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a guest
Sep 3rd, 2018
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  1. Unable to stop tasks
  2. [
  3. {
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  31. }
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  36. "healthStatus": "UNKNOWN",
  37. "connectivity": "CONNECTED",
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  39. "containers": [
  40. {
  41. "name": "niche-management-api",
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  53. "hostPort": 32789,
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  55. },
  56. {
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  59. "hostPort": 2552,
  60. "protocol": "tcp"
  61. }
  62. ],
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  64. "containerDefinition": {
  65. "dnsSearchDomains": null,
  66. "logConfiguration": {
  67. "logDriver": "awslogs",
  68. "options": {
  69. "awslogs-group": "niche-management-api-staging-07",
  70. "awslogs-region": "ap-southeast-2",
  71. "awslogs-stream-prefix": "niche-management-api-staging-07"
  72. }
  73. },
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  76. {
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  79. "containerPort": 9000
  80. },
  81. {
  82. "hostPort": 2552,
  83. "protocol": "tcp",
  84. "containerPort": 2552
  85. }
  86. ],
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  90. "environment": [
  91. {
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  93. "value": "10"
  94. },
  95. {
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  97. "value": "jy68RZgvZEtOfDl3JscrIjHw"
  98. },
  99. {
  100. "name": "INFLUX_DB_URL",
  101. "value": ""
  102. },
  103. {
  104. "name": "INFLUX_DB_PASS",
  105. "value": ""
  106. },
  107. {
  108. "name": "DB_USER",
  109. "value": "root"
  110. },
  111. {
  112. "name": "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID",
  113. "value": ""
  114. },
  115. {
  116. "name": "DB_MAX_CONNECTIONS",
  117. "value": "10"
  118. },
  119. {
  120. "name": "DB_NAME",
  121. "value": "niche_management_api"
  122. },
  123. {
  124. "name": "STATSD_PORT",
  125. "value": "8125"
  126. },
  127. {
  128. "name": "REDIS_DB_HOST",
  129. "value": ""
  130. },
  131. {
  132. "name": "APPLICATION_ENV",
  133. "value": "staging"
  134. },
  135. {
  136. "name": "DB_HOST",
  137. "value": ""
  138. },
  139. {
  140. "name": "REDIS_DB_PORT",
  141. "value": "6379"
  142. },
  143. {
  144. "name": "STATSD_HOST",
  145. "value": ""
  146. },
  147. {
  148. "name": "CLIENT_PASSWORD",
  149. "value": "password"
  150. },
  151. {
  152. "name": "DB_PASS",
  153. "value": "abcd1234"
  154. },
  155. {
  156. "name": "DB_URL",
  157. "value": "jdbc:mysql://"
  158. },
  159. {
  160. "name": "INFLUX_DB_NAME",
  161. "value": ""
  162. },
  163. {
  164. "name": "INFLUX_DB_USER",
  165. "value": ""
  166. }
  167. ],
  168. "ulimits": [
  169. {
  170. "name": "nofile",
  171. "softLimit": 8192,
  172. "hardLimit": 8192
  173. }
  174. ],
  175. "repositoryCredentials": null,
  176. "dnsServers": null,
  177. "mountPoints": [
  178. {
  179. "readOnly": false,
  180. "containerPath": "/var/log/nginx",
  181. "sourceVolume": "niche-management-api-volume"
  182. },
  183. {
  184. "readOnly": true,
  185. "containerPath": "/etc/instance-metadata",
  186. "sourceVolume": "instance-metadata-volume"
  187. }
  188. ],
  189. "workingDirectory": null,
  190. "dockerSecurityOptions": null,
  191. "memory": null,
  192. "memoryReservation": 1024,
  193. "volumesFrom": [],
  194. "image": "",
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  196. "healthCheck": null,
  197. "essential": true,
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  199. "hostname": null,
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  201. "user": "root",
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  203. "dockerLabels": null,
  204. "privileged": null,
  205. "name": "niche-management-api"
  206. },
  207. "ec2IpAddress": "",
  208. "overrides": {
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  210. "containerOverrides": [
  211. {
  212. "memory": null,
  213. "cpu": null,
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  218. }
  219. ],
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  221. }
  222. }
  223. ],
  224. "cpu": "512",
  225. "stoppingAt": null,
  226. "launchType": "EC2",
  227. "platformVersion": null
  228. }
  229. ]
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