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game notes

a guest
Jul 16th, 2019
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  1. wave 1: missed 2 minions, got hooked
  2. wave 2: backed off because waiting for pot, yas had tornado up, and they hit lvl 2 first. Missed 1 minion to tower
  3. wave 3: naut moves into bush, no ward so back off. miss 1 melee, 2 ranged
  4. wave 4: wave is now in good spot. However yas can push faster than me, so even if I auto him, I will miss cs. pushes me into tower. miss 1 melee 2 ranged from wave 3, 1 melee, 2 ranged
  5. wave 5: not walking up because although we have vision in bush, I can't get behind the minions, and if I get too close to minions, yas can dash onto me. He is shoving anyways so not that big of a deal. miss 1 melee, miss another due to canceled auto because yas had tornado up.
  6. wave 6: miss 2 melees. Shaco gank. tried to place trap on yas, trap on naut, 2 autos blocked by windwall, misclicked minion, maybe shouldve just auto'd instead of missing e-q. missed cannon and 1 ranged.
  7. wave 7: dead, miss all
  8. wave 8: come back late, miss 3 melees
  9. wave 9: can't push fast enough to tower so just last hit. miss 1 ranged. yas comes so zoned off last 2 ranged.
  10. wave 10: only get 1 melee, accidentally auto'd creep during pyke e,
  11. wave 11: miss 2 melee 1 ranged, zed takes 1 ranged creep
  12. wave 12: a few misclicks where I wanted to auto yas. miss 1 melee zoned off wave.
  13. wave 13: miss 1 melee, miss 2 ranged.
  14. wave 14: get whole wave.
  15. wave 15: miss 2 melee, miss cannon, miss 1 ranged
  16. wave 16: miss 2 melee 1 ranged
  17. wave 17: miss whole thing. Had bf, wanted to back, realized they were pushing hard, wanted to stay for wave, but realized they could dive me.
  18. wave 18: whole thing dies to tower, wanted to try and stay in exp range, flash because wasn't sure if would die to naut+yas.
  19. wave 19: miss whole thing, khazix flash on me
  22. wave 18 gets to my tower at 10 minute mark.
  23. Ignoring wave 19, 6*(6+6+7) = 6*19=114cs at around 10-10:30 max possible.
  24. 56 cs total vs 102 (yas) at 11 minutes.
  25. total minions missed= 58
  27. My thoughts:
  28. Didn't push for lvl 2 early because if the wave ends up on their side, once they hit lvl 2, they can chase me down and pyke can't save me. Also heal was down so had to play safe.
  29. Misclicked a lot.
  30. Felt like I auto'd yas quite a few times, but his sustain is really high.
  31. Pyke can't really do much vs yasuo, and they have much higher kill pressure.
  32. Yas pushing power is much higher, so he can quickly clear minions for naut hook, so it's very hard to walk up. Most of cs lost was because I respected yas dashing onto me and naut hook, letting them push, so lost a lot to tower.
  33. Want to try and get lane control through hp advantage, but feels like yas can't be poked down due to lifesteal, domination runes, and shield. Also since early attack speed is very low, while I was autoing yas, he was pushing minions, and I would end up missing minions. Can't get lane control through pushing because pushing in this matchup is dangerous plus yas pushes faster.
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