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  1. Struggle Jones - 04/24/2017
  2. How can I explain this point
  3. Struggle Jones - 04/24/2017
  4. Please help me get through to them
  5. Kiraya - 04/24/2017
  6. I tried
  7. but TBH when I started thinking about jutsus that naturally use melee acc, it started to make sense
  8. I'm still not preciving how it'd be logical to use the melee acc for shooting fireballs though >>
  9. Struggle Jones - 04/24/2017
  10. Okay so will everything be ruled like that for now on?
  11. Do I gain a +2 Buff to anything that uses Gen DC
  12. Kiraya - 04/24/2017
  13. I asked in dev, will wait for their reply
  14. Struggle Jones - 04/24/2017
  15. K
  16. Kiraya - 04/24/2017
  17. why would you get +2 to your gen DC?
  18. where would that even come from?
  19. Struggle Jones - 04/24/2017
  20. Same place this melee accuracy is coming from
  21. Kiraya - 04/24/2017
  22. ok, explain.
  23. Struggle Jones - 04/24/2017
  24. if I can do Sound Nin through Shinobi 101 at gen dc
  25. actually
  26. forget it
  27. I'll just wait on the official dev response
  28. Kiraya - 04/24/2017
  29. lol sure thing, but I just want to know how you converted your weapon's melee/ranged acc into gen DC xD
  30. Struggle Jones - 04/24/2017
  31. Its not weapon
  32. I clearly said Sound Ninjutsu
  33. But it's all good
  34. Kiraya - 04/24/2017
  35. then wheres the +2 gen DC coming from (since we were talking about casting with weapons)
  36. Struggle Jones - 04/24/2017
  37. ... I stated in my example man. Honestly that debate drained me so I'm gonna go roll up.
  38. Kiraya - 04/24/2017
  39. in bmod? I'm sorry, I must have missed that, the text was scrolling pretty quickly xD
  40. Struggle Jones - 04/24/2017
  41. This the same stuff that led to inconsistent rulings during the Kinbarii, and Minamoto regimes of Dev.
  42. We're literally saying "Well certain stuff would get affected" but making a blanket without covering the boundaries.
  43. This is not right
  44. Kiraya - 04/24/2017
  45. which is why I'm making sure to verify whatever is unsertain
  46. May 24, 2017
  47. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  48. I will appologise though for getting a bit heated there
  49. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  50. You dont need to.
  51. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  52. just that, I was accused of not listening, not caring, over simplying things for my own convinience and not considering the players on the player level
  53. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  54. I just shut down when I feel like Im not being heard.
  55. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  56. oh no, I'm more than happy to listen to your idea
  57. I'm all for bettering the village in any way you can come up with
  58. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  59. I definitely feel that way. I think you have a bias towards the whole ooc rewards bit. But youre entitled to it.
  60. However this little debate just showed me I need to have things fleshed out so my point can be read and referred to.
  61. In order for that to happen, I need the OOC Areas to be worked on first and then compile a creature guide
  62. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  63. I do, I wont denie it, I'd rather not give out OOC benifits where theres an option to not give them, I'm also primarily against excelling the player mechanical progression any further than it has been enhanced thus far
  64. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  65. I dont agree with that but thats my perogative
  66. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  67. lol most people dont TBF xD
  68. cause I get it, people want more things faster and easier
  69. cause more = better
  70. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  71. No
  72. Thats not my mindset
  73. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  74. thats a fairly simple premise to understand
  75. oh?
  76. alright, care to elaborate?
  77. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  78. Okay, I think there needs to be middle ground. I think that Admin has made leaps and bounds with progressing training, but them a lot of old players also bring up how it took them 6 years to get near capped like its a badge of honor. No one should have to spend 6 years to get near capped level. However it doesnt need to happen in 3 months either. Time is precious and I dont like things that take too long because people lose interest and if its too quick then you lose interest or its unfulilfilling.
  79. So I like to find middle ground, I like to give people a push but not a shove
  80. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  81. we have already dropped it to 30% of what it used to be
  82. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  83. Like I dont understand why contract mods have a month to make a post. No one needs that potential one post a month life
  84. I know that...
  85. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  86. regarding contract: yes, I agree with you on that, the mods need to be faster.
  87. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  88. Im not disputing that admin has made it less I was here during ncs transitional period from hard life to easier times
  89. I would love to see IC items come back into play. To me even the little sand cloak thing was just cool to say you had it from the event. Im big into monster and treasure hunting
  90. So I would lean towards environments where players get to keep artifacts and what not that were enchanted with a crpj
  91. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  92. you mean the equipable inventory thing with the head slot and such?
  93. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  94. I would even buy crpj slots just to make them if I had to
  95. Yes
  96. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  97. yeah, I kinda miss them too TBH xD
  98. we had a crack at trying to bring in unique items which cannot be normally bought or made, but it didnt go well
  99. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  100. I have way more reward ideas than just herp derp heres stats and yen, but those are essential so its hard not to include them
  101. It could go well if you did things like "one time use item" or whatever
  102. Like off the top of my head
  103. PHOENIX ELIXER: potion made from the tearsrops of a phoenix. If applied to someone who has been force killed within the last 6 ooc hours can be revived
  104. Its a bit much, but that gives you a lot of room to fanangle and work with things. A one time use item from an event and only like 2 of them existense?
  105. Me personally would just think damn that makes your IC experience that much more unique
  106. You are one of the only two people with an elixer
  107. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  108. yeah, if its something that doesnt change the flow of a battle, it could be a fun thing to include
  109. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  110. See what I mean, tying ooc isnt always bad it just depends on how
  111. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  112. now see, normally what people propose falls under 2 categories:
  113. 1. what would benifit me?
  114. 2. what would make me/someone else (whose in my village) stronger(edited)
  115. thats where the issue stems from normally
  116. because yeah, we had a lot of people who made things where they knew that they'd be the ones who end up getting them
  117. and normally the council wants rewards because it'll make their friends stronger or because their friends will want to participate because they'll get stronger
  118. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  119. As I have said, corruption follows those in charge. Thats why i come at Council, Dev, Bmod, Admin, etc the way I do when something is wrong. That behavior to sweep something under the rug if you dont use it bothers the absolute hell out of me, or how people who've broken serious rules or tarnished their integrity get put back in the same positions to do it again
  120. I dont know everything, I know sometimes I come off that way but Im just a passionate person especially about integrity and morality
  121. Its how you meter a persons soul
  122. Responsibility and accountability go hand in hand yanno
  123. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  124. lol thats fair, though I get the concept of "well, yeah, some people do bad things, but we wont because we're not like that", which is no grounds for an exception
  125. thats why for instance we have the "no flight" rule
  126. most players wont abuse it, but some will
  127. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  128. Or we find work arounds
  129. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  130. lol, that goes under "dont loophole" xP
  131. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  132. For example I use anti gravity to glide or float
  133. But I never fly, I always have to land and jump again
  134. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  135. yeah, we allow that in general
  136. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  137. Even for my DA transformation, I nake chakra wings but I cant fly lol
  138. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  139. but escentially it was made so that people wont be able to easily escape through gates and god mod in encounters
  140. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  141. But like when yogi made the crpj to let him dream dragons it was a clear violation, stuff of that nature isnt cool
  142. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  143. cause like "I'm 1k"m in the air, so you cant reach me, but I totally can bombard you or just leave and you cant do anything about it" <- thats a no go
  144. Struggle Jones - 05/24/2017
  145. Yep
  146. But it all depends on how you rp too
  147. In umashi and kaji rp fight Umashi used anti gravity to go really high up and kaji shot a zantetsuken
  148. Now normally that wouldnt be the case but we have certain liberties
  149. For me I use ny ooc to determine how I rp my jutsu. So for example I use ny sound jutsu at gen dc and can almost use my entire kit from gen dc(edited)
  150. So I rp my jutsu being laced with an illusion while I attack. Like cloak and dagger, but I still take note that its not a genjutsh
  151. Or it will come from my third eye which is a source of my power
  152. Kiraya - 05/24/2017
  153. hmm, I see
  154. May 26, 2017
  155. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  156. I made a comment back at him for his joke about water to brine about when he was so hurt about Renzo dying and Kaza taking his body he edited rikudo sennin then quit admin and said he blacked out when he did that cause of his crush on renzo had him so emotional
  157. But you can keep rallying with him if you want. No shade goes unanswered
  158. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  159. oh lol, I'm not even aware of such a thing happening xD
  160. must have been long before I joined dev/admin xD
  161. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  162. Yes hence why I ignored you and focused on him
  163. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  164. lol fair enough
  165. thought you were talking about a change which affects our system today xD
  166. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  167. I could see that
  168. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  169. what, him changing something without telling anyone?
  170. nah, we keep track of that, nobody does that today xP
  171. as in, I have mod logs of who changed what, when and which IP was used to do that xD
  172. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  173. What
  174. Dude...
  175. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  176. lol, sorry, been a bit vague there xD
  177. what did you mean by that - just out of curiosity? xD
  178. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  179. That you qere out of the loop on quite a few things that are before your time
  180. Were
  181. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  182. ah lol
  183. yeah, thats true
  184. I mean, I caught on some of them TBF
  185. still doesnt know what saito did wrong on dev that got him kicked out TBF
  186. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  187. It was his attitude
  188. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  189. ah, yeah, that I heard, but was that all of it?
  190. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  191. He doesnt like how lazy dev gets and then shoulders everything resulting in him looking like hes trying to run dev
  192. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  193. like, normally attitude is not enough to get someone off of a team
  194. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  195. So he gets people to band against the head so we can get progress
  196. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  197. uh huh
  198. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  199. You guys are content with half done stuff he wasnt
  200. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  201. ok, I'm starting to see the issue
  202. lol, believe me, I'm not ok with "half-done", even more so to clear contredictions
  203. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  204. Well your responses make it seem otherwise
  205. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  206. I mean, you probably remember my rants on dev back in the day
  207. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  208. How can yall have an entire puppet system but not identify its core issues
  209. Then constantly twist the stuff I say to fit another narrative
  210. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  211. now see, THAT is a matter of prespective, what is the "core-issue" for you? the lack of puppet-spesific augments?
  212. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  213. Just because i dont kiss ass when I bring up an issue doesn't make me the bad guy.
  214. Have you not seen all the things Ive said about puppets
  215. You think this is over augments
  216. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  217. thats the portion I saw
  218. and responded to
  219. and you continued saying "but there is a problem with the core-issue" never actually spesifying on what you meant
  220. when I asked you to spesify
  221. you just clamed up and continued repeating the same
  222. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  223. Okay
  224. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  225. so if you dont explain to me the problem you're having , I wont be able to identify it myself beyond using the information at my disposal and guessing
  226. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  227. Ive explained it many times, to be blunt the problem is the people on dev who sweep issues under the rug
  228. The problem is you guys have half done shit and dont care to change it
  229. The system minus a few things look essentially the same 5 years ago.
  230. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  231. "you guys", just as a reference for future discussions: I'm not apart of dev
  232. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  233. K
  234. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  235. I am admin and I am working with dev on occassion
  236. but not actually apart of the team
  237. likewise with bmod, contract, advertisement and the verious councils
  238. but go on, I'm still going to help however I can
  239. hmm, ok, actually I do have a responce to something you just said
  240. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  241. Okay
  242. Im on mobile btw
  243. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  244. The problem is you guys have half done shit and dont care to change it
  246. I'm aware that there are things in the system which are not up to date, and things which are for the lack of a better term "wonky".
  247. but the dev team is small and they're constantly working on verious projects (non-stop mind you).
  248. you cant rationally expect them to fix everything and better the system in the same time over night(edited)
  249. ah fair
  250. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  251. Realize none of my concerns stem from overnight, they stem from years of observation and participation
  252. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  253. true
  254. now, here is another thing that I wanted to mention regarding this
  255. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  256. I am well knowledged and informed
  257. I Dont bring up stuff on the basis of just starting shit
  258. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  259. the current dev team is no longer doing quick patches unless its an absolute emergency. they're releasing these things in bulk in system updates
  260. last one revolved weapon updates (and everything related to it) as well as cursed seals and some kin revamps
  261. next time they'll do several other things and s oon
  262. so they'll reach whatever problem you're seeing in the system eventually, they're driving towards most of what you mentioned already either way.
  263. some of the things you mention though - granted are not incompatible with our system, even if they're not at their ideal form, they still function, some of which functions very well too
  264. the augments are actually a very good example to that
  265. you have many augments which are neutral to all weapons, some that are taijutsu spesific and some are for acc-type spesific
  266. like for instance, we have augments geared purely for ranged/projectile weapons
  267. if you're weilding a slashing weapon, that one wont fit for you
  268. I'd agree with you that many some puppet-spesific augments could do our system some good
  269. which is something I'd gladly propose to dev
  270. but its not like puppets are useless or cant recieve augments atm either
  271. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  272. You realize after years of we working on it people dont care or believe anymore
  274. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  275. yeah, I heard that complaint before, many times TBF
  276. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  277. Do you think I am the only one who feels like this?
  278. Okay
  279. So why do I get met like Im irrational
  280. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  281. "dev doesnt care what people say" "dev doesnt do shit" <- they ate their words when v6.1 came out
  282. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  283. Im not saying anything different than others
  284. It shouldnt take 5 years to fix Genjutsu and Puppets
  285. It shouldn't have taken 2-3 to work Taijutsu out [v5.5]
  286. This is repeated issues we as the player base and someone on bmod see from dev a lot
  287. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  288. you're met as if you're irrational because you take the approach of "here is my problem, I expect you to fix it right now, nope whatever you're working on is not as important, drop all you're doing and work on my thing"
  289. (I'm lagging a bit so my messages come in late btw)
  290. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  291. Oh really? So you assume what I say
  292. Like I said, you guys twist my narrative
  293. I dont say fix it this very second
  294. I inquire intent and what is being done
  295. Dev always says working on it but takes years
  296. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  297. from the way you say it, it definatly sound like it, I'll be fair with you there.
  298. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  299. I inquire intent and what is being done
  300. Like I said my narrative gets twisted, because its easier to sweep it under a rug of convenience
  301. That is my core issue with dev as it has always been
  302. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  303. dev is not at liberty or obligation to share any of its progress with anyone outside of their team, as an ex-dev member you should know this.
  304. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  305. But regardless I give up
  306. When I was on dev we strove to keep players informed
  307. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  308. do you remember what happened to some of the systems when they were talked about before they were actually done?
  309. like ninja path for instance
  310. geesh, still lagging x_x
  311. thats what I'd assume the reason why they dont tell people what they're up to
  312. as for twisting your words comment; behind every request for a change there is intent, which also applies to the topic we had regarding to council
  313. sometimes people complain about the system because they legitimately think that something doesnt work properly,
  314. sometimes they complain because what they use is not strong enough
  315. sometimes its due to their personal opinion - not liking something which is actually not a problem mechanically
  316. and sometimes its to make something weaker because it makes them weaker when confronting it
  317. thats why the "why" behind the "what" is also important
  318. for instance, I'll be blunt but are you asking for "fixing genjutsu and puppets" because you legitimately think its function in a non-proper manner, or is it because its something you're personally interested in and you feel its not strong enough for you to use?
  319. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  320. I "complain" because its a mess and I do not enjoy how messy it is
  321. I am one of the most honest people on this site and Ive worked for that
  322. I use everything in the system
  323. Even more so Im able to use. I chose two of the most unsupported jutau types in nc as my favorties and theyve been messes since I joined
  324. I learned how to deal with it and adapt
  325. Ill be fine regardless, I bring up stuff because Dev has been lacking and not meeting expectations for a long time
  326. So are you okay with stuff the way it is because it doesnt hurt your build?
  327. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  328. lol, it definatly hurt my build xD
  329. I lost my passive CP reg which I relied on quite heavily as well as a good chunk of secondaries, all from the last update
  330. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  331. I asked that in sarcasm.
  332. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  333. lol, no use using sarcasm with me, without a change of tone I wont get it xP
  334. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  335. But if it makes you feel better Ive had my own builds nerfed
  336. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  337. takes everything you say quite seriously
  338. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  339. Chakra Attuned, Human Puppet, etc
  340. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  341. I dont even know what on your build got nerfed, furthermore, you made said build after the update was released
  342. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  343. Okay stop
  344. Before you confuse yourself
  345. I am saying in the past I got things I used nerfed
  346. In the present current my build is fine. Of course I would like to use puppets but they are abysmal
  347. But Ill probably still use them because thats how I am
  348. But there are a mess of questions when it comes to how they interact with Abilities, Augmemts, BL/CA/Kinjutsu
  349. Because they were changed to ranged acc and more weapon rules
  350. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  351. ok, one sec I'm restarting my computer, everything lags pretty terribly, be back in like 10 minutes
  352. continue typing though, I'll read it all once I get back xP
  353. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  354. Without changing the stuff that correspond
  355. You cant change something and not account for the rest.
  356. Dev doesnt feel like its serious, but most of the answers I receive just borderline general laziness
  357. Because theres no reason we still have messy shit from 7 years ago with core abilities
  358. There is no reason things like aburame should still be referencing meters and knockback
  359. Because theres no reason we still have messy shit from 7 years ago with core abilities
  360. There is no reason why the system is still a patchwork of ideas, designs, and numbers from different versions
  362. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  363. The core issue that you and enzan tried to devalue by assuming I considered puppets the core problem, is in fact what Im trying to make you understand
  364. That laziness and doing a half-assed job will only cause more problems than it solves
  365. The core issue that you and enzan tried to devalue by assuming I considered puppets the core problem, is in fact what Im trying to make you understand
  366. That laziness and doing a half-assed job will only cause more problems than it solves
  367. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  368. ok there we go
  369. the reason why I was talking about puppets was because you were refering to them in the beginning of the conversation, so I assumed you were still talking about them, I'm guessing so was enzan
  370. as for the old things not recieving a proper update - honestly that always bothered me too, but I know that they'll get to it
  371. as for things not being accounted for when making changes - yep, thats something that'll occure unfortunatly, a small team working endlessly on tons of projects are bound to miss somethings, they're not paid to do this and they have life outside of NC, so I dont expect them to go over the same thing a million times until everything is accounted for especially when it doesnt occure to anyone on the team that a particular item is now out of sync because something else was changed despite them working VERY hard to avoid such a thing (notice the changelog on v6.1)
  372. they'll get to everything at one point or another, the fact that you dont think they would is your opinion, not their fact.
  373. also, them being "lazy" is super inaccurate considering how much they work on the system
  374. but then again, you also need to understand (as I have told you before and as you should have known already) they have priorities, which they decide on and they will act upon them in the order they choose. If you feel that something YOU think takes more priority should be worked on sooner, the fastest way to achieve that is to litterally join dev
  375. and I wont denie it, we do have some things which work better than others within each jutsu type, each build type and so on, but its also possible to get a solid and powerful build out of a collection of things which one would initially think they're infirior, just depends on your style
  376. also; if you dont like how something is made, dont use it, you have SO MANY OPTIONS in our system that you can work with practically an endless combination of things which suit you best and you being ok with them and the way they work.
  377. but hey, everyone are entitled to have their own petpeeves, everyone are entitled to their opinion as well
  378. but we also need to respect each other and conduct ourselves in a professional manner.
  379. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  380. I wont join Dev, I jave been there plenty, tried plenty, but I refuse to stress myself to work with Katsuo again. He got it
  381. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  382. shrugs
  383. thats up to you
  384. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  385. It js
  386. Is
  387. And how dare you tell me to conduct myself in a professional manner when you watch people like Katsuo and Enzan talk shit and be snarky in their response
  388. Yet they get no reprimand
  389. Yall can shove that favortism right back where you found it
  390. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  391. lol, excuse me? do you think I'm not talking to them in DMs too?
  392. I told all three of you to be respective
  393. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  394. Excuse me no I dont when yall gang up on me during responses and dont even read what I put down
  395. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  396. but so far only you're slinging shit at me
  397. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  398. Oh okay
  399. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  400. also, did I ask enzan or kaen to chime in on the affinity move topic?
  401. he joined in and cleared things up on his own accord
  402. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  403. Alright.
  404. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  405. I mean, what have you accused me of so far: not caring, favorism, not listening, twisting people's words and a bunch of other things I cant remember nor will I bother to check
  406. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  407. You have twisted my words I pointed out where
  408. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  409. that what, I said that your core issue is the puppet system?
  410. that was in the way you conducted the conversation, sorry.
  411. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  412. You have not listened and a lot of times you add on a bunch of other information that obscures the point
  413. Annnd its all my fault?
  414. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  415. I see all of that information as relevant to the conversation
  416. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  417. Im in control of how you read and respond?
  418. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  419. you're in control of how you phrase yourself and explain yourself <- that is the information I need to work with, if what I said was wrong correct me and say what you meant, I even asked you to explain in the bmod chat several times, you refused to do that.
  420. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  421. So are you not allowed to be remiss if you feel like the person isnt understanding you like you seem to be "when I clam up"
  422. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  423. when I feel that someone doesnt understand me, I do my best to explain myself
  424. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  425. Then you tell me that you wont bother to read what I put when you feel like Im slinging shit at you
  426. So why would I keep persisting if I cant get through to you?
  427. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  428. what I didnt bother to RE-read was exactly what you accused me of
  429. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  430. Cool cause if you did maybe you would see Im not coming at you
  431. I can apologize for the generalization about dev but beyond that I only directed the way the enzan conversation went
  432. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  433. so you wanna say that this is not hostile?
  435. And how dare you tell me to conduct myself in a professional manner when you watch people like Katsuo and Enzan talk shit and be snarky in their response
  436. Yet they get no reprimand
  437. Yall can shove that favortism right back where you found it
  438. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  439. And you see that as my fault
  440. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  441. just to get one example
  442. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  443. And not anything to do with the way you came in
  444. Expanding on a side you knew nothing of
  445. But its good
  446. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  447. huh? how was I supposed to know what you were talking about when you didnt bother to state what you were refering to? I wasnt even defending enzan, I was trying to understand what you were saying
  448. heres something that people dont always consider: I'm not a mind reader, I do not psychicly know what you guys are saying without you clearly stating what it is you're trying to convey.
  449. overall, I think that a majority of our problem is a miscommunication.
  450. however, regardless of who done what wrong, I'm asking you as I've asked the rest to conduct yourself professionally, if you want to accuse someone of something you better find some grounds for said accusation, otherwise do not evenstate it. you're angry, I get it, our conversation got heated and things where said in a not an optimal manner. and yes, maybe I too should have conducted myself in a calmer manner than I have (I'm a human too, when I'm being insulted I'll also get upset just like anyone else, and you've been doing it a lot in our last two conversations, maybe I've too, I tried not to but if I have, I appologise). regardless of that, I still wish to help you however I can if you'd need help with anything.
  451. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  452. Okay Im on my phone I cant respond to this the way I want but I will respond
  453. While I do not agree with you I appreciate you trying to have a conversation. Regardless of what you think of me I am a person of integrity
  454. Therefore my words and responses will question intent but sometimes people think Im coming at their integrity when I speak on the integrity of our system
  455. I am passionate about it because I've invested years into seeing a cleaner more complete system by pointing out whats wrong whether Im in a position to change it or not
  456. When Im wrong I apologize
  457. When I have a point I want to be heard and Ive argued with the entiee Dev Team on occasions that sometimes I'd be wrong and have to take the L or they realize Im right
  458. I wont press an issue if it doesnt exist, I ask many small questions to gather a concrete ground on the matter
  459. I spent hours researching the puppet issue before bringing a responsento Shiori but Im on my phone and cant give an amazing response
  460. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  461. But I can make my point heard otherwise Im not upholding my end to the site by not attempting to draw attention to whats wrong. Am I supposed to believe Dev is aware of everything I bring up
  462. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  463. oh no, you asking questions is quite alright.
  464. you expressing concern regarding our system's features is also quite alright.
  465. groundless accusation, assult on staff and general misbehaivure is a problem though.
  466. granted, I had to explain to you how dev conducts things and why because it occured to me that you might not be aware of it or maybe did not consider their position on this spectrum. at least from the way that the conversations were conducted.
  467. because, honestly, I've heard it all before about how dev is supposedly functioning from the prospective of the players, and their critisism stems from the lack of knowledge of what is going behind the curtains as well as the lack of consideration of what might be going on behind the curtains.
  468. since as far as they're concerned, no updates = no work being done (which is incorrect)
  469. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  470. Its more so the non chalant attitude when problems are brought up and the constant Dev is working on it
  471. It doesn't seem like it, and we understand that it's a job with no pay but they chose it
  472. They also choose who they allow and while everyone may not have the mind for Dev they deserve a uniform, well taken care of system
  473. My general issue is that the system has more or less been this same mess since v5.5 started and things still linger from 6 years ago in an unhealthy way and an entire system of jutsu werent fixed was not okay
  474. AE Ruined the system for non nin users, and made everything an utter ness
  475. Mess
  476. People complained for a long time until Taijutsu got fixed
  477. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  478. yep, dev considered the AE issue too xP
  479. (sorry, had to jump in there)
  480. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  481. Ok
  482. However Genjutsu got shafted for a long time and even lost their buffing genjutsu
  483. Puppets got the worse end of the stick
  484. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  485. was sad that the buffing gen was gone, still am
  486. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  487. With nearly no way to buff them other than by branching out to use Genjutsu to buff overall damage, puppets fall off, they lost their augments???, given the augments of taijutsu stuff but the bl ca kin and abilities that work with weapons weren't audited tonaccount for puppets, they also do not have as many jutsu as Taijutsu which is essentially their counterpart now. Traps are treated like jutsu in price but feel like less reliable augments styled as conditionals and the god awful creativity from ripping yugioh cards names and effects
  488. I was not okay with this when it was going when Shiromaru was in control of Dev and I dont like the decisions ported over but thats just me observing one part of the system
  489. Yet it interacts with numerous parts
  490. It's okay to say working on things, but after years of watching people throw things they dont use or care for to the side it creates bad shows of integrity
  491. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  492. oh, buffing gen: BL/CA, abilities, augments for weapons, jutsus, class bonus, genjutsu, sensory affinity moves (gen)
  493. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  494. Also Enzan made it clear why puppets got shafted because no one cared
  495. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  496. oh sorry, curse seals (instead of "genjutsu")
  497. and I believe theres a style too?
  498. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  499. Also Genjutsu: Hit or miss normally, not many bl ca that support it nor do they have a decent amount of genjutsu, most Genjutsu buffs are very minimal and they have 1 style, 2 augments,
  500. They have like 6 abilities
  501. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  502. yep, they get the least amount of support - you still have plenty of sources to draw from though
  503. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  504. Do you want to go over the support Taijutsu and Ninjutsu have to compare
  505. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  506. pfft hell no
  507. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  508. There's not plenty and Id rather not go down that road with you right now
  509. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  510. I know that gen gets the least xD
  511. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  512. Puppets get the least
  513. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  514. puppets are now weapons, therefor they get all the support taijutsu gets minus some augments
  515. heck, you can make a neat hawkeye-puppeteer build
  516. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  517. They have no style, the augment port wasnt really considerate of them, it looks like it was to make them simple
  518. No you cannot
  519. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  520. lol, yeah you can xD
  521. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  522. Already asked
  523. Ranged and Projectile weapon buffs dont apply to puppets
  524. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  525. hawkeye gives you buffs for weapons that use ranged acc (in most cases), which puppets fall into that exact category
  526. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  527. No they dont
  528. I already asked
  529. Also when is the last time you actually reviewed all the weapon oriented bl ca? I did last night, they are restricted to a specific weapon type or taijutsu explicitly
  530. This is what I mean by if they cared they would have defined puppers interactions as weapons with bl ca
  531. And Kinjutsu
  532. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  533. yep, you're right, puppeteers wont make good hawkeyes
  534. checked again, was convinced it was talking about acc type instead of weapon type
  535. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  536. Puppeteering only works with raw accuracy buffs. However they have no way to buff their damage or play with their effects
  537. They also do not have a lot of jutsu, only 3 A ranks?
  538. It is heavily skewed and tossed to the way side
  539. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  540. 3 A rank per type
  541. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  542. so really 9 A rank jutsus
  543. still less than tai/gen, granted
  544. but puppets also get traps
  545. which taijutsu doesnt have
  546. besides, that whole thing with "puppet checks work on ranged acc VS ranged acc" is gold because most people put their ranged acc on low
  547. so you as a puppeteer get +8 passively against most people not counting your actual acc buffs
  548. as for damage, tbf if you can get something that buffs attacks using ranged acc or something that generally gives you plus damage naturally, you're good
  549. though I wanna agree with you that puppets are not getting fair treatment IMO in comparison to the rest of the jutsu types
  550. IMO what they should do is just turn puppets all the way into taijutsu to give them access to anything related to ranged/projectile weapons (jutsus included) as well
  551. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  552. Exactly, if youre gonna blanket then do it more inclusively
  553. Make them to a degree a sub type of Taijutsu
  554. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  555. but if that happens, remove the "ranged acc vs ranged acc" thing because that'd make puppets broken
  556. if they get all the benifits of taijutsu but also are the superior choice between a weapon and 3 puppets
  557. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  558. I guess, traps are one time deals and take a lot of ap
  559. But their jutsu works off puppet types
  560. See we have two different ideas of this blanket
  561. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  562. yep
  563. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  564. Youre thinking of them at the core just weapons from taijutsu
  565. They are their own thing but are not represented when it comes to WEAPON oriented bl ca and kin
  566. They also lack jutsu
  567. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  568. hmm, ok, so new idea: make them applicable only as ranged/projectile weapons but they still do not gain access to the taijutsu ranged/projectile jutsus
  569. then you have the puppet's unique jutsus applying only to puppets and no other jutsus are bleeding into puppets (although they currently can if you equip them with trick weapon), you also have each puppet with 3 augments (meaning 9, some of which could have passive effects like passive regeneration or DR)
  570. so ok, you have less jutsu veriety per type, but all together, if you have all three out, your vierety will be quite vast
  571. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  572. And thats another thing, Im like 95% sure they werent thinking about ...
  573. Nevermind
  574. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  575. hmm?
  576. now you got me curious xD
  577. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  578. No please dont dig
  579. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  580. ok ok xD
  581. but yeah, as it stands now, as far as I know, you can have 6 jutsu sub-types with your puppets
  582. if each has trick weapon
  583. since they're weapons, they can gain access to taijutsu subtypes this way
  584. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  585. Anyways I see you are just coming up with work arounds. Why are people against just actually changing the weapon bl ca to say weapon on their moves instead of doing taijutsu purely
  586. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  587. so imagen sending your puppet to do fist of sin: wrath on someone xD
  588. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  589. What...
  590. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  591. puppet equipped with trick weapon (unarmed) which gives you access to unarmed jutsus, right?
  592. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  593. I guess
  594. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  595. so, while that puppet is equipped, you can use unarmed jutsus through that puppet
  596. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  597. Okay
  598. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  599. so puppet -> fist of sin
  600. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  601. Youre just making work arounds at that point
  602. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  603. I am
  604. is being creative with what he is given
  605. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  606. So we arent really discussing what...
  607. Do you assume Im not?
  608. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  609. didnt say that
  610. I said I am being creative, didnt say anything about you xP
  611. man, now you're twisting my words
  612. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  613. Making work arounds is what I said
  614. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  615. geesh
  616. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  617. I never said you were being creative
  618. If youd chill the heck out and wait youd see why I said that
  619. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  620. =_=
  621. are you fucking serious right now?
  622. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  623. I said making work arounds because thats what we have to do but Im discussing the problems
  624. I dont need to shop work arounds bro
  625. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  626. I tried to theory craft with you and be chill and all, but you just keep assulting me
  627. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  628. Im assaulting you by asking you a question
  629. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  630. "Struggle Jones - Today at 6:17 PM
  631. Making work arounds is what I said
  632. Kiraya - Today at 6:17 PM
  633. geesh
  634. Struggle Jones - Today at 6:18 PM
  635. I never said you were being creative
  636. If youd chill the heck out and wait youd see why I said that"
  637. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  638. My nigga you got emotional and if I was assaulting you then you'd know
  639. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  640. is that so?
  641. you know what, I tried to be patient with you, I tried to help you figure out ways to use something you view as "bad" and "lacking" in a potent way, and the responce I hear is all battering.
  642. thanks for that.
  643. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  644. Youre just making work arounds at that point is what I said, I never touched on tbe creativity of it you brought that up, im trying to stay on point
  645. Aight
  646. Youre not trying to understand me though, youre trying to assuage me into this idea that its not that bad and how to make band aids but Im not trying to discuss band aids
  647. And you wanted to help me but do you even know what I want help with?
  649. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  650. the way I see it currently you just want to point out things you see as system flaws
  651. you dont want to talk about "how to make it better" or "how to use it better", but just complain
  652. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  653. Okay and if thats all you gain from me why do I need to keep explaining? Thats what I mean youre minimalizing my issue because you see a work around.
  654. So everything I say is fucking complaining and you dont give it validity until I go through 500 words of explaining but you selectively read what I write?? Come on son
  655. Im open to making a draft which is what I would have rather had help on
  656. Not making band aids because I can do that on my own.
  657. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  658. who said I dont give it validity, well, I do but only to those which I THINK are valid points, sure I responded only to several of them, not all (you dont WANT me to respond to all of them, instead you tell me that I keep interupting you), you also dont seem to want to talk about what can change into what or what can be used better in the way it exists today, instead you want to hear "you're right" and thats it, it'd seem. great, I'll agree with you that puppets dont get as much love as other things, I'll also say that there are other things in our dear system which doesnt function in the best way possible.
  659. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  660. Thats not what I want to hear but remember you said Im putting words in your mouth when youre assuming my intent
  661. And I'm telling you my intent
  662. Im writing it out and over explaining but this is your conclusion
  663. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  664. considering the way you conduct yourself, yes.
  665. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  666. You also realize Ive raised concern for BL CA Kinjitsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu and Puppets
  667. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  668. sighs
  669. ok, want to have a productive conversation (as in dialogue) regarding some things you dislike about our system and what can be done about it, lets go for it. HOWEVER if its going to be a monologue about things you dont like and thats it, then I dunno how to continue from there.
  670. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  671. If you only view it as a monologue then we dont have much to talk about.
  672. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  673. its a monologue if every time I jump into the conversation you tell me "chill the fuck down and let me finish"
  674. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  675. Okay.
  676. Kiraya - 05/26/2017
  677. so, the ball's in your coart, you choose where we go on from here.
  678. Struggle Jones - 05/26/2017
  679. You got it.
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