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Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. variables:
  2. {totaljoins} = 1
  4. options:
  5. name: &6Gravestone &7»
  7. #-----------------------------------------------ELYTRA------------------------------------------------
  9. command /elytramode: #ELYTRA MODE
  10. aliases: ely, elytra
  11. permission: donor
  12. permission message: {@name} &cError! You must have &5&lVIP&c rank to use this perk!
  13. trigger:
  14. if {queue.%player's uuid%} is true:
  15. send "&cError! You cannot enter elytra mode while in game!"
  16. stop
  17. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  18. set {elymode.%player's uuid%} to true
  19. set {inv.%player's uuid%.first} to slot 0 of player's inventory
  20. set {inv.%player's uuid%.offhand} to slot 40 of player's inventory
  21. loop 37 times:
  22. set {inv.%player's uuid%.%{_count}%} to slot {_count} of player's inventory
  23. add 1 to {_count}
  24. set {inv.%player's uuid%.helmet} to player's helmet
  25. set {inv.%player's uuid%.chest} to player's chestplate
  26. set {inv.%player's uuid%.legs} to player's leggings
  27. set {inv.%player's uuid%.feet} to player's boots
  28. clear player's inventory
  29. send "{@name} You have entered elytra mode, take to the skies!" to player
  30. set {_count} to 0
  31. loop 9 times:
  32. set slot {_count} of player to firework
  33. add 1 to {_count}
  34. set player's chestplate to elytra
  35. push player upwards at speed 3
  36. push the player horizontally forward at speed 1.5
  37. stop
  38. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is false:
  39. set {elymode.%player's uuid%} to true
  40. set {inv.%player's uuid%.first} to slot 0 of player's inventory
  41. set {inv.%player's uuid%.offhand} to slot 40 of player's inventory
  42. loop 37 times:
  43. set {inv.%player's uuid%.%{_count}%} to slot {_count} of player's inventory
  44. add 1 to {_count}
  45. set {inv.%player's uuid%.helmet} to player's helmet
  46. set {inv.%player's uuid%.chest} to player's chestplate
  47. set {inv.%player's uuid%.legs} to player's leggings
  48. set {inv.%player's uuid%.feet} to player's boots
  49. clear player's inventory
  50. send "{@name} You have entered elytra mode, take to the skies!" to player
  51. set {_count} to 0
  52. loop 9 times:
  53. set slot {_count} of player to firework
  54. add 1 to {_count}
  55. set player's chestplate to elytra
  56. push player upwards at speed 3
  57. push the player horizontally forward at speed 1.5
  58. stop
  59. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is true:
  60. set slot 40 of player's inventory to {inv.%player's uuid%.offhand}
  61. set slot 0 of player's inventory to {inv.%player's uuid%.first}
  62. set {elymode.%player's uuid%} to false
  63. set {_count} to 0
  64. loop 37 times:
  65. set slot {_count} of player's inventory to {inv.%player's uuid%.%{_count}%}
  66. add 1 to {_count}
  67. set the helmet of player to {inv.%player's uuid%.helmet}
  68. set the chestplate of player to {inv.%player's uuid%.chest}
  69. set the leggings of player to {inv.%player's uuid%.legs}
  70. set the boots of player to {inv.%player's uuid%.feet}
  71. send "{@name} You have exited elyta mode!" to player
  72. remove elytra from player
  73. stop
  74. on right click: #RESTOCKING FIREWORKS
  75. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is true:
  76. wait 1 tick
  77. set {_count} to 0
  78. loop 9 times:
  79. set slot {_count} of player to firework
  80. add 1 to {_count}
  81. on damage: #ELYTA INVINCIBILITY
  82. if {elymode.%victim's uuid%} is true:
  83. cancel event
  85. set slot 40 of player's inventory to {inv.%player's uuid%.offhand}
  86. set slot 0 of player's inventory to {inv.%player's uuid%.first}
  87. set {elymode.%player's uuid%} to false
  88. set {_count} to 0
  89. loop 37 times:
  90. set slot {_count} of player's inventory to {inv.%player's uuid%.%{_count}%}
  91. add 1 to {_count}
  92. set the helmet of player to {inv.%player's uuid%.helmet}
  93. set the chestplate of player to {inv.%player's uuid%.chest}
  94. set the leggings of player to {inv.%player's uuid%.legs}
  95. set the boots of player to {inv.%player's uuid%.feet}
  96. send "{@name} You have exited elyta mode!" to player
  98. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is true:
  99. send "&cError! You cannot drop items while in elytra mode!" to player
  100. cancel event
  102. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is true:
  103. send "&cError! You cannot edit your inventory while in elytra mode!" to player
  105. ####################################################################################################################################
  107. variables: #JOIN COUNTER SETUP
  108. {totaljoins} = 1
  111. c1: &6
  112. c2: &7
  113. name: &6Gravestone &7»
  115. if {team.%victim's uuid%} is "ghost":
  116. if {team.%attacker's uuid%} is "ghost":
  117. cancel event
  118. if {team.%victim's uuid%} is "zombie":
  119. if {team.%attacker's uuid%} is "zombie":
  120. cancel event
  121. #| GAMEPLAY
  123. #----------------------------------------SETUP-----------------------------------------------
  124. command /setumpkinblock: #SETTING PUMPKIN SPAWN POINT
  125. permission: *
  126. permission message: &cNo permission!
  127. trigger:
  128. set {pumpkinblock} to skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player named "&ePumpkin"
  129. set {pumpkinloc} to location of targeted block
  130. set {pumpkinx} to target block's x coordinate
  131. set {pumpkinx} to {pumpkinx}-0.5
  132. set {pumpkiny} to target block's y coordinate
  133. set {pumpkiny} to {pumpkiny}-0.5
  134. set {pumpkinz} to target block's z coordinate
  135. set {pumpkinz} to {pumpkinz}-0.5
  136. send "{@name} &7You have set the pumpkin block to %{pumpkinblock}%&7 at location %{pumpkinloc}%&7!"
  137. command /setzombieplaceblock: #ZOMBIE PLACE BLOCK SETUP
  138. permission: *
  139. permission message: &cNo permission!
  140. trigger:
  141. set {zombieplaceblock} to "%targeted block%" parsed as an item type
  142. set {zombieplaceloc} to location of targeted block
  143. send "{@name} &7You have set the zombie place block to %{zombieplaceblock}%&7 at location %{zombieplaceloc}%&7!"
  144. command /setghostplaceblock: #GHOST PLACE BLOCK SETUP
  145. permission: *
  146. permission message: &cNo permission!
  147. trigger:
  148. set {ghostplaceblock} to "%targeted block%" parsed as an item type
  149. set {ghostplaceloc} to location of targeted block
  150. send "{@name} &7You have set the ghosst place block to %{ghostplaceblock}%&7 at location %{ghostplaceloc}%&7!"
  151. command /setghostspawn:
  152. permission: *
  153. permission message: &cNo permission!
  154. trigger:
  155. set {ghostspawn} to location of player
  156. send "{@name} You set the ghost spawn to &c%{ghostspawn}%&7!"#SETTING GHOST SPAWN
  157. command /setzombiespawn:
  158. permission: *
  159. permission message: &cNo permission!
  160. trigger:
  161. set {zombiespawn} to location of player
  162. send "{@name} You set the zombie spawn to &c%{zombiespawn}%&7!"#SETTING ZOMBIE SPAWN
  164. #----------------------------------------REPLACE PUMPKIN-----------------------------------------------
  165. command /replacepumpkin:
  166. permission: *
  167. permission message: &cNo permission!
  168. trigger:
  169. execute console command "setblock %{pumpkinx}% %{pumpkiny}% %{pumpkinz}% minecraft:player_head{ExtraType:""Rovertdoow1st"",SkullType:3}"
  170. send "{@name} {@c2} You have reset the {@c1}pumpkin{@c2}!" to player
  171. #----------------------------------------PICKING UP THE PUMPKIN-----------------------------------------------
  172. on break: #PICKING UP THE PUMPKIN
  173. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  174. if event-block is {pumpkinblock}:
  175. if location of event-block is {pumpkinloc}:
  176. set event-block to air
  177. send "{@name} {@c2}You have picked up the {@c1}pumpkin{@c2}!" to player
  178. give 1 of skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player named "&ePumpkin" to player
  179. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% (Zombie){@c2} has picked up a pumpkin!"
  180. execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:glowing 99999 99 true"
  181. execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:slowness 99999 1 true"
  182. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  183. if event-block is {pumpkinblock}:
  184. if location of event-block is {pumpkinloc}:
  185. set event-block to air
  186. send "{@name} {@c2}You have picked up the {@c1}pumpkin{@c2}!" to player
  187. give 1 of skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player named "&ePumpkin" to player
  188. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% (Ghost){@c2} has picked up a pumpkin!"
  189. execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:glowing 99999 99 true"
  190. execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:slowness 99999 1 true"
  192. #----------------------------------------PLACING THE PUMPKIN-----------------------------------------------
  193. on place: #PLACING THE PUMPKIN
  194. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  195. if player is holding skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin":
  196. if block 1 below event-block is {zombieplaceblock}:
  197. cancel event
  198. remove 1 of skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin" from player
  199. add 1 to {score.zombie}
  200. add 1 to {collected.%player's uuid%}
  201. add 4 to {coins.%player's uuid%}
  202. send "{@name} {@c2}You have gained {@c1}4 coins{@c2} for placing a pumpkin!"
  203. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% (Zombie) {@c2}has placed down the pumpkin! The Zombie team now have collected {@c1}%{score.zombie}%&7 pumpkins!"
  204. send "{@name} {@c2}You have placed a pumpkin!" to player
  205. execute console command "effect clear %player%"
  206. execute console command "setblock %{pumpkinx}% %{pumpkiny}% %{pumpkinz}% minecraft:player_head{ExtraType:""Rovertdoow1st"",SkullType:3}"
  207. loop all players:
  208. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  209. teleport loop-player to {zombiespawn}
  210. heal loop-player
  211. clear loop-player's inventory
  212. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  213. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  214. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  215. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  216. dye loop-player's chestplate green
  217. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  218. dye loop-player's leggings green
  219. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  220. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  221. teleport loop-player to {ghostspawn}
  222. heal loop-player
  223. clear loop-player's inventory
  224. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  225. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  226. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  227. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  228. dye loop-player's chestplate white
  229. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  230. dye loop-player's leggings white
  231. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  232. else:
  233. cancel event
  234. send "{@name} {@c2}Silly! You can't place that here!" to player
  235. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  236. if player is holding skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin":
  237. if block 1 below event-block is {ghostplaceblock}:
  238. cancel event
  239. remove 1 of skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin" from player
  240. add 1 to {score.ghost}
  241. add 1 to {collected.%player's uuid%}
  242. add 4 to {coins.%player's uuid%}
  243. send "{@name} {@c2}You have gained {@c1}4 coins{@c2} for placing a pumpkin!"
  244. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% (Ghost) {@c2}has placed down the pumpkin! The Ghost team now have collected {c1}%{score.ghost}%&7 pumpkins!"
  245. send "{@name} {@c2}You have placed a pumpkin!" to player
  246. execute console command "effect clear %player%"
  247. execute console command "setblock %{pumpkinx}% %{pumpkiny}% %{pumpkinz}% minecraft:player_head{ExtraType:""Rovertdoow1st"",SkullType:3}"
  248. loop all players:
  249. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  250. teleport loop-player to {zombiespawn}
  251. heal loop-player
  252. clear loop-player's inventory
  253. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  254. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  255. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  256. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  257. dye loop-player's chestplate green
  258. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  259. dye loop-player's leggings green
  260. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  261. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  262. teleport loop-player to {ghostspawn}
  263. heal loop-player
  264. clear loop-player's inventory
  265. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  266. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  267. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  268. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  269. dye loop-player's chestplate white
  270. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  271. dye loop-player's leggings white
  272. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  273. else:
  274. cancel event
  275. send "{@name}{@c2}Silly! You can't place that here!" to player
  277. command /leave: #LEAVING THE GAME
  278. trigger:
  279. if {queue.%player's uuid%} is true:
  280. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to false
  281. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "none"
  282. teleport player to {spawn}
  283. clear player's inventory
  284. send "{@name} {@c2}You have successfully left the game!" to player
  285. remove 1 from {totalqueue}
  287. command /join: #JOINING THE GAME
  288. trigger:
  289. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is true:
  290. send "&CError! You cannot join a game while in elytra mode!"
  291. stop
  292. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is false:
  293. if {currentgame} is true:
  294. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "none":
  295. if {queue.%player's uuid%} is false:
  296. if {ghostteamdecide} is false:
  297. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "ghost"
  298. send "{@name} {@c2}You have joined the {@c1}Ghost Team{@c2}!" to player
  299. set {ghostteamdecide} to true
  300. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to true
  301. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to false
  302. set player's gamemode to survival
  303. teleport player to {ghostspawn}
  304. clear player's inventory
  305. add 1 to {totalqueue}
  306. stop
  307. if {ghostteamdecide} is true:
  308. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "zombie"
  309. send "{@name} {@c2}You have joined the {@c1}Zombie Team{@c2}!" to player
  310. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  311. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to true
  312. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to false
  313. set player's gamemode to survival
  314. teleport player to {zombiespawn}
  315. clear player's inventory
  316. add 1 to {totalqueue}
  317. stop
  318. if {currentgame} is false:
  319. if {queue.%player's uuid%} is false:
  320. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to true
  321. send "{@name} {@c2}You have joined the queue!" to player
  322. add 1 to {totalqueue}
  323. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player%{@c2} has joined the game! {@c1}%{totalqueue}%{@c2} players in the queue!"
  324. if {ghostteamdecide} is false:
  325. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "ghost"
  326. send "{@name} {@c2}You have joined the {@c1}Ghost Team{@c2}!" to player
  327. set {ghostteamdecide} to true
  328. stop
  329. if {ghostteamdecide} is true:
  330. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "zombie"
  331. send "{@name} {@c2}You have joined the {@c1}Zombie Team{@c2}!" to player
  332. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  333. stop
  334. command /qreset: #RESETING THE GAAME
  335. permission: *
  336. permission message: &cNo permission!
  337. trigger:
  338. loop all players:
  339. make loop-player execute "/leave"
  340. set {queue.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  341. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  342. set {team.%loop-player's uuid%} to "none"
  343. set {totalqueue} to 0
  344. set {currentgame} to false
  345. set {playingcurrently} to false
  346. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  347. teleport loop-player to {spawn}
  348. broadcast "{@name} {@c2}The game has been reset!"
  349. on quit: #RESETING PEOPLE IN GAME
  350. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to false
  351. if {queue.%player's uuid%} is true:
  352. remove 1 from {totalqueue}
  353. clear player's inventory
  354. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to false
  355. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "none"
  356. set {zombie.%player's uuid%} to false
  357. set {elymode.%player's uuid%} to false
  358. set {currentlyingame.%player's uuid%} to false
  359. if player has skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player named "&&ePumpkin":
  360. execute console command "replacepumpkin"
  361. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% {@c2}has left the game with the pumpkin! The pumpkin has now been respawned!"
  363. if {team.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  364. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "none"
  365. if {activated.%player's uuid%} does not exist:
  366. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to false
  367. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to false
  368. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to false
  369. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "none"
  370. set {elymode.%player's uuid%} to false
  371. teleport player to {spawn}
  372. clear player's inventory
  373. set {currentlyingame.%player's uuid%} to false
  374. every 5 ticks:
  375. if {playingcurrently} is false:
  376. if {totalqueue} > 1:
  377. set {currentgame} to true
  378. broadcast "{@name}{@c2} A game is ready to play! Do {@c1}/join{@c2} to join!"
  379. on death of player:
  380. if damage cause is attack:
  381. broadcast "&c%victim% &7has died to &c%attacker%"
  382. add 2 to {coins.%attacker's uuid%}
  383. add 1 to {kills.%attacker's uuid%}
  384. send "{@name} You gained &c2 coins&7 for killing &c%victim%&7!" to attacker
  385. if victim has skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin":
  386. give damager skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin"
  387. broadcast "{@name} &c%victim% &7has lost the pumpkin! &c%attacker% &7now has it!"
  388. execute console command "effect give %attacker% minecraft:glowing 99999 99 true"
  389. execute console command "effect give %attacker% minecraft:slowness 99999 1 true"
  390. if victim has skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin":
  391. broadcast "{@name} &c%victim% &7has lost the pumpkin! It has now respawned!"
  392. execute console command "replacepumpkin"
  393. every 5 ticks:
  394. if {currentgame} is true:
  395. set {playingcurrently} to true
  396. set {currentgame} to false
  397. loop all players:
  398. if {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
  399. stop
  400. if {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} is false:
  401. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to true
  402. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  403. add 1 to {totalplaying}
  404. teleport loop-player to {ghostspawn}
  405. send "{@name} You are an &cGhost (Red team)&7!" to loop-player
  406. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  407. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  408. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  409. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  410. dye loop-player's chestplate red
  411. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  412. dye loop-player's leggings red
  413. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  414. if {activated.%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
  415. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.shield"
  416. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.sphere"
  417. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor1"
  418. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor2"
  419. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor3"
  420. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor4"
  421. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor5"
  422. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor6"
  423. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor7"
  424. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor8"
  425. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor12"
  426. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor13"
  427. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor14"
  428. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor15"
  429. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor16"
  430. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor17"
  431. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor18"
  432. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor19"
  433. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.tail"
  434. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.wings"
  435. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.text"
  436. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.spiral0"
  437. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.spiral1"
  438. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.circle1"
  439. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.circle2"
  440. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.bigcircle"
  441. set {activated.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  442. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  443. add 1 to {totalplaying}
  444. teleport loop-player to {zombiespawn}
  445. send "{@name} You are a &cZombie (Green team)&7!" to loop-player
  446. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  447. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  448. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  449. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  450. dye loop-player's chestplate green
  451. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  452. dye loop-player's leggings green
  453. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  454. if {activated.%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
  455. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.shield"
  456. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.sphere"
  457. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor1"
  458. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor2"
  459. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor3"
  460. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor4"
  461. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor5"
  462. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor6"
  463. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor7"
  464. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor8"
  465. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor12"
  466. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor13"
  467. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor14"
  468. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor15"
  469. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor16"
  470. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor17"
  471. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor18"
  472. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor19"
  473. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.tail"
  474. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.wings"
  475. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.text"
  476. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.spiral0"
  477. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.spiral1"
  478. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.circle1"
  479. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.circle2"
  480. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.bigcircle"
  481. set {activated.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  482. stop
  484. if {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} is not set:
  485. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to true
  486. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  487. add 1 to {totalplaying}
  488. teleport loop-player to {ghostspawn}
  489. send "{@name} You are an &cGhost (Red team)&7!" to loop-player
  490. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  491. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  492. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  493. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  494. dye loop-player's chestplate red
  495. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  496. dye loop-player's leggings red
  497. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  498. if {activated.%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
  499. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.shield"
  500. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.sphere"
  501. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor1"
  502. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor2"
  503. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor3"
  504. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor4"
  505. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor5"
  506. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor6"
  507. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor7"
  508. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor8"
  509. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor12"
  510. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor13"
  511. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor14"
  512. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor15"
  513. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor16"
  514. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor17"
  515. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor18"
  516. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor19"
  517. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.tail"
  518. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.wings"
  519. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.text"
  520. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.spiral0"
  521. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.spiral1"
  522. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.circle1"
  523. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.circle2"
  524. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.bigcircle"
  525. set {activated.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  526. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  527. add 1 to {totalplaying}
  528. teleport loop-player to {zombiespawn}
  529. send "{@name} You are a &cZombie (Green team)&7!" to loop-player
  530. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  531. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  532. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  533. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  534. dye loop-player's chestplate green
  535. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  536. dye loop-player's leggings green
  537. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  538. if {activated.%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
  539. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.shield"
  540. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.sphere"
  541. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor1"
  542. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor2"
  543. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor3"
  544. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor4"
  545. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor5"
  546. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor6"
  547. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor7"
  548. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor8"
  549. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor12"
  550. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor13"
  551. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor14"
  552. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor15"
  553. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor16"
  554. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor17"
  555. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor18"
  556. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.floor19"
  557. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.tail"
  558. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.wings"
  559. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.text"
  560. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.spiral0"
  561. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.spiral1"
  562. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.circle1"
  563. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.circle2"
  564. stopEffect id "%loop-player%.bigcircle"
  565. set {activated.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  566. stop
  567. on respawn:
  568. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  569. clear player's inventory
  570. teleport player to {ghostspawn}
  571. give unbreakable stone sword to player
  572. give unbreakable bow to player
  573. give 18 arrows to player
  574. set player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  575. dye player's chestplate white
  576. set player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  577. dye player's leggings white
  578. set player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  579. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  580. clear player's inventory
  581. teleport player to {zombiespawn}
  582. give unbreakable stone sword to player
  583. give unbreakable bow to player
  584. give 18 arrows to player
  585. set player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  586. dye player's chestplate green
  587. set player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  588. dye player's leggings green
  589. set player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  591. every tick:
  592. if {score.ghost} is 3:
  593. broadcast "{@name} The &cGhost team&7 won the game!"
  594. loop all players:
  595. set {queue.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  596. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  597. set {totalqueue} to 0
  598. set {currentgame} to false
  599. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  600. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  601. add 1 to {wins.%loop-player's uuid%}
  602. add 10 to {coins.%loop-player's uuid%}
  603. send "{@name} You gained &c10 coins&7 for winning!" to loop-player
  604. set loop-player's leggings to air
  605. set loop-player's chestplate to air
  606. set loop-player's boots to air
  607. execute console command "clear %loop-player%"
  608. teleport loop-player to {spawn}
  609. set {score.ghost} to 0
  610. set {score.zombie} to 0
  611. set {spectator.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  612. set loop-player's gamemode to survival
  613. set {team.%loop-player's uuid%} to "none"
  614. if {score.zombie} is 3:
  615. broadcast "{@name} The &cZombie team&7 won the game!"
  616. loop all players:
  617. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  618. set {queue.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  619. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  620. set {totalqueue} to 0
  621. set {currentgame} to false
  622. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  623. add 1 to {wins.%loop-player's uuid%}
  624. add 10 to {coins.%loop-player's uuid%}
  625. send "{@name} You gained &c10 coins&7 for winning!" to loop-player
  626. set loop-player's leggings to air
  627. set loop-player's chestplate to air
  628. set loop-player's boots to air
  629. execute console command "clear %loop-player%"
  630. teleport loop-player to {spawn}
  631. set {score.zombie} to 0
  632. set {score.ghost} to 0
  633. set {spectator.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  634. set loop-player's gamemode to survival
  635. set {team.%loop-player's uuid%} to "none"
  636. command /spectator:
  637. trigger:
  638. if {team.%player's uuid%} is none:
  639. if {spectator.%player's uuid%} is false:
  640. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to true
  641. set player's gamemode to spectator
  642. teleport player to {ghostspawn}
  643. send "{@name} You are now a spectator! Type /spectator again to get out of spectator mode!" to player
  644. clear player's inventory
  645. stop
  646. if {spectator.%player's uuid%} is true:
  647. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to false
  648. set player's gamemode to survival
  649. teleport player to {spawn}
  650. send "{@name} You are no longer a spectator! Type /spectator again to enter spectator mode!" to player
  651. clear player's inventory
  652. stop
  654. on drop:
  655. cancel event
  657. on break:
  658. if {build.%player%} is true:
  659. set event-block to air
  660. if {build.%player%} is false:
  661. cancel event
  663. on death:
  664. wait 1 tick
  665. force player to respawn
  667. ####################################################################################################################################
  669. variables:
  670. {totaljoins} = 1
  672. options:
  673. name: &6Gravestone &7»
  677. on join:
  678. set join message to "&7[&a+&7] &7%player%"
  679. if {elymode.%player%} is not set:
  680. set {elymode.%player%} to false
  682. on quit:
  683. set leave message to "&7[&c-&7] &7%player%"
  685. on first join:
  686. add 1 to {totaljoins}
  687. broadcast "{@name} &6Welcome &7%player%&c &6to gravestone! &7##%{totaljoins}%"
  689. #####################################################################################################################################
  691. variables:
  692. {totaljoins} = 1
  694. options:
  695. name: &6Particles &7»
  697. #-----------------------------------------------PARTICLES------------------------------------------------
  699. command /particle [<text>] [<text>]:
  700. permission: donor.particles
  701. permission message: &cNo permission! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to execute this command!
  702. aliases: /p
  703. trigger:
  704. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "ghost" or "zombie":
  705. send "&cError! You cannot use particles while in game!"
  706. stop
  707. if {activated.%player's uuid%} does not exist:
  708. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to false
  709. if arg 1 is not "wings" or "text" or "sphere" or "circle" or "spiral" or "shield" or "disable" or "bigcircle" or "tail" or "floor":
  710. send "&cUnknown particle! Opening particle GUI" to player
  711. if arg 1 is not set:
  712. if {back.%player's uuid%} is not 0 or 1:
  713. set {back.%player's uuid%} to 0
  714. if {back.%player's uuid%} is 0:
  715. open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lParticles" to player
  716. set {_slot} to 0
  717. loop 54 times:
  718. format slot {_slot} of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  719. add 1 to {_slot}
  720. format slot 10 of player with nether star named "&cSpiral" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p Spiral"]
  721. format slot 11 of player with sunflower named "&cHalo" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/format 1"]
  722. format slot 12 of player with ender pearl named "&cRing" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p bigcircle"]
  723. format slot 13 of player with wooden hoe named "&cTail" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p tail"]
  724. format slot 14 of player with white carpet named "&cFloor" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/format 3"]
  725. format slot 15 of player with slimeball named "&cSphere" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p sphere"]
  726. format slot 16 of player with iron chestplate named "&cShield" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p shield"]
  727. format slot 22 of player with elytra named "&cWings" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p wings"]
  728. format slot 49 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to close
  729. format slot 40 of player with red glass pane named "&cDisable Particles" to run [make player execute command "/p disable"]
  730. else if {back.%player's uuid%} is 1:
  731. set {_slot} to 0
  732. loop 54 times:
  733. format slot {_slot} of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  734. add 1 to {_slot}
  735. format slot 10 of player with nether star named "&cSpiral" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p Spiral"]
  736. format slot 11 of player with sunflower named "&cHalo" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/format 1"]
  737. format slot 12 of player with ender pearl named "&cRing" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p bigcircle"]
  738. format slot 13 of player with wooden hoe named "&cTail" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p tail"]
  739. format slot 14 of player with white carpet named "&cFloor" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/format 3"]
  740. format slot 15 of player with slimeball named "&cSphere" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p sphere"]
  741. format slot 16 of player with iron chestplate named "&cShield" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p shield"]
  742. format slot 22 of player with elytra named "&cWings" with lore "&7Requires &a&lVIP&7 rank!" to run [make player execute command "/p wings"]
  743. format slot 49 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to close
  744. format slot 40 of player with red glass pane named "&cDisable Particles" to run [make player execute command "/p disable"]
  745. set {back.%player's uuid%} to 0
  746. if arg 1 is "disable":
  747. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  748. send "{@name} Particle disabled!"
  749. stopEffect id "%player%.shield"
  750. stopEffect id "%player%.sphere"
  751. stopEffect id "%player%.floor1"
  752. stopEffect id "%player%.floor2"
  753. stopEffect id "%player%.floor3"
  754. stopEffect id "%player%.floor4"
  755. stopEffect id "%player%.floor5"
  756. stopEffect id "%player%.floor6"
  757. stopEffect id "%player%.floor7"
  758. stopEffect id "%player%.floor8"
  759. stopEffect id "%player%.floor12"
  760. stopEffect id "%player%.floor13"
  761. stopEffect id "%player%.floor14"
  762. stopEffect id "%player%.floor15"
  763. stopEffect id "%player%.floor16"
  764. stopEffect id "%player%.floor17"
  765. stopEffect id "%player%.floor18"
  766. stopEffect id "%player%.floor19"
  767. stopEffect id "%player%.tail"
  768. stopEffect id "%player%.wings"
  769. stopEffect id "%player%.text"
  770. stopEffect id "%player%.spiral0"
  771. stopEffect id "%player%.spiral1"
  772. stopEffect id "%player%.circle1"
  773. stopEffect id "%player%.circle2"
  774. stopEffect id "%player%.bigcircle"
  775. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to false
  776. else:
  777. send "&cError! You have no particles to disable!"
  778. if arg 1 is "Wings":
  779. if player has permission "donor.particles.wings":
  780. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  781. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  782. else:
  783. drawWings style 12, particle1 "redstone", RGB 0, 0, 0, particle2 "redstone", RGB2 153, 102, 255, particle3 "redstone", RGB3 153, 102, 255, center player, id "%player%.wings", angle 110, height 0, space 0.2, visibleRange 100
  784. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  785. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to true
  786. else:
  787. send "&cError! You don't have permission for this particle! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to use this!"
  788. if arg 1 is "Spiral":
  789. if player has permission "donor.particles.spiral":
  790. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  791. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  792. else:
  793. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.spiral0", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 1.1, density 100, height 7, effectMod 0.1, start 0, visibleRange 100
  794. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.spiral1", rainbowMode true, clockwise false, scan true, radius 1.1, density 100, height 7, effectMod 0.1, start 0, visibleRange 100
  795. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  796. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to true
  797. else:
  798. send "&cError! You don't have permission for this particle! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to use this!"
  799. if arg 1 is "Circle":
  800. if player has permission "":
  801. if arg 2 is set:
  802. if arg 2 is "1":
  803. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  804. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  805. else:
  806. drawSimpleHalo particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.circle1", rainbowMode true, visibleRange 100
  807. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  808. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to true
  809. else if arg 2 is "2":
  810. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  811. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  812. else:
  813. drawHalo particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.circle2", rainbowMode true, solid true, density 10, visibleRange 100
  814. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  815. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to true
  816. else:
  817. send "&cError! You don't have permission for this particle! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to use this!"
  818. if arg 1 is "BigCircle":
  819. if player has permission "donor.particles.bigcircle":
  820. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  821. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  822. else:
  823. drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.bigcircle", rainbowMode true, randomRotation false, radius 1, density 80, start 0, visibleRange 100
  824. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  825. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to true
  826. else:
  827. send "&cError! You don't have permission for this particle! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to use this!"
  828. if arg 1 is "tail":
  829. if player has permission "donor.particles.tail":
  830. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  831. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  832. else:
  833. drawNyanCat center player, id "%player%.tail", visibleRange 100
  834. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  835. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to true
  836. else:
  837. send "&cError! You don't have permission for this particle! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to use this!"
  838. if arg 1 is "sphere":
  839. if player has permission "donor.particles.sphere":
  840. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  841. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  842. else:
  843. drawSphere style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.sphere", rainbowMode true, radius 2, density 100, visibleRange 100, pulseDelay 1
  844. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  845. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to true
  846. else:
  847. send "&cError! You don't have permission for this particle! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to use this!"
  848. if arg 1 is "floor":
  849. if player has permission "donor.particles.floor":
  850. if arg 2 is set:
  851. if arg 2 is "1":
  852. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  853. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  854. else:
  855. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  856. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to true
  857. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor1", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 2, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  858. wait 3 ticks
  859. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor2", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.7, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  860. wait 3 ticks
  861. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor3", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.4, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  862. wait 3 ticks
  863. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor4", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.1, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  864. wait 3 ticks
  865. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor5", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .8, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  866. wait 3 ticks
  867. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor6", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .5, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  868. wait 3 ticks
  869. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor7", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .2, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  870. wait 3 ticks
  871. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.floor8", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 0, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  872. else if arg 2 is "2":
  873. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  874. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  875. else:
  876. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor12", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 2, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  877. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor13", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.7, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  878. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor14", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.4, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  879. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor15", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 1.1, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  880. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor16", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .8, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  881. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor17", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .5, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  882. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor18", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius .2, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  883. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center player, id "%player%.floor19", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 0, radius 0, ringCount 20, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 100
  884. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  885. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to true
  886. else:
  887. send "&CError! You don't have permission for this particle! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to use this!"
  888. if arg 1 is "shield":
  889. if player has permission "donor.particles.shield":
  890. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  891. send "&cError! You already have a particle activated!"
  892. else:
  893. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%.shield", rainbowMode true, scan true, height 2, radius 1, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 32
  894. send "{@name} Particle activated!"
  895. set {activated.%playe's uuid%} to true
  896. else:
  897. send "Error! You don't have permission for this particle! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to use this!"
  898. command /format [<text>]:
  899. permission: donor.particles
  900. permission message: &cNo permission! You need &a&lVIP&c rank to execute this command!
  901. trigger:
  902. if {onghost.%player's uuid%} or {onzombie.%player's uuid%} is true:
  903. send "&cError! You cannot use particles while in game!"
  904. stop
  905. if arg 1 is not set:
  906. send "&cError! Correct usage /format [<text>]!"
  907. if arg 1 is "1":
  908. set {_slot} to 0
  909. loop 54 times:
  910. format slot {_slot} of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  911. add 1 to {_slot}
  912. format slot 20 of player with sunflower named "&cHalo: &aAnimated" to run [make player execute command "/p Circle 1"]
  913. format slot 24 of player with sunflower named "&cHalo: &bStable" to run [make player execute command "/p Circle 2"]
  914. format slot 49 of player with arrow named "&7Back" to run [make player execute command "/format 2"]
  915. format slot 40 of player with red glass pane named "&cDisable Particles" to run [make player execute command "/p disable"]
  916. if arg 1 is "2":
  917. set {_slot} to 0
  918. loop 54 times:
  919. format slot {_slot} of player with air to be unstealable
  920. add 1 to {_slot}
  921. set {back.%player's uuid%} to 1
  922. make player execute command "/p"
  923. if arg 1 is "3":
  924. set {_slot} to 0
  925. loop 54 times:
  926. format slot {_slot} of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  927. add 1 to {_slot}
  928. format slot 20 of player with white carpet named "&6Flame &cFloor" to run [make player execute command "/p floor 2"]
  929. format slot 24 of player with red carpet named "&cRainbow &cFloor" to run [make player execute command "/p floor 1"]
  930. format slot 49 of player with arrow named "&7Back" to run [make player execute command "/format 2"]
  931. format slot 40 of player with red glass pane named "&cDisable Particles" to run [make player execute command "/p disable"]
  932. on quit:
  933. make player execute command "/p disable"
  936. command /particlehelp:
  937. aliases: /ph
  938. trigger:
  939. send " " to player
  940. send "&7------{@name}------ " to player
  941. send "&cParticles are a donor perk!" to player
  942. send "&cto use particles you must have &a&lVIP&c rank! " to player
  943. send " " to player
  944. send "&7Main Commands:" to player
  945. send "&c/particle, /p &7| Opens the particle GUI! " to player
  946. send "&c/particle disable &7| Disables your particle! " to player
  947. send " " to player
  948. send "&7You can select a particle via the particle GUI or manually input your preferred particle with &c/particle <particlename>&7!" to player
  949. send " " to player
  950. send "&7Particle List:" to player
  951. send "&cSprial &7| Spawns a rainbow spiral!" to player
  952. send "&cHalo &7| Animate or Stable! Note: Please use the GUI when selecting the halo particle." to player
  953. send "&cRing &7| Spawns a rainbow ring!" to player
  954. send "&cTail &7| Become Nyan Cat!" to player
  955. send "&cFloor &7| Rainbow or Flame! Note: Please use the GUI when selecting the floor particle." to player
  956. send "&cSphere &7| Spawns a rainbow sphere!" to player
  957. send "&cShield &7| Spawns a bouncing rainbow ring!" to player
  958. send "&cWings&7| Become Butterfly!" to player
  959. send "&7------{@name}------ " to player
  960. send " " to player
  962. #######################################################################################################################################
  964. command /puns [<offline player>]:
  965. aliases: /punishments
  966. permission: staff.puns
  967. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  968. trigger:
  969. if arg-1 is not set:
  970. send "&cPlease specify a player"
  971. else:
  972. open chest with 6 rows named "&6&l%arg-1%'s history" to player
  973. format slot 0 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  974. format slot 1 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  975. format slot 2 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  976. format slot 3 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  977. format slot 5 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  978. format slot 6 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  979. format slot 7 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  980. format slot 8 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  981. format slot 45 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  982. format slot 46 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  983. format slot 47 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  984. format slot 48 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  985. format slot 49 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  986. format slot 50 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  987. format slot 51 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  988. format slot 52 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  989. format slot 53 of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  990. format slot 4 of player with skull of arg 1 named "&e%arg-1%" to be unstealable
  991. set {_runs} to 8
  992. #BANS------------------------
  993. loop {bans.%arg-1%} times:
  994. add 1 to {_runs}
  995. format slot {_runs} of player with red glass pane named "&6%{banreason.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}%" with lore "&6%{banlength.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}% &7| Issued by » &6%{bannedby.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  996. #MUTE-------------------
  997. loop {mutes.%arg-1%} times:
  998. add 1 to {_runs}
  999. format slot {_runs} of player with orange glass pane named "&6%{mutereason.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}%" with lore "&6%{mutelength.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}% &7| Issued by » &6%{mutedby.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  1000. #KICKS---------------------
  1001. loop {kicks.%arg-1%} times:
  1002. add 1 to {_runs}
  1003. format slot {_runs} of player with yellow glass pane named "&6%{kickreason.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}%" with lore "&7Issued by » &6%{kickedby.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  1004. #WARNINGS------------------------------
  1005. loop {warnings.%arg-1%} times:
  1006. add 1 to {_runs}
  1007. format slot {_runs} of player with green glass pane named "&6%{warnreason.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}%" with lore "&7Issued by » &6%{warnedby.%arg-1%.%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  1010. #VARRIABLES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1011. variables:
  1012. {totaljoins} = 1
  1013. {mainc} = "&6"
  1014. {secc} = "&7"
  1015. #OPTIONS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1016. options:
  1017. name:%{mainc}%gravestone %{secc}%»
  1018. #SETTING UP VARRIABLES PER PLAYER-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1019. on join:
  1020. if {warnings.%player%} is not set:
  1021. set {warnings.%player%} to 0
  1022. if {kicks.%player%} is not set:
  1023. set {kicks.%player%} to 0
  1024. if {mutes.%player%} is not set:
  1025. set {mutes.%player%} to 0
  1026. if {bans.%player%} is not set:
  1027. set {bans.%player%} to 0
  1029. #PUNISHMENT RESET----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1031. command /punreset [<offline player>]:
  1032. permission: staff.history.reset
  1033. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1034. trigger:
  1035. loop {warnings.%arg-1%} times:
  1036. delete {warnreason.%arg-1%.%{warnings.%loop-value%}%}
  1037. delete {warnedby.%arg-1%.%{warnings.%loop-value%}%}
  1038. loop {kicks.%arg-1%} times:
  1039. delete {kickreason.%arg-1%.%{kicks.%loop-value%}%}
  1040. delete {kickedby.%arg-1%.%{kicks.%loop-value%}%}
  1041. loop {mutes.%arg-1%} times:
  1042. delete {mutereason.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%loop-value%}%}
  1043. delete {mutedby.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%loop-value%}%}
  1044. delete {mutelength.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%loop-value%}%}
  1045. loop {bans.%arg-1%} times:
  1046. delete {banreason.%arg-1%.%{bans.%loop-value%}%}
  1047. delete {bannedby.%arg-1%.%{bans.%loop-value%}%}
  1048. delete {banlength.%arg-1%.%{bans.%loop-value%}%}
  1049. set {kicks.%arg-1%} to 0
  1050. set {mutes.%arg-1%} to 0
  1051. set {bans.%arg-1%} to 0
  1052. send "{@name} You have reset the punishment history of &b%arg-1%&7!" to player
  1053. send "{@name} Your punishment history has been resest!" to arg-1
  1055. #WARNINGS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1057. command /warn [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  1058. aliases: /warning
  1059. permission: staff.warn
  1060. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1061. trigger:
  1062. add 1 to {warnings.%arg-1%}
  1063. set {warnreason.%arg-1%.%{warnings.%arg-1%}%} to arg 2
  1064. set {warnedby.%arg-1%.%{warnings.%arg-1%}%} to player
  1066. broadcast ""
  1067. broadcast "&6%arg-1% &7has been warned by &6%player% &7for &6%arg-2% &8[&7%{warnings.%arg-1%}%&8]"
  1068. broadcast ""
  1069. send "&cYou have been warned by &b%player%&c! You now have &b%{warnings.%arg-1%}%&b warning(s)!" to arg-1
  1070. send "&7Successfully warned &b%arg-1%&a!" to player
  1072. #MUTE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1074. command /tempmute [<offline player>] [<text>] [<timespan>]:
  1075. permission: staff.tempmute
  1076. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1077. trigger:
  1078. if player has permission "staff.tempmute":
  1079. if arg 1 is set:
  1080. if arg 2 is set:
  1081. if arg 3 is set:
  1082. add 1 to {mutes.%arg-1%}
  1083. set {mutereason.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%arg-1%}%} to arg 2
  1084. set {mutedby.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%arg-1%}%} to player
  1085. set {mutelength.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%arg-1%}%} to arg 3
  1086. send "%{mutelength.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%arg-1%}%}%"
  1087. set {muted.%arg 1%} to true
  1088. set {mute.time.%arg 1%} to now
  1089. set {mute.expire.%arg 1%} to now
  1090. add arg-3 to {mute.expire.%arg 1%}
  1091. set {_unmutetime} to difference between {mute.expire.%arg 1%} and now
  1092. broadcast ""
  1093. broadcast "&6%arg-1% &7has been muted by &6%player% &7for &6%arg-2% &8[&7%arg-3%&8]"
  1094. broadcast ""
  1095. wait {_unmutetime}
  1096. if {muted.%arg-1%} is true:
  1097. set {muted.%arg-1%} to false
  1098. send "{@name} You have been unmuted!" to arg-1
  1099. else:
  1100. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/tempmute <player> <reason> <time> &7(Note: when selecting a duration for the mute, please use times like '1 second' or '10 minutes' do NOT use times like '1s' or '10m)'"
  1101. else:
  1102. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/tempmute <player> <reason> <time> &7(Note: when selecting a duration for the mute, please use times like '1 second' or '10 minutes' do NOT use times like '1s' or '10m)'"
  1103. else:
  1104. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/tempmute <player> <reason> <time> &7(Note: when selecting a duration for the mute, please use times like '1 second' or '10 minutes' do NOT use times like '1s' or '10m)'"
  1106. on chat:
  1107. if player does not have permission "staff.mute.bypass":
  1108. if {muted.%player%} is true:
  1109. cancel event
  1110. send "{@name} &7You cannot speak while muted!" to player
  1112. #UNMUTE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1114. command /unmute [<offline player>]:
  1115. permission: staff.unmute
  1116. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1117. trigger:
  1118. set {muted.%arg-1%} to false
  1119. send "{@name} You have been unmuted!" to arg-1
  1120. send "{@name} You have unmuted &b%arg-1%&7!" to player
  1122. #PERM MUTE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1124. command /mute [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  1125. permission: staff.mute
  1126. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1127. trigger:
  1128. if arg 1 is set:
  1129. if arg 2 is set:
  1130. add 1 to {mutes.%arg-1%}
  1131. set {mutereason.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%arg-1%}%} to arg 2
  1132. set {mutedby.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%arg-1%}%} to player
  1133. set {mutelength.%arg-1%.%{mutes.%arg-1%}%} to "&8[&7FOREVER&8]"
  1134. set {muted.%arg-1%} to true
  1135. broadcast ""
  1136. broadcast "&6%arg-1% &7has been muted by &6%player% &7for &6%arg-2% &8[&7FOREVER&8]"
  1137. broadcast ""
  1138. else:
  1139. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/mute <player> <reason>&7!"
  1140. else:
  1141. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/mute <player> <reason>&7!"
  1143. #KICK----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1145. command /kick [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  1146. permission: staff.kick
  1147. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1148. trigger:
  1149. if arg 1 is set:
  1150. if arg 2 is set:
  1151. if arg 1 does not have permission "staff.kick":
  1152. add 1 to {kicks.%arg-1%}
  1153. set {kickreason.%arg-1%.%{kicks.%arg-1%}%} to arg 2
  1154. set {kickedby.%arg-1%.%{kicks.%arg-1%}%} to player
  1155. kick arg 1 due to "{@name} You have been kicked due to&b %arg-2%&7!"
  1156. send "{@name} Kicked &b%arg-1%&7 due to &b%arg-2%&7!"
  1157. broadcast ""
  1158. broadcast "&6%arg-1% &7has been kicked by &6%player% &7for &6%arg-2%"
  1159. broadcast ""
  1160. else:
  1161. send "{@name} &7You cannot kick that player!" to player
  1162. else:
  1163. send "{@name} &7Please input a kick reason!" to player
  1164. else:
  1165. send "{@name} &7Please a valid player to kick!" to player
  1167. #BAN-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1169. command /tempban [<offline player>] [<text>] [<timespan>]:
  1170. permission: staff.tempban
  1171. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1172. trigger:
  1173. if player has permission "staff.tempban":
  1174. if arg 1 is set:
  1175. if arg 2 is set:
  1176. if arg 3 is set:
  1177. set {banned.%arg 1%} to true
  1178. set {ban.time.%arg 1%} to now
  1179. set {ban.expire.%arg 1%} to now
  1180. add arg-3 to {ban.expire.%arg 1%}
  1181. add 1 to {bans.%arg-1%}
  1182. set {banreason.%arg-1%.%{bans.%arg-1%}%} to arg 2
  1183. set {bannedby.%arg-1%.%{bans.%arg-1%}%} to player
  1184. set {banlength.%arg-1%.%{bans.%arg-1%}%} to arg 3
  1185. set {_unbantime} to difference between {ban.expire.%arg 1%} and now
  1186. kick arg 1 due to "{@name} &7You have been banned, your ban will expire &7on &b%{ban.expire.%player%}%&7!"
  1187. broadcast ""
  1188. broadcast "&6%arg-1% &7has been banned by &6%player% &7for &6%arg-2% &8[&7%arg-3%&8]"
  1189. broadcast ""
  1190. wait {_unbantime}
  1191. if {banned.%player%} is true:
  1192. set {banned.%player%} to false
  1193. broadcast "{@name} &b%arg-1%&7 has been unbanned!"
  1194. else:
  1195. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/tempban <player> <reason> <time> &7(Note: when selecting a duration for the ban, please use times like '1 second' or '10 minutes' do NOT use times like '1s' or '10m)'"
  1196. else:
  1197. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/tempban <player> <reason> <time> &7(Note: when selecting a duration for the ban, please use times like '1 second' or '10 minutes' do NOT use times like '1s' or '10m)'"
  1198. else:
  1199. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/tempban <player> <reason> <time> &7(Note: when selecting a duration for the ban, please use times like '1 second' or '10 minutes' do NOT use times like '1s' or '10m)'"
  1201. on join:
  1202. if player does not have permission "staff.ban.bypass":
  1203. if {banned.%player%} is true:
  1204. if {ban.expire.%player%} is not set:
  1205. kick player due to "{@name} &7You have been permanently banned!"
  1206. if {ban.expire.%player%} is "0":
  1207. kick player due to "{@name} &7You have been permanently banned!"
  1208. if {ban.expire.%player%} is not "0":
  1209. kick player due to "{@name} &7You have been banned, your ban will expire &7on &b%{ban.expire.%player%}%&7!"
  1211. command /unban [<offline player>]:
  1212. permission: staff.unban
  1213. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1214. trigger:
  1215. set {banned.%arg-1%} to false
  1216. broadcast ""
  1217. broadcast "&6%arg-1% &7has been unbanned by &6%player%"
  1218. broadcast ""
  1220. command /ban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  1221. permission: staff.ban
  1222. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1223. trigger:
  1224. if arg 1 is set:
  1225. if arg 2 is set:
  1226. set {banned.%arg-1%} to true
  1227. broadcast ""
  1228. broadcast "&6%arg-1% &7has been banned by &6%player% &7for &6%arg-2% &8[&7FOREVER&8]"
  1229. broadcast ""
  1230. add 1 to {bans.%arg-1%}
  1231. set {banreason.%arg-1%.%{bans.%arg-1%}%} to arg 2
  1232. set {bannedby.%arg-1%.%{bans.%arg-1%}%} to player
  1233. set {banlength.%arg-1%.%{bans.%arg-1%}%} to "&8[&7FOREVER&8]"
  1234. kick arg 1 due to "{@name} &7You have been permanently banned!"
  1235. else:
  1236. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/ban <player> <reason>&7!"
  1237. else:
  1238. send "{@name} Correct usage: &b/ban <player> <reason>&7!"
  1240. #---------------------------------------
  1241. command /minecraft:me:
  1242. trigger:
  1243. send "&cNope" to player
  1244. #####################################################################################################################################
  1246. options:
  1247. name: &6Gravestone &7»
  1249. #RESET COINS
  1251. command /resetcoins [<player>]:
  1252. permission: op
  1253. permission message: &cError! You don’t have permission to use this command!
  1254. trigger:
  1255. Set {coins.%arg-1%} to 0
  1256. send "{@name} You have reset the coins of &c%arg-1%&7!" To player
  1257. send "{@name} Your coins have been reset by &c%player%&7!" To arg 1
  1259. ######################################################################################################################################
  1263. every 40 ticks:
  1264. loop all players:
  1265. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  1266. set {} to number of all players
  1267. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6gravestone &8| &6&lBETA"
  1268. set score " " in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  1269. set score "&7Check stats » &6/stats" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  1270. set score "&7Online&7 » &6%{}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  1271. set score "&7Queue&7 » &6%{totalqueue}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  1272. set score "&7Rank&7 » &6%{rank::%loop-player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  1273. set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  1274. set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  1275. if {coins.%loop-player%} is not set:
  1276. set {coins.%loop-player%} to 0
  1277. if {kills.%loop-player%} is not set:
  1278. set {kills.%loop-player%} to 0
  1279. if {wins.%loop-player%} is not set:
  1280. set {wins.%loop-player%} to 0
  1281. if {collected.%loop-player%} is not set:
  1282. set {collected.%loop-player%} to 0
  1284. command /stats [<offline player>]:
  1285. trigger:
  1286. if arg-1 is not set:
  1287. send "&6----------------------" to player
  1288. send "&7%player%&7's Statistics" to player
  1289. send "" to player
  1290. send "&7Current Coins: &7%{coins.%player%}%" to player
  1291. send "&7Players Killed: &7%{kills.%player%}%" to player
  1292. send "&7Pumpkins Collected: &7%{collected.%player%}%" to player
  1293. send "&7Games Won: &7%{wins.%player%}%" to player
  1294. send "&6----------------------"
  1295. if arg-1 is set:
  1296. send "&6----------------------"
  1297. send "&7%arg-1%&7's Statistics"
  1298. send ""
  1299. send "&7Current Coins: &7%{coins.%arg-1%} ? 0%"
  1300. send "&7Players Killed: &7%{kills.%arg-1%} ? 0%"
  1301. send "&7Pumpkins Collected: &7%{collected.%arg-1%} ? 0%"
  1302. send "&7Games Won: &7%{wins.%arg-1%} ? 0%"
  1303. send "&6----------------------"
  1305. ###################################################################################################################################
  1307. variables:
  1308. {totaljoins} = 1
  1310. options:
  1311. name: &6Gravestone &7»
  1313. #STAFFCHAT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1315. on chat:
  1316. if {staffchat.%player%} is true:
  1317. set {staffmsg} to message
  1318. cancel event
  1319. loop all players:
  1320. if loop-player has permission "staff.staffchat":
  1321. send "&6[STAFF] &7» %player's display name%&f: %{staffmsg}%" to loop-player
  1322. if {staffchat.%player%} is false:
  1323. if message starts with "!":
  1324. if player has permission "staff.staffchat":
  1325. set {staffmsg} to message
  1326. replace all "!" with "" in {staffmsg}
  1327. cancel event
  1328. loop all players:
  1329. if loop-player has permission "staff.staffchat":
  1330. send "&6[STAFF] &7» %player's display name%&f: %{staffmsg}%" to loop-player
  1332. command /staffchat [<text>]:
  1333. aliases: /sc
  1334. permission: staff.staffchat
  1335. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1336. trigger:
  1337. if arg-1 is not set:
  1338. send "&7Please choose &aenable&7 or &cdisable&7!" to player
  1339. if arg-1 is set:
  1340. if arg-1 is "on" or "enable":
  1341. set {staffchat.%player%} to true
  1342. send "&7Staffchat has been &aenabled&7!" to player
  1343. if arg-1 is "off" or "disable":
  1344. set {staffchat.%player%} to false
  1345. send "&7Staffchat has been &cdisabled&7!" to player
  1347. #CLEARCHAT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1349. command /clearchat:
  1350. aliases: /cc
  1351. permission: staff.clearchat
  1352. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1353. trigger:
  1354. loop 200 times:
  1355. broadcast ""
  1356. broadcast ""
  1357. broadcast "{@name} &7Chat has been cleaned by &6%player%"
  1359. #MUTECHAT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1361. command /mutechat:
  1362. aliases: /mc
  1363. permission: staff.mutechat
  1364. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1365. trigger:
  1366. if {chat} is false:
  1367. wait 5 ticks
  1368. set {chat} to true
  1369. broadcast "{@name} &7Chat has been &6unmuted &7by %player%."
  1370. else:
  1371. wait 5 ticks
  1372. set {chat} to false
  1373. broadcast "{@name} &7Chat has been &6muted &7by %player%."
  1374. on chat:
  1375. if {chat} is false:
  1376. if player has permission "staff.mutechat.bypass":
  1377. stop
  1378. else:
  1379. cancel event
  1380. wait 1 tick
  1381. send "&7You cannot talk while the chat is muted!"
  1383. #GAMEMODE COMMANDS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1385. command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>]:
  1386. permission: staff.gamemode.self
  1387. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1388. trigger:
  1389. if arg-1 is not set:
  1390. send "&cPlease select a valid gamemode!" to player
  1391. if arg-1 is "survival" or "creative" or "spectator" or "adventure":
  1392. if arg-2 is not set:
  1393. if arg-1 is "survival":
  1394. set player's gamemode to survival
  1395. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bsurvival&7!" to player
  1396. if arg-1 is "creative":
  1397. set player's gamemode to creative
  1398. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bcreative&7!" to player
  1399. if arg-1 is "spectator":
  1400. set player's gamemode to spectator
  1401. send "{@name}] &7Your gamemode was set to &bspectator&7!" to player
  1402. if arg-1 is "adventure":
  1403. set player's gamemode to adventure
  1404. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &badventure&7!" to player
  1405. if arg-2 is set:
  1406. if player has permission "staff.gamemode.other":
  1407. if arg-1 is "survival":
  1408. set arg 2's gamemode to survival
  1409. send "{@name}&7You have set %arg-2%&7's gamemode to &bsurvival&7!" to player
  1410. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bsurvival&7!" to arg 2
  1411. if arg-1 is "creative":
  1412. set arg 2's gamemode to creative
  1413. send "{@name} &7You have set %arg-2%&7's gamemode to &bcreative&7!" to player
  1414. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bcreative&7!" to arg 2
  1415. if arg-1 is "spectator":
  1416. set arg 2's gamemode to spectator
  1417. send "{@name} &7You have set %arg-2%&7's gamemode to &bspectator&7!" to player
  1418. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bspectator&7!" to arg 2
  1419. if arg-1 is "adventure":
  1420. set arg 2's gamemode to adventure
  1421. send "{@name} &7You have set %arg-2%&7's gamemode to &badventure&7!" to player
  1422. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &badventure&7!" to arg 2
  1423. else:
  1424. send "&cYou don't have permission to change the gamemode of another player!" to player
  1426. command /gms [<player>]:
  1427. permission: staff.gamemode.self
  1428. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1429. trigger:
  1430. if arg-1 is not set:
  1431. set player's gamemode to survival
  1432. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bsurvival&7!" to player
  1433. if arg-1 is set:
  1434. if player has permission "staff.gamemode.other":
  1435. set arg-1's gamemode to survival
  1436. send "{@name} &7You have set %arg-1%&7's gamemode to &bsurvival&7!" to player
  1437. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bsurvival&7!" to arg 1
  1438. else:
  1439. send "&cYou don't have permission to change the gamemode of another player!" to player
  1441. command /gmc [<player>]:
  1442. permission: staff.gamemode.self
  1443. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1444. trigger:
  1445. if arg-1 is not set:
  1446. set player's gamemode to creative
  1447. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bcreative&7!" to player
  1448. if arg-1 is set:
  1449. if player has permission "staff.gamemode.other":
  1450. set arg-1's gamemode to creative
  1451. send "{@name} &7You have set %arg-1%&7's gamemode to &bcreative&7!" to player
  1452. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bcreative&7!" to arg 1
  1453. else:
  1454. send "&cYou don't have permission to change the gamemode of another player!" to player
  1456. command /gma [<player>]:
  1457. permission: staff.gamemode.self
  1458. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1459. trigger:
  1460. if arg-1 is not set:
  1461. set player's gamemode to adventure
  1462. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &badventure&7!" to player
  1463. if arg-1 is set:
  1464. if player has permission "staff.gamemode.other":
  1465. set arg-1's gamemode to adventure
  1466. send "{@name} &7You have set %arg-1%&7's gamemode to &badventure&7!" to player
  1467. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &badventure&7!" to arg 1
  1468. else:
  1469. send "&cYou don't have permission to change the gamemode of another player!" to player
  1471. command /gmsp [<player>]:
  1472. permission: staff.gamemode.self
  1473. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1474. trigger:
  1475. if arg-1 is not set:
  1476. set player's gamemode to spectator
  1477. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bspectator&7!" to player
  1478. if arg-1 is set:
  1479. if player has permission "staff.gamemode.other":
  1480. set arg-1's gamemode to spectator
  1481. send "{@name} &7You have set %arg-1%&7's gamemode to &bspectator&7!" to player
  1482. send "{@name} &7Your gamemode was set to &bspectator&7!" to arg 1
  1483. else:
  1484. send "&cYou don't have permission to change the gamemode of another player!" to player
  1486. #TELEPORT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1488. command /tp [<player>]:
  1489. permission:
  1490. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1491. trigger:
  1492. if arg-1 is not set:
  1493. send "&cError! Please select a player to teleport to!" to player
  1494. if arg-1 is set:
  1495. teleport player to arg 1
  1496. send "{@name} Telported to &6%arg-1%&7!" to player
  1497. command /tphere [<player>]:
  1498. permission:
  1499. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1500. trigger:
  1501. if arg-1 is not set:
  1502. send "&cError! Please select a player to teleport here!" to player
  1503. if arg-1 is set:
  1504. teleport arg 1 to player
  1505. send "{@name} Telported &6%arg-1%&7 to you!" to player
  1507. #VANISH--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1509. command /vanish:
  1510. aliases: /v
  1511. permission: staff.vanish
  1512. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1513. trigger:
  1514. if {vanish.%player%} is true:
  1515. loop all players:
  1516. loop-value doesn't have permission "staff.vanish"
  1517. add loop-value to {_vanishto::*}
  1519. reveal player from all players
  1520. set {vanish.%player%} to false
  1521. send "{@name} Vanish has been &6disabled&7!"
  1522. broadcast "&7[&a+&7] &7%player%"
  1523. loop all players:
  1524. if loop-value has permission "staff.vanish":
  1525. send "{@name} &7%player%&7 has &6disabled&7 their vanish!" to loop-value
  1526. else:
  1527. loop all players:
  1528. loop-value doesn't have permission "staff.vanish"
  1529. add loop-value to {_vanishto::*}
  1531. hide player from {_vanishto::*}
  1532. set {vanish.%player%} to true
  1533. send "{@name} Vanish has been &aenabled&7!"
  1534. broadcast "&7[&c-&7] &7%player%"
  1535. loop all players:
  1536. if loop-value has permission "staff.vanish":
  1537. send "{@name} &7%player%&7 has &aenabled&7 their vanish!" to loop-value
  1539. every 2 seconds:
  1540. loop all players:
  1541. if loop-value doesn't have permission "staff.vanish":
  1542. add loop-value to {_vanishto::*}
  1544. #FREEZE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1546. command /freeze [<offline player>]:
  1547. permission: staff.freeze
  1548. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1549. trigger:
  1550. if arg 1 is set:
  1551. if {freezed.%arg-1%} is true:
  1552. if arg 1 does not have permission "staff.freeze.bypass":
  1553. set {freezed.%arg-1%} to false
  1554. reset arg 1's walk speed
  1555. send "{@name} &7You have been &bunfrozen&7!" to arg 1
  1556. send "{@name} &7You have &bunfrozen &b%arg-1%&7!" to player
  1557. else:
  1558. send "{@name}&7 You cannot &bfreeze&7 that player!" to player
  1559. else:
  1560. if arg 1 does not have permission "staff.freeze.bypass":
  1561. set {freezed.%arg-1%} to true
  1562. set arg-1's walk speed to 0
  1563. send "{@name} &7You have been &bfrozen&7!" to arg 1
  1564. send "{@name} &7You have &bfrozen &b%arg-1%&7!" to player
  1565. else:
  1566. send "{@name}&7 You cannot &bfreeze &7that player!" to player
  1567. else:
  1568. send "{@name} Please select a player to be &bfrozen&7!"
  1569. on jump:
  1570. if {freezed.%player%} is true:
  1571. cancel event
  1572. send "{@name}&7 You cannot jump while frozen!" to player
  1574. #BUILD---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1576. command /build [<text>]:
  1577. permission:
  1578. permission message:&c You don't have permission!
  1579. trigger:
  1580. if arg-1 is not set:
  1581. send "{@name} &b/build <on/off>"
  1582. stop
  1583. if arg-1 is set:
  1584. if arg-1 is "On":
  1585. send "{@name} You have &aenabled&7 building for yourself!"
  1586. set {build.%player%} to true
  1587. stop
  1588. if arg-1 is "Off":
  1589. send "{@name} You have &cdisabled&7 building for yourself!"
  1590. set {build.%player%} to false
  1591. stop
  1593. on join:
  1594. set {build.%player%} to false
  1596. on block break:
  1597. if player has permission "":
  1598. if {build.%player%} is false:
  1599. cancel event
  1602. on block place:
  1603. if player has permission "":
  1604. if {build.%player%} is false:
  1605. cancel event
  1607. #####################################################################################################################################
  1609. variables:
  1610. {totaljoins} = 1
  1612. options:
  1613. name: &6Gravestone &7»
  1615. #SETSPAWN--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1617. command /setspawn:
  1618. permission: staff.setspawn
  1619. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1620. trigger:
  1621. set {spawn} to location of player
  1622. send "{@name}&7 Spawn was set to your location!" to player
  1624. #SPAWN-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1626. command /spawn:
  1627. trigger:
  1628. teleport player to {spawn}
  1629. send "{@name}&7 Teleported to spawn!" to player
  1631. on respawn:
  1632. if {onghost.%player%} is false:
  1633. if {onzombie.%player%} is false:
  1634. teleport player to {spawn}
  1636. #################################################################################################################################
  1638. variables:
  1639. {totaljoins} = 1
  1641. options:
  1642. name: &6Gravestone &7»
  1644. command /staffhelp:
  1645. aliases: /sh
  1646. permission:
  1647. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  1648. trigger:
  1649. send "&7---------------------{@name}&7---------------------" to player
  1650. send "&7&b/staffchat &7<on/off> | &b/st &7<on/off> | &b! &7<message> &e[JR.MOD+]" to player
  1651. send "&7&b/clearchat &7| &b/cc &e[SR.MOD]" to player
  1652. send "&7&b/mutechat &7| &b/mc &e[SR.MOD]" to player
  1653. send "&7&b/gamemode &7<mode> <player> &e[MOD+]" to player
  1654. send "&7&b/gm(c, s, a, sp)&7 <player> &e[MOD+]" to player
  1655. send "&7&b/vanish &7| &b/v &e[MOD+]" to player
  1656. send "&7&b/warn &7<player> <reason> | &b/warning &7<player> <reason> &e[JR.MOD+]" to player
  1657. send "&7&b/setspawn &c[ADMIN]" to player
  1658. send "&7&b/tempmute &7<player> <reason> <time> &e[JR.MOD+]" to player
  1659. send "&7&b/mute &7<player> <reason> &e[MOD+]" to player
  1660. send "&7&b/unmute &7<player> &e[MOD+]" to player
  1661. send "&7&b/kick &7<player> <reason> &e[JR.MOD+]" to player
  1662. send "&7&b/tempban &7<player> <reason> <time> &e[MOD+]" to player
  1663. send "&7&b/ban &7<player> <reason> &e[MOD+]" to player
  1664. send "&7&b/unban &7<player> &e[MOD+]" to player
  1665. send "&7&b/freeze &7<player> &e[SR.MOD+]" to player
  1666. send "&7&b/build &7<on/off> &e[MOD+]" to player
  1667. send "&7&b/puns &7<player> &e[JR.MOD+]" to player
  1668. send "&7---------------------{@name}&7---------------------" to player
  1669. #################################################################################################################################
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