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Someone Spiritual Please Help Me

a guest
Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. Hello, my name is Payton. I’m 16 years old. My whole life I’ve been very spiritual and my mom is too. I am very sensitive and I talk to my angels and god. I’ve also have been to a real angel reader 3 times and have gotten reiki done. I’ve always had vivid dreams my whole life. In my dreams I see and talk to my guides and god and it feels very real. I believe I’m actually talking to them and they are trying to give me messages through dreams. For the past year I’ve been getting this dream, in this dream my guides and god are telling me I need to get pregnant soon. They tell me there’s this miracle baby waiting on the other side to come in. They tell me in my dream if I don’t have this child soon I will not fulfill my soul purpose and will be lost on what I will do for the future. They tell me I won’t be happy and will get sad that I’m not fulfilling my purpose. They also say in the dream that the father of this child must and can only be my father. Now, all this sounds crazy, but it’s been happening every night that I can’t help but wonder if it’s true. I am not going to follow what they are telling me to do obviously but I can’t help but wonder if it’s true, it makes me sad because right now I’m going through a hard time of depression and lose on what I want to do or like. I feel stuck and like a zombie and in the dream they say this won’t get resolved until I have this child. The dream feels really real I can see the angels and god telling me this in the dream. I’ve asked them to please give me clarity on what this dream means, but they always tell me there isn’t an underlying meaning the meaning is straightforward. I am very confused and sad I need someone to just help give me clarity and help me.
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