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Jun 18th, 2019
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  1. #######################################################################
  2. # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  3. # | Resource queue | #
  4. # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  5. #######################################################################
  7. # This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
  8. # The resources will be placed in this order.
  10. # Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
  12. # Possible resources:
  13. # DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
  14. # SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
  15. # Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
  16. # UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
  17. # Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
  18. # UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
  19. # CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
  20. # CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
  21. # SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
  22. # Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
  23. # Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
  24. # Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
  25. # Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
  26. # Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
  27. # Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
  28. # AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
  29. # Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
  30. # Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
  31. # Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
  32. # Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
  33. # IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
  35. # BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
  36. # BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
  37. # Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
  38. # Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
  39. # MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
  40. # BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
  41. # TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
  42. # HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
  43. # Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
  44. # JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
  45. # DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
  46. # You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
  47. # TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
  48. # Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
  49. # if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
  50. # PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
  51. # or simply a BlockName
  52. # IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
  53. # Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
  54. # also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
  55. # one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
  56. # this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
  58. # Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
  59. # Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
  60. # SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
  61. # Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
  62. # CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
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