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Jul 19th, 2018
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text 5.86 KB | None | 0 0
  1. babcdefgh
  2. ByteEnumerator cannot move forward
  3. Returning 2 bytes only, bit start and end must contain at most 2 bytes
  4. Data head is not withing the bounds of the indices.
  5. Data tail is not withing the bounds of the indices.
  6. Enumerator has not been Initialized
  8. VarFileInfo
  9. Translation
  10. StringFileInfo
  11. CompanyName
  12. Respironics, Inc.
  13. FileDescription
  14. FileVersion
  15. InternalName
  16. Encore.BL.DataParsing.Common.dll
  17. LegalCopyright
  18. Copyright
  19. LegalTrademarks
  20. Sense and Simplicity
  21. OriginalFilename
  22. Encore.BL.DataParsing.Common.dll
  23. ProductVersion
  24. Assembly Version
  25. !This program cannot be run in DOS mode
  26. .text
  27. `.reloc
  28. B.rsrc
  29. lZkX
  30. lZkX
  31. lZkX
  32. k[oO
  33. k[oP
  34. k[oQ
  35. moT
  36. lZkX
  37. lZkX
  38. lZkX
  39. lZkX
  40. lZkX
  41. lZkX
  42. lZkX
  43. lZkX
  44. lZkX
  45. k[oa
  46. k[ob
  47. k[oc
  48. k[od
  49. k[oe
  50. k[of
  51. k[og
  52. k[oh
  53. BSJB
  54. #Strings
  55. #GUID
  56. #Blob
  57. Encore.BL.DataParsing.Common.dll
  58. Object
  59. System
  60. IEnumerator
  61. System.Collections
  62. IEnumerable
  63. ArrayList
  64. IList`1
  65. System.Collections.Generic
  66. IList
  67. List`1
  68. PatientTherapyDeviceData
  69. Encore.PTD.DataContainers
  70. DateTime
  71. TherapySessions
  72. TherapySession
  73. StateChangeEvent
  74. Encore.PTD.DataContainers.Events
  75. DeviceEvent
  76. TimeSpan
  77. IDeviceDataFormat
  78. XmlNode
  79. System.Xml
  80. OutAttribute
  81. System.Runtime.InteropServices
  82. AssemblyTitleAttribute
  83. System.Reflection
  84. AssemblyDescriptionAttribute
  85. AssemblyConfigurationAttribute
  86. AssemblyCompanyAttribute
  87. AssemblyProductAttribute
  88. AssemblyCopyrightAttribute
  89. AssemblyTrademarkAttribute
  90. AssemblyCultureAttribute
  91. AssemblyVersionAttribute
  92. AssemblyDelaySignAttribute
  93. AssemblyKeyFileAttribute
  94. AssemblyKeyNameAttribute
  95. CompilationRelaxationsAttribute
  96. System.Runtime.CompilerServices
  97. RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute
  98. ParsingException
  99. Encore.Exception
  100. Convert
  101. CompilerGeneratedAttribute
  102. Byte
  103. UInt32
  104. ArgumentOutOfRangeException
  105. ASCIIEncoding
  106. System.Text
  107. Encoding
  108. DefaultMemberAttribute
  109. IndexOutOfRangeException
  110. InvalidOperationException
  111. SerializableAttribute
  112. SortedDictionary`2
  113. IEnumerator`1
  114. IDictionary`2
  115. IDisposable
  116. TherapyModes
  117. Encore.DataContainers
  118. SourceCategories
  119. Encore.TherapyData.DataContainer.Base
  120. DeviceDataSource
  121. TransportTypes
  122. ClassicTrendSummary
  123. Encore.PTD.DataContainers.Statistics.SessionSummary
  124. Enumerator
  125. PressureChangeEvent
  126. PressureChangeEventType
  127. SettingsChangeEvent
  128. SettingsChangeEventType
  129. SessionStatisticData
  130. Encore.PTD.DataContainers.Statistics
  131. FlowEvent
  132. FlowEventType
  133. CompleteSummary
  134. VentilatorTrendSummary
  135. SynchronyTrendSummary
  136. TherapyEvent
  137. TherapyEventType
  138. Math
  139. SessionStopConditions
  140. SessionStartConditions
  141. DeviceSpecificTherapyData
  142. PatientConnection
  143. DeviceEventCategory
  144. StateChangeEventType
  145. <Module>
  146. ByteEnumerator
  147. Encore.BL.DataParsing.Common
  148. ByteManipulator
  149. DataBlockAsCircularQ
  150. DataEnumerator
  151. TherapyDeviceDataFactory
  152. Encore.BL.DataParsing.Common.Decoders
  153. ICircularDataBlock
  154. IDeviceDataFormatFactory
  155. Encore.BL.DataParsing.Common.Interfaces
  156. IDeviceDataFormatFactoryFromSmartCard
  157. IDeviceDataFormatFactoryFromXML
  158. IDeviceDataFormatFromRTP
  159. OneTimeCircularQEnumerator
  160. realEnumerator
  161. mask2B16b
  162. mask2B13b
  163. mask2B12b
  164. mask2B11b
  165. mask2B7b
  166. mask2B6b
  167. mask2B5b
  168. mask2B4b
  169. mask2B3b
  170. mask2B2b
  171. mask2B1b
  172. mask1B8b
  173. mask1B7b
  174. mask1B6b
  175. mask1B5b
  176. mask1B4b
  177. mask1B3b
  178. mask1B2b
  179. mask1B1b
  180. <ByteOrderLittleEndian>k__BackingField
  181. data
  182. startBlock
  183. endBlock
  184. dataHead
  185. dataTail
  186. enumeratorData
  187. curIndex
  188. endDataIndex
  189. peekIndex
  190. curPos
  191. lowerBoundary
  192. upperBoundary
  193. qData
  194. wrapped
  195. wrappingWillHappen
  196. .ctor
  197. Reset
  198. get_Current
  199. TryMoveNext
  200. MoveNext
  201. get_CurrentByte
  202. TryMove
  203. Move
  204. UintToTwoByte
  205. TwoByte
  206. TryTwoByte
  207. ThreeByte
  208. UintToThreeByte
  209. TryThreeByte
  210. FourByte
  211. UintToFourByte
  212. TryFourByte
  213. sevenByte
  214. eightByte
  215. nineByte
  216. ExtractBits
  217. ConvertStringToByteArray
  218. get_Item
  219. GetEnumerator
  220. TryGetNext
  221. SetPeekToCurrent
  222. get_PeekCurrent
  223. PeekMoveNext
  224. PeekMove
  225. Merge
  226. GenerateClassicTrendSummaries
  227. GenerateMinuteVentForVentilator
  228. GenerateSynchronyTrendSummaries
  229. EpisodicToDurationBasedSession
  230. get_BeginData
  231. set_BeginData
  232. get_EndData
  233. set_EndData
  234. get_BlockLoBoundary
  235. set_BlockLoBoundary
  236. get_BlockHiBoundary
  237. set_BlockHiBoundary
  238. Create
  239. get_AnythingLeft
  240. get_HowManyBytesRemain
  241. ReWind
  242. Peek
  243. ienumerator
  244. count
  245. value
  246. swapEnds
  247. byte1
  248. byte0
  249. qEnumerator
  250. position
  251. enumerator
  252. dataStartIndex
  253. bitStart
  254. size
  255. stringToConvert
  256. startDataBlockIndex
  257. endDataBlockIndex
  258. dataHeadIndex
  259. dataTailIndex
  260. index
  261. tdd1
  262. tdd2
  263. startTime
  264. endTime
  265. therapySessions
  266. episodicSession
  267. pressurePeriod
  268. otherPeriod
  269. ptdd
  270. ddf
  271. xmlNodeDeviceDataDownload
  272. logs
  273. someThingToPeek
  274. ToByte
  275. ToUInt32
  276. Add
  277. GetBytes
  278. get_Count
  279. get_Sessions
  280. get_SessionStartTime
  281. Dispose
  282. get_Duration
  283. op_Addition
  284. op_GreaterThan
  285. op_LessThan
  286. ContainsKey
  287. get_TotalSeconds
  288. get_TherapyMode
  289. get_EndRange
  290. get_SerialNumber
  291. set_SerialNumber
  292. get_ModelNumber
  293. set_ModelNumber
  294. get_DeviceFirmwareVersion
  295. set_DeviceFirmwareVersion
  296. get_DataSourceCategory
  297. set_DataSourceCategory
  298. get_DataSource
  299. set_DataSource
  300. get_TransportSource
  301. set_TransportSource
  302. Zero
  303. get_EventLog
  304. get_Type
  305. get_Value
  306. set_AvgCpap
  307. set_AvgEpap
  308. set_AvgIpap
  309. set_OverallMaxAPAPsetting
  310. set_OverallMinAPAPsetting
  311. set_LastHumidifierSetting
  312. set_LastFlexSetting
  313. set_LastCPAPpressure
  314. set_LastIPAPpressure
  315. set_LastEPAPpressure
  316. AddStatistics
  317. get_CompleteSummary
  318. set_AvgMinuteVent
  319. Abs
  320. set_AvgBreathRate
  321. set_AvgCPAP
  322. set_AvgEPAP
  323. set_AvgIPAP
  324. set_AvgExhaledTidal
  325. set_AvgPeakInsFlow
  326. set_AvgTrigBreath
  327. set_ApneaAlarmCount
  328. set_HighPressureOutCount
  329. set_LowMinuteVentCount
  330. set_LowPressureOutCount
  331. set_LowPressureSupportCount
  332. set_LowTidalVolumeCount
  333. set_PatientDisconnectCount
  334. set_TherapyMode
  335. set_Duration
  336. get_StopCondition
  337. set_StopCondition
  338. get_StartCondition
  339. set_StartCondition
  340. get_SessionStatistics
  341. set_SessionStatistics
  342. get_SessionID
  343. set_SessionID
  344. get_DeviceSpecificTherapySessionData
  345. set_DeviceSpecificTherapySessionData
  346. get_PatientConnections
  347. set_PatientConnections
  348. get_HasPeriodicData
  349. set_HasPeriodicData
  350. get_EventType
  351. FromSeconds
  352. AddEvent
  353. get_EventRelativeTime
  354. Clear
  355. op_GreaterThanOrEqual
  356. op_LessThanOrEqual
  357. Remove
  358. set_EventRelativeTime
  359. op_Subtraction
  360. RemoveAt
  361. set_Type
  362. get_Pressure
  363. get_Setting
  364. Current
  365. CurrentByte
  366. Item
  367. PeekCurrent
  368. BeginData
  369. EndData
  370. BlockLoBoundary
  371. BlockHiBoundary
  372. AnythingLeft
  373. HowManyBytesRemain
  374. mscorlib
  375. pRj
  376. Respironics, Inc.
  377. WrapNonExceptionThrows
  378. Sense and Simplicity
  379. Copyright
  380. Item
  381. _CorDllMain
  382. mscoree.dll
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