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Sep 24th, 2018
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  1. -Facet Tree
  2. 2 Martial
  3. 1 Body
  4. 1 Health
  5. 4 Stamina
  6. 3 Maneuvers
  7. 15 +3 Speed
  8. 1 Unarmed Combat
  9. 3 Striking
  10. 2 Improvisation
  11. 2 One-Handed Weapons
  12. 5 Blades
  13. 5 Dual-Wielding
  14. 3 Ranged
  15. 15 +3 Sidearms
  17. 1 Craftsman
  18. 4 +1 Gunsmithing
  19. 5 Revolvers
  20. 5 Handcannons
  21. 5 Longpistols
  22. 5 +3 Alchemical Ammunition
  23. 1 +1 Runes
  24. 5 Fire
  27. -Base Traits
  28. Race: Human (Speed, Sidearms, Alchemical Ammunition)
  29. Background: Wanderer (Gunsmithing, Runes)
  30. Element: Fire
  32. -Other Traits
  33. Runology
  35. -Notable Equipment
  36. Enchantment Kit
  37. Scribing Needle
  38. Exploding Longpistol (High-calibur long-range handgun, bolt-action; Causes ammunition to explode)
  39. Burst Handcannon (Handgun that fires packed metal beads like a shotgun, breach-loading; A blast of fire accompanies ammunition, usually causing the metal beads to be molten)
  40. Alchemical Revolver (A 5-shot revolver designed to withstand the magical energy of Alchemical ammunition)
  41. Delayed-Blast Ammunition (Ammunition that, after hitting something, explodes after a delay. Delay can be tinkered by changing powder count, but is average 5 seconds)
  42. Burst Ammunition (Similar to Burst enchantment)
  43. Combusting Ammunition (Ammunition that catches fire mid-flight, even underwater, and only goes out after a period of time that can take up to a minute)
  44. Basic Glyph Tablet
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