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Jun 23rd, 2018
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  2. Venaga ๐ŸŒผ - Today at 4:12 AM
  3. I agree with what u said,and thats true u guys trying to protect events and restrict it for only ppl who helped defending against pirate, but what if those transfered geared ppl '' sitting in marianople'' joined the nation, r u guys letting them do content? Or only these rules applies for west guilds ? Thats means it will be cutting off any new recruitment on west and leads to be same ppl untill this game die, means no new ppl anymore, means same ppl in every guild no refreshment
  4. This is my point i wanted to say or discuss about, and yea thank u for reading lol :smile:
  5. Carnivora - Today at 11:08 AM
  6. we are very selective in recruitment and we need the higher gs and skilled players in nation to do the end game content like thudnerwing and leviathan. Most west guilds dont need that. I wish all of you who are here would just join us :stuck_out_tongue:
  7. ๐“๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฎ - Today at 11:09 AM
  8. I feel that Venaga brings up a good point. Holding the importance of being selective with recruitment in both west guilds AND nation is something that needs to be monitored.
  9. Exiaใ€€ๅทŒ - Today at 11:10 AM
  10. They have me in Nation :smile:
  11. Carnivora - Today at 11:10 AM
  12. exia is weird. He watches ppl lol
  13. Exiaใ€€ๅทŒ - Today at 11:11 AM
  14. :eye: :eye: Im watching you :eye: :eye:
  15. Arsinoe is typing....for 10 min .......Im curious.........
  16. ๐“๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฎ - Today at 11:13 AM
  17. It is important to keep some geared people within the west nation, however. People who do not have access to joining nation due to not meeting requirements still need guidance and aide from geared players. And if west ends up deciding not to ally nation one day, leaving the west with little to none is only going to discourage more from playing.
  18. Carnivora - Today at 11:15 AM
  19. there is no advantage in a geared and pvp focused player to be on west. Everyone in west can still interact with nation ppl so guidance is not short, i have created this open discord with west for that purpose as well. There is an advantage for the more hardcore players to be in nation because that means more ppl to fight invaders due to this games systems of domintions and castle sieges and thunderwings
  20. if you play everyday, if your geared, and if your interested in pvp then nation is a good fit for you
  21. unless u dontl ike me, but that will make me sad :frowning:
  22. ๐“๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฎ - Today at 11:19 AM
  23. You missed my point if the alliance is disrupted in any way. Taking away geared players would leave the west with little to defend themselves and for guidance. From my understanding, the nation has wanted to be on an equal playing field for the most part with west so we can work together and enjoy the game.
  25. You mention an advantage for hardcore players to be in nation because it means more people to fight, but we had no problem coming out to help fight pirates when we did not belong in nation. So long as you can join the raid, you are prepared with flares and make sure you are pvp ready with consumables, it is really no different.
  26. Castle sieges are a completely different matter and if more of a force was needed, people could drop tag for the weekend to provide assistance.
  27. And the cooldown to get back into nation is only 15 days if I recall, so the next month of castle sieges, people could be prepared to drop tag again for the next weekend of fighting.
  28. Carnivora - Today at 12:11 PM
  29. We will never attack west, why would u think that is an option after all this time
  30. ๐“๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฎ - Today at 12:12 PM
  31. Who said anything about attacking west?
  32. Carnivora - Today at 12:12 PM
  33. honestly, im basically west just separated by game mechanics
  34. ๐“๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฎ - Today at 1:19 PM
  35. You missed my point if the alliance is disrupted in any way.
  36. ๐“๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฎ - Today at 12:13 PM
  37. "And if west ends up deciding not to ally nation one day, leaving the west with little to none is only going to discourage more from playing."
  38. If you look in my previous statement before that.
  39. Carnivora - Today at 12:13 PM
  40. i hope that doesnt happen, u guys are the ones who control that
  41. even if alliance falls we wont attack west, as u saw that 1 week when it did happen
  42. ๐“๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฎ - Today at 12:17 PM
  43. You need people who are aware of our server politics to be heros who then sway the way the votes go for that alliance. And most of those people who go for hero are geared players, not casual players who enjoy farming
  45. If the alliance were to fall, it would not only cause a problem for west but also nation as well in terms of how you guys conduct how you progress your gear and income making. When the alliance request did not go through, both parties were hopeful that the next week it would go back to being voted toward allying. But there were conversations about repercussions if the ally request was denied yet again.
  47. The relationship between nation and west is a delicate thing.(edited)
  48. Carnivora - Today at 12:22 PM
  49. nah its not that delicate, for the most part 90% of west and 80% of nation are on the same page.
  50. like i said, this cooperation is the more difficult approach, and for that intelligent ppl have to talk and make it happen(edited)
  51. ๐“๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฎ - Today at 12:22 PM
  52. The fact you do not think that the relationship is not delicate is worrisome for me.
  53. Carnivora - Today at 12:23 PM
  54. well you can worry all you want o.0
  55. we have mutual goals and mutual respect, everything else can be discussed and resolved
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