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Mar 22nd, 2019
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  3. roToday at 6:51 AM
  4. sup numnuts
  5. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:16 AM
  6. Thats the best you could think of?
  7. Anyway what exactly is your problem with me
  8. roToday at 11:17 AM
  9. OH boy we have entertainment
  10. aka a shit talker
  11. wanna start a war nigga?
  12. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:17 AM
  13. Lol
  14. roToday at 11:17 AM
  15. aiken bro
  16. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:17 AM
  17. Can you answer the question
  18. roToday at 11:17 AM
  19. feel free to say anything
  20. but nicole will be taking the heat
  21. as soon as u shit talk
  22. :~)
  23. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:18 AM
  24. Thats great
  25. Answer the question please
  26. roToday at 11:18 AM
  27. btw ur pretty much eating my left overs i feel bad
  28. u want her ass pics or something?
  29. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:18 AM
  30. Ohh so you think im tryna smash
  31. roToday at 11:18 AM
  32. i don't have a problem with you
  33. you are the one who ADDED me
  34. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:18 AM
  35. Mate sorry to tell you this
  36. But im one of the few that DOESNT love her lol
  37. roToday at 11:19 AM
  38. get straight the point, everyone knows u like her
  39. also
  40. wheres ur doxer friend
  41. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:19 AM
  42. I dont actually lmao
  43. roToday at 11:19 AM
  44. i'd like to trade some l33t language bro
  45. how old r u man
  46. before i know i'm not fucking w a lil kid
  47. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:19 AM
  48. Older than you
  49. 18
  50. roToday at 11:19 AM
  51. nigga thats embarrassing
  52. why u tryna plan shit against alexandria
  53. shes 16, nicole is 20 like cant she move on?
  54. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:19 AM
  55. Plan shit?
  56. roToday at 11:20 AM
  57. yeah bro u tryna plan shit w ur friend neo
  58. to fuck w her
  59. ur boy snitched
  60. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:20 AM
  61. I made a seperate group to chill in without nate and nicole
  62. But alex doesnt reply to shit anyway so i deleted it and blocked her
  63. Got better things to do
  64. roToday at 11:20 AM
  65. i don't care bro, answer this, do u want nicole to get bombed
  66. or take heat?
  67. if u care about her
  68. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:21 AM
  69. You talk like a toddler man
  70. roToday at 11:21 AM
  71. my nigga cory and sheldon got the bombs ready :~)
  72. ur the one who added me idk why you're complaining
  73. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:21 AM
  74. Because i thought you could talk properly
  75. Instead of just throwing insults and ignoring my points lol
  76. roToday at 11:21 AM
  77. i'm not around to resolve shit with u, we either have a war or no
  78. but i guess, we can begin the party
  79. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:22 AM
  80. So you wont listen?
  81. roToday at 11:22 AM
  82. enjoy the heat my man
  83. Taxi Dog ∻Today at 11:22 AM
  84. Well i tried telling you im not the one with her
  85. But if you dont wanna listen then thats your issue my dude
  86. Have a good one
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