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Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. think of it this way
  2. the problem of ground and of groundlessness raises the face of the absolutely infinite to the surface
  3. if you take refuge in a particular, self-identical ground, you confine reason to a theological structure
  4. the ground is because it is, and it is what it is in itself and has been forever
  5. the temporal structure at work here is a line that comes from the past to judge the present and then return to the past
  6. a creation ex nihilo
  7. but the infinite regress shows us that reason, according to itself, cannot have its ground in self-identity
  8. a particular ground will always be relative and unable to authorize itself
  9. by contrast, the absolute ground of reason is difference in-itself
  10. which is not a ground, but an immediately infinite movement
  11. an ungrounding
  12. each particular ground is given, but difference is that by which the given is given
  13. so let us agree with these sickly liberals that they have a right to their principle of difference, because this principle, truly stated, is the principle that rips their petty identities apart
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