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Aug 20th, 2019
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  2. [21:15:04] [Info] Created account: Email:, Password: liW8Orae
  3. [21:15:04] [AFK Manager] Afk'ing for 0 seconds
  4. [21:15:04] [AFK Manager] Mouse off screen: true
  5. [21:15:04] [Info] Processing account: Account:, Proxy:
  6. [21:15:04] [Info] Proxy selector already contains proxy
  7. [21:15:05] Set proxy to: Proxy 8 (
  8. [21:15:05] [Debug] Account changed
  9. [21:15:05] [AFK Manager] Afk'ing for 0 seconds
  10. [21:15:05] [AFK Manager] Mouse off screen: true
  11. [21:15:06] [Debug] Took 971 ms to generate username: Jousts89529
  12. [21:15:20] [nTutorial Island] Ending script: We have run out of proxies
  13. [21:15:20] [Debug] Script terminating
  14. [21:15:20] [Debug] Script ending
  15. [21:15:20] [Signature Tracker] Data updated successfully
  16. [21:15:20] Script Ended: nTutorial Island.
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