

Feb 14th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Official FunSCP Eu-North SCP:SL Server Rules
  4. Contact me in discord LDannu#0001
  5. or
  6. by joining the discord server
  8. RULES
  10. 1. Always follow staff directions.
  11. 2. No SCP:SL or Server Staff impersonation.
  12. 3. No cheating, Doing so will result in a global ban from all SCP Secret Laboratory servers.
  13. 4. Don't exploit.
  14. > Don't use game exploits in your favour. Like jumping down the pole of 939 spawn or standing on top of shelves.
  15. 5. Do not close doors on teammates or lock them in rooms!
  16. 6. Spawn camping/killing is forbidden.
  17. 7. Camping is forbidden. Do not delay the round longer than necessary.
  18. 8. No racism. This will result in a 50yr/perm ban.
  19. 9. Do not play music in spectator or on the intercom and don't mic spam in general.
  20. > keep soundboards to a minimum
  21. 10. Teaming is not allowed (Except between Chaos and SCP)
  22. > Sparing someone's life is not considered teaming. Just make sure you go your separate ways.
  23. 11. No extended talk in any other language than English.
  24. 12. Do NOT kill scps as SCP-079.
  25. 13. No advertising youtube/twitch/discord etc in any way.
  26. 14. Misusing/Abusing the AFK System is not allowed.
  27. 15. Abiding by Steam Terms of Service, you may not play under the age of 13.
  28. 16. Personal Harassment is forbidden.
  29. 17. Any and all topics that contain either NSFW, NSFL or any other topic connected to something sexual is prohibited.
  30. > This includes, but is not limited to playing sexual sounds/moans or telling someone something about these topics.
  31. 18. No sexism.
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