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Jun 20th, 2019
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  1. # - #3 Describe 4 SCPs in your own words.
  2. #### SCP-999 Object class Safe. Appears to be a orange blob. SCP-999 Is joyful and will play with foundation personnel. Contact with SCP-999 will cause suspect to be happier as shown during a test with SCP-999 and SCP-682.
  4. SCP-682 Object class Keter. SCP-682 appears to be a reptile like creature. SCP-682 and vary in size as it consumes and shreds material, SCP-682 is always seen to have a lot of strength depending on size. Also is seen to be very intelligent and can communicate also has a hatred to all forms of life.
  6. SCP-049 Object class Euclid. SCP-049 appears to be a old plague doctor, SCP-049 is able to communicate. SCP-049 will go after certain people and touch them, his touch is very lethal. SCP-049 will then do "surgery" on the suspect. The suspect will later then be called SCP-049-2 if the subject get up. SCP-049-2 will then roam till it finds a human and start trying to kill the person.
  8. SCP-096 Object class Keter. SCP-096 appears to be a humanoid creature that is pail white. SCP-096 has great strength and have shown the ability to rip down doors. If anyone views it's face no matter what SCP-096 will start running to the person who viewed its face ad kill them. Once subject is killed SCP-096 will sit down for several minutes.
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