Guest User


a guest
Jul 18th, 2019
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  1. version: 0.2
  2. Settings:
  3. log_transactions: false
  4. Complement:
  5. seller_name: Seller
  6. Msg:
  7. default:
  8. prefix: '&9[&3r-Seller&9]> &2'
  9. error: '&9[&4tr-Seller&9]> &c'
  10. no_permission: '&4ERROR &9&l> &r&bYou don''''t have permission to do that!'
  11. command_use: '&9[&4tr-Seller&9]> &r&cCommand use: &6$command'
  12. sellerInteract:
  13. noShop: The seller have a problem or is closed
  14. sellerInventory:
  15. buy_price: 'Buying price : &6 $price'
  16. seller_price: 'Selling price : &6 $price'
  17. left_click: '&6Left click'
  18. right_click: '&6Right click'
  19. shift_click: '&6Shift+click'
  20. buy_item: buy $nbr items
  21. leave_the_shop: Leave the shop
  22. next_page_of_shop: Next page
  23. previous_page_of_shop: Previous page
  24. buy_unavailable_inventory: '&3You can''t buy this item'
  25. sell_unavailable_inventory: '&3You can''t sell this item'
  26. transaction:
  27. success_buy:
  28. - '&a===================================================='
  29. - '&3You spend &6$moneySpent for &6$amountItem $itemType'
  30. - '&3You have now $currentMoney'
  31. - '&a===================================================='
  32. failure_buy_no_enough_money:
  33. - '&a===================================================='
  34. - '&3You don''t have enough, You need&6 $moneyMissing more'
  35. - '&3for $amount of &6$itemType'
  36. - '&a===================================================='
  37. buy_unavailable:
  38. - '&a===================================================='
  39. - '&3You can''t buy this item'
  40. - '&a===================================================='
  41. success_sell:
  42. - '&a===================================================='
  43. - '&3You have earned &6$moneySpent for &6$amountItem $itemType'
  44. - '&3You have now $currentMoney'
  45. - '&a===================================================='
  46. failure_sell_no_item:
  47. - '&a===================================================='
  48. - '&3You can''t sell this item'
  49. - '&a===================================================='
  50. sell_unavailable:
  51. - '&a===================================================='
  52. - '&3You can''t sell this item'
  53. - '&a===================================================='
  54. admin:
  55. reload: '&a reload success'
  56. help:
  57. header: '&3&l-------------------Seller-------------------'
  58. footer: '&3------------------------------------------------'
  59. manageShop: '&3/seller manageShop <Type> &b- Manage a shop and create his file.'
  60. removeShop: '&3/seller removeShop <type> - Remove a shop and remove his file.'
  61. typeList: '&3/seller typeList &b- List the shops.'
  62. updateAllShops: '&3/seller updateAllShops &b- Update all shops from file.'
  63. reload: '&3/seller reload - to reload the config file'
  64. manageShop:
  65. save_button: '&aSave'
  66. cancel_button: '&4Cancel'
  67. command:
  68. updateAllShops: '&aNPCs inventory updated'
  69. removeShop: The file $fileName was removed
  70. shopList: 'Different types of NPCs are : $shopList'
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