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Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. [18-10-19 12:39:00.571] LOG : General, 1571413140571> cachedir set to "C:\Users\Feer\Zomboid".
  2. [18-10-19 12:39:00.985] LOG : General, 1571413140985> 18-10-2019 12:39:00.
  3. [18-10-19 12:39:00.993] LOG : General, 1571413140993> cachedir is "C:\Users\Feer\Zomboid".
  4. [18-10-19 12:39:01.001] LOG : General, 1571413141001> LogFileDir is "C:\Users\Feer\Zomboid\Logs".
  5. [18-10-19 12:39:01.009] LOG : General, 1571413141009> -- listing properties --.
  6. [18-10-19 12:39:01.017] LOG : General, 1571413141017> SE Runtime Environment.
  7. [18-10-19 12:39:01.027] LOG : General, 1571413141027> sun.boot.library.path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapp....
  8. [18-10-19 12:39:01.041] LOG : General, 1571413141041> java.vm.version=25.121-b13.
  9. [18-10-19 12:39:01.052] LOG : General, 1571413141052> java.vm.vendor=Oracle Corporation.
  10. [18-10-19 12:39:01.059] LOG : General, 1571413141059> java.vendor.url=
  11. [18-10-19 12:39:01.067] LOG : General, 1571413141067> path.separator=;.
  12. [18-10-19 12:39:01.075] LOG : General, 1571413141075> HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM.
  13. [18-10-19 12:39:01.082] LOG : General, 1571413141082>
  14. [18-10-19 12:39:01.089] LOG : General, 1571413141089> user.script=.
  15. [18-10-19 12:39:01.097] LOG : General, 1571413141097>
  16. [18-10-19 12:39:01.104] LOG : General, 1571413141104> sun.os.patch.level=.
  17. [18-10-19 12:39:01.111] LOG : General, 1571413141111> Virtual Machine Specification.
  18. [18-10-19 12:39:01.120] LOG : General, 1571413141119> user.dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapp....
  19. [18-10-19 12:39:01.128] LOG : General, 1571413141128> java.runtime.version=1.8.0_121-b13.
  20. [18-10-19 12:39:01.136] LOG : General, 1571413141136> java.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment.
  21. [18-10-19 12:39:01.149] LOG : General, 1571413141149> java.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapp....
  22. [18-10-19 12:39:01.157] LOG : General, 1571413141157> os.arch=amd64.
  23. [18-10-19 12:39:01.164] LOG : General, 1571413141164>\Users\Feer\AppData\Local\Temp\.
  24. [18-10-19 12:39:01.172] LOG : General, 1571413141172> line.separator=
  25. .
  26. [18-10-19 12:39:01.180] LOG : General, 1571413141180> java.vm.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation.
  27. [18-10-19 12:39:01.189] LOG : General, 1571413141189> user.variant=.
  28. [18-10-19 12:39:01.196] LOG : General, 1571413141196> 10.
  29. [18-10-19 12:39:01.204] LOG : General, 1571413141204> sun.jnu.encoding=Cp1252.
  30. [18-10-19 12:39:01.211] LOG : General, 1571413141211> zomboid.steam=1.
  31. [18-10-19 12:39:01.263] LOG : General, 1571413141263> java.library.path=natives/;..
  32. [18-10-19 12:39:01.281] LOG : General, 1571413141281> Platform API Specification.
  33. [18-10-19 12:39:01.294] LOG : General, 1571413141294> java.class.version=52.0.
  34. [18-10-19 12:39:01.306] LOG : General, 1571413141306> 64-Bit Tiered Compilers.
  35. [18-10-19 12:39:01.326] LOG : General, 1571413141326> zomboid.znetlog=1.
  36. [18-10-19 12:39:01.341] LOG : General, 1571413141341> os.version=10.0.
  37. [18-10-19 12:39:01.357] LOG : General, 1571413141357> user.home=C:\Users\Feer.
  38. [18-10-19 12:39:01.381] LOG : General, 1571413141380> user.timezone=America/Santiago.
  39. [18-10-19 12:39:01.418] LOG : General, 1571413141418>
  40. [18-10-19 12:39:01.443] LOG : General, 1571413141442> file.encoding=Cp1252.
  41. [18-10-19 12:39:01.460] LOG : General, 1571413141460> java.specification.version=1.8.
  42. [18-10-19 12:39:01.478] LOG : General, 1571413141478>
  43. [18-10-19 12:39:01.520] LOG : General, 1571413141520> java.class.path=.;jinput.jar;lwjgl.jar;lwjgl_util.jar....
  44. [18-10-19 12:39:01.550] LOG : General, 1571413141550> java.vm.specification.version=1.8.
  45. [18-10-19 12:39:01.561] LOG : General, 1571413141561>
  46. [18-10-19 12:39:01.574] LOG : General, 1571413141574> java.home=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapp....
  47. [18-10-19 12:39:01.587] LOG : General, 1571413141587> java.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation.
  48. [18-10-19 12:39:01.600] LOG : General, 1571413141600> user.language=es.
  49. [18-10-19 12:39:01.609] LOG : General, 1571413141609>
  50. [18-10-19 12:39:01.619] LOG : General, 1571413141619> mode.
  51. [18-10-19 12:39:01.628] LOG : General, 1571413141628> java.version=1.8.0_121.
  52. [18-10-19 12:39:01.637] LOG : General, 1571413141637> java.ext.dirs=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapp....
  53. [18-10-19 12:39:01.647] LOG : General, 1571413141647> sun.boot.class.path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapp....
  54. [18-10-19 12:39:01.656] LOG : General, 1571413141656> sun.stderr.encoding=cp850.
  55. [18-10-19 12:39:01.665] LOG : General, 1571413141665> java.vendor=Oracle Corporation.
  56. [18-10-19 12:39:01.674] LOG : General, 1571413141674> file.separator=\.
  57. [18-10-19 12:39:01.682] LOG : General, 1571413141682> java.vendor.url.bug=
  58. [18-10-19 12:39:01.691] LOG : General, 1571413141691> sun.cpu.endian=little.
  59. [18-10-19 12:39:01.700] LOG : General, 1571413141700>
  60. [18-10-19 12:39:01.708] LOG : General, 1571413141708> sun.stdout.encoding=cp850.
  61. [18-10-19 12:39:01.717] LOG : General, 1571413141717> sun.desktop=windows.
  62. [18-10-19 12:39:01.725] LOG : General, 1571413141724> sun.cpu.isalist=amd64.
  63. [18-10-19 12:39:01.733] LOG : General, 1571413141733> -----.
  64. [18-10-19 12:39:01.742] LOG : General, 1571413141742> versionNumber=41.14 - IWBUMS demo=false.
  65. [18-10-19 12:39:02.093] LOG : General, 1571413142093> LightingFPS set to 15.
  66. [18-10-19 12:39:02.162] LOG : General, 1571413142161> [javafmodJNI] Init: Start.
  67. [18-10-19 12:39:02.172] LOG : General, 1571413142172> closest width=640 freq=50.
  68. [18-10-19 12:39:02.183] LOG : General, 1571413142173> [javafmodJNI] Init: WIN 64.
  69. [18-10-19 12:39:02.192] LOG : General, 1571413142184> closest width=640 freq=73.
  70. [18-10-19 12:39:02.207] LOG : General, 1571413142207> closest width=640 freq=75.
  71. [18-10-19 12:39:02.222] LOG : General, 1571413142213> 1571413142212 fmod: Java loging: OK.
  72. [18-10-19 12:39:02.242] LOG : General, 1571413142223> closest width=800 freq=72.
  73. [18-10-19 12:39:02.255] LOG : General, 1571413142251> 1571413142251 fmod: System Create: OK.
  74. [18-10-19 12:39:02.267] LOG : General, 1571413142255> closest width=1024 freq=50.
  75. [18-10-19 12:39:02.280] LOG : General, 1571413142280> closest width=1280 freq=50.
  76. [18-10-19 12:39:02.289] LOG : General, 1571413142289> closest width=1280 freq=59.
  77. [18-10-19 12:39:02.299] LOG : General, 1571413142299> closest width=1280 freq=60.
  78. [18-10-19 12:39:02.309] LOG : General, 1571413142309> closest width=1440 freq=50.
  79. [18-10-19 12:39:02.324] LOG : General, 1571413142324> closest width=1440 freq=60.
  80. [18-10-19 12:39:02.344] LOG : General, 1571413142344> closest width=1920 freq=25.
  81. [18-10-19 12:39:02.360] LOG : General, 1571413142360> closest width=1920 freq=29.
  82. [18-10-19 12:39:02.377] LOG : General, 1571413142377> closest width=1920 freq=30.
  83. [18-10-19 12:39:02.391] LOG : General, 1571413142391> closest width=1920 freq=59.
  84. [18-10-19 12:39:02.491] LOG : General, 1571413142491> 1571413142491 fmod: Create DSP for capture sound.
  85. [18-10-19 12:39:02.820] LOG : General, 1571413142819> OpenGL version: 4.0.0 - Build
  86. [18-10-19 12:39:02.830] LOG : General, 1571413142830> Desktop resolution 1920x1080.
  87. [18-10-19 12:39:02.843] LOG : General, 1571413142842> Initial resolution 1920x1080 fullScreen=true.
  88. [18-10-19 12:39:02.857] LOG : General, 1571413142857> OpenGL 1.5 buffer objects supported.
  89. [18-10-19 12:39:07.517] LOG : General, 1571413147517> Loading networking libraries....
  90. [18-10-19 12:39:07.527] LOG : General, 1571413147527> Loading steam_api64....
  91. [18-10-19 12:39:07.539] LOG : General, 1571413147539> Loading RakNet64....
  92. [18-10-19 12:39:07.551] LOG : General, 1571413147551> Loading ZNetJNI64....
  93. [18-10-19 12:39:07.582] LOG : General, 1571413147582> 1571413147582 znet: ZNet loaded.
  94. [18-10-19 12:39:07.591] LOG : General, 1571413147591> 1571413147591 znet: Compiled with SERVER_STEAMAPI == 0.
  95. [18-10-19 12:39:07.600] LOG : General, 1571413147600> 1571413147600 znet: Starting with bServer == false.
  96. [18-10-19 12:39:07.609] LOG : General, 1571413147609> 1571413147609 znet: SteamAPI initialised successfully.
  97. [18-10-19 12:39:07.618] LOG : General, 1571413147618> SteamUtils initialised successfully.
  98. [18-10-19 12:39:07.631] LOG : General, 1571413147631> 1571413147631 znet: Java_zombie_core_znet_SteamWorkshop_n_1Init.
  99. [18-10-19 12:39:07.673] LOG : General, 1571413147673> translator: language is ES.
  100. [18-10-19 12:39:07.904] LOG : General, 1571413147904> ERROR: Missing translation "UI_Loading_Mods".
  101. [18-10-19 12:39:07.980] LOG : General, 1571413147980> translator: language is ES.
  102. [18-10-19 12:39:08.076] LOG : General, 1571413148076> texturepack: loading UI.
  103. [18-10-19 12:39:08.149] LOG : General, 1571413148149> texturepack: loading UI2.
  104. [18-10-19 12:39:08.299] LOG : General, 1571413148299> texturepack: loading IconsMoveables.
  105. [18-10-19 12:39:08.310] LOG : General, 1571413148310> texturepack: loading RadioIcons.
  106. [18-10-19 12:39:08.322] LOG : General, 1571413148322> texturepack: loading ApComUI.
  107. [18-10-19 12:39:08.334] LOG : General, 1571413148334> texturepack: loading Mechanics.
  108. [18-10-19 12:39:08.355] LOG : General, 1571413148355> texturepack: loading WeatherFx.
  109. [18-10-19 12:39:09.455] WARN : Script, 1571413149455> VehicleScript.Loaded> vehicle "SmallCar" extents != physicsChassisShape.
  110. [18-10-19 12:39:09.646] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149645> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  111. [18-10-19 12:39:09.659] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149659> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  112. [18-10-19 12:39:09.673] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149673> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Skirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  113. [18-10-19 12:39:09.688] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149688> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Blouse" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  114. [18-10-19 12:39:09.700] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149700> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shoes" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  115. [18-10-19 12:39:09.711] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149711> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "ShortsLong" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  116. [18-10-19 12:39:09.723] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149723> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Jacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  117. [18-10-19 12:39:09.735] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149735> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedJacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  118. [18-10-19 12:39:09.745] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149745> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedTrousers" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  119. [18-10-19 12:39:09.756] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149756> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe result "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  120. [18-10-19 12:39:09.769] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149769> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  121. [18-10-19 12:39:09.779] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149779> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  122. [18-10-19 12:39:09.789] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149789> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Skirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  123. [18-10-19 12:39:09.822] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149822> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Blouse" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  124. [18-10-19 12:39:09.841] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149840> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shoes" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  125. [18-10-19 12:39:09.854] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149854> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "ShortsLong" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  126. [18-10-19 12:39:09.864] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149864> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Jacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  127. [18-10-19 12:39:09.874] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149873> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedJacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  128. [18-10-19 12:39:09.883] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149883> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedTrousers" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  129. [18-10-19 12:39:09.893] WARN : Recipe, 1571413149893> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe result "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  130. [18-10-19 12:39:09.916] WARN : Script, 1571413149916> ModelScript.check> no such model "null" for Base.BareHands.
  131. [18-10-19 12:39:09.927] WARN : Script, 1571413149927> ModelScript.check> no such model "DisposableRazor" for Base.Razor.
  132. [18-10-19 12:39:09.940] WARN : Script, 1571413149940> ModelScript.check> no such model "Chainsaw" for Base.Chainsaw.
  133. [18-10-19 12:39:09.955] WARN : Script, 1571413149955> ModelScript.checkTexture> no such texture "Pillow" for Base.Pillow.
  134. [18-10-19 12:39:10.270] LOG : General, 1571413150270> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 0 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/fonts/zomboidDialogue.bmfc_0.png.
  135. [18-10-19 12:39:10.325] LOG : General, 1571413150325> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 0 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_0.tga.
  136. [18-10-19 12:39:10.337] LOG : General, 1571413150337> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 1 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_1.tga.
  137. [18-10-19 12:39:10.349] LOG : General, 1571413150349> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 2 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_2.tga.
  138. [18-10-19 12:39:10.394] LOG : General, 1571413150394> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 0 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_0.tga.
  139. [18-10-19 12:39:10.409] LOG : General, 1571413150409> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 1 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_1.tga.
  140. [18-10-19 12:39:10.422] LOG : General, 1571413150422> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 2 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_2.tga.
  141. [18-10-19 12:39:10.779] LOG : General, 1571413150779> WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 10.
  142. [18-10-19 12:39:10.793] LOG : General, 1571413150793> Attempting to use default windows plug-in..
  143. [18-10-19 12:39:10.805] LOG : General, 1571413150805> Loading: zombie.core.input.XInputEnvironmentPlugin.
  144. [18-10-19 12:39:10.834] LOG : General, 1571413150834> Loading:
  145. [18-10-19 12:39:12.317] LOG : General, 1571413152317> runUnitTest_direction.
  146. [18-10-19 12:39:12.329] LOG : General, 1571413152329> x, y, angle, length, rdir.x, rdir.y, rangle, rlength, pass.
  147. [18-10-19 12:39:12.342] LOG : General, 1571413152342> 1,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000, 1,000000, 1,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000, 1,000000, true.
  148. [18-10-19 12:39:12.352] LOG : General, 1571413152352> 1,000000, 1,000000, 0,785398, 1,414214, 1,000000, 1,000000, 0,785398, 1,414214, true.
  149. [18-10-19 12:39:12.363] LOG : General, 1571413152363> 0,000000, 1,000000, 1,570796, 1,000000, 0,000000, 1,000000, 1,570796, 1,000000, true.
  150. [18-10-19 12:39:12.374] LOG : General, 1571413152374> -1,000000, 1,000000, 2,356195, 1,414214, -1,000000, 1,000000, 2,356195, 1,414214, true.
  151. [18-10-19 12:39:12.385] LOG : General, 1571413152385> -1,000000, 0,000000, -3,141593, 1,000000, -1,000000, 0,000000, -3,141593, 1,000000, true.
  152. [18-10-19 12:39:12.397] LOG : General, 1571413152397> -1,000000, -1,000000, -2,356194, 1,414214, -1,000000, -1,000000, -2,356194, 1,414214, true.
  153. [18-10-19 12:39:12.409] LOG : General, 1571413152409> 0,000000, -1,000000, -1,570796, 1,000000, -0,000000, -1,000000, -1,570796, 1,000000, true.
  154. [18-10-19 12:39:12.420] LOG : General, 1571413152420> 1,000000, -1,000000, -0,785398, 1,414214, 1,000000, -1,000000, -0,785398, 1,414214, true.
  155. [18-10-19 12:39:12.430] LOG : General, 1571413152430> runUnitTest_direction. Complete.
  156. [18-10-19 12:39:14.274] WARN : Lua, 1571413154274> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_fuel") failed.
  157. [18-10-19 12:39:14.291] WARN : Lua, 1571413154291> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_tent") failed.
  158. [18-10-19 12:39:14.456] WARN : Lua, 1571413154455> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("ISUI/ISSliderPanel") failed.
  159. [18-10-19 12:39:14.926] WARN : Lua, 1571413154926> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_fuel") failed.
  160. [18-10-19 12:39:15.729] LOG : General, 1571413155729> MISSING in SettingsTable: ChatStreams.
  161. [18-10-19 12:39:15.747] LOG : General, 1571413155747> MISSING in SettingsTable: SpawnPoint.
  162. [18-10-19 12:39:15.766] LOG : General, 1571413155766> MISSING in SettingsTable: Mods.
  163. [18-10-19 12:39:15.792] LOG : General, 1571413155792> MISSING in SettingsTable: Map.
  164. [18-10-19 12:39:15.802] LOG : General, 1571413155802> MISSING in SettingsTable: DiscordChannelID.
  165. [18-10-19 12:39:15.816] LOG : General, 1571413155816> MISSING in SettingsTable: SteamPort2.
  166. [18-10-19 12:39:15.829] LOG : General, 1571413155829> MISSING in SettingsTable: WorkshopItems.
  167. [18-10-19 12:39:15.844] LOG : General, 1571413155844> MISSING in SettingsTable: CoopServerLaunchTimeout.
  168. [18-10-19 12:39:15.859] LOG : General, 1571413155859> MISSING in SettingsTable: CoopMasterPingTimeout.
  169. [18-10-19 12:39:15.877] LOG : General, 1571413155877> MISSING in SettingsTable: server_browser_announced_ip.
  170. [18-10-19 12:39:15.900] LOG : General, 1571413155900> MISSING in SettingsTable: UseTCPForMapDownloads.
  171. [18-10-19 12:39:15.919] LOG : General, 1571413155919> MISSING in SettingsTable: BanKickGlobalSound.
  172. [18-10-19 12:39:15.940] LOG : General, 1571413155940> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateMaxHighPriority.
  173. [18-10-19 12:39:15.960] LOG : General, 1571413155960> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateDelta.
  174. [18-10-19 12:39:15.980] LOG : General, 1571413155979> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateRadiusLowPriority.
  175. [18-10-19 12:39:15.997] LOG : General, 1571413155997> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateRadiusHighPriority.
  176. [18-10-19 12:39:16.011] LOG : General, 1571413156011> MISSING in SettingsTable: StartYear.
  177. [18-10-19 12:39:16.026] LOG : General, 1571413156026> MISSING in SettingsTable: AttackBlockMovements.
  178. [18-10-19 12:39:16.354] WARN : Lua, 1571413156354> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_fuel") failed.
  179. [18-10-19 12:39:16.746] LOG : General, 1571413156746> OnLoadSoundbanks.
  180. [18-10-19 12:39:16.768] LOG : General, 1571413156768> texturepack: loading Tiles1x.
  181. [18-10-19 12:39:17.427] LOG : General, 1571413157427> texturepack: loading Overlays1x.
  182. [18-10-19 12:39:17.477] LOG : General, 1571413157477> texturepack: loading JumboTrees1x.
  183. [18-10-19 12:39:17.542] LOG : General, 1571413157542> texturepack: loading Tiles1x.floor.
  184. [18-10-19 12:39:17.569] LOG : General, 1571413157569> LOADED UP A TOTAL OF 12 TEXTURES.
  185. [18-10-19 12:39:17.590] LOG : General, 1571413157590> TextureFBO.checkFBOSupport> OpenGL 3.0 framebuffer objects supported.
  186. [18-10-19 12:39:18.920] LOG : General, 1571413158920> [VOICE MANAGER] Init: Start.
  187. [18-10-19 12:39:18.928] LOG : General, 1571413158928> [VOICE MANAGER] Disabled.
  188. [18-10-19 12:39:19.095] LOG : General, 1571413159095> STATE: enter zombie.gameStates.TISLogoState.
  189. [18-10-19 12:39:21.284] LOG : General, 1571413161284> STATE: exit zombie.gameStates.TISLogoState.
  190. [18-10-19 12:39:21.516] LOG : General, 1571413161516> STATE: enter zombie.gameStates.MainScreenState.
  191. [18-10-19 12:39:21.994] LOG : General, 1571413161994> AnimatedModel.addStatic> Adding Static Model:static/clothes/m_baseballcap.
  192. [18-10-19 12:39:22.301] LOG : General, 1571413162301> AnimatedModel.addStatic> Adding Static Model:static/clothes/m_baseballcap.
  193. [18-10-19 12:39:22.403] LOG : General, 1571413162403> AnimatedModel.addStatic> Adding Static Model:static/clothes/m_baseballcap.
  194. [18-10-19 12:39:22.732] LOG : General, 1571413162732> reading C:\Users\Feer\Zomboid\Sandbox Presets\This.cfg.
  195. [18-10-19 12:39:22.750] LOG : General, 1571413162749> reading C:\Users\Feer\Zomboid\Sandbox Presets\this not.cfg.
  196. [18-10-19 12:39:32.168] LOG : General, 1571413172168> 1571413172168 znet: Java_zombie_core_znet_SteamWorkshop_n_1GetInstalledItemFolders.
  197. [18-10-19 12:39:32.317] LOG : General, 1571413172317> MOD: refusing to list examplemod.
  198. [18-10-19 12:39:41.539] LOG : General, 1571413181539> 1571413181539 znet: Java_zombie_core_znet_SteamWorkshop_n_1GetInstalledItemFolders.
  199. [18-10-19 12:39:41.550] LOG : General, 1571413181550> MOD: refusing to list examplemod.
  200. [18-10-19 12:39:41.560] LOG : General, 1571413181560> MOD: loading ModTemplate.
  201. [18-10-19 12:39:41.572] LOG : General, 1571413181572> translator: language is ES.
  202. [18-10-19 12:39:42.176] WARN : Script, 1571413182176> VehicleScript.Loaded> vehicle "SmallCar" extents != physicsChassisShape.
  203. [18-10-19 12:39:42.287] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182287> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  204. [18-10-19 12:39:42.299] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182299> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  205. [18-10-19 12:39:42.309] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182309> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Skirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  206. [18-10-19 12:39:42.317] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182317> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Blouse" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  207. [18-10-19 12:39:42.325] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182325> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shoes" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  208. [18-10-19 12:39:42.333] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182333> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "ShortsLong" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  209. [18-10-19 12:39:42.341] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182341> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Jacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  210. [18-10-19 12:39:42.349] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182349> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedJacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  211. [18-10-19 12:39:42.357] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182357> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedTrousers" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  212. [18-10-19 12:39:42.366] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182366> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe result "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  213. [18-10-19 12:39:42.374] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182374> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  214. [18-10-19 12:39:42.382] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182382> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  215. [18-10-19 12:39:42.390] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182390> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Skirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  216. [18-10-19 12:39:42.398] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182398> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Blouse" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  217. [18-10-19 12:39:42.406] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182406> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shoes" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  218. [18-10-19 12:39:42.415] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182415> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "ShortsLong" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  219. [18-10-19 12:39:42.423] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182423> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Jacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  220. [18-10-19 12:39:42.430] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182430> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedJacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  221. [18-10-19 12:39:42.439] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182439> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedTrousers" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  222. [18-10-19 12:39:42.446] WARN : Recipe, 1571413182446> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe result "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing".
  223. [18-10-19 12:39:42.455] WARN : Script, 1571413182455> ModelScript.check> no such model "null" for Base.BareHands.
  224. [18-10-19 12:39:42.464] WARN : Script, 1571413182464> ModelScript.check> no such model "DisposableRazor" for Base.Razor.
  225. [18-10-19 12:39:42.474] WARN : Script, 1571413182474> ModelScript.check> no such model "Chainsaw" for Base.Chainsaw.
  226. [18-10-19 12:39:42.483] WARN : Script, 1571413182483> ModelScript.checkTexture> no such texture "Pillow" for Base.Pillow.
  227. [18-10-19 12:39:42.876] WARN : Lua, 1571413182876> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_fuel") failed.
  228. [18-10-19 12:39:42.889] WARN : Lua, 1571413182889> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_tent") failed.
  229. [18-10-19 12:39:42.929] WARN : Lua, 1571413182929> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("ISUI/ISSliderPanel") failed.
  230. [18-10-19 12:39:43.124] WARN : Lua, 1571413183124> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_fuel") failed.
  231. [18-10-19 12:39:43.541] LOG : General, 1571413183541> MISSING in SettingsTable: ChatStreams.
  232. [18-10-19 12:39:43.555] LOG : General, 1571413183555> MISSING in SettingsTable: SpawnPoint.
  233. [18-10-19 12:39:43.567] LOG : General, 1571413183567> MISSING in SettingsTable: Mods.
  234. [18-10-19 12:39:43.578] LOG : General, 1571413183578> MISSING in SettingsTable: Map.
  235. [18-10-19 12:39:43.590] LOG : General, 1571413183590> MISSING in SettingsTable: DiscordChannelID.
  236. [18-10-19 12:39:43.601] LOG : General, 1571413183601> MISSING in SettingsTable: SteamPort2.
  237. [18-10-19 12:39:43.610] LOG : General, 1571413183610> MISSING in SettingsTable: WorkshopItems.
  238. [18-10-19 12:39:43.620] LOG : General, 1571413183620> MISSING in SettingsTable: CoopServerLaunchTimeout.
  239. [18-10-19 12:39:43.629] LOG : General, 1571413183629> MISSING in SettingsTable: CoopMasterPingTimeout.
  240. [18-10-19 12:39:43.640] LOG : General, 1571413183640> MISSING in SettingsTable: server_browser_announced_ip.
  241. [18-10-19 12:39:43.650] LOG : General, 1571413183650> MISSING in SettingsTable: UseTCPForMapDownloads.
  242. [18-10-19 12:39:43.661] LOG : General, 1571413183661> MISSING in SettingsTable: BanKickGlobalSound.
  243. [18-10-19 12:39:43.671] LOG : General, 1571413183671> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateMaxHighPriority.
  244. [18-10-19 12:39:43.682] LOG : General, 1571413183682> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateDelta.
  245. [18-10-19 12:39:43.693] LOG : General, 1571413183693> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateRadiusLowPriority.
  246. [18-10-19 12:39:43.704] LOG : General, 1571413183704> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateRadiusHighPriority.
  247. [18-10-19 12:39:43.712] LOG : General, 1571413183712> MISSING in SettingsTable: StartYear.
  248. [18-10-19 12:39:43.722] LOG : General, 1571413183722> MISSING in SettingsTable: AttackBlockMovements.
  249. [18-10-19 12:39:43.805] WARN : Lua, 1571413183805> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_fuel") failed.
  250. [18-10-19 12:39:44.029] LOG : General, 1571413184029> AnimatedModel.addStatic> Adding Static Model:static/clothes/f_baseballcap.
  251. [18-10-19 12:39:44.041] LOG : General, 1571413184041> AnimatedModel.addStatic> Adding Static Model:static/clothes/f_baseballcap.
  252. [18-10-19 12:39:44.053] LOG : General, 1571413184053> AnimatedModel.addStatic> Adding Static Model:static/clothes/f_baseballcap.
  253. [18-10-19 12:39:44.155] LOG : General, 1571413184155> reading C:\Users\Feer\Zomboid\Sandbox Presets\This.cfg.
  254. [18-10-19 12:39:44.167] LOG : General, 1571413184167> reading C:\Users\Feer\Zomboid\Sandbox Presets\this not.cfg.
  255. [18-10-19 12:39:51.920] LOG : General, 1571413191920> STATE: exit zombie.gameStates.MainScreenState.
  256. [18-10-19 12:39:51.931] LOG : General, 1571413191931> LOADED UP A TOTAL OF 54 TEXTURES.
  257. [18-10-19 12:39:52.213] LOG : General, 1571413192212> STATE: enter zombie.gameStates.GameLoadingState.
  258. [18-10-19 12:39:52.224] LOG : General, 1571413192224> Savefile name is "Este_si_()".
  259. [18-10-19 12:39:52.441] LOG : General, 1571413192441> SafeMode is off.
  260. [18-10-19 12:39:52.745] LOG : General, 1571413192745> BaseVehicle.LoadAllVehicleTextures....
  261. [18-10-19 12:39:52.939] LOG : General, 1571413192939> IsoMetaGrid.Create: begin scanning directories.
  262. [18-10-19 12:39:53.174] LOG : General, 1571413193174> Looking in these map folders:.
  263. [18-10-19 12:39:53.236] LOG : General, 1571413193236> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Riverside, KY.
  264. [18-10-19 12:39:53.246] LOG : General, 1571413193246> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Rosewood, KY.
  265. [18-10-19 12:39:53.256] LOG : General, 1571413193256> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Muldraugh, KY.
  266. [18-10-19 12:39:53.320] LOG : General, 1571413193320> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\maps\West Point, KY.
  267. [18-10-19 12:39:53.330] LOG : General, 1571413193330> <End of map-folders list>.
  268. [18-10-19 12:39:53.371] LOG : General, 1571413193371> IsoMetaGrid.Create: finished scanning directories in 0.432 seconds.
  269. [18-10-19 12:39:53.426] LOG : General, 1571413193426> IsoMetaGrid.Create: begin loading.
  270. [18-10-19 12:39:54.646] LOG : General, 1571413194646> using spawn region Riverside, KY.
  271. [18-10-19 12:39:54.713] LOG : General, 1571413194713> 8 possible spawn points.
  272. [18-10-19 12:39:54.735] LOG : General, 1571413194735> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions.tiles.
  273. [18-10-19 12:39:54.761] LOG : General, 1571413194761> tiledef: loading media/newtiledefinitions.tiles.
  274. [18-10-19 12:39:54.861] LOG : General, 1571413194861> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_erosion.tiles.
  275. [18-10-19 12:39:54.878] LOG : General, 1571413194878> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_apcom.tiles.
  276. [18-10-19 12:39:54.890] LOG : General, 1571413194890> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_overlays.tiles.
  277. [18-10-19 12:39:54.910] LOG : General, 1571413194909> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions.tiles.
  278. [18-10-19 12:39:55.095] LOG : General, 1571413195095> tiledef: loading media/newtiledefinitions.tiles.
  279. [18-10-19 12:39:55.361] LOG : General, 1571413195361> MOVABLES: Object has only one face defined for group: (Streetname Sign) sheet = street_decoration_01.
  280. [18-10-19 12:39:55.577] LOG : General, 1571413195577> MOVABLES: Not all members have a valid face defined for group: (Streetname Sign) sheet = street_decoration_01.
  281. [18-10-19 12:39:56.126] LOG : General, 1571413196126> MOVABLES: Object only has 3 sprites, _might_ have a error in settings, group: (Tattoo Parlor Sign) sheet = location_shop_accessories_genericsigns_01.
  282. [18-10-19 12:39:56.300] LOG : General, 1571413196300> 1571413196300 znet: ZNetFriends::OnPersonaStateChange.
  283. [18-10-19 12:39:56.345] LOG : General, 1571413196345> MOVABLES: Object only has 3 sprites, _might_ have a error in settings, group: (Bail Bonds Sign) sheet = location_shop_accessories_genericsigns_01.
  284. [18-10-19 12:39:56.370] LOG : General, 1571413196370> MOVABLES: Object only has 3 sprites, _might_ have a error in settings, group: (Pony Roam-o Sign) sheet = signs_one-off_01.
  285. [18-10-19 12:39:56.516] LOG : General, 1571413196516> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_erosion.tiles.
  286. [18-10-19 12:39:56.559] LOG : General, 1571413196559> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_apcom.tiles.
  287. [18-10-19 12:39:56.626] LOG : General, 1571413196626> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_overlays.tiles.
  288. [18-10-19 12:39:56.678] LOG : General, 1571413196678> .
  289. [18-10-19 12:39:56.716] LOG : General, 1571413196716> ################## Radio Init ##################.
  290. [18-10-19 12:39:56.826] LOG : General, 1571413196826> :: Searching for radio data files:.
  291. [18-10-19 12:39:56.880] LOG : General, 1571413196880> Reading xml: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData.xml.
  292. [18-10-19 12:39:57.191] LOG : General, 1571413197191> RadioData nodes len: 1.
  293. [18-10-19 12:39:57.221] LOG : General, 1571413197221> Reading RootInfo....
  294. [18-10-19 12:39:57.239] LOG : General, 1571413197239> RootInfo found.
  295. [18-10-19 12:39:57.257] LOG : General, 1571413197257> Found element: SourceFile.
  296. [18-10-19 12:39:57.275] LOG : General, 1571413197275> Found element: FileGUID.
  297. [18-10-19 12:39:57.291] LOG : General, 1571413197291> GUID = b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51.
  298. [18-10-19 12:39:57.307] LOG : General, 1571413197307> Found element: Version.
  299. [18-10-19 12:39:57.324] LOG : General, 1571413197324> Version = 0.
  300. [18-10-19 12:39:57.341] LOG : General, 1571413197341> valid file: true.
  301. [18-10-19 12:39:57.357] LOG : General, 1571413197357> Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData.xml.
  302. [18-10-19 12:39:57.374] LOG : General, 1571413197374> :: Searching for translation files:.
  303. [18-10-19 12:39:57.394] LOG : General, 1571413197394> Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_DE.txt.
  304. [18-10-19 12:39:57.416] LOG : General, 1571413197416> Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51.
  305. [18-10-19 12:39:57.432] LOG : General, 1571413197432> Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_ES.txt.
  306. [18-10-19 12:39:57.453] LOG : General, 1571413197453> Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51.
  307. [18-10-19 12:39:57.471] LOG : General, 1571413197471> Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_FR.txt.
  308. [18-10-19 12:39:57.487] LOG : General, 1571413197487> Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51.
  309. [18-10-19 12:39:57.503] LOG : General, 1571413197503> Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_JP.txt.
  310. [18-10-19 12:39:57.521] LOG : General, 1571413197521> Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51.
  311. [18-10-19 12:39:57.534] LOG : General, 1571413197534> Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_PL.txt.
  312. [18-10-19 12:39:57.544] LOG : General, 1571413197544> Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51.
  313. [18-10-19 12:39:57.558] LOG : General, 1571413197558> Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_RU.txt.
  314. [18-10-19 12:39:57.570] LOG : General, 1571413197570> Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51.
  315. [18-10-19 12:39:57.582] LOG : General, 1571413197582> Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_TR.txt.
  316. [18-10-19 12:39:57.595] LOG : General, 1571413197595> Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51.
  317. [18-10-19 12:39:57.607] LOG : General, 1571413197607> Attempting to load translation: ES.
  318. [18-10-19 12:39:57.620] LOG : General, 1571413197620> Translation found!.
  319. [18-10-19 12:39:57.671] LOG : General, 1571413197671> Count = 8856.
  320. [18-10-19 12:39:57.771] LOG : General, 1571413197770> Adding (vanilla) file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData.xml.
  321. [18-10-19 12:39:57.786] LOG : General, 1571413197786> - GUID: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51.
  322. [18-10-19 12:39:57.801] LOG : General, 1571413197801> Radio loaded..
  323. [18-10-19 12:39:57.819] LOG : General, 1571413197819> ################################################.
  324. [18-10-19 12:39:57.834] LOG : General, 1571413197834> .
  325. [18-10-19 12:39:58.635] LOG : General, 1571413198635> IsoMetaGrid.Create: finished loading in 5.146 seconds.
  326. [18-10-19 12:39:58.652] LOG : General, 1571413198652> can't find map objects file: media/maps/West Point, KY/objects.lua.
  327. [18-10-19 12:39:59.249] LOG : General, 1571413199249> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "" 12929,1554,0 1x2.
  328. [18-10-19 12:39:59.602] LOG : General, 1571413199602> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Vegitation" 9027,7530,9 179x10.
  329. [18-10-19 12:39:59.618] LOG : General, 1571413199618> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Vegitation" 9206,7527,9 10x13.
  330. [18-10-19 12:39:59.634] LOG : General, 1571413199634> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Vegitation" 9204,7527,9 2x3.
  331. [18-10-19 12:39:59.652] LOG : General, 1571413199652> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Forest" 9216,7527,9 10x13.
  332. [18-10-19 12:39:59.666] LOG : General, 1571413199666> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Forest" 9027,7540,9 199x15.
  333. [18-10-19 12:39:59.685] LOG : General, 1571413199685> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "DeepForest" 9226,7527,9 101x300.
  334. [18-10-19 12:39:59.697] LOG : General, 1571413199697> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "DeepForest" 9027,7555,9 199x272.
  335. [18-10-19 12:40:00.128] LOG : General, 1571413200128> can't find map objects file: media/maps/Rosewood, KY/objects.lua.
  336. [18-10-19 12:40:00.227] LOG : General, 1571413200227> can't find map objects file: media/maps/Riverside, KY/objects.lua.
  337. [18-10-19 12:40:00.352] LOG : General, 1571413200352> Max #ZONES on one chunk is 25.
  338. [18-10-19 12:40:12.050] LOG : General, 1571413212050> game loading took 20 seconds.
  339. [18-10-19 12:40:15.185] LOG : General, 1571413215185> STATE: exit zombie.gameStates.GameLoadingState.
  340. [18-10-19 12:40:15.218] LOG : General, 1571413215218> 1 players found.
  341. [18-10-19 12:40:15.229] LOG : General, 1571413215229> player 0 is mouse.
  342. [18-10-19 12:40:15.238] LOG : General, 1571413215238> PLAYER DATA OFFSET 0.
  343. [18-10-19 12:40:15.247] LOG : General, 1571413215247> 320.
  344. [18-10-19 12:40:15.255] LOG : General, 1571413215255> 0.
  345. [18-10-19 12:40:15.262] LOG : General, 1571413215262> 640.
  346. [18-10-19 12:40:15.272] LOG : General, 1571413215272> 360.
  347. [18-10-19 12:40:15.906] LOG : General, 1571413215906> STATE: enter zombie.gameStates.IngameState.
  348. [18-10-19 12:40:16.125] WARN : General, 1571413216125> VehicleType.initNormal> vehicle type "Base.ModernCar_Martin" isn't in VehicleZoneDistribution.
  349. [18-10-19 12:40:16.190] WARN : General, 1571413216190> VehicleType.initNormal> vehicle type "Base.SportsCar_ez" isn't in VehicleZoneDistribution.
  350. [18-10-19 12:40:16.209] WARN : General, 1571413216209> VehicleType.initNormal> vehicle type "Base.ModernCar_ez" isn't in VehicleZoneDistribution.
  351. [18-10-19 12:40:17.946] WARN : Shader, 1571413217946> ShaderProgram.getUniform> Texture doesn't exist in shader.
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