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Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. # Read libraries
  2. library(readr)
  3. library(dplyr)
  4. library(ggplot2)
  5. library(RODBC)
  6. library(qualityTools)
  7. library(moments)
  8. library(exptest)
  9. library(MASS)
  10. library(rms)
  11. library(stats)
  12. library(foreign)
  13. library(Hmisc)
  14. library(reshape2)
  17. # Load data from database
  18. query <- "SELECT Mn.PartitionKey, Mn.RoomKey, Mn.Value, Mp.CloseDateTime, Mn.MeasureDateTime,
  19. CASE WHEN DATEPART(hour, Mn.MeasureDateTime) < 12 THEN 'ochtend' ELSE (CASE WHEN DATEPART(hour, Mn.MeasureDateTime) < 18 THEN 'middag' ELSE 'avond' END) end AS DayPart,
  20. DATEDIFF(second,Mn.MeasureDateTime,Mn.CloseDateTime) AS CleaningDuration,
  21. SUM(ZM.Count) AS SumCount, MAX(ZM.Count)/10 AS MaxValue, COUNT(ZM.Count) AS MeasuresCount,
  22. (SUM(ZM.Count)/10)/COUNT(ZM.COUNT) AS MeanWithZeros,
  23. CASE WHEN SUM(ZM.Count)=0 THEN 0 ELSE (SUM(ZM.Count)/10)/COUNT(CASE WHEN ZM.Count>1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) end AS MeanWithoutZeros,
  24. R.Name, R.Type, R.FlooringType, R.Surface, R.Capacity,
  25. ROUND((CASE WHEN SUM(ZM.Count)=0 THEN 0 ELSE (SUM(ZM.Count)/10)/COUNT(CASE WHEN ZM.Count>1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) end)*1.0/R.Capacity, 2) AS MeanOccupancy,
  26. ROUND((MAX(ZM.Count)*1.0/10)/R.Capacity, 2) AS MaxOccupancy
  27. FROM dbo.Measure Mn OUTER APPLY
  28. (SELECT TOP 1 CloseDateTime FROM Measure Mi WHERE Mi.RoomId = Mn.RoomId AND Mi.CloseDateTime < Mn.MeasureDateTime ORDER BY CloseDateTime DESC) Mp
  29. JOIN Room R ON Mn.RoomId = R.Id
  30. JOIN ZoneMeasure ZM ON R.ZoneId = ZM.ZoneId AND ZM.MeasureDateTime BETWEEN Mp.CloseDateTime AND Mn.MeasureDateTime
  31. WHERE (Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%004' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%009' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%106' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%107' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%211' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%213' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%214' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%217' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%218' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%221' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%226' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%229' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%309' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%313' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%314' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%317' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%318' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%321' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%326' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%329' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%222' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%404' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%406' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%408' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%409' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%411' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%413' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%417' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%421' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%425' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%430' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%432' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%435' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%437' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%503' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%504' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%508' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%512' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%516' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%521' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%525' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%529' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%531' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%535' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%551' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%556' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%561' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%563' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%566' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%569' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%602' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%606' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%610' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%612' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%616' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%621' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%625' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%629' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%631' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%635' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%651' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%|662' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%666' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%703' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%707' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%713' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%717' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%720' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%725' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%732' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%735' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%751' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%759' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%763' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%766' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%767' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%771' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%773' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%803' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%806' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%812' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%836' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%832' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%826' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%852' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%858' OR Mn.RoomKey LIKE '%865')
  32. AND Mn.MeasureDateTime > '2017-03-28 12:53:45.000'
  33. --AND DATEDIFF(second,Mn.MeasureDateTime,Mn.CloseDateTime) > 10
  34. AND Mn.Value > 0
  35. GROUP BY Mn.PartitionKey, Mn.RoomKey, Mn.Value, Mp.CloseDateTime, Mn.MeasureDateTime, R.Name, R.Type, R.FlooringType, R.Surface, R.Capacity, Mn.CloseDateTime"
  37. dbhandle <- odbcDriverConnect('driver={SQL Server};;database=Rooftop;uid=rooftopreader@rooftopsqlserveras;pwd=!one#0oftp;')
  38. res <- sqlQuery(dbhandle, query)
  39. odbcClose(dbhandle)
  43. #Statistical checks
  44. #Checks on normality
  45. qqnorm(res$SumCount, main = "SumCount Normal Q-Q Plot")
  46. qqline(res$SumCount)
  47. shapiro.test(res$SumCount)
  49. qqnorm(res$MeanWithoutZeros, main = "MeanWithoutZeros Normal Q-Q Plot")
  50. qqline(res$MeanWithoutZeros)
  51. shapiro.test(res$MeanWithoutZeros)
  53. #Alternative Check on normality
  54. qqPlot(res$SumCount, "normal")
  55. qqPlot(res$MeanWithoutZeros, "normal")
  58. qqPlot(res$Surface, "normal")
  59. qqPlot(res$MaxValue, "normal")
  60. qqPlot(res$Capacity, "normal")
  61. qqPlot(res$MeanOccupancy, "normal") #Lijkt normaal verdeeld
  62. qqPlot(res$MaxOccupancy, "normal") #Lijkt normaal verdeeld
  65. #Checks on Exponential Distribution
  66. qqPlot(res$SumCount, "exponential", DB = TRUE)
  67. qqPlot(res$MeanWithoutZeros, "exponential", DB = TRUE)
  69. #Checks on Poisson Distribution
  72. #Gini test on Exponential distribution
  73. gini.exp.test(res$SumCount)
  74. gini.exp.test(res$MeanWithoutZeros)
  75. zSumCount <- (gini.exp.test(res$SumCount)$statistic-mean(res$SumCount))/sqrt(var(res$SumCount))
  76. zMeanWithoutZeros <- (gini.exp.test(res$MeanWithoutZeros)$statistic-mean(res$MeanWithoutZeros))/sqrt(var(res$MeanWithoutZeros))
  77. print(zSumCount)
  78. print(zMeanWithoutZeros)
  79. #Significantieniveau 5%: als -1.96 < Z < 1.96 is niet bewezen dat verdeling van metingen afwijkt van exponentiele verdeling
  80. #Significantieniveau 1%: als -2.575 < Z < 2.575 is niet bewezen dat verdeling van metingen afwijkt van exponentiele verdeling
  83. #Mean, Variance, Skewness and Kurtosis
  84. mean(res$SumCount)
  85. var(res$SumCount)
  86. skewness(res$SumCount)
  87. kurtosis(res$SumCount)
  88. mean(res$MeanWithoutZeros)
  89. var(res$MeanWithoutZeros)
  90. skewness(res$MeanWithoutZeros)
  91. kurtosis(res$MeanWithoutZeros)
  93. #Boxplot to determine outliers
  94. boxplot(res$SumCount, main = "SumCountData Boxplot")
  95. boxplot(res$MeanWithoutZeros, main = "MeanWithoutZeros Boxplot")
  97. #Scatterplots
  98. ggplot(data = res, aes(y = res$MeanWithoutZeros, x = res$Value)) +geom_point()
  99. ggplot(data = res, aes(y = res$MeanWithoutZeros, x = cut(res$Value, seq(from = -1.5, to = 5.5, by = 1)))) +geom_boxplot()
  102. #Correlation Coefficients
  103. #cor(res$Value, res$MeanWithoutZeros, use = "everything", method = c("pearson"))
  104. #cor(res$Value, res$MeanWithoutZeros, use = "everything", method = c("kendall"))
  105. cor(res$Value, res$SumCount, use = "everything", method = c("spearman"))
  106. cor.test(res$Value, res$SumCount, method ="spearman")
  107. cor(res$Value, res$MeanWithoutZeros, use = "everything", method = c("spearman"))
  108. cor.test(res$Value, res$MeanWithoutZeros, method ="spearman")
  109. cor(res$Value, res$Surface, use = "everything", method = c("spearman"))
  110. cor.test(res$Value, res$Surface, method ="spearman")
  111. cor(res$Value, res$MaxValue, use = "everything", method = c("spearman"))
  112. cor.test(res$Value, res$MaxValue, method ="spearman")
  113. cor(res$Value, res$Capacity, use = "everything", method = c("spearman"))
  114. cor.test(res$Value, res$Capacity, method ="spearman")
  115. cor(res$Value, res$MeanOccupancy, use = "everything", method = c("spearman"))
  116. cor.test(res$Value, res$MeanOccupancy, method ="spearman")
  117. cor(res$Value, res$MaxOccupancy, use = "everything", method = c("spearman"))
  118. cor.test(res$Value, res$MaxOccupancy, method ="spearman")
  121. #Barplots
  122. Eerste <- res
  123. Eerste$Value <- as.factor(Eerste$Value)
  125. # Plot barplot value vs Gem sumcount
  126. nieuweData <- Eerste %>% group_by(Value) %>% summarise(gembezoekers = mean(MeanWithoutZeros, na.rm=TRUE))
  127. ggplot(nieuweData, aes(x=Value, y=gembezoekers)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")
  129. # Plot barplot value vs Gem aantal bezoekers
  130. nieuweData <- Eerste %>% group_by(Value) %>% summarise(gemsumcount = mean(SumCount, na.rm=TRUE))
  131. ggplot(nieuweData, aes(x=Value, y=gemsumcount)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")
  134. #Remove outliers for experimental use
  135. remove_outliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
  136. qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.25, .75), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
  137. H <- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
  138. y <- x
  139. y[x < (qnt[1] - H)] <- NA
  140. y[x > (qnt[2] + H)] <- NA
  141. y
  142. }
  143. #SumCount with removed outliers
  144. SumCountMinOutliers <- data.frame(remove_outliers(res$SumCount), res$Value, na.rm=TRUE)
  145. boxplot(SumCountMinOutliers)
  146. SumCountMinOutliers <- SumCountMinOutliers[!$remove_outliers.res.SumCount.),]
  148. minoutlierdat <- SumCountMinOutliers %>% group_by(res.Value) %>% summarise(gemsumcount = mean(remove_outliers.res.SumCount., na.rm=TRUE))
  149. ggplot(minoutlierdat, aes(x=res.Value, y=gemsumcount)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")
  151. cor(SumCountMinOutliers$res.Value, SumCountMinOutliers$remove_outliers.res.SumCount., use = "everything", method = c("spearman"))
  153. #MeanWithoutZeros with removed outliers
  154. MWZMinOutliers <- data.frame(remove_outliers(res$MeanWithoutZeros), res$Value, na.rm=TRUE)
  155. boxplot(MWZMinOutliers)
  156. MWZMinOutliers <- MWZMinOutliers[!$remove_outliers.res.MeanWithoutZeros.),]
  158. minoutlierdat <- MWZMinOutliers %>% group_by(res.Value) %>% summarise(gemsumcount = mean(remove_outliers.res.MeanWithoutZeros., na.rm=TRUE))
  159. ggplot(minoutlierdat, aes(x=res.Value, y=gemsumcount)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")
  161. cor(MWZMinOutliers$res.Value, MWZMinOutliers$remove_outliers.res.MeanWithoutZeros., use = "everything", method = c("spearman"))
  164. ###############################################################################################################################################
  166. dd <- datadist(res)
  167. options(datadist="dd")
  169. #polr method for ordinal logistic regression
  170. model1 <- polr(as.factor(Value) ~ MeanWithoutZeros + MaxValue + Surface, data = res, Hess=TRUE)
  171. model2 <- polr(as.ordered(Value) ~ MeanWithoutZeros + MaxValue + Surface + Capacity + MeanOccupancy + MaxOccupancy, data = res, Hess=TRUE)
  174. #summary, tables and figures
  175. summary(model2)
  176. ctable <- coef(summary(model2))
  177. p <- pnorm(abs(ctable[, "t value"]), lower.tail = FALSE) * 2
  178. (ctable <- cbind(ctable, "p value" = p))
  179. (ci <- confint(model2)) #At level = 0,90 (alpha 90%) significance changes.
  180. confint.default(model2)
  181. ## odds ratios
  182. exp(coef(model2))
  183. ## OR and CI
  184. exp(cbind(OR = coef(model2), ci))
  187. #Predict probabilities on a testSet
  188. trainSet <- res[res$MeasureDateTime < '2017-04-12 12:00:00',]
  189. testSet <- res[res$MeasureDateTime > '2017-04-12 12:00:00',]
  190. #Create a polr model using a training set as data, do not use complete res data.
  191. testModel <- polr(as.factor(Value) ~ MeanWithoutZeros+Surface+MeanOccupancy+MaxValue+MaxOccupancy+SumCount+MeasuresCount, data = trainSet, Hess=TRUE)
  192. #Create a frame with the usefull variables and bind the model predictions.
  193. testFrame <- data.frame(SumCount <- testSet$SumCount, MeanWithoutZeros <- testSet$MeanWithoutZeros, MaxValue <- testSet$MaxValue, Surface <- testSet$Surface,
  194. Capacity <- testSet$Capacity, MeanOccupancy <- testSet$MeanOccupancy, MaxOccupancy <- testSet$MaxOccupancy,
  195. FlooringType <- testSet$FlooringType)
  196. testFrame <- cbind(testFrame, predict(testModel, testFrame, type = "probs"))
  197. #Create a new frame which only contains the predicted value and the true value from the testSet.
  198. probs <- c("1","2","3","4","5")
  199. probabilitiesFrame <- testFrame[probs]
  200. highestProbability <- as.numeric(colnames(probabilitiesFrame)[apply(probabilitiesFrame,1,which.max)])
  201. highestProbability <-, testSet$Value))
  202. #Check how many times the model got the prediction right.
  203. outcome <- highestProbability[highestProbability$highestProbability == highestProbability$V2,]
  204. accuracy <- nrow(outcome)/nrow(highestProbability)
  205. accuracy
  209. #lrm method for ordinal logistic regression
  210. lrm1 <- lrm(as.factor(Value) ~ MeanWithoutZeros + MaxValue + Surface + Capacity + MeanOccupancy + MaxOccupancy, data = res, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
  211. summary(lrm1)
  212. print(lrm1)
  213. lrm.valid <- validate(lrm1, method="boot", B=100) #Geeft errors, vaker proberen te runnen tot het lukt. Wsl veroorzaakt door weinig Value=1
  214. lrm.valid
  216. lrm.calib <- calibrate(lrm1, method="boot", B=100) #Geeft errors, vaker proberen te runnen tot het lukt. Wsl veroorzaakt door weinig Value=1
  217. par(bg="white", las=1)
  218. plot(lrm.calib, las=1)
  221. ###############################################################################################################################################
  222. #Prediction on a 3 scale basis
  223. #Frist instantiate original trainSet and testSet
  224. trainSet3scale <- trainSet
  225. testSet3scale <- testSet
  226. trainSet3scale$Value[trainSet3scale$Value == 2] <- 1
  227. trainSet3scale$Value[trainSet3scale$Value == 3] <- 2
  228. trainSet3scale$Value[trainSet3scale$Value == 4] <- 3
  229. trainSet3scale$Value[trainSet3scale$Value == 5] <- 3
  230. testSet3scale$Value[testSet3scale$Value == 2] <- 1
  231. testSet3scale$Value[testSet3scale$Value == 3] <- 2
  232. testSet3scale$Value[testSet3scale$Value == 4] <- 3
  233. testSet3scale$Value[testSet3scale$Value == 5] <- 3
  235. #Create a polr model using a training set as data, do not use complete res data.
  236. testModel3scale <- polr(as.factor(Value) ~ Surface+MaxValue+Capacity+MeanOccupancy+as.factor(FlooringType), data = trainSet3scale, Hess=TRUE)
  237. #Create a frame with the usefull variables and bind the model predictions.
  238. testFrame3scale <- data.frame(MeanWithoutZeros <- testSet3scale$MeanWithoutZeros, MaxValue <- testSet3scale$MaxValue, Surface <- testSet3scale$Surface,
  239. Capacity <- testSet3scale$Capacity, MeanOccupancy <- testSet3scale$MeanOccupancy, MaxOccupancy <- testSet3scale$MaxOccupancy,
  240. FlooringType <- testSet3scale$FlooringType)
  241. testFrame3scale <- cbind(testFrame3scale, predict(testModel3scale, testFrame3scale, type = "probs"))
  242. #Create a new frame which only contains the predicted value and the true value from the testSet.
  243. probs <- c("1","2","3")
  244. probabilitiesFrame3scale <- testFrame3scale[probs]
  245. highestProbability3scale <- as.numeric(colnames(probabilitiesFrame3scale)[apply(probabilitiesFrame3scale,1,which.max)])
  246. highestProbability3scale <-, testSet3scale$Value))
  247. #Check how many times the model got the prediction right.
  248. outcome3scale <- highestProbability3scale[highestProbability3scale$highestProbability3scale == highestProbability3scale$V2,]
  249. accuracy3scale <- nrow(outcome3scale)/nrow(highestProbability3scale)
  250. accuracy3scale
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