
Grimoire Girls

Oct 24th, 2017
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  1. +pref Bisexual
  2. &species me=Tome
  3. &plan me=Gotta catalogue 'em all!
  5. &info-general me=With the right rituals, it is possible to bind a spirit or magical creature to a tome containing the knowledge of their expertise. This is nearly always a book of spells, but not necessarily. This technique is useful to create magical teaching assistants, seal away dangerous beings, or keep secrets out of unworthy hands.%r%r%tOr if you want a companion that disappears to a pocket dimension when you close a book.%r%rIndex:%r------%r- Lyalliana the Libriurge: Paper Pixie%r- Arbeithell the Mechanopath: Helpful Hands%r- Eshabeth the Pyromance: Hot Lovin'%r- Nerodyne the Hydrogatrix: Imprisoned Pirate%r- The Petrachron: Rocky Recluse
  7. &info-arbeithell me=%t'Every machine is an expression of desire,' reads the foreword to "Mechanopathics". 'It was created to fulfill a purpose, to serve a need. And so, even the simplest device, without any intelligence or awareness, still partakes of that desire. Weapons want to defend. Armor wants to protect. Vehicles want to carry. Tools want to assist. By understanding and communing with that desire, a kind of rapport can be achieved.'%r%tThe artwork on the front cover of the heavy philosophical tome depicts a pair of intricate mechanical hands, silvery fingers flexed into a meditative pose. When the book is opened, image seems to extend into the third dimension- until, slowly and cautiously, the hands detach from the cover and hover in the air by the reader. Followed by another pair. And then another, and yet more, until the swarm of hands has enough mass to assemble itself into the outline of a bust of a woman.%r%tSix curled fists, stacked together and pressed knuckle-to-knuckle, form the illusion of a toned and muscular abdomen. Overlapping fingers suggest the lace folds of an intricate ballgown, hovering in the air and fluttering in some imaginary breeze. Her face is more of an evocative sketch than a representation, probably thankfully. Curled fingers and thumbs suggest sharp cheekbones and gracefully arched eyebrows, under a head of short, silvery finger-hair. %r%tHer breasts are literally a double-handful.
  9. &info-eshabeth me=%tEshabeth's preferred form is a creature of sinful, voluptuous curves. Plump, gropeable tits. Pouty, fuckable lips. Wide, sashaying hips. An ass that begs to be spanked. She's more than happy, though, to shift her gooey body around to satisfy her lovers. The only constant is her voice: a low, sensual purr, dripping with desire and crackling with heat. The rest of her is composed of a thick, wet ooze, the color and texture of molten magma, with a similar tendency to set whatever it touches on fire. %r%tEshabeth can't help it: it's just her nature. As described in the tungsten pages of "The Art of Pyromance," her kind are formed from the base substance of what their language calls the 'Elemental Plane of Love'. A true Pyromantic can make you 'feel loved' with a touch, or a word, or even the right kind of glance from across the room. Love is infinite, and powerful, and consuming, and Eshabeth just loves everyone and everything around her.
  11. &info-lyalliana me=%tThe Liberurgist's Handbook is quite literally a living document. Some enchanted fern or vine is bound to the spine of the book, tendrils connecting its mahogany covers and white birch bark pages. It has been seen opening itself in sunlight.%r%tInscribed in neat black calligraphy, the book's contents are a meandering but pleasant garden path through a maze of footnotes, diagrams, errata and addenda. But for the dedicated reader, it details the philosophy and practices of a secret druidic order dedicated to planting, growing, pruning, and harvesting knowledge. Their magical techniques for a carefully curated taxonomy that includes Bibliometry, Lexilocation, and Animanensis.%r%tLyalliana, the Handbook's current guardian, is a fae creature in service of the Lady of the Leaves of Lore. She's serving a shift of Four Great Cycles, however long that is, and seems perfectly content with the arrangement. Someone will be along to locate and unbind her, eventually. %r%tThe pale, petite pixie stands at about 5'4", and is either wearing or possibly bonded to a broad-leafed plant that sprouts by her right hip. Vines and leaves protect her modesty, cover the slight curves of her rear and chest, and then snake up the side of her neck to entwine with her hair, keeping the curly red locks bundled together. Her hair is tucked behind her long, elfin ears, along with a sprig of bamboo she uses as a quill.%r%tHer wide, bright eyes iridesce between sapphire blue and emerald green: the same not-color on the ends of her dainty fingers and bare toes. Their default expression is a sort of joyful curiosity: she seems the sort to want to experience everything twice and then write it down in alphabetical order.
  13. &info-nerodyne me=%tThis book is bound in waxed leather and waterproof vellum and entitled "An Account of the Crimes of Netodyne the Hydrogatrix, Not to be Opened or Read". It is a painstakingly researched document, describing a rampage of piracy, looting, extortion and gender-indiscriminate-ravishing across several human generations and as many continents.%r%tEvery scrap of evidence is attributed and corroborated to the highest standard of any court of law: transcripts of eyewitness accounts alongside the circumstances of their acquisition, shipping manifests cross-referenced with weather reports and wreckage washed ashore, timelines and maps and reconstructions and genealogies. Even the most conservative estimate of damages runs to a king's ransom. Also included are the details of the magical technique that allowed her to sink any ship, strike any shore, and escape any cell.%r%tSurvivors describe a beastly woman of draconic aspect- with saurian toes, savage claws, and a crocodilian snout. Her scales were said to be dark cobalt blue, with her underbelly and thighs the color of sea foam. The clothes she wore were clearly not to protect her from the elements, but to satisfy some twisted desire for black leather bodices and leggings and corsets. Towards the end of her reign of terror, she showed the marks of battles and failed captures. A savage scar across one eye, covered with a black leather patch. A pair of heavy shackles, on her wrists, the ends of their chains warped and torn.%r%tThe book is locked, of course, with a solid metal band and heavy padlock, both the dull green of adamantium. There is no key, if there ever was one.
  15. &info-petrachron me=%t"The Petrachron" is a collection of unbound paper pages, held in a black jade box. It is rumoured to contain a sequence of one hundred and eight koans and meditations, with titles such as 'The Continents Dance', 'Fossilized Moments', and 'An Avalanche of Time'.%r%tFew can say for sure. Any attempt to open the box summons its guardian- An obsidian statue of a female figure, dressed in saffron robes. The woman in the statue has the build of a dancer, the muscles of a prizefighter, and the shaved head and serene expression of a dedicated ascetic.%r%tShe also moves.%r%tSilently, politely, and firmly, she will take the lid of the box, close it, and disappear.%r%tIt is best not to resist her.
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