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May 21st, 2019
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  2. Do NOT RDM (Random Death Match)
  3. Do NOT Abuse Props (Prop Climb, Prop Kill, Prop Block Etc.)
  4. Follow the NLR Rule (New Life Rule)
  5. You may NOT return to your point of death for 3 minutes
  6. You forget everything about your past BUT basic life info (Where you live, What your name is, where you work, etc)
  7. Durring a PD Takeover, Police can return to the raid 1 minute after there death
  8. ​Do NOT Spam (Mic, Chat, Prop, Etc)
  9. Respect ALL Players! There is no reason to call people Fa***ts or Ni***rs EVER- This can result in an inst-ban
  10. You can be rude to people in an RP sence (HOBOS ARE WORTHLESS SKUM AND DESERVER TO LIVE IN SEWERS)
  11. ​Do NOT break the FailRP Rules (This includes FearRP)
  12. Picking up cars with physguns, raiding people as wrong class's (See Job Index), Owning printers as Govt., Etc
  13. ​Listen to staff members at ALL times! If you think an admin has judged you unfairly, talk to another staff member (Dash)
  14. Raiding, Mugging, Assault Rules
  15. /advert RAID before raiding
  16. /advert RAID OVER when the raid is complete (100%)
  17. /advert RAIDING WITH [Player you are assisted by]. You can also do somthing along the lines of /advert TUNNEL SNAKE RAID
  18. While mugging/ carjacking you DON'T have to /advert [Action]
  19. If you feel like being a hero, you can do /advert COUNTER RAID and attack the raiders (Police do NOT have to do this)
  20. /advert PD RAID when raiding the PD. When you have taken over the PD, You must /advert PD Takeover (And it then activates PD Takeover Rules)
  21. /advert Kidnapping when kidnapping someone with the kidnapper tool. You DON'T have to advert it when telling them at gunpoint
  22. You may NOT raid a base repetitively
  23. ​You must raid another base before raiding a base you have raided OR you must wait 10 minutes before you can raid the same base 2x in a row
  24. ​Maximum mugging amount is $1500
  25. While being mugged/ kidnapped/ raided you MUST follow FearRP
  26. Do NOT RDA (Random Arrest)
  27. Do NOT randomly Tazer people
  28. Do NOT randomly warrant/ want someone
  29. ​You must have a valid reason for warrants. Do not metagame (His job is a hitman so he is AOS). You must have valid proof- like seeing the hitman kill someone
  30. If you hear it, it's arrestable (Hear a methlab means that you can raid the meth lab. Same deal with printers)
  31. ​You MUST follow the laws set by the Mayor (Printers, Assualt)!
  32. /adver GOVT. RAID when performing a Government Raid on someone
  33. (CIA) You may silently (Without Advert) break into peoples homes but you may not attack anyone (Even if attacked)
  34. (CIA) Do NOT abuse the lockpick (DON'T STEAL CARS)
  35. (Mayor) You may NOT be apart of a raid but can be right outside
  36. (Mayor) You may be any type of leader you would like (Mayor, Dictator, President, Etc.)
  37. Government Rules
  38. FearRP is basicly a value for your life, as in real life. If held at gunpoint and is mugged for $1000, you want to drop the money because if you don't- you will die. This works for Raids, Mugs, Kidnappings, Hostage Situations, Etc.
  39. Police MUST listen to demands if hostages are involved! The Police needs to do EVERYTHING in it's power to meet the demands and protect the people's lifes!
  40. You may stand up to a Mugger/ Raider/ Etc. ONLY if you think that you can win!
  41. If you do not follow FearRP, you will be punished!
  42. FearRP
  43. Symptoms of not following these rules are included but not limited too:
  44. Death
  45. Ban
  46. Kick
  47. Herpies
  48. Jail Time
  49. Real Jail Time
  50. Super Herpies
  52. Just follow the rules, Thank You!
  54. Other Rules
  55. Terrorists are KOS on sight by ANYONE
  56. Terrorists can ONLY attack people (With their gun) If they are attacked first
  57. All criminal class's can kidnap if holding someone at gunpoint
  58. Do NOT self supply as dealers. You may NOT supply just to a group- All dealers must have a semi attempt to set up a shop!
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