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Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. { "id" : "0001", "testVersionId" : "V.001", "type" : "Math", "grade" : "Kindergarten", "semester" : "Winter 2018", "category" : "PMA", "timer" : "", "slides" : [ { "type" : "cover", "id" : "0001", "name" : "Cover", "text" : "Grade % $grade % – Screener", "subText" : "PMA % $semester %" }, { "type" : "part", "id" : "0002", "name" : "Part 1", "text" : "Kindergarten: Part 1A", "subText" : "Fluency and Flexibility: Patterning and Sequencing" }, { "type" : "info", "id" : "0003", "name" : "Instructions 1", "text" : "Please read the following directions to students.", "instruction" : "I am going to ask you some math questions. Are you ready?" }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0004", "name" : "Question 1", "text" : "13", "instruction" : "What number is this?", "image" : "", "subCategory" : "sequencing", "questionType":"default", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "Thirty-one", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "Three", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "Thirteen", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "0.8", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0005", "name" : "Question 2", "text" : "13 28 32 23", "instruction" : "Show me the number twenty-three.", "image" : "", "subCategory" : "sequencing", "questionType":"default", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "Thirteen", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "Twenty-eight", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "Thirty-two", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "-0.66", "valueReporting" : "3" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Twenty-three", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0006", "name" : "Question 3", "text" : "12, 11, __, 9", "instruction" : "Say these numbers out loud and tell me what number goes in the blank.", "image" : "", "subCategory" : "sequencing", "questionType":"default", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "11", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "10", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0.78", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "8", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0007", "name" : "Question 4", "text" : "63, 59, 74, 68", "instruction" : "Which number is the biggest amount?", "image" : "", "subCategory" : "sequencing", "questionType":"default", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "63", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "59", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "74", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "1.81", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "68", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "part", "id" : "0008", "name" : "Part 2", "text" : "Kindergarten: Part 1B", "subText" : "Fluency and Flexibility: Basic Facts" }, { "type" : "info", "id" : "0009", "name" : "Instructions 2", "text" : "Please read the following directions to students.", "instruction" : "I'm going to give you some math problems.\nPlease say the answer to me as soon as you know it." }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0010", "name" : "Question 5", "text" : "3 + 4", "instruction" : "What is 3 plus 4?", "image" : "", "subCategory" : "facts", "questionType":"default", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "6", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "8", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "7", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "0.51", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0011", "name" : "Question 6", "text" : "8 + 9", "instruction" : "What is 8 plus 9?", "image" : "", "subCategory" : "facts", "questionType":"default", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "16", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "18", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "17", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "2.22", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "part", "id" : "0012", "name" : "Part 3", "text" : "Kindergarten: Part 1C", "subText" : "Fluency and Flexibility: Reasoning about Quantity" }, { "type" : "info", "id" : "0013", "name" : "Instructions 3", "text" : "Please read the following directions to students.", "instruction" : "Now we will look at some different types of problems." }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0014", "name" : "Question 7", "text" : "% $image %", "instruction" : "How can we make both sides the same?", "image" : "/images/rt12-eggs-7and5.png", "subCategory" : "relational", "questionType":"image", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "Shift one from the larger set to the smaller set", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "-0.54", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "Take 2 away from the larger set", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "-0.54", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "Add 2 to the smaller set", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "-0.54", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0015", "name" : "Question 8", "text" : "% $image %", "instruction" : "What is the missing part?", "image" : "/images/rt18-missing-1064.png", "subCategory" : "relational", "questionType":"image", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "4", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "2.29", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "10", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "16", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0016", "name" : "Question 9", "text" : "4 + □ = 1 + 4", "instruction" : "What number should I put in the missing space so that each side will add up to the same amount?", "image" : "", "subCategory" : "relational", "questionType":"default", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "1", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0.11", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "9", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "5", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "4", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" }, { "id" : "04", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "4", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "4" } ] }, { "type" : "part", "id" : "0017", "name" : "Part 4", "text" : "Kindergarten: Part 2", "subText" : "Interpreting Context: Word Problems" }, { "type" : "info", "id" : "0018", "name" : "Instructions 4", "text" : "Please read the following directions to students.", "instruction" : "You can solve these next problems by using the counters, your fingers, the paper and pencil, or you can solve them in your head. Please solve them your very best way." }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0019", "name" : "Question 10", "text" : "8 birds were in a tree.", "instruction" : "If 3 birds flew away, how many birds would be left in the tree?", "image" : "", "subCategory" : "contextual", "questionType":"strongAnswer", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "Student counted 8, counted 3 to be removed then re-counted the remaining 5.", "textOverview": "Counted all and removed from", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "-1.04", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "Student counted back 3 from 8 to find 5 or counted on from 3 to 8 to find 5.", "textOverview": "Counted on/back", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "-1.04", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "Student used mental strategies or standard computational procedures to determine 5.", "textOverview": "Derived facts", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "-1.04", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0020", "name" : "Question 11", "text" : "Mila has 7 beads in her hair. Tawny has 4 beads in her hair. How many more beads does Mila have than Tawny?", "instruction" : "What is the missing part?", "image" : "", "subCategory" : "contextual", "questionType":"strongAnswer", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "Student counted 7, counted 4 then counted the difference of 3.", "textOverview": "Counted all to compare", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "2.01", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "Student counted back from 7 or counted on from 4 to find 3.", "textOverview": "Counted on/back", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "2.01", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "Student used mental strategies or standard computational procedures to determine 3.", "textOverview": "Derived facts", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "2.01", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "part", "id" : "0021", "name" : "Part 5", "text" : "Kindergarten: Part 3", "subText" : "Measurement" }, { "type" : "info", "id" : "0022", "name" : "Instructions 5", "text" : "Please read the following directions to students.", "instruction" : "Now we will look at some different types of problems." }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0023", "name" : "Question 12", "text" : "% $image %", "instruction" : "How many black pieces will cover the gray pieces from end to end?", "image" : "/images/meas01-black-cover.png", "subCategory" : "measurement", "questionType":"image", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "5", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "4 (or 3 more) ", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "-1.33", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "3", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0024", "name" : "Question 13", "text" : "% $image %", "instruction" : "How many gray rods will be as tall as the pencil is from the eraser to the tip?", "image" : "/images/meas02-pencil-tall.png", "subCategory" : "measurement", "questionType":"image", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "4 (or 3 more)", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0.29", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "3", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "5", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0025", "name" : "Question 14", "text" : "% $image %", "instruction" : "How many of the gray squares will it take to cover the black shape?", "image" : "/images/meas11-cover-shape.png", "subCategory" : "measurement", "questionType":"image", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "10", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "11 (or 10 more)", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "1.20", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "12", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "Other", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "part", "id" : "0026", "name" : "Part 6", "text" : "Kindergarten: Part 4", "subText" : "Spatial Reasoning" }, { "type" : "info", "id" : "0027", "name" : "Instructions 6", "text" : "Please read the following directions to students.", "instruction" : "" }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0028", "name" : "Question 15", "text" : "<div class='frame_0'>I want to make this shape.</div><div class='frame_1'>Can I use these pieces to make the shape?</div><table width='100%'><tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: left;'><div class='frame_0'><div>% $image %</div></div><div class='frame_1'><div><img src='/images/spa10-make-shape-pieces.png'/></div></div></td><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><div class='frame_0'>&nbsp;</div><div class='frame_1'><div>% $image %</div></div></td></tr></table>", "instruction" : "", "image" : "/images/spa13_kindergarten.PNG", "subCategory" : "spatial", "questionType":"image", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "Yes", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "No", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "-0.10", "valueReporting" : "1" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0029", "name" : "Question 16", "text" : "<div style='margin: 20px 0'>% $image %</div><div>Which shape will fit in the missing space?</div>", "instruction" : "Which shape will fit in the missing space?", "image" : "/images/s-cmp-21.png", "subCategory" : "spatial", "questionType":"image", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "A", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "B", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" }, { "id" : "02", "text" : "C", "textOverview": "", "value" : "2", "valueRasch" : "1.57", "valueReporting" : "2" }, { "id" : "03", "text" : "D", "textOverview": "", "value" : "3", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "3" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0031", "name" : "Question 18", "text" : "<div style='margin: 20px 0'>% $image %</div><div>If I can only use these pieces, can I make this shape?</div>", "instruction" : "I want to make this shape", "image" : "/images/spa10-make-shape-pieces.png", "subCategory" : "spatial", "questionType":"image", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "Yes", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "2.37", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "No", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "1" } ] }, { "type" : "question", "id" : "0030", "name" : "Question 17", "text" : "<div class='frame_0'>I want to make this shape.</div><div class='frame_1'>If I can only use these pieces, can I make the shape?</div><table width='100%'><tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: left;'><div class='frame_0'><div>% $image %</div></div><div class='frame_1'><div>% $image %</div></div></td><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><div class='frame_0'>&nbsp;</div><div class='frame_1'><div><img src='/images/spa10-make-shape-pieces.png'/></div></div></td></tr></table>", "instruction" : "If I can only use these pieces, can I make the shape?", "image" : "/images/kindergarten_rocket.png", "subCategory" : "spatial", "questionType":"image", "answerOptions" : [ { "id" : "00", "text" : "Yes", "textOverview": "", "value" : "0", "valueRasch" : "0", "valueReporting" : "0" }, { "id" : "01", "text" : "No", "textOverview": "", "value" : "1", "valueRasch" : "2.37", "valueReporting" : "1" } ] } ] }
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