
Recruitment Script

Jun 28th, 2017
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  1. Looking for a community-focused PvE guild? <font color=#99FF99>Transcend</font> is recruiting! To read more, <a style="text-decoration:none" href="text://<font face=LARGE><center><font face=LARGE_SC color=#66BBFF>Transcend</font></center><br>Transcend is an international cabal focused around the PvE and community aspects of the game. Our aim is to do everything as a group, from dungeons and lairs, to achievement hunting and the slaughter of zone/world bosses.<br>We'll be hosting events every week for our community to enjoy and partake in, for all time zones, so you can be sure that there'll always be something for you to do with us!<br><br><br><font face=LARGE_BOLD color=#99FF99>Focus: </font>Dungeons, Raids, Lairs & Achievement Hunting, Community<br><font face=LARGE_BOLD color=#99FF99>Zone: </font>International, All Factions!<br><br><br><center><font face=LARGE_BOLD color=#FF9999>Sign Up</font></center><br>If you have any questions or if you're ready to join right away, please <a href='chatcmd:///tell %m Hi, I would like to join Transcend!'>send a tell</a> to %m.</font>"><font color=#66BBFF>Click Here!</font></a>
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