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  1. The Sun is in Capricorn
  2. Capricorn is a feet-on-the-ground, eye-on-the-prize sign. Those with Sun in Capricorn have a realistic, grounded approach to life that can be seen no matter how dreamy the rest of the birth chart suggests. These people know how to do things, and to get things done. Some Capricorns naturally turn their backs on things they deem too frivolous. They are very much concerned with things that are worthwhile--and that includes their own lives. Capricorns want to do and be something worthwhile. Like their Earth signs relatives, Taurus and Virgo, they need to feel useful and effective in the real world in order to be satisfied with their lives. But the Capricorn spin on the earth signs is that Capricorn possesses a stronger need for recognition in a worldly sense. They have a strong sense of society and its framework, and they feel most secure when they feel they are doing their part within that framework.
  4. Capricorns like to pare things down, and take pleasure in the simple things in life. However, many are attracted to status symbols and these ones will wear the best clothes (tasteful ones!) and drive quietly impressive cars. Comparing Capricorns to their symbol, the goat, brings up some interesting analogies. Solar Capricorns can see into the future, and plan for it. They don't mind taking things slowly, but they absolutely aim to get to the top of the mountain in life! They make their way steadily and sure-footedly; and their strength and singleness of purpose are admirable.
  6. Capricorns can sometimes be rather lonely people, although they rarely let it show. They are often a little reserved--even standoffish. This is generally because they value all things practical, and they'll seldom wear their emotions on their sleeves, unless they have a particularly flamboyant Moon sign. This is a sign that is surely the most resourceful of the zodiac. To some, Capricorns come across as unimaginative, but they can be enormously creative when it comes to the material world. They are generally very capable people with a strong sense of tradition and responsibility.
  8. Many Capricorns have mastered the art of making people laugh. Their sense of humor can be of the deadpan variety--they're generally excellent at keeping a straight face. They can be bitingly sarcastic, too. Capricorns are not known for taking too many risks in life. They value the beaten track and things "tried and true". This is not to say they are stick-in-the-muds -- they simply value the hard work laid down by those who've been around before them. Turn to your Capricorn friends for help when you need to really get things done. They'll have practical advice, and they'll help you organize and manage your life a little better. Capricorns are generally good with their "word", dependable, and rather loyal people.
  10. Short description:
  12. He is honest, reserved, circumspect, honorable, and strong-willed. Quietly ambitious within the realms of the possible, he likes and takes on responsibility. He can work in the social domain.
  14. Possible issues: a sometimes bitter and mistrustful mind.
  16. Capricorn ascendant Cancer
  18. Sun in VII
  20. You take pride in your ability to negotiate, and to establish harmony in your relationships. It is important to you to have a partner, as you feel incomplete without one. You are motivated to become well-liked, and you are especially sensitive to rejection. One of the lessons in your life may be to avoid putting harmony and others' opinions of you above your own needs. Use your social skills and seek out peaceful relations with others, but try not to over-identify with your partnerships and the way you are received by others. You may marry someone with a strong personality.
  22. 234 Trine between the Sun and Moon
  24. Your emotions and your will are at peace with one another, suggesting a rather balanced personality. The "messages" you received in childhood were not contradictory overall, and you have a stronger sense of purpose and appreciation of harmony than most people. You are likely personally popular, mainly because you expect harmony in your relationships. You are attractive to most people, and your self-confidence and security make you easy to deal with on many levels. Your relaxed, easygoing disposition puts others at ease. You may not be prepared for conflict and you often avoid "rocking the boat". You may acquiesce to others a little too often, if only to maintain a feeling of balance and harmony, as conflict is something you not only dislike, you might fear it. The tendency towards too much acceptance--of the self and of others--is usually present. You must be encouraged to question life, or you run the risk of taking things for granted.
  26. Vitality is usually good and quite constant. You are not necessarily hard-driving, unless other indications in the chart point to it, but your constitution is generally strong. At any rate, you are not as prone to the kinds of ups and downs that plague those with challenging aspects between the Sun and Moon. This is because even though your life goals and your emotional needs are different, they are in harmony.
  28. Short description: He has lots of vitality. He likes public life, he is popular and his company is appreciated. He is balanced, at ease with himself and usually gets on very well with his parents or guardians.
  30. 33 Trine Sun - Mars
  32. You are enterprising and have powerful stores of energy that you can draw upon when needed. You respond to problems or challenges with a spirited and enthusiastic confidence that is admirable. You are naturally competitive, and this trait is generally well-received by others simply because it is unforced, unaffected, and sincere. You truly believe in fair play, and you seem to be in love with life. When you are expressing competitiveness and courage, it's easy for others to smile and accept these traits as positive ones rather than being rubbed the wrong way. You have good physical vitality. Although competitive, you are not naturally combative. You may enjoy sports or games that are competitive, but not violent. Breaking the rules of a competitive game is particularly upsetting to you. You are more able than most to control your desires, aggressions, and instincts. You know how to be fair, and you expect others to be fair. As such, sneaky behaviors, uncontrolled impulses, violence, and rage are offensive to you.
  34. 272 Conjunction Sun - Jupiter
  36. Endowed with generosity and friendliness, in some ways you appear to be lucky in life. You attract good things with a positive frame of mind and a charitable disposition. Rarely entirely "down and out", you are usually well-received, helpful, and well-informed. You may enjoy travel and have a special affection for foreign places and people. You're generally not very competitive, and for the most part not combative either. As a result, you are usually well-liked.
  38. You are usually good-hearted, possessing strong morals and much faith in life and in people. You prefer to find the good in situations and in people. You don't have a lot of patience with those who break the rules, as you generally believe in order, equality, and the law. You usually make good on your promises, and the sincerity you exude can be trusted. Looking on the bright side is your forte--people can turn to you for a pleasing dose of faith and optimism.
  40. You are quick to chuckle and can't resist any appeal to your sense of humor. Some people with this aspect are downright jolly. Others are less conspicuous, but their faith in life and willingness to find humor in life are nevertheless obvious.
  42. 24 Sextile Sun - Saturn
  44. It is easy and natural for you to accept responsibilities, to lead a rather ordered life, and to apply caution in your financial and business dealings. You rarely jump to conclusions or take uneducated risks. You have a certain amount of patience and enough self-discipline to slowly but surely achieve what you set out to do. Although somewhat undemonstrative, you are generally loyal and responsible people to those you care about. You take your time in most endeavors and generally use a step-by-step approach to most projects--but you steadily reach your goals. You are naturally trustworthy, and you don't have much patience for those who don't show respect for others, who take foolish risks, and who lead disorganized lives.
  46. 314 Conjunction Sun - Uranus
  48. It is natural for you to question tradition. You are, above all things, an individualist. You naturally rebel against that which is established. It doesn't mean that you consistently break all the rules, but you definitely do question some of the rules, especially those that simply don't make much sense. You possess a huge distaste for routine. You work best when you have some say as to when and how you get things done. You possess much self-integrity. You avoid labeling people and are most offended when others attempt to label or stereotype you.
  50. You easily embrace new ways of doing things, you stick up for the underdog, and you express yourself in unique and inspiring ways. You don't have to try to stand out as unique--you are original, creative, and progressive without trying. You are far from pretentious. You value honesty and truth, and you avoid putting on airs. You believe in the equality of people, and easily relate to people from all walks of life. You possess an unmistakable enthusiasm about life, and generally your life is interesting because you invite unusual or adventurous experiences into your life. You are generally appreciated by others because you are open-minded, fair, and not judgmental. Nothing really seems to faze you! You take things in stride, and are rarely shocked or taken aback by human behavior.
  52. 442 Conjunction Sun - Neptune
  54. There is an unmistakably dreamy, inspired, and sensitive side to you. A marked appreciation for music and the arts is present. The connection of Neptune with the Sun, which represents the ego and the will, certainly softens some of the hard edges that might be found elsewhere in the chart, adding a sensitive and spiritual dimension to your personality. You are naturally compassionate. It is so completely natural for you to accept that there is more to the world than what is before your eyes, that you tend to presume everyone must be spiritually-inclined. Of course, you come to realize that this is not the case at some early point in your life. Your attraction to spirituality and metaphysical subjects is usually marked. These aspects favor writers, artists, and musicians. You are sensitive to those who are suffering, although you are not usually taken advantage of. You are humanitarian and may have a special connection with animals. If other aspects and positions in the chart support it, you are not one to dominate others or assert yourself to the point of brashness. You have a fertile imagination, are full of inspiration, and very emotional - all qualities that you may use on the professional level.
  56. The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image.
  58. The Moon is in Taurus
  59. Familiarity is important to Lunar Taureans. These people are earthy and strong-willed. They feel with their senses and they are pretty much rooted in their ways. They revel in material comforts--in fact, building a solid and comfortable home and foundation helps to keep them feeling safe and content.
  61. It isn't wise to try to push Lunar Taureans into doing anything, but once they have made a commitment, they're persevering. There's a steadiness to this position of the Moon that is comforting to those close to them. But the conservative streak in these natives can be maddening to more progressive personalities. They tend to go out of their way to avoid "messy" or unpredictable situations, crises, and emotional displays. Instead, they focus on creating a reliable and secure life around them. In relationships, Lunar Taureans may not easily recognize their partner's need for change, growth, or emotional stimulation.
  63. Moon in Taurus natives are generally very romantic. Their affections are strong, deep, and unwavering. They are sentimental and warm. Since Taurus is a practical earth sign, the placement of the Moon in this sign suggests an ability to protect themselves and their own interests. They will rarely make a move without first determining that it is safe and that there's something in it for them. Generally, Taurus Moon people have reliable instincts. They are very much tied to the physical world, and they often have a particularly well-developed sense of smell. Relationships with people born with this position of Mars are often quite enduring. Many Mars in Taurus people hang onto their mates, even in the face of serious conflict. Taurus is a fixed sign, so break-ups don't happen easily.
  65. There is a serenity to them that is calming. In fact, it takes a lot to really get to them. However, they do get off-center every once in a while. They are not the most adaptable people when their own routine is interrupted, for example. Though some Lunar Taureans might be considered anal, most simply have a stubborn streak that keeps them rather resistant to change. Rarely are they spontaneous sorts. Uncomfortable with surprises, these natives value stability. Their needs are strong but quite simple at the same time--they love the "good things" in life. The world of the five senses is all-important to these natives. Their love of stability and steadiness can make them slaves to routine. However, they are loyal and capable people.
  67. Short description:
  69. Sweetness itself. Convinced of their ideas and strong-willed. He is foresighted and willful. He knows how to trust. He appreciates all the good things in life. He appreciates and protects Nature.
  71. Possible issues: excesses in pleasure, laziness, sensuality, thoughtlessness.
  73. Moon in XI
  75. Lots of friends, relationships. He makes friends easily and uses his relationships to further professional success. Feelings of friendship are sometimes superficial. Often, lots of children or nurturing friendships.
  77. This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for a feeling of belonging with, and support from, friends and associations with groups. You look to acquaintances for support, and offer the same in return. A changeable or unstable social life might be a reflection of inner emotional unrest. Waxing and waning feelings for others can cause problems in your relationships. You are a person who is filled with many dreams, wishes, and hopes for your future, and most of these are altruistic and good-hearted desires. However, you might change your aspirations frequently, with your changing moods, and have a hard time settling on goals to work towards as a result.
  79. 47 Trine Moon - Mars
  81. You are a passionate person who loves life. Although your emotions are powerful and immediate, your passion is generally controlled and directed. You are a sexual person who nevertheless doesn't get too carried away or controlled by your passions. Because your emotions are strong and you know how to channel them into constructive channels, you don't easily understand such things as "crimes of passion", impulsive behaviors, or emotional excitability in others. You're generally open, accepting, and natural in your sexual expression. You need an emotional connection in order to feel complete on a physical level. You may have an affection and talent for sports, but other factors in the natal chart are necessary to provide the motivation and commitment.
  83. Short description: He is frank, honest, full of vigor and ambition. He is strong-willed and powerful at work. He is a little hard on himself but perhaps more on others whose capacity for action is not as great or inherent.
  85. 85 Trine Moon - Jupiter
  87. He is generally pleasantly composed, due to an inner sense of harmony and emotional balance. He is optimistic--and realistically so, most of the time--which contributes to his overall "luck." He is able to get a real perspective on emotional matters that not only benefits his outlook, he is able to offer support to others when needed. Broad-mindedness is a wonderful characteristic. Quick to find humor in situations, he is generally warm and fun to be around. Deep down, he believes in the basic goodness of people and of life in general, and this basic and natural attitude helps him to attract positive circumstances and to make good connections. One of his best qualities is tolerance. Usually, he doesn't take life too seriously in the sense that he believes in having a bit of fun, enjoying life. His hunches are more often than not bang-on.
  89. He is frank, honest, optimistic and generous. He likes good cooking, creature comforts. His friendships are sincere. He is smart and knows how to surround himself with the right people: He is appreciated at work, usually well-liked and comfortable.
  91. 43 Sextile Moon - Saturn
  93. He controls his feelings. He has a strong sense of duty and self-esteem. Very prudent. He can concentrate on a long-term task, manual or intellectual, with success. He perseveres and is serious in most things he does, but is humorous, satirical, steadfast, and upright.
  95. 72 Trine Moon - Uranus
  97. He is imaginative and benefits from the Moon's intuition complemented by Uranus' independence and originality. His life is out-of-the-ordinary, with lots of changes and a great knowledge of the world not necessarily through reading but through personal experience and brilliant intuition. He likes the sensational, new things. He acts instinctively, but fortunately has a good sixth sense. He likes to be surrounded by original people, artists.
  99. 121 Trine Moon - Neptune
  101. Positive aspect: He is kind and sympathetic, with a strongly compassionate nature. When in love, he is usually very devoted. In fact, he is devoted by nature, not only in matters of the heart.
  103. There is an unmistakably compassionate and understanding side to his nature. He has a natural affinity to music. While everyone enjoys music, people with Moon in harmonious aspect to Neptune respond to music as a vehicle to heal, relax, and to uplift the soul. Naturally perceptive, without even trying he tunes into the feelings of others, and the mood of his surroundings. There is a distinct emotional need to escape into the world of imagination, and to withdraw from others at times when he needs to re-center himself, largely because he tends to "take in" a lot of mixed energies from his surroundings. Strong and sudden "feelings" and hunches can overcome him. More often than not, his intuition is correct, although his imagination is also powerful and he can read too much into a situation as a result. Some laziness is associated with this position. This stems from a natural timidity and sensitivity that is apparent from youth. He may have been labeled "shy" in youth, and family members or friends may have jumped in to "save" him from situations that required boldness or aggressiveness. Thus, passivity was accepted and, as adults, he may be less experienced than most when it comes to reaching out or going after what he wants.
  105. -80 Opposition Moon - Pluto
  107. He has intense emotions and passionate feelings. He fear the loss of control of emotional and domestic matters, and can fear change, upheaval, being caught unawares, having the rug pulled from beneath his feet. At the same time, he attracts change and disruptions. The love life may be riddled with emotional scenes, jealousy, and possessiveness because he attracts intense partners. There can also be big expectations of a partner or partnership.
  109. -10 Square Moon - Lilith
  111. Love-at-first-sight is to be avoided, as it will make one forget all other duties and lead to problems. There can be obsessions. Emotions can take over the life at times.
  113. Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.
  115. Mercury is in Capricorn
  116. His mind compartmentalizes impressions, and he appreciates structure and order. The mind learns best when it can see practical uses for information. Resourceful, reflective, deep thinker; a fine and vivacious mind. May undertake lengthy studies or, if circumstances do not allow, will teach himself. A rational person. Can be pessimistic, skeptical, and sarcastic, possessing a very sharp sense of humor. Notices everything.
  118. Mercury in VI
  120. Medical profession. Serviceable and generous nature. May meet their soul sister at work, or (if not) through family contacts.
  122. You are a person who thinks of all the details that others forget. Your mind is almost always turned "on" which can make you a little nervous. You are excellent at sorting things out, organizing, and making lists and associations. With your attention to the details and the mechanics, however, you might miss the bigger point! You are exceptionally helpful and others can count on you for making arrangements, researching, and offering advice. You truly love to feel useful. You might have some traits of a hypochondriac, as you notice all of the little aches and pains that others might overlook. Nervous tension could be at the root of many of your health complaints. Many of you are good at crafts, mechanics, or anything that requires good manual dexterity.
  124. 279 Conjunction Mercury - Venus
  126. He looks on the bright side of life. He is gay, agreeable, optimistic, sociable. He enjoys speaking and writing, and he does both with charm and artistry. His intellectual pleasures are very much influenced by his feelings. He is amorous and sensual. He likes beauty, the Arts, travelling, frequent changes of scenery. Aims always for diplomacy. Very charming.
  128. -84 Square Mercury - Mars
  130. While his spirit is lively, it is also cunning. He often acts without thinking, he often throws himself into things and can often exaggerate or can have a strong sense of drama - and this can bring certain problems. He is nervous and sometimes irascible. He can develop others' ideas -- while others hesitate, he is quicker to jump in, pressing on. Quick to debate, challenge. Quick-minded.
  132. -36 Square Mercury - Saturn
  134. He is reserved, conservative, ambitious, and stubborn. He might have problems expressing himself, particularly verbally, due to shyness or fear of criticism. Social success may be slow and laborious, but he does not give up easily and is patient. Can spend a lot of time on communications and getting them just right.
  136. Whatever you say and write is self-censored to some degree. It's hard for you to pour out your emotions, no matter how emotional or needy you feel on the inside. This is because you are always aware of what others might think of you with what you say. You are careful with what you reveal to others. You make plenty of disclaimers, and often come across as negative or sarcastic without intending to. You often review conversations you have had with others, and you often kick yourself for saying something you didn't intend to, or for not saying something witty. There can be some feelings of insecurity about how you speak and communicate in general. Self-consciousness and hypersensitivity is experienced with regards to your intelligence and/or ability to get ideas across to others, especially in youth. You need plenty of positive feedback from others in order to feel more confident and less "blocked".
  138. Recognize that you are most likely harder on yourself about how you communicate than others are. Ask people close to you for an objective point of view. Chances are, they find you to be astute, intelligent, and an effective speaker or writer. We often tell our kids "don't worry about what others think", but telling this to a person with a hard Saturn aspects is not enough, nor is it realistic. They will worry. You rarely accept compliments whole-heartedly, yet you crave them and need them. Others around you tend to stop complimenting you, feeling that you either don't need compliments or don't want to hear them. Nothing can be further than the truth!
  140. -67 Opposition Mercury - Ascendant
  142. He may criticize and gossip, arguing frequently and ofen nervous. Without even realizing it, he might look for or instigate a verbal battle, and can be provoking.
  144. Communication is very important to you, and your mind is sharper and more creative when you have a partner you can bounce your thoughts and ideas off of. You are an excellent conversationalist and can fascinate your partners with your sharp mind. You love to debate issues just for the mental exercise, even if you don't feel strongly about the position you argue! You play devil's advocate often, and your ideal partner understands that your debates are, in fact, mental exercises--certainly not attacks! You are also prone to exaggerate or stretch the truth when trying to make your point, especially when it comes to your own background or experience.
  146. In your close relationships, your partner serves as a mirror, reflecting your thoughts and ideas back to you from a different perspective. You are rather independent and will not allow anyone to restrict your freedom, but you love to talk things out before arriving at a decision. Truth is, you won't always take others' advice! However, you do enjoy looking at problems from all sorts of different perspectives. You may choose partners who are considerably younger than you, or who are not as academically smart as you. Conversations with you are always stimulating and lively. The ability to share your thoughts with a partner is vital to your sense of fulfillment in a close personal relationship.
  148. Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing with others.
  150. Venus in Capricorn
  152. Venus in Capricorn people will try to win your heart by displaying self-control, presence of mind, and responsible behavior. These lovers want you to know they are goal-oriented, witty, savvy, and controlled. Nobody can get the best of them. They want you to see just how competent they are. They like some measure of predictability in their relationships as they are cautious in love.
  154. Venus in Capricorn people project an aura of competency and their loner-like behavior can be attractive, in a cool way. They don't go gaa-gaa over love, or at least they don't express as much. Their lovers may complain that Venus in Capricorns are a little too practical and deliberate. Certainly, they can come across as lacking in warmth and spontaneity. Truth is, they can be rather romantic souls who yearn for a partner to share their lives with. Others' image of their relationship matters to them. They are conservative and willing to commit. Venus in Capricorn people are attracted to serious, goal-oriented lovers. They are a little shy in matters of the heart, but they don't want you to know it. If you like knowing where your relationship is headed, you'll be mighty pleased with Venus in Capricorn. These people plan ahead in love, and, unlike Venus in Pisces, they will let you know exactly where they (and the relationship) are headed. Pleasing Venus in Capricorn involves showing them you are practical and realistic. They want to impress you with the things they do. Appreciate their "saving for a rainy day" attitude, and be aware that they want to show you off in a quiet way.
  156. Venus in VII
  158. His fate can depend a lot on partnership. May connect for love, children, happy emotional life.
  160. Harmony is most important to you, so it is unlikely you will attempt to dominate a lover. You are a peacemaker, sometimes going to great lengths to achieve a balanced, harmonious relationship. Be careful not to bend over backwards just to keep the peace--you may be taken advantage of. Your marriage partner may be especially attractive, charming, or well off. You are extremely attractive, agreeable, and charming, drawing others to you magnetically. You need an unusual amount of contact and exchange with a partner, and might find that you feel completely lost without one. Some of you might quickly enter into partnerships, perhaps too quickly and neither equipped nor prepared for the responsibilities that a long-term relationship demands. In some cases, there can be a shallow or materialistic interest in partners. Your hips and lower back may be special erogenous zones for you, or they may be especially attractive body parts.
  162. -139 Opposition Venus - Ascendant
  164. He may go to excess with his pleasures, frequents doubtful company, may come across differently than expected. He is very spendthrift, but spreads his money around his circle. His friends may be more self-interested than sincere.
  166. Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.
  168. Mars in Libra
  170. Mars in Libra natives often reflect about things before they act. Decisiveness is not their strong point, but they do, eventually, get things done. Many people with this position procrastinate, generally because they feel the need to weigh all of the alternatives before taking action.
  172. Life isn't always fair, as Mars in Scorpio would say, but Mars in Libra will seldom accept this notion. These natives can easily get caught up in defending themselves and others. Although their overall goal is to live peacefully, they stir others up with their desire to balance everything. Still, they always play innocent when they are challenged, and can generally charm the birds out of the trees to win your favor. Passive-aggressiveness is practically the hallmark of this position. They don't want to look like they are ever being mean or unfair, but aggression has to go somewhere! Too often, this results in sneaky behavior and subterfuge. On the other hand, some Mars in Libra people turn the Mars energy into action, and they fight for Libran justice and fairness in the world. On the up side, Mars in Libra people are adept at predicting when problems and discord will occur well in advance. They know how to compromise and are excellent at conflict management.
  174. Mars in III
  176. Lively spirit, alert and ingenious but can be sarcastic, critical, provocative. He is quarrelsome at times. He expresses himself easily, does what he wants: success is at the end of the road. He is capable and acts quickly.
  178. You speak your mind quite readily, sometimes shooting from the hip when it comes to expressing your ideas and opinions. You tend to know a lot about a variety of subjects, and like to share that knowledge with others (sometimes too forcefully!). You are generally very direct and clear when it comes to communicating. You can easily get worked up about what others might think are trivial matters. You love a good debate. Whether you know it or not, or no matter your intentions, you can be provocative in your communication style. You are likely gifted with manual dexterity, although you might easily become impatient with tasks. At your best, you are enthusiastic, animated, and lively in the way you express yourself, and this can inspire others. You will fervently defend your opinions and beliefs, as well as your family and childhood.
  180. 16 Trine Mars - Jupiter
  182. He has a good sense of organization, he is jovial, frank, and sincere. He is full of dynamism and abundant energy. He loves life, taking all it has to offer. He likes sports and the outdoor life. He is successful professionally and emotionally. He may have many children or projects and ventures.
  184. He is honest and forthright in his dealings with others, and He tends to trust others readily. He can be a bit careless about spending money, however, and this is probably because he is so eternally optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure does not enter his mind, although success itself is not as important to him as enjoyment and happiness are. Can be pleasantly competitive and good-humored.
  186. -58 Opposition Mars - Saturn
  188. He is often attracted to doing something if there are problems attached. Once these are solved, he will go on to something else that has complications. He likes to overcome obstacles, can be tough, and is business-minded. He can be very stubborn and sometimes cold and calculating.
  190. 91 Trine Mars - Uranus
  192. He posseses exceptional energy. He is impulsive but bold. He may take on risky enterprises for the good of the community. He will often pour tremendous energy into an endeavor. He has a great need for his independence, insisting on his freedom of action. Very open to new methods and different ways of doing things. Progressive and courageous. An innovator.
  194. 11 Trine Mars - Neptune
  196. His feelings are dominated by wisdom, intuition, and instinct and geared towards the ideal. He likes water, sea voyages. He likes odd people, situations. Can often use a gentle approach to pursuing desires.
  198. 79 Sextile Mars - Pluto
  200. He is ambitious with a great capacity for work and effort, self-confidence, and determination. Will stick it out to the end with his plans.
  202. You are committed, determined, and passionate. For you, it's all or nothing, and you are baffled by, and possibly impatient with, others who do things only halfway or half-heartedly. You are usually quite decisive, and often unwavering once committed. You are certainly a passionate person and you possess a fascinating and commanding aura.
  204. You are generally confident about your own talents. You employ strategy when you are going after something, and you are very talented at this, saving time and energy. You're naturally very resourceful and usually quite persistent when pursuing a goal. You are a wonderful person to be around when there's a crisis. Very little fazes you, and you're especially effective when circumstances call for a leader.
  206. Jupiter represents expansion and grace.
  208. Jupiter in Capricorn
  210. He attracts the most good fortune when organizing and directing, conducting himself with integrity, acting ethical, and being mature. He values the long term, achievement, responsibility, and manifestation. Success through resourcefulness and avoiding activities that waste time, energy, or resources. Good at streamlining. Position or status is important to him.
  212. Jupiter in VII
  214. He has a good marriage or partnership, with a useful partner who helps to bring success if only by their advice. Good legal outcomes.
  216. 16 Sextile Jupiter - Saturn
  218. He is serious, patient, honest, hard-working, orderly. His judgment is good and he is inclined to think things over. He pursues his objectives to the bitter end, usually knowing when to choose the right moment. He is upright, usually law-abiding and respecting order.
  220. 119 Conjunction Jupiter - Uranus
  222. He quickly sizes up a situation and knows what's going on at a glance. He thirsts after knowledge, and is a good organizer. He is very independent, his freedom of action is extremely important to him, is non-conformist. He is very agreeable company and is always in demand.
  224. 116 Conjunction Jupiter - Neptune
  226. He is very generous and altruistic, helping people in difficulty. He knows how to listen or, at least, how to give that impression to make others feel heard. He is a dreamer with imagination to spare, fully enjoying the Arts.
  228. Saturn represents contraction and effort.
  230. Saturn in Aries
  232. Self-consciousness can be a problem. Must learn to develop self-confidence. Is bothered by a "me-first" attitude in others, but must learn that "me-first" is sometimes necessary, in moderation.
  234. Saturn in IX
  236. He is studious, patient, rigorous, austere. He likes reflection, meditation. He carries out all the plans he makes. He can be a stay-at-home.
  238. 67 Sextile Saturn - Uranus
  240. He knows how to be on top of the situation. He perseveres, is determined but ingenious and original. He is very practical. He proceeds slowly, but is always bound to achieve his objectives in the end.
  242. 1 Sextile Saturn - Neptune
  244. His plans are realized in a methodical fashion. He works hard to achieve success.
  246. 17 Trine Saturn - Pluto
  248. He perseveres, achieving his projects through hard work.
  250. Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.
  252. Uranus in Aquarius
  254. May get over-excited at the start of a task that interests him. At times, his debonair personality can give others a banal impression.
  256. Uranus in VII
  258. His independence doesn't match well for traditional marriage. If he does marry, he needs many freedoms.
  260. Will do best in unconventional or nontraditional set-ups. Likely to attract unusual, erratic people, particularly in close relationships.
  262. 97 Conjunction Uranus - Neptune
  264. He can be wildly creative with an odd but happy sense of humor and perspective.
  266. 104 Sextile Uranus - Pluto
  268. He fights to improve his daily life, he is persevering.
  270. Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.
  272. Neptune in Capricorn
  274. He is discerning, wise, and sensible.
  276. Neptune in VII
  278. Partners for love, to show the depth of his passion, but may have a troubled conjugal life if the cards are not on the table.
  280. Pluto represents transformations, mutations, and elimination.
  282. Pluto in Sagittarius
  284. Great aspirations: sexuality and love are idealized.
  286. House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.
  288. Capricorn ascendant Cancer
  290. Ascendant is Cancer
  292. These people come across as gentle creatures. There's something familiar about them -- they're the guy or gal next door. When they enter a room, they don't walk in with a splash. Instead, they move to the sides and weave their way inwards. These people have a familiar feel to them. Because they are rather sensitive to their environment, they can get flustered easily, especially in public. Their first instinct, when threatened or on unfamiliar ground, is to protect themselves. When new situations present themselves, they can immediately withdraw or act shy. Generally, these people come across as caring people. They seem quite sweet -- even innocent. Usually, these people appear unassuming enough to be quite approachable. Some Cancer Ascendants, however, have retreated into themselves so much as to be quite the opposite.
  294. Since Capricorn is on the Descendant, Cancer Ascendant people are looking for structure and security in their partner and their relationship. These people function best when their partner displays strength, financial and emotional stability, and know-how. In fact, many Cancer Ascendants prefer it when their relationship has well-defined rules. Security is the basic need, and they are generally more than willing to give up some personal freedom in order to get it. In some cases, Cancer Ascendant people can surprise their partners. Why? Because they come across as rather unassuming, family-oriented people. When it comes to marriage, they have a rather matter-of-fact, practical approach.
  296. House II - the second house - is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.
  298. Leo on House II
  300. Financial success will be very easy thanks to the support of influential people. Tendency to spend more than what is earned. Financial progress is slow but steady. Generous with loved ones and children. Sign and house placement of the Sun may show money-making channels.
  302. House III - the third house - is the area of social and intellectual learning.
  304. Libra on House III
  306. He seeks refined people with whom to have long discussions, without raised voices of any kind. Harmony and peace is very important. In early life, he worried that his siblings were getting along.
  308. House IV - the fourth house - is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.
  310. Scorpio on House IV
  312. He can be very attached to the home, family.
  314. Intensity in the home environment, or a strong element of privacy. Might receive an inheritance. Home life or family is close-knit, private.
  316. House V - the fifth house - is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.
  318. Scorpio on House V
  320. Can get blinded by and drunk with love: everything revolves around his love. His passions run deep, exclusive. Quarrels can result. Fertile love life.
  322. House VI - the sixth house - is the area of learning by material transaction.
  324. House VI in Sagittarius
  326. May prefer jobs that involve travel, moving about a lot. Weak point: circulation.
  328. House VII - the seventh house - is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.
  330. House VII in Capricorn
  332. A love-and-friendship union. This is one indication of an unproblematic, quiet relationship. A few hiccups, but nothing really serious. Faithfulness.
  334. House VIII - the eighth house - is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.
  336. House VIII in Aquarius
  338. An unexpected inheritance.
  340. House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity.
  342. House IX in Aries
  344. Travel with risk and adventure.
  346. House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. The Midheaven represents the work one will do in one's life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older.
  348. House X in Taurus
  350. Trusted at work. Occupation connected with the earth, buildings, finance, etc.
  352. House XI - the eleventh house - is the area of search for social and intellectual security.
  354. House XI in Taurus
  356. He likes to be surrounded by frank and good-hearted friends. These friendships don't stand on ceremony. He carries out everything he takes on surely, composedly, and calmly until successful.
  358. House XII - the twelfth house - is the area of education and of emotion. This is where we meet our karma, deal with endings, and sometimes where we bury things.
  360. House XII in Gemini
  362. Anxiety, preoccupation concerning a dear one.
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