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Apr 27th, 2017
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  1. epheles - Today at 11:13 PM
  2. also sorry for going off on jaely about something personal, but she kinda made me look really bad without meaning to
  3. and she has a problem with doing everything but talking to someone about her problems
  4. and i know a lot of people in there like her and care about her, so it's just dumb to not do that kinda thing when you know it helps you
  5. especially when she happens to be self deprecating and say bad things about herself when she's not feeling well at all
  6. noah - Today at 11:14 PM
  7. i dont think she made you look bad, at least in my eyes
  8. i realize you have good intentions and really need to hammer into her head that people are willing to talk and listen to her
  9. its not really easy to talk to people about problems especially if you dont talk to them regularly
  10. so shes probably just scared but im sure you would know more about what shes feeling than i do
  11. epheles - Today at 11:16 PM
  12. her depression in general is really crippling
  13. she goes to an alternative school which has like 3 hour days and you do your work on your own really
  14. she says she cries in the bathroom almost everyday there
  15. and can't sit still and do work
  16. then she goes home and proceeds to feel like shit, and doesn't really do anything
  17. she naps mostly
  18. i don't even know if talking helps her, but she has the works when it comes to things to help her
  19. antidepressants, psychiatrist, therapy
  20. all of that
  21. but she's still so sad all the time, even i don't really know what to do
  22. but i don't want to see her hating on herself constantly in group chat
  23. when she could read a book, lay down, exercise, or literally anything else that could help her mood
  24. sorry if i sound retarded somehow but that's how i felt
  25. noah - Today at 11:19 PM
  26. she needs a life style change in my opinion
  27. sitting on the computer all day talking to people online that often shit on you if not healthy
  28. and im not sure she takes the shit she gets as a joke
  29. at least not always
  30. i know what its like to have depression with antidepressants, therapy etc etc and it doesnt really help if you dont try and fix your mentality
  31. and you should always push her to talk to you or someone its healthy and she needs to do that
  32. regardless of if it might help her immediately or not its always good to have someone to talk to
  33. epheles - Today at 11:22 PM
  34. i invite her to talk to me whenever and to even write down how she feels in a word document or something if she doesn't want to tell me everything at once
  35. because with how emotional she is, her emotions can come out really bad and be confusing even
  36. and you could easily misinterpret, so she does that
  37. i do tell her she needs a lifestyle change though, and how sitting at a computer when you feel like shit doesn't really help
  38. she listens to sad songs constantly too
  39. noah - Today at 11:25 PM
  40. as long as youre a figure there who she feels she can talk to i think thats a step in the right direction
  41. and you should just push her to take baby steps into doing stuff that makes her a little uncomfortable but help her and better her
  42. i dont mean to sound like you should baby her or anything
  43. but i would imagine she'll listen to you over probably anyone else
  44. and that sad song thing definitely doesnt help she needs to surround herself with happiness
  45. not things that make everything worse
  46. epheles - Today at 11:27 PM
  47. she does listen to me a lot more than most people, and at the moment the 'goal' i set for her really is just graduating highschool and learning how to drive soon after
  48. then getting a summer job, since she's been wanting a job
  49. goal as in something she and i agreed on when it comes to something she would actively work torwards
  51. noah - Today at 11:29 PM
  52. thats a good start
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