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Jan 16th, 2019
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  1. #kod od zmieniania nazwy pereł, koxów, refili w
  2. on click:
  3. difference between {cb::%player%} and now is smaller than 0.5 seconds:
  4. cancel event
  5. on quit:
  6. clear {cb::%player%}
  7. options:
  8. gui-name: &8» &7Depozyt:&r
  9. kox-limit: 2
  10. apple-limit: 8
  11. pearl-limit: 3
  12. command /schowek [<text>]:
  13. aliases: depozyt
  14. trigger:
  15. set {cb::%player%} to now
  16. {koxy::%player%} is not set:
  17. set {koxy::%player%} to 0
  18. {refile::%player%} is not set:
  19. set {refile::%player%} to 0
  20. {perly::%player%} is not set:
  21. set {perly::%player%} to 0
  22. difference between {dmg::%player%} and now is smaller than 19.9 seconds:
  23. send " &8» &cNie mozesz uzyc tej komendy podczas walki."
  24. stop
  25. set {schowekclick::%player%} to 0
  26. wait 0.3 seconds
  27. open chest with 1 row named "{@gui-name}" to player
  28. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  29. format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  30. format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  31. format slot 3 of player with enchanted golden apple named "&8» &6Depozyt koxów" with lore " &8» &7W depozycie: &f%{koxy::%player%}%.|| &8» &7Limit koxow: &f{@kox-limit}.||&r|| &8» &7Kliknij &8PPM&7, by wyplacic." to be unstealable
  32. format slot 4 of player with golden apple:0 named "&8» &6Depozyt refilii" with lore " &8» &7W depozycie: &f%{refile::%player%}%.|| &8» &7Limit refilii: &f{@apple-limit}.||&r|| &8» &7Kliknij &8PPM&7, by wyplacic." to be unstealable
  33. format slot 5 of player with ender pearl named "&8» &6Depozyt perel" with lore " &8» &7W depozycie: &f%{perly::%player%}%.|| &8» &7Limit perel: &f{@pearl-limit}.||&r|| &8» &7Kliknij &8PPM&7, by wyplacic." to be unstealable
  34. format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  35. format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  36. format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  37. #on inventory open:
  38. # set {_name} to inventory name of player's current inventory
  39. # {_name} is "{@gui-name}":
  40. # wait 2 ticks
  41. # set {_name} to inventory name of player's current inventory
  42. # {_name} is not "{@gui-name}":
  43. # close player's inventory
  44. # clear {schowekclick::%player%}
  45. on mor.inventory click:
  46. set {_name} to inventory name of player's current inventory
  47. {_name} is "{@gui-name}":
  48. cancel event
  49. event-number is 3 or 4 or 5:
  50. add 1 to {schowekclick::%player%}
  51. {schowekclick::%player%} is greater than 100:
  52. close player's inventory
  53. event-number is 3:
  54. if {koxy::%player%} is smaller or equal to 0:
  55. send " &8» &7Nie masz zadnych koxów do wyplaty!"
  56. stop
  57. set {_wyplata} to {@kox-limit}
  58. {koxy::%player%} is smaller than {@kox-limit}:
  59. set {_wyplata} to {koxy::%player%}
  60. send " &8» &7Wyplaciles &c%{_wyplata}% koxow &7z depozytu."
  61. add {_wyplata} of enchanted golden apple to player's inventory
  62. remove {_wyplata} from {koxy::%player%}
  63. format slot 3 of player with enchanted golden apple named "&8» &6Depozyt koxów" with lore " &8» &7W depozycie: &f%{koxy::%player%}%.|| &8» &7Limit koxow: &f{@kox-limit}.||&r|| &8» &7Kliknij &8PPM&7, by wyplacic." to be unstealable
  64. event-number is 4:
  65. if {refile::%player%} is smaller or equal to 0:
  66. send " &8» &7Nie masz zadnych refilii do wyplaty!"
  67. stop
  68. set {_wyplata} to {@apple-limit}
  69. {refile::%player%} is smaller than {@apple-limit}:
  70. set {_wyplata} to {refile::%player%}
  71. send " &8» &7Wyplaciles &c%{_wyplata}% refilii &7z depozytu."
  72. add {_wyplata} of golden apple:0 to player's inventory
  73. remove {_wyplata} from {refile::%player%}
  74. format slot 4 of player with golden apple:0 named "&8» &6Depozyt refilii" with lore " &8» &7W depozycie: &f%{refile::%player%}%.|| &8» &7Limit refilii: &f{@apple-limit}.||&r|| &8» &7Kliknij &8PPM&7, by wyplacic." to be unstealable
  75. event-number is 5:
  76. if {perly::%player%} is smaller or equal to 0:
  77. send " &8» &7Nie masz zadnych perel do wyplaty!"
  78. stop
  79. set {_wyplata} to {@pearl-limit}
  80. {perly::%player%} is smaller than {@pearl-limit}:
  81. set {_wyplata} to {perly::%player%}
  82. send " &8» &7Wyplaciles &c%{_wyplata}% perel &7z depozytu."
  83. add {_wyplata} of ender pearl to player's inventory
  84. remove {_wyplata} from {perly::%player%}
  85. format slot 5 of player with ender pearl named "&8» &6Depozyt perel" with lore " &8» &7W depozycie: &f%{perly::%player%}%.|| &8» &7Limit perel: &f{@pearl-limit}.||&r|| &8» &7Kliknij &8PPM&7, by wyplacic." to be unstealable
  87. effect limit %player%:
  88. set {_p} to expression-1
  89. if amount of enchanted golden apple in {_p}'s inventory is greater than {@kox-limit}:
  90. set {_a} to amount of enchanted golden apple in {_p}'s inventory - {@kox-limit}
  91. remove {_a} of enchanted golden apple from {_p}'s inventory
  92. add {_a} to {koxy::%{_p}%}
  93. send " &8» &7Posiadasz przy sobie wiecej niz &c{@kox-limit} koxów." to {_p}
  94. send " &8» &c%{_a}% koxów &7zostaje przeniesionych do schowka." to {_p}
  95. if amount of golden apple:0 in {_p}'s inventory is greater than {@apple-limit}:
  96. set {_a} to amount of golden apple:0 in {_p}'s inventory - {@apple-limit}
  97. remove {_a} of golden apple:0 from {_p}'s inventory
  98. add {_a} to {refile::%{_p}%}
  99. send " &8» &7Posiadasz przy sobie wiecej niz &c{@apple-limit} refilii." to {_p}
  100. send " &8» &c%{_a}% refilii &7zostaje przeniesionych do schowka." to {_p}
  101. if amount of ender pearl in {_p}'s inventory is greater than {@pearl-limit}:
  102. set {_a} to amount of ender pearl in {_p}'s inventory - {@pearl-limit}
  103. remove {_a} of ender pearl from {_p}'s inventory
  104. add {_a} to {perly::%{_p}%}
  105. send " &8» &7Posiadasz przy sobie wiecej niz &c{@pearl-limit} perel." to {_p}
  106. send " &8» &c%{_a}% perel &7zostaje przeniesionych do schowka." to {_p}
  107. on pickup of enchanted golden apple or golden apple or ender pearl:
  108. wait a tick
  109. player is not holding enchanted golden apple or golden apple:0 or ender pearl:
  110. difference between {dmg::%player%} and now is smaller than 19.9 seconds:
  111. limit player
  112. every 10 hours:
  113. set {_} to now
  114. loop all players:
  115. {rangaop::%loop-player%} is set:
  116. limit loop-player
  117. on damage of player:
  118. victim is not holding enchanted golden apple or golden apple:0 or ender pearl:
  119. {rangaop::%victim%} is not set:
  120. stop
  121. limit victim
  122. attacker is player:
  123. attacker is not holding enchanted golden apple or golden apple:0 or ender pearl:
  124. {rangaop::%attacker%} is not set:
  125. stop
  126. limit attacker
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