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a guest
Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. "I can't understand a word you're saying"
  2. - That's either because my mumbling is at its worse, or because I'm speaking Danish to my fellow Danish people/friends!
  4. "What are you doing?"
  5. - I'm speedrunning! I'm trying to finish the game I'm playing as fast as possible.
  7. "Why do you keep resetting the game?"
  8. - If Pokémon: I need the right stats on my Pokémon to be able to go as fast as possible.
  9. - If GTA:SA: Because I get easily bothered by small mistakes, and think I might as well practice by resetting.
  11. "Who made your avatar?"
  12. - It was made by [chibidesuu](! (No, she doesn't do free comisssions)
  14. "Who can become mod?"
  15. - Basically; people who I trust won't abuse the mod-powers, and that I know can be helpful in certain situations.
  17. "I can't type in chat?!"
  18. - That either means you're banned, on timeout, or don't have an approved email on your account. I have toggled this setting to avoid silly trolls.
  20. "How often do you stream?"
  21. - As often as I can! Lately, speedrunning has become my escape from when I don't want to do real life/YouTube-related stuff.
  23. "Do you play on emulators?"
  24. - Not as of now, I have a capture card, GameCube and a GameBoy Player. Read the 'Setup'-section to learn more!
  26. "How did you get into speedrunning?"
  27. - I got fascinated by watching [WasabiKnight]( running Pokémon Crystal some time ago. Ever since then, I started watching other runners, things like GDQ and ESA, and now I almost don't watch anything else but speedrunning on Twitch. I'm fascinated because of a mixture of nostalgia, competition, and a good excuse to play my favorite games.
  29. "I'm confused by something. Mind if I ask you about it?"
  30. - Not at all, feel free to do so! I love speaking to people in chat.
  32. "Who's your favorite Pokémon?"
  33. - Lugia, followed by Oshawott, Litten and Scizor!
  35. "When did you start playing Pokémon?"
  36. - When I was 5 years old and got a copy of Silver Version with a GameBoy Color.
  38. "What's your favorite game?"
  39. - Pokémon Soul Silver!
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