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Feb 17th, 2019
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  1. Instead of being aware that I was in my friend's backyard smoking salvia at like 12:50 in the morning, I was in a dry grassy, like montana or texas during the late afternoon. I was speaking with my family members, who were definitely not my IRL family members at this family gathering in this new location.
  3. Like 5 minutes pass, and our dad calls us, so me and my siblings go to him. As we do, I notice that we start growing and I see that they start doing the classic windows freeze error, with their body parts leaving trails behind them as they grow. Something also begins to emerge from their forearms and shins, covering their entire bodies and turning them from a regular human being into a 2D outline with a tile mosaic filling them in. I don't recognize them until the transformation is complete, and they finish as a mosaic version of the marge's sisters from the simpsons, patty and selma. The only part of the trip that was like, negative as it was a bit creepy.
  5. A little bit after their forms are completed (as we're still growing and leaving the windows freeze trail), I rediscover my 5 basic senses as I come back to reality. The first to come back is touch with my knees being in a basic crossed position, and the second is my sight, with my eyes being closed. After moving my knees for a bit, my knees stop feeling so weird, and I start to feel the rest of my body. I feel around with my hands, and touch the floor and the chair that I was sitting on. After hoisting myself onto the chair, I finally open my eyes again.
  7. Trip was over, but I was only like maybe 75% back in reality. Like 2 minutes after I open my eyes, a friend who didn't smoke with us comes out and chats with us, and while I communicate fine, I can tell my speech and thought processes aren't completely recovered. According to my friends because I don't remember, as soon as I exhaled the smoke, I started laughing, I was asking a bunch of questions like "who am I?" and "did you guys forget about me?" and I drooled on myself. We talk for a bit, he goes back inside, I feel confident enough in my senses that I open the door and get some water. During my walk, I definitely could tell I was whoopy and wiggly, but I don't spill anything nor fall or slip or anything. We talk a bit more outside and my fingers and toes get cold because we're outside in the wee hours of the day, but my back and chest are hot, with my back getting a bit of sweat. Felt like 85ish percent back at this point.
  9. Then we played on diablo on the switch for the rest of the night. According to my friends, my trip, meaning the part before the knees, lasted like 10 minutes. They also had to help me right after my trip started because I almost fell out of my chair. They eased me onto the floor. Took like 20 minutes after my trip ended to go inside and play diablo. Overall, wasn't a bad or good experience, it's honestly almost like I had a dream that I woke up from in a weird way.
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