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Aspartagus App For Saiyan

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Feb 17th, 2018
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  1. Byond Key: Max Jets
  2. Character Name: Aspartagus
  3. Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  4. Character Description: A Saiyan Who is fueld from strength
  5. Saiyan Topic: Savagery
  7. Aspartagus looked upon the Tsujins before him, frail, sick, old and most of all weak. The very sight of them sickened him to his stomach; the Tsujins could not survive on their own relying on the technology that they created, their artificial intelligence doing all of the labouring work while they hid down here, they were too weak to face the surface environment of Vegeta. He chuckled to himself as he formulated his plan, leaving just a faint smirk on his face Aspartagus wandered out into the mass of Tsujins; he looked down upon them in their tattered rags as he saw the fear in their eyes at the sight of a Saiyan. “Fear not, Tsujins for I have come to help you. We can benefit one another Saiyan and Tsujin working in co-existence. As I can provide food you can provide me the means to get stronger”
  8. In truth Aspartagus knew the means the Tsujins relied on, technological enhancements. The idea was sickening to him, to be so weak you’d rely on a power your biological body can’t replicate. He thought of how if they simply trained they’d surpass that level with their own bodies, to a point they could hunt on their own. Yet they were too pathetic to even try. Snapping out of his own trail of thought Aspartagus noticed an old white haired Tsujin approach. “I am the leader of this enclave, Saiyan; do you truly mean your words? Will you really help us? All we need to do is make you stronger?” The Tsujin dropped to his knees gripping at the Saiyans armour, tears in his eyes began to form as he looked on pleadingly, hopeful at this opportunity.
  10. Aspartagus was a ruthless Saiyan. Vicious and unforgiving even to his own kind if he felt they did not represent the strength of his race. So to these Tsujins, he saw only one way he could help; only one way they could help him get stronger. The smirk from earlier turned into a wicked smile, his eyes glazed over as he cupped the head of the Tsujin in his hand. Aspartagus spoke softly “Of course I will help you, all of your kind. You are too weak to make it on your own. So I will show you my kindness. We will help each other…. I will slaughter you all, releasing you from this suffering of starvation and weakness; in turn you will provide me some enjoyment and training.” The Tsujin from the surface turned and began to charge at Aspartagus intent to prevent harm coming to its creators. As the reality of the words set in for the Tsujin leader a look of horror took over the Tsujins face and in the next instant Aspartagus crushed his skull, as blood, bone and brain matter scattered over the floor of Atlantis the on looking Tsujins let out screams, turning away and trying to flee.
  12. Aspartagus braced himself and turned to the side ready to face the Tsujin yet saw it curiously lying face down on the ground. Bemused he looked at his feet and saw a blood, he could not say for sure but he surprised that the Tsujin had been a primitive teen and was in pain from the blood upon his feet. The loss of one meant the loss of the other. Stepping over the corpse Aspartagus could only simply shrug at the unfortunate turn of events for the Tsujins that the one being capable of stopping them was linked to the man he had killed first. The Tsujins ran screaming in terror from their killer but they were malnourished, sick and feeble from their long reliance on the Tsujin and hiding beneath the surface. Aspartagus quickly caught up to them gripping one woman by her hair he ripped her to the ground with one hand before letting loose a charged ki blast into her open mouth as she screamed. He continued his vicious and murderous onslaught of the Tsujin people one by one he butchered them like lambs to a slaughter.
  14. In time Vegeta fell silent, the screaming had ceased. Aspartagus looked around at the blood-drenched craiters of Vegeta a disappointed look upon his face. He shook his head at the corpses of the Tsujins. “If they’d only banded together then perhaps they’d have stood a chance, pfft who am i kidding they couldnt handle my strength, for them to trust in a Saiyan, how foolish of them.” Aspartagus, grabbed anything he felt may have been of worth from the bodies mainly just a few scant resources and a single non-shattered scouter before he head out once again on to the desolate and unforgiving surface of Vegeta.
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