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Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. 1. In-game name and steam name: Makaveli for both.
  3. 2.Do you have a mic? If yes will you use it?: Yes I have a mice and I will use it.
  5. 3.How many hours you have on the server and unturned? 650 on Unturned and like 30 on here.
  7. 4. What is your age?(MOST BE ARLEST 15 AND UP TO BE STAFF) 15
  9. 5. What's your staffing experience?what servers you been staff on? I've owned a couple servers (Screen shots on my steam page for proof) And admin for the youtuber Rice Chef's servers.
  11. 6. If players X shot and killed player Y what steps will YOU take to the solve the problem? First thing first I'd go to a remote location, then tp the victim to me, figure out his side of the story. Than do the same with the attacker and figure out why he had done that. I would use all conceivable evidence to complete the necessary steps to solve the issue. If I can't do so by myself, I'd ask a higher authority to help.
  13. 7. If you found a person spawning in chat what steps will YOU take the solve the problem? I'm gonna go ahead and assume you meant spamming. But without hesitation I would kick at first. If he continues it'll be another kick, and than a temp ban.
  16. 8. Why do you want to be staff? Name 3 reasons all in full sentences? Well, I don't wanna be like all the 12 year olds and say the same thing; "I WANT 2 HELP TEH SERVER!!11!". I wan't to learn to properly handle situations while helping other people. I don't want to let a server i've been playing on fall victim to kosers and no one to help. Also, at night I've noticed a lack of staff, so by being a person who could help others in a different time zone have the same playing experience as another player in the US.
  18. 9. If caught a staff member abusing that an he out ranks you highly, what will you do to solve the problem? First I'd take some evidence by recording with OBS and screenshots. Than I'd take the evidence anonymously to the power highest above that admin.
  20. 10. If a a new person joined the server (this person know nothing about the server) and they found a Glitched spot on the map, and reported it, what steps will you take to solve the problem? First I'd ask him to not tell people about it, after that, i'd try to block the area off, and than I would not only tell Nightmare, bear or jayden or another staff member, but I'd report it to the debuggers section of the unturned subreddit which Nelson reads regularly.
  22. Https://
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