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.GetValue("maxCountToShowAdmob").LongValue);
- // DebugLog("config_test_float: " +
- // Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.GetValue("config_test_float").DoubleValue);
- // DebugLog("config_test_bool: " +
- // Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.GetValue("config_test_bool").BooleanValue);
- }
- // Start a fetch request.
- public Task FetchDataAsync() {
- Debug.Log("Fetching data...");
- // FetchAsync only fetches new data if the current data is older than the provided
- // timespan. Otherwise it assumes the data is "recent enough", and does nothing.
- // By default the timespan is 12 hours, and for production apps, this is a good
- // number. For this example though, it's set to a timespan of zero, so that
- // changes in the console will always show up immediately.
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task fetchTask = Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.FetchAsync(
- TimeSpan.Zero);
- return fetchTask.ContinueWith(FetchComplete);
- }
- void FetchComplete(Task fetchTask) {
- if (fetchTask.IsCanceled) {
- Debug.Log("Fetch canceled.");
- } else if (fetchTask.IsFaulted) {
- Debug.Log("Fetch encountered an error.");
- } else if (fetchTask.IsCompleted) {
- Debug.Log("Fetch completed successfully!");
- }
- var info = Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.Info;
- switch (info.LastFetchStatus) {
- case Firebase.RemoteConfig.LastFetchStatus.Success:
- Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig.ActivateFetched();
- Debug.Log(String.Format("Remote data loaded and ready (last fetch time {0}).",
- info.FetchTime));
- break;
- case Firebase.RemoteConfig.LastFetchStatus.Failure:
- switch (info.LastFetchFailureReason) {
- case Firebase.RemoteConfig.FetchFailureReason.Error:
- Debug.Log("Fetch failed for unknown reason");
- break;
- case Firebase.RemoteConfig.FetchFailureReason.Throttled:
- Debug.Log("Fetch throttled until " + info.ThrottledEndTime);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case Firebase.RemoteConfig.LastFetchStatus.Pending:
- Debug.Log("Latest Fetch call still pending.");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
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