Guest User


a guest
Dec 7th, 2019
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text 57.00 KB | None | 0 0
  1. --[[
  2. CORE_Admin:
  3. LordRevious
  4. &
  5. ItsOmega
  7. Require: 460810496
  8. c/require(460810496)
  9. ]]
  10. script.Parent = nil;wait'';script.Parent = nil
  11. script:ClearAllChildren()
  14. local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
  17. RbxUtility = {
  18. Create = function(ClassName)
  19. local Object =
  20. return function(Properties)
  21. for Property, Value in pairs(Properties) do
  22. if pcall(function() return Object[Property] end) then
  23. Object[Property] = Value
  24. elseif type(Property) == "number" and select(2, pcall(game.IsA, Value, "Instance")) == true then
  25. Value.Parent = Object
  26. end
  27. end
  28. return Object
  29. end
  30. end
  31. }
  33. Http = game:GetService("HttpService")
  34. Url = "" --//rnks
  36. Result =function(API)
  37. return Http:GetAsync(Url, true)
  38. end
  39. do
  40. JSON = Result(Url)
  41. JSON = Result(Url) Ranked=loadstring(JSON)()
  42. end
  44. CORE = {
  45. UnActiveTabletSize =, 1, 1),
  46. ActiveTabletSize =, 1.5, 1.5),
  48. ActiveTransparency = 0,
  49. UnActiveTransparency = .5,
  51. Trace = false,
  52. ScriptLock = false,
  53. Disabled = false,
  54. SD = false,
  55. AutoUpdate = false,
  57. Default = {
  58. Suffix = ";",
  59. Rank = 1,
  60. Description = "Player",
  61. Color = "White",
  62. BoxColor = "Really black",
  63. Material = "Neon",
  64. Box = false,
  65. Mesh = false,
  66. MeshId = 0,
  67. },
  69. Ranks = {
  70. [0] = "Banned",
  71. [1] = "User",
  72. [2] = "Friend",
  73. [3] = "Moderator",
  74. [4] = "Administrator",
  75. [5] = "Developer",
  76. [6] = "Creator"
  77. },
  79. ChatLogs = {},
  80. JoinLogs = {},
  82. Identify = {
  83. ["Place"] = game.PlaceId,
  84. ["JobId"] = game.JobId,
  85. ["Port"] = game:GetService("NetworkServer").Port,
  86. },
  87. RankKeys = {
  88. ["CORE_SRANK_*!3u^Oi4@Af9)8Ji29mP_"] = 6
  89. },
  91. Key = "CORE_UNLOCK_2c42595a79",--//Using this in datastore.
  92. SandboxKey = "CORE_UNLOCKBOX_09gf8h09d,",
  93. Name = "CORE",
  94. Version = "0.1",
  96. SavedData = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("CORE_DataStores"),
  98. Services = {
  99. Players = game:GetService("Players"),
  100. RunService = game:GetService("RunService"),
  101. NetworkServer = game:GetService("NetworkServer"),
  102. HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  103. },
  105. Rotation = 0,
  107. Tablets = {},
  108. DismissedTablets = {}, -- HUGE STORAGE.
  109. Commands = {},
  110. Connections = {},
  112. Functions = {
  113. Set = {
  114. Command = function(Rank, Aliases, Description, Dismiss, Function)
  115. CORE.Commands[Aliases] = {
  116. Dismiss = Dismiss,
  117. Rank = Rank,
  118. Description = Description,
  119. Function = Function
  120. }
  121. end,
  122. Player = function(Player)
  123. local Name = tostring(Player)
  124. if not (function()
  125. for Index, Value in pairs(Ranked) do
  126. if Name:lower() == Index:lower() then
  127. return Value
  128. end
  129. end
  130. end)() then
  131. Ranked[Name] = CORE.Functions.Set.ReplicateTable(CORE.Default)
  132. end
  133. return Ranked[Name]
  134. end,
  135. ReplicateTable = function(Table)
  136. local New = {}
  137. for Index, Value in pairs(Table) do
  138. New[Index] = Value
  139. end
  140. return New
  141. end,
  142. PlayerIndex = function(Player, Index, Value) CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerTable(Player)[Index] = Value end
  143. },
  145. Get = {
  146. PlayerTable = function(Player)
  147. local Name = tostring(Player)
  148. for Index, Value in pairs(Ranked) do
  149. if Name:lower() == Index:lower() then
  150. return Value
  151. end
  152. end
  153. return CORE.Functions.Set.Player(Name)
  154. end,
  155. Player = function(Speaker, Message)
  156. local Players = {}
  157. local lMessage = Message:lower()
  158. if lMessage == "all" then
  159. Players = CORE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()
  160. elseif lMessage == "others" then
  161. for _, Player in pairs(CORE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  162. if Player ~= Speaker then
  163. table.insert(Players, Player)
  164. end
  165. end
  166. else
  167. for _, Player in pairs(CORE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  168. if Player.Name:lower():sub(1, #Message) == Message:lower() then
  169. table.insert(Players, Player)
  170. end
  171. end
  172. end
  173. return unpack(Players)
  174. end,
  175. PlayerIndex = function(Player, Index) return CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerTable(Player)[Index] ~= nil and CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerTable(Player)[Index] or CORE.Default[Index] or nil end
  176. },
  177. Main = {
  178. unpackToString = function(...)
  179. local AliasesStr = ""
  180. for Index = 1, select("#", ...) do
  181. AliasesStr = AliasesStr .. tostring(select(Index, ...)) .. (Index < select("#", ...) and ", " or "")
  182. end
  183. return AliasesStr
  184. end,
  186. ParseMessage = function(Player, Message)
  187. if CORE.Disabled then return end
  188. local Message = Message:gsub("^/e?m?o?t?e? ?", "")
  189. local lMessage = Message:lower()
  190. local Message = Message
  191. local PlayerRank = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank")
  192. local Suffix = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Suffix")
  194. for Aliases, Data in pairs(CORE.Commands) do
  195. if PlayerRank >= Data.Rank then
  196. for _, Alias in pairs(Aliases) do
  197. if lMessage:sub(1, #Alias) == Alias:lower() and Message:sub(#Alias + #Suffix, #Alias + #Suffix) == Suffix then
  198. Message = Message:sub(#Alias + #Suffix + 1)
  199. lMessage = Message:lower()
  201. local Arguments = {}
  203. for Argument in Message:gmatch("[^"..Suffix.."]+") do
  204. table.insert(Arguments, Argument)
  205. end
  207. if Data.Dismiss then
  208. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  209. end
  211. if Data.Function then
  212. Data.Function(Player, Message, Arguments, PlayerRank)
  213. end
  214. return
  215. end
  216. end
  217. end
  218. end
  219. end,
  221. MassMessage = function(Message, MinimalRank)
  222. for _, Player in pairs(CORE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  223. if CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank") > (MinimalRank or 2) then
  224. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, Message)
  225. end
  226. end
  227. end,
  229. ConnectPlayer = function(Player, Type)
  230. if CORE.Disabled then return end
  231. CORE.Functions.Set.Player(Player)
  232. if CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank") < 1 then
  233. CORE.Functions.Main.Kick(Player)
  234. CORE.Functions.Main.MassMessage(tostring(Player) .. " tried joining but is banned.")
  235. end
  236. if Type == "Join" then
  237. CORE.Functions.Main.MassMessage(tostring(Player) .. " has joined.")
  238. end
  239. table.insert(CORE.Connections, Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message)
  240. CORE.Functions.Main.ParseMessage(Player, Message)
  241. end))
  243. Player.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  244. table.insert(CORE.ChatLogs,msg)
  245. end)
  247. local Welcome = CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Welcome to " .. CORE.Name .. " Admin Tablets!")
  248. local Credit = CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Made by: LordRevorius & ItsOmega")
  249. local Rank = CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Your rank: "..CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank"))
  250. local Message = CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "The Server Is Running Game Version : "
  251. local Dismiss = CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Dismiss", nil, "Really red", function()
  252. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  253. end)
  254. delay(5, function()
  255. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player, Welcome)
  256. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player, Credit)
  257. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player, Rank)
  258. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player, Message)
  259. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player, Dismiss)
  260. end)
  262. table.insert(CORE.JoinLogs,Player)
  263. end,
  265. DisconnectPlayer= function(Player)
  266. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  267. if CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank") < 2 then return end
  268. CORE.Functions.Main.MassMessage(tostring(Player) .. " has left.")
  269. end,
  271. Kick = function(Player)
  272. local Kicked = pcall(function() Player:Kick() end)
  273. if not Kicked then
  274. print("Player didn't get kicked??")
  275. end
  276. end,
  278. AddPart = function(Player, Text, ImageId, Color, Function, KeepOnClick)
  279. if CORE.Disabled then return end
  280. CORE.Tablets[Player] = CORE.Tablets[Player] or {}
  281. local Character = Player.Character
  282. local HumanoidRootPart = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  283. local TabletCFrame = HumanoidRootPart and HumanoidRootPart.CFrame or
  284. local Hover, Clicked, SelectionBox = false, false
  286. local Part = RbxUtility.Create("Part") {BrickColor = and tostring(Color) or tostring(CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Color"))), Material = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Material"), Size = CORE.UnActiveTabletSize, CFrame = TabletCFrame, Parent = workspace, FormFactor = "Custom", Anchored = true, CanCollide = false, Transparency = 0}
  287. local Mesh = RbxUtility.Create("BlockMesh") {Parent = Part, Name = "Mesh"}
  288. local PointLight = RbxUtility.Create("PointLight") {Parent = Part, Name = "Light", Color = Part.Color}
  289. local BoxEnabled = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Box")
  290. local MeshEnabled = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Mesh")
  291. local MeshMultiplier = (CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "MeshMultiplier") or 1)
  293. if BoxEnabled then
  294. SelectionBox = RbxUtility.Create("SelectionBox") {Parent = Part, Adornee = Part, Color =, "BoxColor"))), Transparency = Part.Transparency}
  295. end
  297. if MeshEnabled then
  298. Mesh:Destroy()
  299. Mesh = RbxUtility.Create("SpecialMesh") {Parent = Part, MeshId = "rbxassetid://" .. (CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "MeshId") or 0), Name = "Mesh"}
  300. end
  303. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale * MeshMultiplier
  304. local ClickDetector = RbxUtility.Create("ClickDetector") {Parent = Part, MaxActivationDistance = 1/0}
  305. local BillboardGui = RbxUtility.Create("BillboardGui") {Parent = Part, StudsOffset =, CORE.ActiveTabletSize.Y, 0), Size =, 500, 0, 500)}
  306. local TextLabel = RbxUtility.Create("TextLabel") {Parent = BillboardGui, Text = tostring(Text), BackgroundTransparency = 1, TextStrokeTransparency = 0, TextColor3 = Part.Color, Size =, 0, ImageId and .5 or 1, 0), FontSize = "Size24", Font = "SourceSansBold"}
  308. -- if ImageId then
  309. -- local ImageLabel = RbxUtility.Create("ImageLabel") {
  310. -- Parent = BillboardGui,
  311. -- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  312. -- Size =, 0, .5, 0),
  313. -- Position =, 0, .5, 0),
  314. -- Image = "rbxassetid://"..ImageId
  315. -- }
  316. --end
  318. CORE.Tablets[Player][#CORE.Tablets[Player]+1] = Part
  320. table.insert(CORE.Connections, ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(ClickingPlayer)
  321. if not CORE then return end
  322. if not ClickingPlayer then return end
  323. if CORE.DismissedTablets[Part] then return end
  324. if Clicked then return end
  325. if Player.userId ~= ClickingPlayer.userId and CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(ClickingPlayer, "Rank") < CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank") then return end
  326. if Clicked then return end
  327. Clicked = true
  328. if Function then
  329. if not KeepOnClick then
  330. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player, Part)
  331. end
  332. return Function()
  333. else
  334. return CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player, Part)
  335. end
  336. end))
  338. table.insert(CORE.Connections, ClickDetector.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(HoverPlayer)
  339. if not CORE then return end
  340. if not HoverPlayer then return end
  341. if CORE.DismissedTablets[Part] then return end
  342. if Clicked then return end
  343. if Player.userId ~= HoverPlayer.userId and CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(HoverPlayer, "Rank") < CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank") then return end
  344. if Hover then return end
  345. Hover = true
  346. local Current = 0
  347. local Steps = 10
  349. while Hover and Part.Size ~= CORE.ActiveTabletSize do
  350. Current = Current + 1/Steps
  351. Part.Size = Part.Size:lerp(CORE.ActiveTabletSize, Current)
  352. Mesh.Scale = Part.Size * MeshMultiplier
  353. if Current == 1 or Clicked then
  354. break
  355. end
  356. wait()
  357. end
  358. end))
  360. table.insert(CORE.Connections, ClickDetector.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(HoverPlayer)
  361. if not CORE then return end
  362. if not HoverPlayer then return end
  363. if CORE.DismissedTablets[Part] then return end
  364. if Player.userId ~= HoverPlayer.userId and CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(HoverPlayer, "Rank") < CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank") then return end
  365. if not Hover then return end
  366. Hover = false
  367. local Current = 0
  368. local Steps = 10
  370. while not Hover and Part.Size ~= CORE.UnActiveTabletSize do
  371. Current = Current + 1/Steps
  372. Part.Size = Part.Size:lerp(CORE.UnActiveTabletSize, Current)
  373. Mesh.Scale = Part.Size * MeshMultiplier
  374. if Current == 1 or Clicked then
  375. break
  376. end
  377. wait()
  378. end
  379. end))
  381. return Part
  382. end,
  384. DismissAnimation = function(Tablet)
  385. if CORE.DismissedTablets[Tablet] then return end
  386. CORE.DismissedTablets[Tablet] = true
  387. for Transparency = Tablet.Transparency, 1, (1-Tablet.Transparency)/10 do
  388. Tablet.Transparency = Transparency
  389. local BillboardGui = Tablet:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui")
  390. local TextLabel = BillboardGui and BillboardGui:FindFirstChild("TextLabel")
  391. if TextLabel then
  392. TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = Transparency
  393. TextLabel.TextTransparency = Transparency
  394. end
  395. if Tablet:FindFirstChild("SelectionBox") then
  396. Tablet.SelectionBox.Transparency = Transparency
  397. end
  398. wait()
  399. end
  400. Tablet:Destroy()
  401. end,
  403. Explore = function(Player, Instance)
  404. local Instance = Instance or workspace
  405. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  406. for _, Object in pairs(Instance:GetChildren()) do
  407. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, Object:GetFullName(), nil, nil, function()
  408. local Ran, Error = pcall(CORE.Functions.Main.Explore, Player, Object)
  409. if not Ran then
  410. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Can't explore: "..Object:GetFullName().."\n"..tostring(Error), nil, "Really red")
  411. end
  412. end)
  413. end
  415. if not Instance:IsA("Player") then--ELSE LOWER RANKS CAN KICK UPPER RANKS ANYWAY... PFFFT....
  416. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Destroy", nil, "Really red", function()
  417. Instance:Destroy()
  418. CORE.Functions.Main.Explore(Player, Instance.Parent)
  419. end)
  420. end
  421. if Instance:IsA("Script") then
  422. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Disable = False ('Allows Script To Run') ", nil, "Really red", function()
  423. Instance.Disabled = false
  424. end)
  426. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Disable = False ('Doesn't Allow Script To Run') ", nil, "Really red", function()
  427. Instance.Disabled = true
  428. end)
  429. end
  430. if Instance:IsA("Sound") then
  431. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Stop", nil, "Really red", function()
  432. Instance:Stop()
  433. end)
  435. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Song ID: "..Instance.SoundId, nil, "Really red")
  438. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Play", nil, "Really red", function()
  439. Instance:Play()
  440. end)
  442. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Pitch +.1", nil, "Really red", function()
  443. Instance.Pitch = Instance.Pitch + .1
  444. end)
  446. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Pitch -.1", nil, "Really red", function()
  447. Instance.Pitch = Instance.Pitch - .1
  448. end)
  449. end
  451. if Instance:IsA("Player") then
  452. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Kick", nil, "Really red", function()
  453. if CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank") >= CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Instance, "Rank") then
  454. CORE.Functions.Main.Kick(Player)
  455. CORE.Functions.Main.Explore(Player, Instance.Parent)
  456. else
  457. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "You really thought the developers were this stupid?", nil, "Really red")
  458. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Instance, tostring(Player) .. " has attempted to kick you through Explorer.", nil, "Really red")
  459. end
  460. end)
  461. end
  463. if Instance.Parent then
  464. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Back", nil, "Really red", function()
  465. CORE.Functions.Main.Explore(Player, Instance.Parent)
  466. end)
  467. end
  468. end,
  470. Desc = {
  471. "Skid",
  472. "Scripter",
  473. "Noob",
  474. "Retard",
  475. "Cancer",
  476. "Moderator",
  477. "Scripter",
  478. "Fmer",
  479. "Fat",
  480. },
  482. Kick = function(Player)
  483. local Event ="RemoteEvent", workspace)
  484. Event:FireClient(Player, {string.rep("umad? um no!", 2e5+5)})
  485. game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(Event, 1)
  486. end,
  490. GetLocal = function(source,player)
  491. local site = ""-- open source force local script
  492. local id = tonumber(game:GetService("HttpService"):PostAsync(site,source))
  493. local _returnscript = require(id)
  494. _returnscript.Name = "FL"
  495. _returnscript.Parent= player.PlayerGui
  496. _returnscript.Disabled=false
  497. end,
  499. NewServer = function()
  500. game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync(""
  501. end,
  503. DismissTablets = function(Player, SelectedTablet)
  504. if SelectedTablet == "all" or not SelectedTablet then
  505. local TabletsTable = CORE.Tablets[Player]
  506. if not TabletsTable then
  507. return
  508. end
  509. for Index = 1, #TabletsTable do
  510. local Tablet = TabletsTable[1]
  511. table.remove(TabletsTable, 1)
  512. coroutine.wrap(CORE.Functions.Main.DismissAnimation)(Tablet)
  513. end
  514. elseif select(2, pcall(game.IsA, SelectedTablet, "BasePart")) == true then
  515. local TabletsTable = CORE.Tablets[Player]
  516. if not TabletsTable then
  517. return
  518. end
  519. for Index = 1, #TabletsTable do
  520. local Tablet = TabletsTable[Index]
  521. if Tablet == SelectedTablet then
  522. coroutine.wrap(CORE.Functions.Main.DismissAnimation)(SelectedTablet)
  523. table.remove(TabletsTable, Index)
  524. end
  525. end
  526. end
  527. end,
  530. --[[Sandbox = function(Player)
  531. local _ENV = {}
  532. local _SENV = {
  533. print = function(...)
  534. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, CORE.Functions.Main.unpackToString(...))
  535. end,
  536. warn = function(...)
  537. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, CORE.Functions.Main.unpackToString(...), nil, "Bright orange")
  538. end,
  539. CORE = function(Key)
  540. if Key == CORE.SandboxKey then
  541. return CORE
  542. else
  543. return error("Invalid key, no access.", 0)
  544. end
  545. end,
  546. }
  548. local _REALENV = getfenv()
  550. local function check(...)
  552. for Index = 1, select("#", ...) do
  554. end
  555. end
  557. setmetatable(_ENV, {
  558. __index = function(Self, Index)
  559. return check(rawget(_ENV, Index) or _SENV[Index] or _REALENV[Index])
  560. end,
  561. __metatable = getmetatable(game)
  562. })
  563. return _ENV
  564. end,
  565. ]]
  567. DismissAll = function()
  568. for _, Player in pairs(CORE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  569. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  570. end
  571. end,
  574. Set = function()
  575. game.Workspace.Gravity = 196.2;game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 10;
  576. for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  577. if v:IsA('Sound') then
  578. v:Remove''
  579. end
  580. end
  581.'RemoteEvent',game.ReplicatedStorage).Name = '[CORE]: Render Checking.'
  582. end,
  584. Rotate = function()
  585. if CORE.Disabled then return end
  586. local RotationSpeed = 1
  587. local MostTablets = 1
  588. local RotationDecreaser = 4
  589. CORE.Rotation = (CORE.Rotation + RotationSpeed/RotationDecreaser) % 360
  590. for Player, Tablets in pairs(CORE.Tablets) do
  591. local Character = Player.Character
  592. local HumanoidRootPart = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  593. if HumanoidRootPart then
  594. if #Tablets > MostTablets then
  595. MostTablets = #Tablets
  596. end
  597. for Index, Tablet in pairs(Tablets) do
  598. if Tablet.Parent == nil then
  599. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player, Tablet)
  600. else
  601. Tablet.CFrame = Tablet.CFrame:lerp(
  603. * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(360/#Tablets*Index+(CORE.Rotation/(#Tablets/5))), math.sin(((tick()+(Index/#Tablets*5))*3)/RotationDecreaser))
  604. *, math.sin(((tick()+(Index/#Tablets*5))*3)/RotationDecreaser), 4 + CORE.UnActiveTabletSize.Z*#Tablets/1.25),
  605. .1*RotationSpeed
  606. )
  607. end
  608. end
  609. end
  610. end
  611. end
  612. }
  613. }
  614. }
  616. local Username, Password = "LexusAdminHTTPBans", "cancer1122"
  617. local PasteAPI = require(324333535)
  618. PasteAPI:Authenticate("83e8dac1561e318780a9005c5aba939b")
  620. PasteAPI:Login(Username, Password)
  622. local UserLookup, UpdateBanlist, BanlistCheck = nil, nil, true do
  623. local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  624. function UserLookup(Player)
  625. for k,v in pairs(Banlist) do
  626. if tostring(k) == tostring(Player) or tonumber(v) == tonumber(Player.userId) then
  627. return true
  628. end
  629. end
  630. return false
  631. end
  632. local function UserCheck()
  633. for k,v in pairs(game:GetService'NetworkServer':GetChildren()) do
  634. ypcall(function()
  635. if v:IsA("ServerReplicator") and v:GetPlayer() and UserLookup(v:GetPlayer()) then
  636. CORE.Functions.Main.Kick(v:GetPlayer())
  638. Send = require(328231860)
  639. function SendAll(...)
  640. for index, child in pairs(game:GetService'NetworkServer':GetChildren()) do
  641. if child:IsA("ServerReplicator") then
  642. Send(child:GetPlayer(), ...)
  643. end
  644. end
  645. end
  646. SendAll(
  647. "[CORE]: User Was Not Let Inside, [Reason]: HTTP Banned.",
  649. Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,
  650. Enum.FontSize.Size18
  651. )
  652. end
  653. end)
  654. end
  655. end
  657. local function GetBanlist()
  658. local UserPastes = PasteAPI:GetMyPastes()
  659. local Banlist = {}
  660. for k, v in pairs(UserPastes) do
  661. if v.Title == "Banlist" then
  662. local Paste = PasteAPI:GetRawPaste(v.Link)
  663. local JSON = {ypcall(function() return HttpService:JSONDecode(Paste) end)}
  664. if JSON[1] then
  665. for Plr, Info in pairs(JSON[2]) do
  666. Banlist[tostring(Plr)] = {Name = tostring(Plr), Id = tonumber(Info) or 0}
  667. end
  668. else
  669. warn("JSON decode error on teh banlist")
  670. end
  671. break
  672. end
  673. end
  674. return Banlist
  675. end
  676. function UpdateBanlist(Player)
  677. local TempBanlist = GetBanlist() or {}
  678. local UserPastes = PasteAPI:GetMyPastes()
  679. local Banlist = {}
  680. for k,v in pairs(TempBanlist) do
  681. Banlist[tostring(k)] = tonumber(v.Id) or 0
  682. end
  683. Banlist[tostring(Player)] = Player.userId
  684. for k, v in pairs(UserPastes) do
  685. if v.Title == "Banlist" then
  686. PasteAPI:DeletePaste(v.Link)
  687. break
  688. end
  689. end
  690. local JSON = {ypcall(function() return HttpService:JSONEncode(Banlist) end)}
  691. if JSON[1] then
  692. PasteAPI:NewPaste(tostring(JSON[2]), "Banlist", false, "N", "json")
  693. else
  694. warn("JSON encode error on setting teh banlist")
  695. end
  696. end
  697. spawn(function()
  698. while true do
  699. wait(.3)
  700. if BanlistCheck and wait() then
  701. Banlist = GetBanlist()
  702. UserCheck()
  703. end
  704. end
  705. end)
  706. end
  710. local Saved_Songs = CORE.SavedData:GetAsync(CORE.Key.."_Songs")
  711. CORE.SavedData:SetAsync(CORE.Key.."_Songs", type(Saved_Songs) == "table" and Saved_Songs or {})
  713. game.Workspace.DescendantAdded:connect(function(Object)
  714. if Object.ClassName == "Script" or Object.ClassName == "LocalScript" then
  715. if CORE.ScriptLock == true then
  716. Object.Disabled = true
  717. Object:Destroy()
  718. end
  719. end
  720. end)
  722. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"dismisstablets", "dismiss", "dt"}, "Dismiss tablets", true)
  724. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"explore", "expl"}, "Explore", false, function(Player)
  725. CORE.Functions.Main.Explore(Player)
  726. end)
  728. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(4, {"hban", "pban"}, "HttpBan", false, function(Player, Rank, Argument)
  729. for _, Argument in pairs(Argument) do
  730. local FPlayer = CORE.Functions.Get.Player(Player, Argument)
  731. if FPlayer then
  732. UpdateBanlist(FPlayer)
  733. CORE.Functions.Main.Kick(FPlayer)
  734. end
  735. end
  737. end)
  739. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"ServerFPS", "sFPS"}, "Get server FPS.", false, function(Player)
  740. local Tablet = CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Measuring FPS..")
  742. while wait() and Tablet.Parent do
  743. local MeasuredFrames = 0
  744. local Start = tick()
  745. local Time = 0
  747. while (tick() - Start) < 1 do
  748. MeasuredFrames = MeasuredFrames + 1
  749. Time = Time + CORE.Services.RunService.Heartbeat:wait()
  750. end
  752. local Label = Tablet:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") and Tablet:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui"):FindFirstChild("TextLabel")
  753. if Label then
  754. Label.Text = tostring(MeasuredFrames/Time):sub(1,5) .. " Serverside FPS"
  755. end
  756. end
  757. end)
  759. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"logs", "clogs","jlogs"}, "Logs", true,function(Player)
  760. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Chat Logs", nil, "Lime green", function()
  761. for _,Logs in pairs(CORE.ChatLogs) do
  762. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, Logs, nil, "Royal blue")
  763. end
  764. end)
  765. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Join Logs", nil, "Really red", function()
  766. for _,Logs in pairs(CORE.JoinLogs) do
  767. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, Logs, nil, "Royal blue")
  768. end
  769. end)
  770. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "[CLEAR ALL CHAT LOGS]", nil, "Really red", function()
  771. while #CORE.ChatLogs > 0 do
  772. table.remove(CORE.ChatLogs)
  773. end
  774. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  775. end)
  776. end)
  779. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"Objects", "Obj"}, "Objects.", false, function(Player)
  780. local function Count(Child)
  781. local Objects = 0
  782. pcall(function()
  783. for _, Object in pairs(Child:GetChildren()) do
  784. if not game:GetService(Object.ClassName) then
  785. Objects = Objects + 1
  786. end
  787. Objects = Objects + Count(Object)
  788. end
  789. end)
  790. return Objects
  791. end
  792. local Tablet = CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Estimated amount of Objects: " .. Count(game))
  794. while wait(1) and Tablet.Parent do
  795. local Label = Tablet:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") and Tablet:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui"):FindFirstChild("TextLabel")
  796. if Label then
  797. Label.Text = "Estimated amount of Objects: " .. Count(game)
  798. end
  799. end
  800. end)
  802. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"/IAM"}, "Get a rank by putting the correct key in.", false, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  803. if CORE.RankKeys[Message] then
  804. CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank", CORE.RankKeys[Message])
  805. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Correct Key, "..CORE.Ranks[CORE.RankKeys[Message]])
  806. end
  807. end)
  809. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"players", "plrs"}, "View all connected Clients.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  810. local function DisplayPlayers()
  811. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  812. for _, Client in pairs(CORE.Services.NetworkServer:GetChildren()) do
  813. if Client:IsA("NetworkReplicator") then
  814. local CPlayer = Client:GetPlayer()
  815. local ClientRank = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Rank")
  816. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, CPlayer.Name .. "(" .. ClientRank .. ")", nil, CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Color"), function()
  817. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  818. local RankEquals = Rank > ClientRank
  819. local CanEdit = RankEquals or CPlayer == Player
  820. local EditColor = CanEdit and CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Color") or"Really red")
  822. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Suffix: " .. CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Suffix"))
  823. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Rank: " .. ClientRank)
  824. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Description: " .. CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Description"))
  825. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Color: " .. tostring(CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Color")))
  826. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "SelectionBox Enabled: " .. tostring(CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Box")))
  827. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "SelectionBox Color: " .. tostring(CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "BoxColor")))
  829. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Name: " .. CPlayer.Name)
  830. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Back", nil, "Really red", DisplayPlayers)
  832. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set Description", nil, EditColor, function()
  833. if CanEdit then
  834. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  835. for _,Desc in pairs(CORE.Functions.Main.Desc) do
  836. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, Desc, nil, "Really red",function()
  837. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  838. CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Description", Desc)
  839. end)
  840. end
  841. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, "Your new description is: "..CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Description", Desc), "")
  842. else
  843. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Can't edit "..tostring(CPlayer).." data.", nil, EditColor)
  844. end
  845. end)
  847. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set Rank", nil, EditColor, function()
  848. if CanEdit then
  849. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, tostring(Player).." is setting your Rank.")
  850. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  851. for Index = 0, #CORE.Ranks do
  852. local RankDesc = CORE.Ranks[Index]
  853. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set "..tostring(CPlayer).." rank to: "..RankDesc.." ("..Index..")", nil, Index > Rank and "Really red" or nil, function()
  854. if Index > Rank then
  855. return CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Not allowed to set "..tostring(CPlayer).." rank to this.")
  856. else
  857. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  858. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, "Set "..tostring(CPlayer).." Rank to "..RankDesc.." ("..Index..").")
  859. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, tostring(Player).." set your Rank to "..RankDesc.." ("..Index..").")
  860. CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Rank", Index)
  861. end
  862. end)
  863. end
  864. else
  865. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Can't edit "..tostring(CPlayer).." data.", nil, EditColor)
  866. end
  867. end)
  869. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set Color", nil, EditColor, function()
  870. if CanEdit then
  871. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, tostring(Player).." is setting your Part Color.")
  872. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  873. for Index = 1, 127 do
  874. local Color = BrickColor.palette(Index)
  875. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, tostring(Color), nil, Color, function()
  876. CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Color", Color)
  877. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  878. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set "..tostring(CPlayer).." Part Color to: "..tostring(Color))
  879. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, tostring(Player).." set your Part Color to "..tostring(Color)..".")
  880. end)
  881. end
  882. else
  883. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Can't edit "..tostring(CPlayer).." data.", nil, EditColor)
  884. end
  885. end)
  887. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set SelectionBox Color", nil, EditColor, function()
  888. if CanEdit then
  889. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, tostring(Player).." is setting your SelectionBox Color.")
  890. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  891. for Index = 1, 127 do
  892. local Color = BrickColor.palette(Index)
  893. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, tostring(Color), nil, Color, function()
  894. CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "BoxColor", Color)
  895. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  896. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set "..tostring(CPlayer).."SelectionBox Color to: " ..tostring(Color))
  897. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, tostring(Player).." set your SelectionBox Color to: "..tostring(Color))
  898. end)
  899. end
  900. else
  901. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Cant edit "..tostring(CPlayer).." data.", nil, EditColor)
  902. end
  903. end)
  905. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set SelectionBox Enabled", nil, EditColor, function()
  906. if CanEdit then
  907. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, tostring(Player).." is setting your SelectionBoxes to Enabled/Disabled.")
  908. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  909. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Setting "..tostring(CPlayer).."SelectionBoxes")
  910. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Enable", nil, "Lime green", function()
  911. CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Box", true)
  912. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  913. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set "..tostring(CPlayer).." SelectionBoxes to Enabled")
  914. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, tostring(Player).." set your SelectionBoxes to Enabled.")
  915. end)
  916. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Disable", nil, "Really red", function()
  917. CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(CPlayer, "Box", false)
  918. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  919. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Set "..tostring(CPlayer).." SelectionBoxes to Disabled")
  920. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(CPlayer, tostring(Player).." set your SelectionBoxes to Disabled.")
  921. end)
  922. else
  923. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Cant edit "..tostring(CPlayer).." data.", nil, EditColor)
  924. end
  925. end)
  926. end)
  927. end
  928. end
  929. end
  930. DisplayPlayers()
  931. end)
  933. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"ranked"}, "View all ranked Players.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  934. local function DisplayPlayers()
  935. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  936. for Ranked, Data in pairs(Ranked) do
  937. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, Ranked .. "(" .. Data.Rank .. ")", nil, Data.Rank == 0 and "Really red" or Data.Color, function()
  938. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  939. local RankEquals = Rank > Data.Rank
  940. local CanEdit = RankEquals or tostring(Ranked):lower() == tostring(Player):lower()
  941. local EditColor = CanEdit and CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Color") or"Really red")
  943. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Rank: " .. Data.Rank)
  944. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Description: " .. Data.Description)
  945. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Color: " .. Data.Color)
  946. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "SelectionBox Enabled: " .. tostring(Data.Box))
  947. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "SelectionBox Color: " .. tostring(Data.BoxColor))
  949. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Name: " .. Ranked)
  950. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Back", nil, "Really red", DisplayPlayers)
  951. end)
  952. end
  953. end
  954. DisplayPlayers()
  955. end)
  957. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"commands", "cmds"}, "View Commands.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  958. local MessageNumber = tonumber(Message)
  959. local DisplayForRank, DisplayRanks
  960. function DisplayForRank(DisplayingRank)
  961. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  962. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Back", nil, "Really red", function()
  963. DisplayRanks()
  964. end)
  965. for Aliases, Data in pairs(CORE.Commands) do
  966. local Color = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Color")
  967. if Rank < DisplayingRank then
  968. Color = "Really red"
  969. end
  970. if Data.Rank <= DisplayingRank then
  971. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, Data.Description, nil, Color, function()
  972. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  973. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Required rank:" .. Data.Rank)
  974. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Description:" .. Data.Description)
  975. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Function: " .. tostring(Data.Function))
  976. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Access: " .. tostring(Rank >= Data.Rank))
  977. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Aliases: " .. CORE.Functions.Main.unpackToString(unpack(Aliases)))
  978. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Back", nil, "Really red", function()
  979. DisplayForRank(DisplayingRank)
  980. end)
  981. end)
  982. end
  983. end
  984. end
  985. function DisplayRanks()
  986. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  987. for RequiredRank = 1, #CORE.Ranks do
  988. local Description = CORE.Ranks[RequiredRank]
  989. local Color = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Color")
  991. if Rank < RequiredRank then
  992. Color = "Really red"
  993. end
  995. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, RequiredRank .. ": " .. Description, nil, Color, function()
  996. DisplayForRank(RequiredRank)
  997. end)
  998. end
  999. end
  1000. if not MessageNumber then
  1001. DisplayRanks()
  1002. else
  1003. DisplayForRank(MessageNumber)
  1004. end
  1005. end)
  1007. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"cs", "suffix"}, "Change your Suffix.", false, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1008. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player , "Your suffix was changed, new prefix: "..Message)
  1009. CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(Player, "Suffix", Message)
  1010. end)
  1012. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"fav","saveds"}, "Saved Songs", true, function(Player)
  1013. for _, songs in pairs(CORE.SavedData:GetAsync(CORE.Key.."_Songs") or {}) do
  1014. local SongInfo = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(songs).Name
  1015. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, SongInfo, nil, "Really red",function()
  1016. for _,Object in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1017. if Object:IsA("Sound") then
  1018. Object:Stop()
  1019. Object:Destroy()
  1020. end
  1021. end
  1022. RbxUtility.Create("Sound") {Parent = workspace, SoundId = ""..songs, Volume = 10, Pitch = 1, Looped = true, Archivable = false}:Play()
  1023. end)
  1024. end
  1025. end)
  1027. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"lf", "lowf"}, "Low Frame", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1028. for _, Argument in pairs(Arguments) do
  1029. local BPlayer = CORE.Functions.Get.Player(Player, Argument)
  1030. if BPlayer then
  1031. local KickRank = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(BPlayer, "Rank")
  1032. if Rank <= KickRank then
  1033. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(BPlayer, Player.Name .. " attempted to lock low frames on you.", nil, "Really red")
  1034. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Can't lock low frames to: " .. BPlayer.Name, nil, "Really red")
  1035. else
  1036. CORE.Functions.Main.GetLocal([[
  1037. script.Name = 'Flag'
  1038. local Frames = .2
  1039. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  1040. local tock = tick()
  1041. while tick()-tock < 1/Frames do
  1042. end
  1043. end)
  1044. ]],BPlayer)
  1045. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Locked Low Frames On : "..BPlayer.Name, nil, "Really red")
  1046. end
  1047. end
  1048. end
  1049. end)
  1051. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"stopl", "nofl"}, "No frame lag", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1052. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1053. v.PlayerGui.FL.Parent = nil
  1054. end
  1055. end)
  1057. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"ai","ask"}, "Talk to AI", true, function(Player, Message)
  1058. local Base_Url = ""
  1059. local Elbot_Api = "cgi-bin/elbot.cgi"
  1060. local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  1062. function OutputText(msg)
  1063. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  1064. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, msg, nil ,"Really black")
  1065. end
  1067. local IDENT = "Roland"
  1068. local USERLOGID = "3300000"
  1069. local function elbot_api_get(Text)
  1070. local Post = "IDENT="..HttpService:UrlEncode(IDENT).."&USERLOGID="..HttpService:UrlEncode(USERLOGID).."&ENTRY="..HttpService:UrlEncode(Text)
  1071. local a = {ypcall(function()
  1072. return HttpService:PostAsync(string.format(Base_Url,Elbot_Api),Post,Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationUrlEncoded)
  1073. end)}
  1074. if a[1] then
  1075. local ret = a[2]
  1076. local find = ret:find("<!-- Begin Response !-->",1,true)+24
  1077. local find_2 = ret:find("End Response")
  1078. if not find or not find_2 then
  1079. print(ret)
  1080. return
  1081. end
  1082. local Return = ret:sub(find,find_2-6):gsub("%<!%-%-.+%-%-%>","")
  1083. local find = ret:find("\"IDENT\" value=\"",1,true)+15
  1084. local find_2 = ret:find("\"",find+1,true)-1
  1085. IDENT = ret:sub(find,find_2)
  1086. local find = ret:find("\"USERLOGID\" value=\"",1,true)+19
  1087. local find_2 = ret:find("\"",find+1,true)-1
  1088. USERLOGID = ret:sub(find,find_2)
  1089. OutputText(Return,'Royal purple') -- cuz you printed the whole thing
  1090. else
  1091. spawn(function() error("Bad http_get request",math.huge) end)
  1092. end
  1093. end
  1096. function send(msg)
  1097. elbot_api_get('[AI]: '..msg)
  1098. end
  1100. Player.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  1101. if msg:sub(1,1) == "_" then
  1102. String = msg:sub(2)
  1103. send(String)
  1104. end
  1106. end)
  1107. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Type _[Your Question] and AI Will Respond", nil ,"Really Red")
  1108. end)
  1110. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"md5", "encrypt","es"}, "Encrypt String", true, function(Player, Message)
  1111. fetch = ''..Message
  1112. service = game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync(fetch)
  1113. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player,service, nil, "Really red")
  1114. end)
  1116. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"getex", "example"}, "Get Example Of Word", true, function(Player, Message)
  1117. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Reciving Data..", nil, "Really red")
  1118. link = ''..Message
  1119. data = game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync(link)
  1120. wait(.50)
  1121. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  1122. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player,data, nil, "Really red")
  1123. end)
  1125. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"ss", "searchsongs"}, "Search Audio.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1126. local Get = CORE.Services.HttpService:GetAsync("".. Message)
  1127. local Songs = CORE.Services.HttpService:JSONDecode(Get)
  1128. for Index = 1, 30 do
  1129. if Index == #Songs then break end
  1130. local SongName = string.gsub(Songs[Index].Name, "&#39;", "'")
  1131. local ID = Songs[Index].AssetId
  1132. local SongDesc = Songs[Index].Description
  1133. local Creator = Songs[Index].Creator
  1134. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, SongName, nil, nil,function()
  1135. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  1136. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Song Name: \n"..SongName, nil, "Royal purple")
  1137. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Description: \n"..SongDesc, nil, "Royal purple")
  1138. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Published By: \n"..Creator, nil, "Royal purple")
  1139. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Buy Audio?", nil, "Really red", function()
  1140. game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase(Player,ID)
  1141. end, true)
  1142. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Save Audio", nil, "Really red", function()
  1143. local Table = CORE.SavedData:GetAsync(CORE.Key.."_Songs") or {}
  1144. table.insert(Table, ID)
  1145. CORE.SavedData:SetAsync(CORE.Key.."_Songs", Table)
  1146. end)
  1147. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Play", nil, nil, function()
  1148. for _, Child in pairs(game.Workspace:children()) do
  1149. if Child:IsA("Sound") then
  1150. Child:Stop()
  1151. Child:Destroy()
  1152. end
  1153. end
  1154. RbxUtility.Create("Sound") {Parent = workspace, SoundId = ""..ID, Volume = 10, Pitch = 1, Looped = true, Archivable = false}:Play()
  1155. end)
  1156. end)
  1157. end
  1158. end)
  1160. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"ps", "playsong"}, "Play an Audio.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1161. RbxUtility.Create("Sound") {Parent = workspace, SoundId = ""..Message, Volume = 10, Pitch = 1, Looped = true, Archivable = false}:Play()
  1162. end)
  1164. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"clr", "clear"}, "Clean the Game.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1165. local Children = game:GetChildren()
  1166. local BlacklistedChildren = {
  1167. [game:GetService("Players")] = true,
  1168. [game:GetService("NetworkServer")] = true,
  1169. [game:GetService("Workspace")] = true,
  1170. [game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")] = true,
  1171. [game:GetService("ServerScriptService")] = true,
  1172. [game:GetService("StarterPack")] = true,
  1173. [game:GetService("StarterPlayer")] = true,
  1175. }
  1177. for _, Child in pairs(Children) do
  1178. if not BlacklistedChildren[Child] then
  1179. pcall(Child.ClearAllChildren, Child)
  1180. end
  1181. end
  1184. local Base = RbxUtility.Create("Part") {Anchored = true, BrickColor ="Dark green"), Material = "Grass", Parent = Workspace, Size =, .1, 512), CFrame =}
  1186. for _, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1187. Player:LoadCharacter()
  1188. end
  1189. end)
  1191. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"slock", "scriptlock"}, "Script lock.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1192. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, CORE.ScriptLock and "Lock Server Scripting" or "Unlock Server Scripting", nil, "Really red", function()
  1193. CORE.ScriptLock = not CORE.ScriptLock
  1194. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, (CORE.ScriptLock and "Locked" or "Unlocked") .. " scripting")
  1195. end)
  1196. end)
  1199. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(3, {"sd", "shutdown"}, "ShutDown", true, function(Player,Message)
  1200. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "ShutDown", nil, "Really red",function()
  1201. CORE.SD = true
  1202. CORE.Functions.Main.NewServer()
  1203. wait(1.5)
  1204. for _,Players in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1205. Players:Kick("[CORE]: The Server Was Shutdown, a new server was created. \n [Reason]:"..Message)
  1206. end
  1207. end)
  1209. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Abort", nil, "Lime green",function()
  1210. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  1211. end)
  1212. end)
  1214. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(0,{"upranks","todate"}, "Update Ranks", true, function(Player,Message)
  1215. while #Ranked > 0 do
  1216. table.remove(Ranked)
  1217. end
  1218. do
  1219. JSON = Result(Url)
  1220. JSON = Result(Url) Ranked=loadstring(JSON)()
  1221. end
  1222. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Ranks Updated!",nil ,"Lime green")
  1223. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Do You Want To Turn On Auto Sync Ranks?",nil ,"Really red",function()
  1224. CORE.AutoUpdate = true
  1225. end)
  1226. end)
  1229. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(2, {"sp"}, "Send packets to a Player.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1230. for _, Argument in pairs(Arguments) do
  1231. local FPlayer = CORE.Functions.Get.Player(Player, Argument)
  1232. if FPlayer then
  1233. local RankToBe = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(FPlayer, "Rank")
  1234. if Rank <= RankToBe then
  1235. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(FPlayer,Player.Name .. " attempted to send packets to you.", nil, "Really red")
  1236. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Can't Send Packets to " .. tostring(FPlayer), nil , "Really red")
  1237. else
  1238. game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  1239. for i = 1,5 do
  1240. local h ="RemoteEvent",game.ReplicatedStorage)h.Name = "Fired",h:FireClient(FPlayer,{string.rep("Fire'ed_Event \t",10500)})
  1241. end
  1242. pcall(function()
  1243. FPlayer.Fire:Destroy()
  1244. end)
  1245. end)
  1246. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Attempting To Sent Packets To Player.", nil, "Really red")
  1247. end
  1248. end
  1249. end
  1250. end)
  1252. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(1, {"getremote","gevent"}, "Get All RemoteEvents.", false, function(Player)
  1253. function Search(Object)
  1254. for i,v in pairs (Object) do
  1255. pcall(function()
  1256. if v:IsA("RemoteEvent") or v:IsA("RemoteFunction") then
  1257. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player,"Found "..v.ClassName.." Location: "..v:GetFullName(),nil, "Royal purple")
  1258. end
  1259. end)
  1260. Search(v:GetChildren())
  1261. end
  1262. end
  1263. Search(game.Workspace:GetChildren())
  1264. Search(game.ReplicatedFirst:GetChildren())
  1265. Search(game.ReplicatedStorage:GetChildren())
  1266. Search(game.StarterGui:GetChildren())
  1267. Search(game.StarterPack:GetChildren())
  1268. Search(game.StarterPlayer:GetChildren())
  1269. end)
  1271. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(3, {"dismissalltablets", "dall", "dismissall", "dtall"}, "Dismiss tablets.", false, function()
  1272. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissAll()
  1273. end)
  1275. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(3, {"kick"}, "Kick a Player.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1276. for _, Argument in pairs(Arguments) do
  1277. local KPlayer = CORE.Functions.Get.Player(Player, Argument)
  1278. if KPlayer then
  1279. local KickRank = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(KPlayer, "Rank")
  1280. if Rank <= KickRank then
  1281. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(KPlayer, Player.Name .. " attempted to kick you.", nil, "Really red")
  1282. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Can't kick " .. KPlayer.Name, nil, "Really red")
  1283. else
  1284. CORE.Functions.Main.Kick(KPlayer)
  1285. end
  1286. end
  1287. end
  1288. end)
  1290. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(4, {"ban"}, "Ban a Player.", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1291. for _, Argument in pairs(Arguments) do
  1292. local BPlayer = CORE.Functions.Get.Player(Player, Argument)
  1293. if BPlayer then
  1294. local KickRank = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(BPlayer, "Rank")
  1295. if Rank <= KickRank then
  1296. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(BPlayer, Player.Name .. " attempted to ban you.", nil, "Really red")
  1297. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Can't ban " .. BPlayer.Name, nil, "Really red")
  1298. else
  1299. CORE.Functions.Main.Kick(BPlayer)
  1300. CORE.Functions.Set.PlayerIndex(BPlayer, "Rank", 0)
  1301. end
  1302. end
  1303. end
  1304. end)
  1306. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(3, {"crash", "bsod"}, "Crash", true, function(Player, Message, Arguments, Rank)
  1307. for _, Argument in pairs(Arguments) do
  1308. local BPlayer = CORE.Functions.Get.Player(Player, Argument)
  1309. if BPlayer then
  1310. local KickRank = CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(BPlayer, "Rank")
  1311. if Rank <= KickRank then
  1312. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(BPlayer, Player.Name .. " attempted to crash you.", nil, "Really red")
  1313. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Can't Crash " .. BPlayer.Name, nil, "Really red")
  1314. else
  1315. CORE.Functions.Main.GetLocal([[
  1316. a=game.Players.LocalPlayer
  1317. for i = 0,10000 do
  1318. if a ~= nil then
  1319."Message",a:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")).Text = "\t"
  1320."Message",a:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")).Text = "\t"
  1321."Hint",a:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")).Text = "\t"
  1322."Hint",a:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")).Text = "\t"
  1323. end
  1324. end
  1325. ]],BPlayer)
  1326. wait(2)
  1327. CORE.Functions.Main.GetLocal([[
  1328. for i = 1,math.huge do
  1329. while wait() do
  1330. spawn(function()
  1331. for a = 1, math.huge do
  1332. delay(0, function() return end)
  1333. end
  1334. end)
  1335. end
  1336. end
  1337. for i = 1,math.huge do
  1338. Spam ='ScreenGui',game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui)
  1339. Spam.Name = 'Prismane u fgt'
  1340. Tv ='TextBox',Spam)
  1341. Tv.Text = 'Die Black Boy!'
  1342. Tv.Size =,900,900,900)
  1343. Tv.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  1344. end]],BPlayer)
  1345. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Crashed "..BPlayer, nil, "Really red")
  1346. end
  1347. end
  1348. end
  1349. end)
  1352. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(5, {"execute", "exe"}, "Execute code.", false, function(Player, Message)
  1353. local Chunk, SyntaxError = loadstring(Message, "CORE_EXE")
  1354. if Chunk then
  1355. getfenv(Chunk).Speaker = Player
  1356. getfenv(Chunk).print = function(...)
  1357. local Strings = {...}
  1358. for Index = 1, select("#", ...) do
  1359. local Value = Strings[Index]
  1360. Value = rawequal(Value, nil) and "nil" or tostring(Value)
  1361. if type(Value) ~= "string" then
  1362. return error("'tostring' must return a string to 'print'", 0)
  1363. end
  1364. Strings[Index] = Value
  1365. end
  1366. local Success, Result = pcall(table.concat, Strings, "\t")
  1367. if not Success then
  1368. error(Result, 0)
  1369. end
  1370. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, Result, nil, "Really red")
  1371. end
  1372. local Success, Error = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(Chunk))
  1373. if Success then
  1374. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "Code Executed.", nil, "Really red")
  1375. else
  1376. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "ERROR: "..Error, nil, "Really red")
  1377. end
  1378. else
  1379. CORE.Main.Functions.AddPart(Player, "Syantax Error: ".. SyntaxError, nil, "Really red")
  1380. end
  1381. if Message == 'table.foreach(getfenv(),print)' or 'table.foreach(getfenv(0),print)' then
  1382. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "</COREBox Filtered String [Unable To Complete]", nil, "Really red")
  1383. wait(1.50)
  1384. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  1385. end
  1386. end)
  1388. CORE.Functions.Set.Command(6, {"Kill"}, "Kill the Script.", true, function(Player, Message)
  1389. CORE.Disabled = true
  1390. for _, Connection in pairs(CORE.Connections) do
  1391. pcall(Connection.disconnect, Connection)
  1392. end
  1393. end)
  1395. RJC = {}
  1398. for _, Player in pairs(CORE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do CORE.Functions.Main.ConnectPlayer(Player) end
  1400. table.insert(CORE.Connections, game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(CORE.Functions.Main.Rotate))
  1401. table.insert(CORE.Connections, game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) CORE.Functions.Main.ConnectPlayer(Player, "Join") end))
  1402. table.insert(CORE.Connections, game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Player) CORE.Functions.Main.DisconnectPlayer(Player) end))
  1406. if CORE.Trace == true then
  1407. for _, Player in pairs(CORE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1408. if CORE.Functions.Get.PlayerIndex(Player, "Rank") >= (6) then
  1409. game:GetService('ScriptContext').Error:connect(function(message, trace, script)
  1410. CORE.Functions.Main.DismissTablets(Player)
  1411. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, "A Script Errored. [Click To See Details]", nil, "Really red",function()
  1412. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, script:GetFullName(), nil, "Really red")
  1413. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, message, nil, "Really red")
  1414. CORE.Functions.Main.AddPart(Player, trace, nil, "Really red")
  1415. end)
  1416. end)
  1417. end
  1418. end
  1419. end
  1422. game:GetService('HttpService'):GetAsync('')--//Freee view
  1424. if CORE.SD == false then
  1425. game.Close:connect(wait(15))
  1426. end
  1428. CORE.Functions.Main:Set()
  1430. if game.PlaceId == 189032917 then --// Jarredbcv SB
  1431. game:service("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("SB"):FireAllClients({"ServerChat", "Prismane", "[CORE]: Connected To Library.."})
  1432. end
  1434. if CORE.AutoUpdate == true then
  1435. spawn(function()
  1436. while true do
  1437. wait(13)
  1438. while #Ranked > 0 do
  1439. table.remove(Ranked)
  1440. end
  1441. do
  1442. JSON = Result(Url)
  1443. JSON = Result(Url) Ranked=loadstring(JSON)()
  1444. end
  1445. end
  1446. end)
  1447. end
  1449. if game.PlaceId == 437965235 then --//Voidacitys
  1450. Send = require(328231860)
  1451. function SendAll(...)
  1452. for index, child in pairs(game:GetService'NetworkServer':GetChildren()) do
  1453. if child:IsA("ServerReplicator") then
  1454. Send(child:GetPlayer(), ...)
  1455. end
  1456. end
  1457. end
  1458. SendAll(
  1459. "[CORE]: Please Do Not Free Model Or You Will Be Banned.",
  1461. Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,
  1462. Enum.FontSize.Size18
  1463. )
  1464. IRC = require(444175163)
  1465. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(v)
  1466. CORE.Main.Functions.GetLocal([[
  1467. warn('Please do not free model.! You Will Be Banned')
  1468. ]],v)
  1469. end)
  1472. function sbexe(cmd, plr)
  1473. if not type(cmd) == 'string' then
  1474. return
  1475. end
  1476. if plr then
  1477. if type(plr) == 'userdata' then
  1478. plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote", true).Value = cmd
  1479. elseif type(plr) == 'string' then
  1480. plr = game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(plr)
  1481. plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote", true).Value = cmd
  1482. end
  1483. else
  1484. for i, v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children()) do
  1485. v:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote", true).Value = cmd
  1486. end
  1487. end
  1488. end
  1490. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1491. wait(1)
  1492. sbexe('cs/CoreAdmin/require(443810243)',v)
  1493. sbexe('save/CoreAdmin',v)
  1494. end
  1495. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(v)
  1496. wait()
  1497. sbexe('cs/CoreAdmin/require(443810243)',v)
  1498. sbexe('save/CoreAdmin',v)
  1499. end)
  1501. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1502. local Gui ='ScreenGui',v.PlayerGui)
  1503. local TB ='TextLabel',Gui)
  1504. TB:TweenPosition(, .1800, 0, 0), 'In', 'Quart', 5, true, nil)
  1505. TB.Size =,905,0,600)
  1506. TB.BackgroundTransparency = 0.3
  1507. TB.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  1508. TB.Active = true
  1509. TB.Font = 'SourceSansLight'
  1510. TB.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  1511. TB.Text = '[CORE]: CoreAdmin has been saved in your saved scripts.'
  1512. TB.TextColor3 =,1,4)
  1513. wait(3)
  1514. TB:TweenPosition(, 0, 0.30, 0), 'Out', 'Quart', 5, true, nil)
  1515. end
  1516. end
  1519. return coroutine
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