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May 27th, 2017
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  1. MySQL needed stuff:
  2. In order to make sure everything that the services has to offer is provided by the php interface
  3. i find it needed to have the following inplemented into the anope mysql scheme.
  5. Instead of making a post for each thing needed i'll make it an all in one.
  6. Each one of these features is allready in anope with access from a client, so basicly its just needed to put it in the SQL.
  8. The format will be in f.ex cs for chanserv, os for operserv, ns for nickserv, bs for botserv etc.
  10. os_stats. currently lacking the current users and how many opers are online.
  11. os_staff. This list is non existant at this time. 2 tables should be created, one for the list of staff and what oper type they are and one for the privs they have.
  12. os_chanlist. This list is non existant at this time. One table with the channel modes and channel name. current users and possably max users. (this might be a bit of denora's domain)
  13. os_userlist. This list is non existant at this time. A single table with the nickname, username, hostname/ip, fakehost(vhost) and umodes. (Might also be denora's domain)
  14. os_session. This list is non existant at this time. The userlist table will cover this part. No need to work on this.
  15. os_defcon. Possably somewhere in the database to state what defcon level is in use.
  16. os_modlist. non existant at this time. Possably inplement on modload/modunload and services start/reload.
  18. hostserv, currently no hostserv info is in the SQL. probally allready known.
  20. memoserv, some way to check if memo has been read in anope_ms_info or something.
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