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- /*
- "Big Wheel" macro pad firmware
- Copyright Sept. 2020 Zack Freedman of Voidstar Lab and edited by Omnisairen
- Licensed Creative Commons 4.0 Noncommercial Share-Alike
- This code is designed to run on this hardware:
- This was used in a YouTube video! Check it out!
- Intended for Teensy LC, but should also work on Teensy 3.X and maybe Teensy 4.0
- These hotkeys and shortcuts are designed to control Premiere Pro, but you do you fam
- REMEMBER: Tools --> USB Type --> Serial + Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick
- */
- #include <Keyboard.h>
- #include <Encoder.h>
- #include "actions.h"
- #include "pins.h"
- //#define DEBUG_SHUTTLE
- Encoder topKnob(topKnobA, topKnobB);
- Encoder middleKnob(middleKnobA, middleKnobB);
- Encoder lowerKnob(lowerKnobA, lowerKnobB);
- Encoder wheel(wheelA, wheelB);
- long lastKnobPositions[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
- int lastKnobDeltas[4];
- bool lastSwitchStates[18];
- bool debouncedSwitchStates[18];
- bool lastDebouncedSwitchStates[18];
- elapsedMillis switchDebounceTimestamps[18];
- #define switchDebounceTime 50
- int lastActions[6];
- int allActionsThisFrame[6];
- byte actionIndex = 0;
- // Used to calculate rotational velocity of big wheel
- // 1 detent = 4 pulses in the same direction
- // 1 delta = Time between two successive detents, in ms
- #define wheelDetentDeltaAverageCount 5 // More detents = smoother but laggier shuttling
- // How many ms must elapse without wheel motion before resetting velocity measurements
- // wheelTimeout must be > 1000.0 / max(abs(minimumDpsForReverse), minimumDpsForPlay)
- #define wheelTimeout 50
- // More detents = more predictable but laggier shuttling.
- // minimumWheelDetentsToAverage must be <= wheelDetentDeltaAverageCount!
- #define minimumWheelDetentsToAverage 2
- elapsedMillis timeSinceLastWheelDetent;
- long wheelDetentDeltas[wheelDetentDeltaAverageCount];
- byte wheelDetentDeltaIndex; // Used to treat wheelDetentDeltas as a circular buffer
- float averageWheelDetentDelta;
- // Shuttle states. In normal mode, one big knob detent (4 pulses) moves by 1 frame.
- // In other states, a shuttle movement (Hotkeys J or K in Premiere) is in effect.
- #define NO_STATE -255 // Shuttle state should never be this
- #define STATE_REVERSE -1
- #define STATE_NORMAL 0
- #define STATE_PLAY 1
- // Minimum speed the wheel must spin to engage a shuttle mode
- // DPS = detents per second
- // Positive = clockwise
- #define minimumDpsForTripleReverse -1140
- #define minimumDpsForDoubleReverse -1130
- #define minimumDpsForReverse -1120
- #define minimumDpsForPlay 1125
- #define minimumDpsForDoubleSpeed 1140
- #define minimumDpsForTripleSpeed 1150
- // To engage a shuttle mode, user must keep turning wheel at the threshold speed,
- // or a higher threshold speed, for this many ms.
- // Increase to make shuttling more predictable but less responsive.
- // No effect on dead stops - wheelTimeout always takes priority.
- #define timeUntilSpeedTransition 200
- int shuttleState = STATE_NORMAL;
- int stateTransitioningInto = NO_STATE;
- elapsedMillis speedTransitionTimer;
- // Special behavior - turning wheel while holding ALT key (2, 1)
- // locks the shuttle into the Play or Reverse state, making viewing more comfortable.
- // Any wheel movement, even one detent, unlocks the shuttle and returns to the Normal state.
- bool shuttleLocked = false;
- elapsedMillis shuttleLockTimer;
- #define shuttleLockout 200 // Wheel movement is ignored for this many ms after locking the shuttle.
- // Lock the system by holding ALT (2, 1) and pressing Undo (2, 6)
- bool systemLocked = false; // While the system is locked, no keystrokes are sent over USB.
- bool lockKeysLatched = false; // After locking/unlocking, both keys are disabled until both are released
- elapsedMillis ctrlGuardTimer;
- // When ALT is pressed, user might be locking system.
- // Don't send ALT until this many ms have passed.
- #define ctrlGracePeriod 50
- // Basic event buffer to collect all applicable shortcut/hotkey actions and send appropriate keystrokes
- // Up to 6 actions can be queued, because I don't think the user can realistically hit more.
- void queueAction(int action) {
- Serial.print("Action: ");
- Serial.println(action);
- #endif
- if (action != NO_ACTION && actionIndex < 7) {
- allActionsThisFrame[actionIndex] = action;
- actionIndex++;
- }
- }
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- // Prepare key matrix pins (including encoder clicks)
- // Note that the Encoder library prepares its own pins.
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- pinMode(allButtonRowPins[i], OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(allButtonRowPins[i], HIGH);
- pinMode(allButtonColumnPins[i], INPUT_PULLUP);
- }
- }
- void loop() {
- long knobPositions[] = {,,,};
- int knobDeltas[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
- bool switchStates[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) allActionsThisFrame[i] = NO_ACTION;
- actionIndex = 0;
- // This is necessary to implement shuttle lock
- bool ctrlBeingHeld = debouncedSwitchStates[15];
- if (timeSinceLastWheelDetent >= wheelTimeout) {
- if (averageWheelDetentDelta != 0)
- Serial.println("Resetting speedometer");
- #endif
- for (int i = 0; i < wheelDetentDeltaAverageCount; i++)
- wheelDetentDeltas[i] = 0;
- wheelDetentDeltaIndex = 0;
- averageWheelDetentDelta = 0;
- if (!shuttleLocked && shuttleState != STATE_NORMAL) {
- Serial.println("Stopping shuttle (timeout)");
- #endif
- Keyboard.release(MODIFIERKEY_GUI);
- Keyboard.release(KEY_K);
- if (ctrlBeingHeld)
- shuttleState = STATE_NORMAL;
- }
- stateTransitioningInto = NO_STATE;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- digitalWrite(leftButtonRowPins[i], LOW);
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- if (!digitalRead(leftButtonColumnPins[j])) {
- Serial.print("Left: ");
- Serial.print(i);
- Serial.print(',');
- Serial.print(j);
- Serial.print(" (Button ");
- Serial.print(keyMatrix[0][i][j]);
- Serial.println(')');
- #endif
- switchStates[keyMatrix[0][i][j]] = true;
- }
- }
- digitalWrite(leftButtonRowPins[i], HIGH);
- digitalWrite(rightButtonRowPins[i], LOW);
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- if (!digitalRead(rightButtonColumnPins[j])) {
- Serial.print("Right: ");
- Serial.print(i);
- Serial.print(',');
- Serial.print(j);
- Serial.print(" (Button ");
- Serial.print(keyMatrix[1][i][j]);
- Serial.println(')');
- #endif
- switchStates[keyMatrix[1][i][j]] = true;
- }
- }
- digitalWrite(rightButtonRowPins[i], HIGH);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
- if (switchStates[i] != lastSwitchStates[i]) {
- switchDebounceTimestamps[i] = 0;
- }
- if (switchDebounceTimestamps[i] >= switchDebounceTime) {
- lastDebouncedSwitchStates[i] = debouncedSwitchStates[i];
- debouncedSwitchStates[i] = switchStates[i];
- }
- // Perform most actions only on falling edge
- if (debouncedSwitchStates[i] && !lastDebouncedSwitchStates[i]) {
- // Special buttons with multiple roles
- if (i == 15) {
- if (!debouncedSwitchStates[16] && !lockKeysLatched)
- queueAction(switchAssignments[i]);
- }
- else if (i == 16) {
- if (!debouncedSwitchStates[15] && !lockKeysLatched)
- queueAction(switchAssignments[i]);
- }
- else {
- Serial.print("Queuing action ");
- Serial.println(switchAssignments[i]);
- #endif
- queueAction(switchAssignments[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!debouncedSwitchStates[15] && lastDebouncedSwitchStates[15]) {
- Keyboard.release(MODIFIERKEY_GUI);
- Serial.println("Ctrl up");
- }
- if (!systemLocked) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (abs(knobPositions[i] - lastKnobPositions[i]) >= 4) {
- Serial.print("Knob ");
- Serial.print(i);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.print(lastKnobPositions[i]);
- Serial.print(" --> ");
- Serial.print(knobPositions[i]);
- Serial.print(" ");
- #endif
- if (knobPositions[i] > lastKnobPositions[i]) {
- Serial.println("CW");
- #endif
- knobDeltas[i] = 1;
- }
- else {
- Serial.println("CCW");
- #endif
- knobDeltas[i] = -1;
- }
- lastKnobPositions[i] = knobPositions[i];
- }
- }
- if (knobDeltas[3] != 0) {
- wheelDetentDeltas[wheelDetentDeltaIndex] =
- long(timeSinceLastWheelDetent) * knobDeltas[3]; // Positive: CW, Negative: CCW
- wheelDetentDeltaIndex = (wheelDetentDeltaIndex + 1) % wheelDetentDeltaAverageCount; // Baby's first circular buffer
- float detentsAveraged = 0; // I think this needs to be a float or the division op will be truncated
- long runningTotal = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < wheelDetentDeltaAverageCount; i++) {
- if (wheelDetentDeltas[i] == 0) break;
- detentsAveraged++;
- runningTotal += wheelDetentDeltas[i];
- }
- if (detentsAveraged >= minimumWheelDetentsToAverage) {
- averageWheelDetentDelta = float(runningTotal) / detentsAveraged;
- Serial.print(averageWheelDetentDelta);
- Serial.print("ms --> ");
- Serial.print(1000.0 / averageWheelDetentDelta);
- Serial.println("/sec");
- #endif
- }
- timeSinceLastWheelDetent = 0;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- // CW
- if (knobDeltas[i] > 0) {
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- queueAction(topKnobAssignments[0]);
- break;
- case 1:
- queueAction(middleKnobAssignments[0]);
- break;
- case 2:
- queueAction(lowerKnobAssignments[0]);
- break;
- case 3:
- if (shuttleState == STATE_NORMAL)
- queueAction(wheelAssignments[0]);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // CCW
- else if (knobDeltas[i] < 0) {
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- queueAction(topKnobAssignments[1]);
- break;
- case 1:
- queueAction(middleKnobAssignments[1]);
- break;
- case 2:
- queueAction(lowerKnobAssignments[1]);
- break;
- case 3:
- if (shuttleState == STATE_NORMAL)
- queueAction(wheelAssignments[1]);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (debouncedSwitchStates[15]) { // Lock shuttle if CTRL is held
- if (shuttleLockTimer > shuttleLockout && knobDeltas[3] != 0) {
- Keyboard.release(MODIFIERKEY_GUI);
- Serial.print("Knob position: ");
- Serial.print(knobPositions[3]);
- Serial.print(" Last position: ");
- Serial.println(lastKnobPositions[3]);
- if (knobDeltas[3] == 1) {
- if (shuttleState != STATE_PLAY) {
- Serial.println("Locking shuttle in Play");
- #endif
- shuttleState = STATE_PLAY;
- Keyboard.release(KEY_K);
- Keyboard.release(KEY_L);
- }
- }
- else if (knobDeltas[3] == -1) {
- if (shuttleState != STATE_REVERSE) {
- Serial.println("Locking shuttle in Reverse");
- #endif
- shuttleState = STATE_REVERSE;
- Keyboard.release(KEY_K);
- Keyboard.release(KEY_J);
- }
- }
- stateTransitioningInto = NO_STATE;
- shuttleLocked = true;
- shuttleLockTimer = 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (knobDeltas[3] != 0 && shuttleLocked) {
- Serial.print("Shuttle unlocked");
- #endif
- Keyboard.release(KEY_K);
- shuttleState = STATE_NORMAL;
- shuttleLocked = false;
- }
- int stateShuttleShouldBeIn = NO_STATE;
- if (averageWheelDetentDelta == 0) { // If wheel is still, remain locked or return to frame-by-frame scrubbing
- if (shuttleLocked)
- stateShuttleShouldBeIn = shuttleState;
- else
- stateShuttleShouldBeIn = STATE_NORMAL;
- }
- else { // Wheel is moving and ALT is up. Are we moving fast enough to shuttle?
- float clicksPerSecond = 1000.0 / averageWheelDetentDelta;
- if (clicksPerSecond >= minimumDpsForTripleSpeed)
- stateShuttleShouldBeIn = STATE_TRIPLE_PLAY;
- else if (clicksPerSecond >= minimumDpsForDoubleSpeed)
- stateShuttleShouldBeIn = STATE_DOUBLE_PLAY;
- else if (clicksPerSecond >= minimumDpsForPlay)
- stateShuttleShouldBeIn = STATE_PLAY;
- else if (clicksPerSecond <= minimumDpsForTripleReverse)
- stateShuttleShouldBeIn = STATE_TRIPLE_REVERSE;
- else if (clicksPerSecond <= minimumDpsForDoubleReverse)
- stateShuttleShouldBeIn = STATE_DOUBLE_REVERSE;
- else if (clicksPerSecond <= minimumDpsForReverse)
- stateShuttleShouldBeIn = STATE_REVERSE;
- else
- stateShuttleShouldBeIn = STATE_NORMAL;
- }
- if (shuttleState == stateShuttleShouldBeIn) { // No need to change state - we're already there
- if (stateTransitioningInto != NO_STATE) {
- Serial.println("Cancelling transition");
- #endif
- speedTransitionTimer = 0;
- }
- stateTransitioningInto = NO_STATE;
- }
- // To switch into a shuttle state, the wheel needs to keep spinning
- // at the appropriate speed or faster for a period of time.
- else if (stateTransitioningInto == stateShuttleShouldBeIn ||
- (stateTransitioningInto < 0 && stateShuttleShouldBeIn < stateTransitioningInto) ||
- (stateTransitioningInto > 0 && stateShuttleShouldBeIn > stateTransitioningInto)) {
- if (speedTransitionTimer >= timeUntilSpeedTransition) {
- if (stateTransitioningInto == STATE_NORMAL) {
- // Any transition to normal mode (frame-by-frame scrubbing) happens immediately.
- // The user must be able to precisely control the playhead at a moment's notice.
- Serial.println("Stopping shuttle (slowdown)");
- #endif
- Keyboard.release(KEY_K);
- }
- else {
- if (stateTransitioningInto == NO_STATE) {
- Serial.println("Tried to transition into NO_STATE");
- #endif
- }
- else {
- // Successive presses of the J and L keys control shuttle speed in Premiere Pro.
- // Pressing L starts shuttling at normal speed, L again goes to double speed,
- // then J goes back to normal speed, then J twice more reverses
- byte shiftsToPerform = abs(shuttleState - stateTransitioningInto);
- bool shiftDirection = stateTransitioningInto > shuttleState;
- Serial.print(shiftDirection ? ">>> " : "<<< ");
- Serial.print("Shifting shuttle speed ");
- Serial.print(shiftDirection ? "up " : "down ");
- Serial.print(shiftsToPerform);
- Serial.print(" times, from ");
- Serial.print(shuttleState);
- Serial.print(" to ");
- Serial.println(stateTransitioningInto);
- #endif
- if (shuttleLocked) // We can adjust the speed of a locked shuttle...
- Keyboard.release(MODIFIERKEY_GUI); // ...but not by pressing CTRL + L
- for (int i = 0; i < shiftsToPerform; i++) {
- if (shiftDirection) {
- Keyboard.release(KEY_L);
- }
- else {
- Keyboard.release(KEY_J);
- }
- }
- if (shuttleLocked)
- }
- }
- shuttleState = stateTransitioningInto;
- stateTransitioningInto = NO_STATE;
- }
- }
- else {
- Serial.print("Starting transition to ");
- Serial.println(stateShuttleShouldBeIn);
- #endif
- stateTransitioningInto = stateShuttleShouldBeIn;
- speedTransitionTimer = 0;
- }
- }
- if (timeSinceLastWheelDetent >= wheelTimeout) {
- for (int i = 0; i < wheelDetentDeltaAverageCount; i++)
- wheelDetentDeltas[i] = 0;
- wheelDetentDeltaIndex = 0;
- }
- // Good for making your own thresholds for shuttling
- if (averageWheelDetentDelta == 0)
- Serial.println(0.0);
- else
- Serial.println(1000.0 / averageWheelDetentDelta);
- #endif
- }
- if (!systemLocked) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- bool actionAlreadyDone = false;
- if (allActionsThisFrame[i] == NO_ACTION) continue;
- for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
- if (lastActions[j] == allActionsThisFrame[i]) {
- actionAlreadyDone = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!actionAlreadyDone) {
- performAction(allActionsThisFrame[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!debouncedSwitchStates[15] && !debouncedSwitchStates[16])
- lockKeysLatched = false;
- if (debouncedSwitchStates[15] && debouncedSwitchStates[16] && !lockKeysLatched) {
- Keyboard.releaseAll();
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- lastActions[i] = 0;
- allActionsThisFrame[i] = 0;
- }
- if (systemLocked) {
- Serial.println("System unlocked");
- systemLocked = false;
- }
- else {
- Serial.println("System locked");
- systemLocked = true;
- }
- lockKeysLatched = true;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- lastActions[i] = allActionsThisFrame[i];
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- lastKnobDeltas[i] = knobDeltas[i];
- for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
- lastSwitchStates[i] = switchStates[i];
- // Don't kick computer in the crotch with firehose of USB traffic
- delay(10);
- #endif
- }
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