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Sep 25th, 2018
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  1. }else if (splitted[0].equals("gmhelp")) {
  2. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~DynastyStory~GM~Commands~~~~~"));
  3. player.dropMessage(6, ("!online ~~ Shows the current players online and their channels"));
  4. player.dropMessage(6, ("!warphere (player's name) ~~ Warps the player to you, must be on their channel"));
  5. player.dropMessage(6, ("!clearinv (eqp, eq, u, s, e, c, all) ~~ Removes the item from each Inventory slot"));
  6. player.dropMessage(6, ("!ban (character name, reason) ~~ Bans a player for the specified reason"));
  7. player.dropMessage(6, ("!unban (character name) ~~ Unbans a player"));
  8. player.dropMessage(6, ("!mute (charcater name) ~~ Mutes a player"));
  9. player.dropMessage(6, ("!mutemap ~~ Prevents the map from speaking"));
  10. player.dropMessage(6, ("!unmutemap ~~ Allows players to resume speaking"));
  11. player.dropMessage(6, ("!warpmap (map-id) ~~ Warps the entire map to the selected map"));
  12. player.dropMessage(6, ("!whosat (map-id) ~~ Shows which players on the map chosen map"));
  13. player.dropMessage(6, ("!levelup ~~ Levels up your character by 1 level"));
  14. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~End~Of~The~First~Page~~~~~"));
  15. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~Please~Type~!gmhelp2~~~~~"));
  17. }else if (splitted[0].equals("gmhelp2")) {
  18. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~DynastyStory~GM~Commands~Page~2~~~~~"));
  19. player.dropMessage(6, ("!warp (character name) ~~ Warps you to the desired character - DOES CROSS CHANNELS"));
  20. player.dropMessage(6, ("!seduce (character name) ~~ Seduces the desired character - NOT 100% SURE"));
  21. player.dropMessage(6, ("!maxskills ~~ Maxes your skills"));
  22. player.dropMessage(6, ("!stun (character name) ~~ Stuns the desired character - NOT 100% SURE"));
  23. player.dropMessage(6, ("!seal (character name) ~~ Seals the desired person - NOT 100% SURE"));
  24. player.dropMessage(6, ("!stand (character name) ~~ Stands where the chosen player is?"));
  25. player.dropMessage(6, ("!clock (time) ~~ Sets a timer at the top of the screen with the desired amount of time - IN SECONDS"));
  26. player.dropMessage(6, ("!dc (character name) Disconnects the specified character"));
  27. player.dropMessage(6, ("!whatmap ~~ Shows the map name and map-id"));
  28. player.dropMessage(6, ("!sp/ap (amount) ~~ Gives the desired amount of AP or SP"));
  29. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~End~Of~Page~Two~~~~~"));
  30. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~Please~Type~!gmhelp3~~~~~"));
  32. }else if (splitted[0].equals("gmhelp3")) {
  33. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~DynastyStory~GM~Commands~Page~3~~~~~"));
  34. player.dropMessage(6, ("!cleardrops ~~ Clears all the drops on the map"));
  35. player.dropMessage(6, ("!fakerelog ~~ Pretends to relog you"));
  36. player.dropMessage(6, ("!fame (character name , amount) ~~ Gives the selected player 'X' amount of fame"));
  37. player.dropMessage(6, ("!heal ~~ Restores full HP and MP, also revives yourself"));
  38. player.dropMessage(6, ("!healmap ~~ Restores tha maps HP and MP to full, revives any dead players on the map"));
  39. player.dropMessage(6, ("!job (job-id) ~~ Makes you the specified job"));
  40. player.dropMessage(6, ("!jobperson (character name, job-id) ~~ Changes the selected players job"));
  41. player.dropMessage(6, ("!mesos (amount) ~~ Gives yourself 'X' amount of mesos"));
  42. player.dropMessage(6, ("!mesoperson (character name, amount) ~~ Gives the player 'X' amount of mesos"));
  43. player.dropMessage(6, ("!kill (character name) ~~ Kills the selected player"));
  44. player.dropMessage(6, ("!killmap ~~ Kills everybody on the entire map"));
  45. player.dropMessage(6, ("!levelperson (character name, level) ~~ Sets the selected level to the character"));
  46. player.dropMessage(6, ("!map (map-id) ~~ Brings you to the specified map"));
  47. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~End~Of~Page~Three~~~~~"));
  48. player.dropMessage(7, ("~~~~~Please~Type~!gmhelp4~~~~~"));
  50. }else if (splitted[0].equals("gmhelp4")) {
  51. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~DynastyStory~GM~Commands~Page~4~~~~~"));
  52. player.dropMessage(6, ("!spy (character name) ~~ Gives information on the chosen player"));
  53. player.dropMessage(6, ("!gmshop ~~ Opens the exclusive GM Shop"));
  54. player.dropMessage(6, ("!openshop (shop-id) ~~ Opens up the shop from any location"));
  55. player.dropMessage(6, ("!killall ~~ Kills every monster on the map"));
  56. player.dropMessage(6, ("!pos ~~ Shows your position using 'X' and 'Y' coordinates"));
  57. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~End~Of~Page~Four~~~~~"));
  58. player.dropMessage(6, ("~~~~~DynastyStory~GM~Commands~~~~~"));
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