

Aug 20th, 2019
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  1. # EssentialsX new Kit configuration.
  2. # If you don't have any kits defined in this file, the plugin will try to copy them from the config.yml
  3. #
  4. # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
  5. # All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs.
  6. # Syntax: - itemID[:DataValue/Durability] Amount [Enchantment:Level].. [itemmeta:value]...
  7. # For Item Meta information visit
  8. # 'delay' refers to the cooldown between how often you can use each kit, measured in seconds.
  9. # Set delay to -1 for a one time kit.
  10. # For more information, visit
  11. kits:
  12. tools:
  13. delay: 10
  14. items:
  15. - stone_sword 1
  16. - stone_shovel 1
  17. - stone_pickaxe 1
  18. - stone_axe 1
  19. dtools:
  20. delay: 600
  21. items:
  22. - diamond_pickaxe 1 efficiency:1 durability:1 fortune:1 name:&4Gigadrill lore:The_drill_that_&npierces|the_heavens
  23. - diamond_shovel 1 digspeed:3 name:Dwarf lore:Diggy|Diggy|Hole
  24. - leather_helmet 1 color:255,255,255 name:Top_Hat lore:Good_day,_Good_day
  25. - diamond_axe:780 1
  26. notch:
  27. delay: 6000
  28. items:
  29. - skull:3 1 player:Notch
  30. color:
  31. delay: 6000
  32. items:
  33. - written_book 1 title:&4Book_&9o_&6Colors author:KHobbits lore:Ingame_color_codes book:Colors
  34. firework:
  35. delay: 6000
  36. items:
  37. - fireworks 1 name:Angry_Creeper color:red fade:green type:creeper power:1
  38. - fireworks 1 name:Starry_Night color:yellow,orange fade:blue type:star effect:trail,twinkle
  39. power:1
  40. - fireworks 2 name:Solar_Wind color:yellow,orange fade:red shape:large effect:twinkle
  41. color:yellow,orange fade:red shape:ball effect:trail color:red,purple fade:pink
  42. shape:star effect:trail power:1
  43. Claim:
  44. delay: 86400
  45. items:
  46. - golden_shovel 1 name:&e&lClaimshovel
  47. - stick 1 name:&e&lClaimstick
  48. StartMetDia:
  49. delay: 9999999
  50. items:
  51. - diamond_sword 1 name:&8&lStartMetDia-Sword
  52. - bow 1 name:&8&lStartMetDia-Bow
  53. - diamond_pickaxe 1 name:&8&lStartMetDia-Pickaxe
  54. - diamond_axe 1 name:&8&lStartMetDia-Axe
  55. - diamond_shovel 1 name:&8&lStartMetDia-Shovel
  56. - diamond_helmet 1 name:&8&lStartMetDia-Helmet
  57. - diamond_chestplate 1 name:&8&lStartMetDia-Chestplate
  58. - diamond_leggings 1 name:&8&lStartMetDia-Leggings
  59. - diamond_boots 1 name:&8&lStartMetDia-Boots
  60. - log 16
  61. - golden_apple 1
  62. - ender_pearl 1
  63. - cooked_beef 16
  64. - torch 16
  65. - arrow 16
  66. Member:
  67. delay: 86400
  68. items:
  69. - stone_sword 1 name:&8&lmember-Sword
  70. - bow 1 name:&8&lmember-Bow
  71. - stone_pickaxe 1 name:&8&lmember-Pickaxe
  72. - stone_axe 1 name:&8&lmember-Axe
  73. - stone_shovel 1 name:&8&lmember-Shovel
  74. - leather_helmet 1 name:&8&lmember-Helmet
  75. - leather_chestplate 1 name:&8&lmember-Chestplate
  76. - leather_leggings 1 name:&8&lmember-Leggings
  77. - leather_boots 1 name:&8&lmember-Boots
  78. - log 16
  79. - golden_apple 1
  80. - ender_pearl 1
  81. - cooked_beef 16
  82. - torch 16
  83. - arrow 16
  84. Warrior:
  85. delay: 345600
  86. items:
  87. - iron_sword 1 name:&3&lWarrior_Sword
  88. - bow 1 arrow_damage:1 durability:1 name:&3&lWarrior_Bow
  89. - iron_pickaxe 1 name:&3&lWarrior_Pickaxe
  90. - iron_axe 1 name:&3&lWarrior_Axe
  91. - iron_shovel 1 name:&3&lWarrior_Shovel
  92. - iron_helmet 1 name:&3&lWarrior_Helmet
  93. - iron_chestplate 1 name:&3&lWarrior_Chestplate
  94. - iron_leggings 1 name:&3&lWarrior_Leggings
  95. - iron_boots 1 name:&3&lWarrior_Boots
  96. - cooked_beef 32
  97. - golden_apple 3
  98. - ender_pearl 3
  99. - log 32
  100. - torch 32
  101. - iron_block 1
  102. - arrow 32
  103. Gladiator:
  104. delay: 345600
  105. items:
  106. - iron_sword 1 damage_all:2 durability:2 name:&1&lGladiator_Sword
  107. - bow 1 arrow_damage:3 durability:1 name:&1&lGladiator_Bow
  108. - iron_pickaxe 1 dig_speed:3 durability:2 name:&1&lGladiator_Pickaxe
  109. - iron_axe 1 dig_speed:3 durability:2 name:&1&lGladiator_Axe
  110. - iron_shovel 1 dig_speed:3 durability:2 name:&1&lGladiator_Shovel
  111. - chainmail_helmet 1 protection_environmental:3 durability:2 name:&1&lGladiator_Helmet
  112. - chainmail_chestplate 1 protection_environmental:3 durability:2 name:&1&lGladiator_Chestplate
  113. - chainmail_leggings 1 protection_environmental:3 durability:2 name:&1&lGladiator_Leggings
  114. - chainmail_boots 1 protection_environmental:3 durability:2 name:&1&lGladiator_Boots
  115. - log 48
  116. - cooked_beef 48
  117. - golden_apple 9
  118. - ender_pearl 9
  119. - torch 48
  120. - arrow 48
  121. - iron_block 2
  122. Kingsman:
  123. delay: 345600
  124. items:
  125. - diamond_sword 1 damage_all:2 durability:1 name:&4&lKingsman_Sword
  126. - bow 1 arrow_damage:3 durability:2 name:&4&lKingsman_Bow
  127. - diamond_pickaxe 1 dig_speed:1 durability:1 name:&4&lKingsman_Pickaxe
  128. - diamond_axe 1 dig_speed:1 durability:1 name:&4&lKingsman_Axe
  129. - diamond_shovel 1 dig_speed:1 durability:1 name:&4&lKingsman_Shovel
  130. - iron_helmet 1 name:&4&lKingsman_Helmet
  131. - iron_chestplate 1 name:&4&lKingsman_Chestplate
  132. - iron_leggings 1 name:&4&lKingsman_Leggings
  133. - iron_boots 1 name:&4&lKingsman_Boots
  134. - cooked_beef 64
  135. - golden_apple 16
  136. - ender_pearl 16
  137. - log 64
  138. - torch 64
  139. - arrow 64
  140. - iron_block 3
  141. Hero:
  142. delay: 345600
  143. items:
  144. - diamond_sword 1 damage_all:3 durability:2 name:&d&lHero_Sword
  145. - bow 1 arrow_damage:4 durability:2 arrow_fire:1 name:&d&lHero_Bow
  146. - diamond_pickaxe 1 dig_speed:3 durability:2 name:&d&lHero_Pickaxe
  147. - diamond_axe 1 dig_speed:3 durability:2 name:&d&lHero_Axe
  148. - diamond_shovel 1 dig_speed:3 durability:2 name:&d&lHero_Shovel
  149. - iron_helmet 1 protection_environmental:3 durability:2 name:&d&lHero_Helmet
  150. - iron_chestplate 1 protection_environmental:3 durability:2 name:&d&lHero_Chestplate
  151. - iron_leggings 1 protection_environmental:3 durability:2 name:&d&lHero_Leggings
  152. - iron_boots 1 protection_environmental:3 durability:2 name:&d&lHero_Boots
  153. - cooked_beef 64
  154. - golden_apple 25
  155. - ender_pearl 20
  156. - log 80
  157. - arrow 64
  158. - torch 64
  159. - diamond_block 1
  160. Godlike:
  161. delay: 345600
  162. items:
  163. - diamond_sword 1 damage_all:4 durability:2 looting:1 name:&6&lGodlike_Sword
  164. - bow 1 arrow_damage:4 durability:3 arrow_fire:1 name:&6&lGodlike_Bow
  165. - diamond_pickaxe 1 dig_speed:3 durability:2 loot_bonus_blocks:2 name:&6&lGodlike_Pickaxe
  166. - diamond_axe 1 dig_speed:3 durability:2 loot_bonus_blocks:2 name:&6&lGodlike_Axe
  167. - diamond_shovel 1 dig_speed:3 durability:2 name:&6&lGodlike_Shovel
  168. - diamond_helmet 1 protection_environmental:2 durability:2 oxygen:1 name:&6&lGodlike_Helmet
  169. - diamond_chestplate 1 protection_environmental:2 durability:2 thorns:1 name:&6&lGodlike_Chestplate
  170. - diamond_leggings 1 protection_environmental:2 durability:2 name:&6&lGodlike_Leggings
  171. - diamond_boots 1 protection_environmental:2 durability:2 depth_strider:1 name:&6&lGodlike_Boots
  172. - cooked_beef 64
  173. - ender_pearl 24
  174. - golden_apple 32
  175. - log 96
  176. - torch 64
  177. - arrow 64
  178. - diamond_block 2
  179. Legendary:
  180. delay: 345600
  181. items:
  182. - diamond_sword 1 damage_all:5 durability:3 fire_aspect:2 looting:2 name:&4&lLe&6&lge&a&lnd&b&lar&d&ly_&4&lSw&6&lor&a&ld
  183. - bow 1 arrow_damage:5 durability:3 arrow_fire:1 name:&4&lLe&6&lge&a&lnd&b&lar&d&ly_&4&lBo&6&lw
  184. - diamond_pickaxe 1 dig_speed:5 durability:3 loot_bonus_blocks:3 name:&4&lLe&6&lge&a&lnd&b&lar&d&ly_&4&lPi&6&lck&a&lax&b&le
  185. - diamond_axe 1 dig_speed:5 durability:3 loot_bonus_blocks:3 name:&4&lLe&6&lge&a&lnd&b&lar&d&ly_&4&lAx&6&le
  186. - diamond_shovel 1 dig_speed:5 durability:3 name:&4&lLe&6&lge&a&lnd&b&lar&d&ly_&4&lSh&6&lov&a&lel
  187. - diamond_helmet 1 protection_environmental:4 durability:2 oxygen:2 name:&4&lLe&6&lge&a&lnd&b&lar&d&ly_&4&lHe&6&llm&a&let
  188. - diamond_chestplate 1 protection_environmental:4 durability:2 thorns:2 name:&4&lLe&6&lge&a&lnd&b&lar&d&ly_&4&lCh&6&les&a&ltp&b&lla&d&lte
  189. - diamond_leggings 1 protection_environmental:4 durability:2 name:&4&lLe&6&lge&a&lnd&b&lar&d&ly_&4&lLe&6&lgg&a&lin&b&lgs
  190. - diamond_boots 1 protection_environmental:4 durability:2 depth_strider:2 featherfall:2
  191. name:&4&lLe&6&lge&a&lnd&b&lar&d&ly_&4&lBo&6&lot&a&ls
  192. - cooked_beef 64
  193. - golden_apple 48
  194. - ender_pearl 32
  195. - log 128
  196. - torch 64
  197. - arrow 64
  198. - diamond_block 3
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